
Chapter 10

The last ten days felt like an endless cycle of battling, exploring, and meditating for Emmet, Firefly, and Eevee. One incident that particularly stood out was a Golbat that wouldn't leave them alone. The damn thing was practically a mosquito with wings, incessantly using its Supersonic attack from afar. "For Arceus's sake, will you cut it out!" Emmet had shouted at one point, irritated beyond measure. It wasn't until Eevee upgraded her Swift attack, sending stars at unimaginable speeds, that they finally silenced the pesky Golbat. "Nice shot, Eevee! Take that, fucker!"

Afternoons and nights were for serious meditation and energy manipulation training, but progress had slowed. Emmet pondered the reason behind hitting this plateau. Was it because EM had accelerated their development so much that they'd reached a point of diminishing returns, or was their training method lacking? He sincerely hoped it was the latter, thinking that there must be room for improvement.

Yet, it wasn't all stalemates. When he grew tired of manipulating Psychic Energy, Emmet tried channeling what he suspected to be Rock Energy. The experience was underwhelming compared to the thrills of Psychic Energy. He felt perhaps a bit more solid? But really, it was akin to substituting a five-star gourmet meal with plain oatmeal.

Emmet had also attempted alternative training for his Pokemon, but the darkness of the cave posed challenges. One particularly funny incident involved Eevee attempting to navigate at high speed with Quick Attack. The poor thing smacked her head so hard into the cave wall that she spent the next hour giving Emmet a glare whenever he suggested any "bright ideas."

"Char, Charmander!" Charmander suddenly called out, strengthening her tail flame to cast more light. Emmet squinted, trying to make out the shape he thought he saw in the distance. "Is that an Absol? Nah, can't be. I must be seeing things," he dismissed, more to reassure himself than anything else.

Emmet sighed as his thoughts returned to their fruitless search for a Clefairy. They had explored every possible nook and cranny in Mt. Moon to no avail. At this point, he was contemplating cutting their stay short. "Maybe heading to the surface where Ash found those Clefables would yield better results," he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he sensed something peculiar, akin to the sensation he felt while using Psychic Energy. "Hold on, what's that?" he thought, pausing in his tracks. "Stop, guys," he told Eevee and Firefly. "Vee?" Eevee squeaked, but he shushed her.

His focus sharpened as both Eevee and Firefly sensed his seriousness. Then, a faint tremor. Just when Emmet began to think he'd imagined it, another tremor, stronger this time, shook the cave. Eevee's eyes widened in fear.

Without warning, the tremors escalated into a full-blown earthquake. Dust rained from the ceiling, and Firefly's tail flame flickered erratically as she let out a panicked screech. Emmet's psychic senses screamed in alarm. "Stick to the wall, NOW!" he yelled, pulling his Pokemon close.

The cave's structure continued to disintegrate. Emmet enveloped himself and his Pokemon in Psychic and Rock Energy, but deep down, he knew the odds were against them. The cave was about to swallow them whole and there was nothing he could do.

Amidst the chaos, his EM kicked into overdrive, and he felt a surge in his Rock Energy manipulation. A wild hunch told him another tunnel lay below them. He didn't question it.

Concentrating all his newfound Rock Energy into his feet, Emmet stomped hard, shattering the fragile floor beneath them. For a moment, they were in freefall. Emmet hugged Eevee and Firefly tight, positioning his body below theirs to shield them from impact. They plummeted into the unknown.

They were in freefall for what felt like an eternity, but was probably just a few seconds. The tunnel was deeper than Emmet had initially sensed. Panic surged through him as he clutched his Pokemon close, channeling Rock Energy through his body. He prayed, not to any specific god or entity, but to the universe itself, focusing his plea on the safety of Eevee and Firefly.

With a sickening crunch, Emmet's back collided with the ground, and the three of them began rolling down a slope. The sensation was like being inside a tumble dryer set on maximum spin. All Emmet could do was grimace through the pain and keep funneling Rock Energy into his system. The thought crossed his mind: "This must be what a rock feels like tumbling down a mountain."

