
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Pokemon Ranks

Pokemon Ranks:

0 - 20 Junior rank

21 - 40 Intermediate rank

41 - 50 Advanced rank

51 - 60 Gym rank

61 - 70 Elite rank

71 - 90 Champion rank.

91 - 100 Master rank

101 - 120 Legendary rank

121 - 140 Third-Level gods

141 - 160 Second Level gods

161 - 180 First Level gods

181 - 200(Max) Creation God
