
Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

For Cain, the promised land of the Pokémon World was not the idyllic paradise he had hoped for. Instead, he found himself cast into the depths of darkness, a captive of the nefarious Team Rocket on the infamous Purgatory Island. But even in the darkest of times, fate is not always so cruel as to deny a glimmer of hope. Through a twist of destiny, Cain finds himself back where everything began. Armed with the knowledge and experiences of his previous life, he now has the opportunity to make the most of his second chance and forge his own path in the exciting world of Pokémon. -------------------------------------------------- Support me and get early access to chapters: www.patreon.com/jeezu -------------------------------------------------- #Transmigration #Regression/Time Travel #Second Chance -------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Hibiscus Hibiscus Website: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/95449

Jeezu · Anime und Comics
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182 Chs

Chapter 109:

As the last bite of dinner melted in his mouth, Cain felt a rare wave of contentment wash over him. He had no training to do tonight, no battles to fight, no challenges to overcome. It was a peaceful evening in the bustling city of Ecruteak, and Cain planned to make the most of it.

With practiced ease, he returned his beloved Pokemon to their Pokeballs. Then, he slipped out of the hotel and into the cool, dark night. Cain's footsteps echoed through the empty streets as he made his way to a secluded corner.

Without hesitation, Cain shed his regular clothes and donned his Team Rocket uniform. He felt a thrill of excitement course through his veins as he added the final touches - a black robe and his Pokemon Hunter mask. It was time to complete his mission and earn a hefty profit.

The city of Ecruteak was different from Goldenrod City in many ways, but the most notable was its deep devotion to religion. To be polite, the people here were more relaxed than their bustling neighbors. To be blunt, they were downright lazy. It was still early, but the streets were deserted. A perfect opportunity for Cain to slip by unnoticed.

He wound his way through a labyrinth of alleys, his black robes swishing against the cobblestones, towards a remote shop in the southwest corner of the city. This was a secret hideout of Team Rocket, a location known only to a select few.

Cain's knuckles rapped out a specific rhythm on the door. With a satisfying "kacha," the entrance swung open. As he stepped inside, the door closed behind him, sealing him in the secret lair.

Inside, the shop was dimly lit, but Cain's eyes sparkled as they adjusted to the darkness. The decor was sparse, with no one manning the counter. The only reason the door had opened was due to a special mechanism that responded to a specific knocking rhythm.

Without hesitation, Cain made his way to the back of the shop, where he inserted his Team Rocket identity card into a groove emblazoned with the iconic Team Rocket logo. With a soft hum, a secret door slowly creaked open, revealing a small space with strange patterns etched into the ground. Cain stepped inside, and the door slammed shut behind him.

In the dim light, he inserted the ID card into another groove, and a familiar wave of power pulsed through the room, activating the teleportation circle. In just three seconds, Cain vanished from the cramped space.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a dark, rocky cave. He had arrived at Ecruteak City's infamous black market. Unlike Saffron City's underground black market, Ecruteak City's was not hidden away from plain sight. It wasn't due to a lack of technology, but rather the city's significance within the Association. Ecruteak City was more regulated and controlled compared to the chaotic Saffron City, which often had to make concessions to underground forces like Team Rocket and the Hunter's Guild.

The Bell Tower and Burned Tower were too important to be left in the hands of any underground organization. Thus, in the face of an unyielding Pokemon Association, even Team Rocket conceded a portion of their control, not wanting to spark a war over the matter.

But why would the infamous Team Rocket abandon such a special place? The answer was simple: they had uncovered a legend even more tantalizing than the elusive Ho-Oh. This new discovery made Ecruteak City lose its former luster in the eyes of the organization.

Still, the black market in every city held its own value, even for the Association. So, they chose to turn a blind eye and confine it to the outskirts, specifically inside Mt. Mortar.

Cain made his way through the cave, the dim light from the old bulbs illuminating his path. He summoned Murkrow to accompany him as he navigated through the winding tunnels. After what seemed like an eternity, the cave opened up to reveal a sprawling mountain city that was Ecruteak City's black market.

Compared to Saffron City's bustling underground market, Ecruteak City's black market was small and intimate. The number of people milling about was significantly less, and the overall atmosphere was more subdued. Most of the market-goers wore loose black robes that draped their figures, with only a select few daring to reveal their faces in the open air.

But what made this black market special was the eclectic mix of people who patronized it. Not only were members of the underground organizations present, but also trainers from the Association and even big families from Ecruteak City.

Despite this unique blend of individuals, the Association remained tight-lipped on the matter. They needed the support of the ancient families to gain complete control over the city and had to relinquish part of their authority to do so. The black market was one of the conditions they had tacitly agreed to, a necessary evil in the delicate balance of power.

Many of the shops in the black market displayed family logos, each one a testament to the power and influence of the families who ran them. Though small in size, the market had everything one could need, and the various sales areas were clearly marked.

Cain followed the signs, making his way to the area dedicated to the sale of Pokémon. As he walked, the din of the market grew louder, with vendors shouting their wares and customers haggling over prices.

But as he approached the Hunter's Guild shop, the ambiance shifted. Iron cages were placed at the entrance, stark and unyielding. No one stood at the threshold to welcome customers. Unlike the Hunter's Guild in Saffron City, there was no attempt at concealment here. A massive guild logo hung overhead, proudly announcing its presence to all who passed by.

Despite the fact that everyone was veiled beneath their black robes, a few individuals wore golden stars pinned to their chests. They were the Star Hunters of the Hunter's Guild - a symbol of excellence and prestige in the world of Pokémon hunting.