Just a few rolls in, the special technology in his backpack that made it "bigger on the inside" gave way, scattering their supplies in all directions. Potions, Pokeballs, and ration packs flew out like debris from a fireworks display. In that moment, Emmet couldn't care less about the material loss; his only concern was the safety of Eevee and Firefly.

Pain spiked through his system as his back slammed against a jagged rock protruding from the ground. His vision swayed and darkened around the edges, threatening to pull him into unconsciousness. But the stakes were too high. Losing consciousness meant jeopardizing the lives of his Pokemon, something he wouldn't—couldn't—allow. His sense of duty fueled his willpower, keeping the darkness at bay.

The rolling eventually ceased when Emmet collided with what he assumed was a wall. More bones in his body screamed in protest, breaking with a sound that made him wince. Squinting open one eye, he saw Firefly and Eevee shaking their heads, as if trying to clear a fog. However, he noticed splotches of blood on Eevee's fur and his stomach churned with guilt and worry.

"Ah, that blood is mine," he managed to utter, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and resignation. As his vision blurred, he heard the alarmed cries of Eevee and Firefly, calling out their own names in a frantic attempt to keep him conscious. But despite their cries, his last coherent thought was a simple acknowledgment of how incredibly tired he felt before everything faded to black.

Emmet woke up with a start, groaning as pain coursed through his entire body. The last thing he remembered was the fall, the dreadful, life-threatening tumble down a slope in Mt. Moon. His first instinct was to check if he was in one piece, and as far as he could tell through the fog of pain, he was. His EM had kept him alive, but he felt battered and bruised from head to toe.

Squinting through the dim light, he realized he was lying on what remained of his bedroll. Somehow, it had survived their tumbling, but it was barely on a state above what people would call rags. The area looked unfamiliar. Was this a lower chamber of Mt. Moon? The walls were lined with odd crystals that gave off a soft glow, illuminating a space far larger than any chamber they had explored so far.

Confusion swirled through his mind. What had happened after they fell? How long had he been unconscious? He couldn't tell if it had been minutes or hours. The fog in his mind was as pervasive as the darkness that had enveloped them before.

Just as he was trying to sit up, he heard tiny footsteps rushing toward him. Eevee burst into view, leaping onto his lap and shouting her name in obvious joy. Her little tail wagged so fast it was a blur. The message was clear—she was relieved that he was awake.

Firefly, hearing the commotion, trotted into view soon after. The Charmander's tail flame flickered as if in relief. She came closer, sniffing him as if to ensure he was indeed alive and well. Then she took her place beside Eevee, her eyes never leaving Emmet.

His left eye felt odd, and as he brought a hand up to touch it, a sharp pain shot through his skull. Wincing, he felt a large bruise and aching scar on the left side of his forehead. His vision was blurry on that side, making him even more disoriented.

Suddenly, a large Clefable appeared from the deeper shadows of the chamber. Her eyes met Emmet's, and she began speaking in her own Pokespeech, repeating her name in different tones and pitches. As confusing as it was, her eyes were kind. Clefable extended her arms, and a warm, ethereal pink glow emanated from her. As the glow enveloped him, Emmet felt a soothing sensation spread through his body. It had to be a healing move, he thought, as he felt some of his aches and pains dissipate.

The events, one after another, took Emmet from a state of confusion to something akin to awe. His mind raced. Were they saved by this Clefable? And more importantly, had they finally found the elusive Pokemon they were searching for all this time? For now, at least, they were safe, and that was all that mattered.

As the Clefable's healing ability worked its magic, Emmet felt the unfamiliar energy course through him. His mind, ever the analytical tool thanks to his EM, latched onto the sensation. It was similar to Psychic energy, a type he was familiar with, but there was a sprinkle of something else. Could it be Fairy Type energy? This was his chance to understand a new energy type and perhaps even use it.

Emmet concentrated harder on the energy healing him. Analyzing its flow and nuances, he concluded it was probably the Heal Pulse move, a Psychic-based ability. A light bulb went off in his mind. Could he, with his understanding of Psychic energy, manage to mimic at least some aspects of this move?

