

Blue Lake; a natural habitat of many Water-Type Pokemon in this forest. It is a beautiful crack on the earth decorated by glittering blue water which is as clear as a mirror. You can see countless Pokemon swimming in the water very clearly if you just stand near the shores.

Right now, Saad and Veteran Grant were sitting somewhere near the lake looking for a Pysduck. It's been nearly ten minutes since they reach the lake. Saad was amazed at the beautiful blue lake filled with Pokemon of various kinds. The blue water, green trees surrounding it and amazing Pokemon, just presented a beautiful view like in those famous painting Saad had seen in the books and on TV.

The Staravia was monitoring the sky and was commanded to notify them as soon as it founds a Psyduck whereas Luxio and Monferno were taking a bath in the lake alongside Ralts who looks a lot serious now. Maybe he realized that he is weak and too careless to be of any help to his family.

He has been very diligent the past few days, training every day with his big brothers and practicing his Psychic abilities with help of Saad. He has gotten very proficient in using his abilities and also learned some new tricks.

Saad was very grateful that all of his Pokemon were training hard to help him achieve his dream. Acknowledging the efforts of Ralts, Saad was planning to use him to catch his own Water-Type. Pokemon.


After sitting there silently waiting for their target to appear, the old man suddenly looks up to the Staravia who just let out a cry. The Staravia began to fly around a specific direction indicating the presence of the target. The old man looks at Saad and smiled,

"Looks like he found a Psyduck."

Saad nodded as they both began to move towards Staravia and soon they stumbled upon one of the weirdest Pokemon in this world; a Psyduck. This Pokemon has a strange habit of always holding his head trying to ease a constant headache that it suffers from. It is also because of this headache that they don't move around often causing them to stay in one area for their whole life.

Saad looked at the dopey Pokemon and let out a small chuckle. It had a funny appearance as it sat near a rock with sluggish look holding his head. Saad wondered why these Pokemon have a constant headache that lasts their entire life. It must be quite painful to suffer from it for that long.

As Saad was busy thinking, Veteran Grant ordered Staravia to attack the Psyduck,

"Staravia! Use Wing Attack"

Staravia who was flying just above the Psyduck quickly dived down as he rushed towards the puzzled Pokemon with amazing speed. His wings began to glow as it rammed them strongly against the Pysduck causing the poor Pokemon to fly a few feet.

"Psy….duck", the confused Pokemon muttered painfully as it stood up staring at the bird Pokemon that hit him.

"Staravia! Use Quick Attack"

Staravia let out a cry as it flew towards the duck Pokemon with amazing speed and hit it heavily with his body. The poor Pokemon again fell down heavily and did a few rolls on the ground. Staravia stared at the Pokemon who fell down after his attack and was now trying to stand up again but this time, he looked a little different.

His eyes were red as if he was very angry and some strange light appeared around his head as he began to gather energy from his surrounding. Saad looked at the Pokemon intriguingly as it sent a beam of light towards the Staravia with an angry face.

"Staravia! Dodge and use Aerial Ace with agility."

Staravia quickly dodges the beam of light and after taking a 360-degree turn, he made a nose dive towards the Psyduck. His speed increased unbelievably as it quickly covered the distance between him and his target and hit it head-on. And this time the poor duck was not going to get up.

Veteran Grant quickly threw the Pokeball towards the injured Pokemon and caught it successfully.

Saad smiled and went towards the old man to congratulate him on catching the Pokemon.

"So Saad my boy, did you find any Pokemon here that you like?"

"Well, from all the Pokemon that I saw here, I like Corphish and Feebas. Corphish is a strong Pokemon with great overall stats but Feebas although weak initially, gets a great boost in stats when it evolves."

"So Young man, which one are you going to choose?"

"I decided to catch...Feebas. I just love its evolved form; the Milotic.", Saad replied with adoration in his eyes.

"Hahaha, good choice. So, what are you waiting for? Quickly go and catch your Pokemon."

Saad nodded as it called Ralts and started moving towards the area of the lake where a school of Feebas was swimming. He looked at the group of Feebas and chose one of them as he ordered Ralts to attack it using Confusion. Feebas who was swimming together with its pairs got hit by the Psychic attack and its eyes turned sluggish as it began to roam around aimlessly and got separated by its group.

Saad smiled when he saw that the attack from Ralts has successfully separated the Feebas from its group and ordered Ralts,

"Ralts, let's get this over with. Use draining kiss followed by Magical Leaf."

Ralts nodded and cutely sent a flying kiss towards the now confused Pokemon which drained the energy from Feebas. After Ralts finished draining energy to his limits he attacked the ugly Pokemon with shiny leaves that somehow gathered around him. The attack neutralized the target and so, Saad easily captured his fourth Pokemon.

After witnessing Saad capture the Pokemon, Veteran Grant smiled as he approached him and patted him on his shoulder.

"Good work, kid."

Saad smiled embarrassingly and said,

"It was nothing. Feebas is a very weak Pokemon and defeating it is not that big of a deal."

The old man just smiled at Saad's response without commenting back.

After calling back their Pokemon, old man and Saad decided to go on their separate ways. Veteran Grant wanted to quickly go back to his home as his grandson's birthday was coming close and Saad just wanted to go to the city, eat food there and get his first Pokemon badge.

After saying goodbye to the old man who was very kind to him, Saad went forwards towards his destination feeling excited about his Gym battle because the old man told him that the city was not far from here.

A little Quiz for you guys....

Well, the gym battle is close and from what I remember Oreburgh Gym specializes in rock type Pokemon, so which attacks of Monferno, Luxio and Ralts are going to be super effective against them?


Please vote and comment down any suggestions or complaints that you have. For the record, I always take your words very seriously.

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