
Chapter 2: A Week Off




"System Speaking"

(names of person talking)


The morning after I won the Boulder Badge I woke up to the image of Omeon my ghost type eeveelution sticking its head threw my door and mewling at me. The only pokemon that live anywhere near my building are the eeveelutions. They live here as eevee's untill they know what type they want to be then once they've figure'd out what type they want to be they head over to the respective region to evolve then return to the barn near my house where they live.

I've been sitting on my eeveelution research paper for the past few years. I originally set myself a goal of having one for each type before I published my research paper on them, but I've been stuck with trying to evolve an Eevee into a Normal type for the past 18 months so I am just calling it quits and submitting the paper with an apendage at the end stating that 'Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon were the only eeveelutions before I started my research and just because I've only been able to evolve them into 17 types doesn't mean that a Normal type eeveelution doesn't exist. It simply means it hasn't been discovered yet' and seeing people try to mimic my way of evolving my Eevee's. 

People will not be able to mimic my way of evolving Eevee's as it require's a certain amount of Aura of a specific type to edit their genetic make up during the evolution. This is only possible at my ranch due to the large amount of high level pokemon living in their respective region's. Meaning that all an Eevee needs to do to evolve here without an evolution stone is simply go and train in the region that corresponds to its chosen type and wait to evolve because as it evolves surrounded by Aura that has been 'tainted' by a specific type it will absorb the aura changing it into that type. 

This research has also helped me to publish a paper on evolution stone's specifically Firestone's, Waterstone's and Thunderstone's. My original hypothesis that they are basically crystalised forms of pure type Aura has been proven by the paper all that is left is for independent scientists to test the data and corroborate it at the peer-review board and the paper will be published. 

Making my way outside after I'd had my breakfast to feed my eeveelutions, I was interupted by a flash of pink indicating someone had teleported to my ranch and as the Ghost types doing the security hadn't reacted the person probably had permission to be here.

"Lance what have I said about teleporting to my ranch before 9am?" I asked Lance as he appeared from around the corner with a blue haired man.

"Not to" he replied grinning 

"And what's the punishment for entering my ranch before 9am?" I asked.

"I have to help you feed your Eeveelution's" he repsonded still grinning.

"Exactly pick up a bucket and come along"

"Oh by the way Micheal this is my new friend Steven Stone do you mind if I brong him along?" he asked

Looking him in the eye I ask "you trust him" Lance nods. I respond "The more the merrier follow Lance he knows where the spare buckets and the food are."

Walking to the barn where the eeveelutions live I opened the door and started feeding them. The look on Steven's face at seeing all the new types of eeveelutions that haven't existed/been seen before was a sight to see, jaw dropped eyes wide, yep eeveelutions are the best. 

Chuckling I say "well don't just stand there get stuck in." and he got started helping feed the pokemon.

After feeding them we returned to the ranch and were sitting in my kitchen having a tea. "so Lance what brought you here to my humble abode."

"Micheal if you think your home is humble I'd love too see what you think is extravagent" Said Lance with a grin

"Out with it Lance" I grumbled

"I was just showing Steven around the Kanto region. The Hoenn League has desided to open its borders to the Indigo so I desided to show the Champ the positives of their decision."Stated Lance

"I see" I said before turning to adress Steven "I'm sorry for not interacting with you much as Lance probably warned you before I came I have rather poor people skills and tend to hyperfixate."

"Don't worry about it I've seen it before with scientists at my fathers company"Said Steven grinning 

"So how're you enjoying Kanto so far?" I ask.

"Its different the weather's more ballanced than in Heonn so you get a lot more rainfall here than at home. Aside from that the new pokemon are a sight to see, are all those evolved Eevee's common in Kanto?" he asked

"Nope you can only find the majority of them on this farm." I said "Speaking of Eeveelutions my research papers on them will be submitted this evening. Lance you've been wanting to get you're hands on a Drakeon for a while now go leave your Eevee in the Dragon region before you leave and you'll have one by the end of the week." I said to Lance before turning to Steven "Steven I'm assuming that with the fact your a champion you're a type specialist. What type do you specialise in?" I asked Steven who'd started grinning liking where this conversation was going.

"I'm a Steel specialist primarily but I also train rock and ground types."Replied Steven

"I'll tell you what you can spend some time with my Eeveelution's and see if any bond with you if either Terreon (Ground type), Oreon (rock type) or Regaleon (Steel type) want to go with you you can take one of them with you. If none of them take a fancy to you you can come back in the future with an Eevee and leave it here untill it evolves into the type you want"I said to Steven

"But I'd like to ask both of you to keep them hidden untill the end of the month which is when the research paper on them will be released. I'd rather not risk any Eevee's getting hurt because some foolhardy trainer sees one of them knowing they exist try to forcefully evolve an Eevee into one not knowing how." I said to the both of them.

Both of them nodded in understanding before they agreed and I left them downstairs and went to check in on Karen.

"Rise and shine" I said kicking open the door to her room like an FBI agent before yanking the curtains open.

"Fuck off" groaned Karen trying to hide under the covers. 

"Get up Karen lunch is ready down stairs and Lance is here with the champion of the Heonn region" I said as Karen exitedly jumped out off bed.

"Do you think I qualified for the Mega Licence?" She asked exitedly

"Why don't you get dressed and go downstairs and ask him."I sighed exasperatedly.

Once I had managed to get the woman out of her bed and downstairs to talk to Lance and Steven I desided to go have a walk to the Water region and relax on the island in the center on the artificial lake. 

Once on the island I pulled out some berries from my inventory and started feeding the pokemon on the island and talking to Renata to plan the pokemon I would use against Rose next week for the Cascade badge challange.

"Renata, can you help me out with the pokemon I should use against Rose. I've got no clue what pokemon she could use and she used to serve in the navy so her personal team will be very strong even compared to other gym leaders."

"Of course host, Rose will definatly have a Dewgond, Lapras, Blastoise, Poliwrath, Tentacruel, Cloyster, Starmie, Gyarados and Kingrda. Thats before we get into the team she could have made using the pokemon you loaned to the gym. Her pokemon should be in the Lv 70-80 range which is higher than usual gym leaders due to her time in the military. Your best bet would be to use a team of Lv80-90 comrising of Empoleon, Milotic, Jellicent, Greninja, Quaquaval and Kingdra."

"Why those pokemon specifically?" 

"Mainly to spread out the typing as they have a lot of move coverage between them."

"I see go you mind selecting one of each that meet your criteria and letting them know that they will be used in the gym badge in a couple weeks and to come and see me if they need more moves in their move pool or need some rare candies to meet our level requirements"

"Will do host"

After planning my line up with Renata and spending some time with my water types I made my way back home. Lance had left his Eevee at the Dragon Region and Steven was chosen by a Regaleon to be its trainer before leaving. I then sat down with Karen to have dinner and went to sleep.