Eevee, Firefly, and the Clefable observed Emmet's changing expressions. At first, his features softened as he felt the healing effects of the ability. Then, his face tightened into a frown of concentration. They all watched in awe, particularly Clefable, when he raised his left hand toward his clearly broken right shoulder. His hand emitted a powerful pink glow, eerily similar to Clefable's Heal Pulse.

The room went quiet, save for the resonating glow. But the moment was shattered when Emmet suddenly winced, eyes still closed. With a swift, calculated jerk, he pulled his dislocated shoulder back into its socket. A scream of pain erupted from his lips, echoing in the cavernous chamber.

Clefable's eyes widened, almost dropping her healing focus. But she steadied herself and redoubled her efforts on the Heal Pulse. Emmet did the same with his left hand, now more assured of the energy he was channeling. Two sources of healing light converged on his injured shoulder, working to mend the damage.

After Clefable ceased her healing abilities, she looked at Emmet with a curious expression and began to utter her name in different tones and gestures, "Clefable? Cle-fable!"

Emmet understood the question in her Poke-speech. "Something happened inside Mt. Moon," he began, "The entire place started shaking. It was like the mountain itself was about to collapse."

He continued, "Before we knew it, we were caught in a massive cave-in. There was no warning, no time to react. Rocks and debris fell from above, blocking our way back."

"My priority was to protect Eevee and Firefly. As we were tumbling down the slope, I kept using my body to shield them from the rocks and debris. It didn't go well for me, obviously," Emmet gestured to his own battered state. "And as we rolled, my backpack tore open, scattering our supplies and medicine."

Eevee seemed to catch onto something and started 'speaking' to Clefable, "Eevee, Eev, Eevee!" Clefable responded with an enthusiastic "Clefable!" and then let out a piercing call. A moment later, a group of Cleffas and Clefairies appeared from various parts of the cavern.

Clefable uttered her name several times, her tone conveying a sense of urgency, "Clefable, Cle! Fable!" The Cleffas and Clefairies looked as magical as they were mysterious, their small, fairy-like forms fluttering around the area, seemingly in search of something.

Firefly, Emmet's Charmander, stayed uncomfortably close to him, her eyes wide and filled with concern. She was clearly rattled by their ordeal. Emmet couldn't blame her; she was still quite young and immature.

Emmet reached down to pet Firefly's head, trying to convey a sense of calm and security. She leaned into his hand, taking whatever comfort she could get from the gesture.

As this was happening, Emmet noticed Eevee watching the Cleffas and Clefairies with a pensieve look. She seemed like she wanted to join in their search but was hesitant to leave Emmet's side.

Despite the physical healing, Emmet was emotionally still in a state of shock. The fact remained that they had nearly died. He understood Eevee's hesitation to leave his side because, frankly, he didn't want her to leave either.

Emmet glanced around and realized what the Cleffas and Clefairies were doing. They were darting around the dark recesses of the cave, gathering scattered supplies and items from his ruptured backpack. They would occasionally fly back to place their findings next to him, chirping happily.

Overwhelmed by their kindness, Emmet turned to Clefable and uttered a heartfelt, "Thank you, Clefable. You've done so much for us." Clefable seemed taken aback by the sincere gratitude, her eyes widening as she responded with a bashful, "Cle-fable."

Without warning, the distant Cleffas and Clefairies started emitting panicked cries and hurriedly flitted toward Clefable, their faces reflecting urgent concern. Their distressing sounds echoed through the cave, making the atmosphere tense.

Before Emmet could grasp what was happening, two fast blurs shot through the air and collided with Clefable. She dropped to the ground, her head sporting a gaping hole between the eyes. The blurs had a distinct greyish gleam, and Emmet recognized it immediately: it was the same glow Firefly had when using Metal Claw.

Just as he was piecing this together, another blur charged towards him. This one was aiming for his head. But before he could even move, Eevee leapt in front with a Quick Attack, intercepting the assailant. The creature revealed itself as a Sneasel, its claws inches from where Emmet's head had just been.

Firefly's reaction was immediate and primal. Letting out a ferocious roar, she unleashed a torrent of fire from her mouth, enveloping the stunned Sneasel in a point-blank Flamethrower. The intensity of her flame was clearly heightened by her emotional state, the fire almost a manifestation of her raw anger and protective instincts.

Just as Emmet opened his mouth to issue commands, another Sneasel materialized out of the shadows, its claw glowing the same menacing gray. In an instant, the Sneasel struck Firefly on the head with a vicious Metal Claw. Firefly let out a stifled gasp and collapsed, going limp as she hit the ground.

Emmet's body froze, his eyes locked onto Firefly's still form. Every muscle in his body wanted to rush to her side, but fear paralyzed him. The only solace in this horrifying moment was the slight rise and fall of Firefly's chest. She was unconscious, but alive.

Eevee let out an indignant yowl, channeling her anger into a Swift attack that sent a flurry of star-shaped rays hurtling towards the new Sneasel. The attack made contact, and the Sneasel staggered back, visibly wounded. However, it quickly regained its composure, its eyes narrowing as it prepared for its next move.

Eevee's eyes narrowed as she locked onto the first Sneasel, her fur bristling with tension. In a burst of speed, she lunged, clamping her jaws firmly around the Sneasel's outstretched arm. The Sneasel yelped, its eyes widening in surprise and pain, but Eevee's bite didn't let up. She held on tight, using the full force of her jaws to make sure the Sneasel felt every ounce of her resolve.

Releasing her bite, Eevee quickly spun around as the second Sneasel lunged at her from behind with a Metal Claw. Eevee took the hit on her side, wincing from the impact but refusing to let it break her focus.

Next to Firefly's still form, Emmet's hands shimmered with a faint pink glow. He was trying to mimic Clefable's Heal Pulse, feeling the Psychic energy intertwine with something softer, more gentle. The light flickered over Firefly's scaly skin, a weak substitute but better than nothing.

From the corner of his eye, Emmet caught a glimpse of three other Sneasels slashing and darting through a crowd of Cleffas and Clefairies. Their shrill cries filled the air, the small bodies falling one after the other. The gut-wrenching scene spurred Emmet to focus, but the cries couldn't be ignored. The massacre continued.

Turning her attention back to the first Sneasel, Eevee's body tensed as she released a Swift attack. Stars materialized around her, whizzing toward the Sneasel at blinding speed. Struck multiple times, the Sneasel staggered backward and collapsed, unable to continue the fight.

Though Firefly's breathing seemed to stabilize, she was far from combat-ready. Emmet's Heal Pulse was rudimentary, lacking the potency to fully revive her. Nevertheless, she was breathing, and right now, that was everything.

Eevee was running low on stamina. Her sides heaved as she caught her breath. The second Sneasel was biding its time, circling her, its clawed hands twitching in anticipation. Eevee's eyes met Emmet's for a fleeting moment—both understood what had to be done.

With a resounding cry, Eevee summoned another Swift attack. The stars materialized in greater numbers this time, fueled by the urgency of the situation. They rocketed toward the second Sneasel, striking it squarely. It wobbled, screeched, and finally fell, joining its companion in unconsciousness.

The moment of triumph was cut short as the three remaining Sneasels, having dispatched the Cleffas and Clefairies, turned their malicious gazes toward Eevee. Their posture signaled coordinated aggression; they recognized her as the primary threat now. Eevee, still panting from the earlier skirmish, readied herself, her eyes narrowing as she faced her new opponents.

Next to Firefly, Emmet's hands trembled as he continued his makeshift Heal Pulse. His heart pounded as the Cleffas and Clefairies lay whimpering or motionless around him. Each cry felt like a stone sinking in his stomach, adding weight to his desperation. Tears blurred his vision as he poured whatever healing energy he could muster into his starter Pokemon, praying it would be enough.

Unable to bear the sight of Eevee facing overwhelming odds, Emmet closed his eyes tight, almost as if trying to shut out the grim reality. Just then, a sudden, brilliant light pierced through his eyelids. Startled, he opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the light, which was emanating from Eevee's direction.

Felt like releasing it early.


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