
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Caught a thief!

'It's not wrong to say Pikachu's powers are affected by Ash's emotions.'

Seeing Ash leave, Altro also left. 'If I was strong enough, I would love to go and challenge Ho-Oh. But let's leave that for later.'

Altro went shopping for groceries. After shopping around a bit, he went to the counter to pay.

"Sir, we are organizing a lottery with many prizes. Your purchase amount gives you a chance of drawing the lottery once. Would you like to draw?" The counter girl asked with a beautiful smile.

Altro also smiled back and replied. "Sure."

The girl blushed to see the handsome guy smiling at her.

To be honest, Altro has no hopes for the lottery. He has already been way too lucky since yesterday.

*Ding~ Ding~ Ding~*

"Congratulations sir, you won a prize." The counter girl said excitedly.

'No way is my luck that good now. I never won a lottery in my last life.'

"So what's the prize?" He asked.


"It's just a fishing rod."


Soon Altro arrived back home, prepared breakfast for himself and gave Gastly the food he brought for him. Unlike the previous Altro, the current Altro is very good at cooking.

"You took care of her, right?"

Gastly nodded proudly.

*Gastly~* (Master, follow me. I caught a thief.)

Hearing this, Altro was a little worried. A thief entered his house when he was away? 'What if it stole Mew's egg or something happens to Gastly? I can't be careless anymore.'

"Gastly, where is that thief?" Altro was a little angry and wanted to beat the thief who dares to enter his house.

*Gastly~* (Follow me, Master. I've already put him under hypnosis.)

"Good job, Gastly."

After entering the yard, Altro followed after Gastly and came to the location where the thief was kept.

But contrary to Altro's expectations. The thief had a yellow body with a zig-zag tail. Just like the starter Pokemon of trainer Ash, whom he saw a while ago.

"Is this the thief you were talking about?" Altro calmed down and asked Gastly.

*Gast~Gastly~* (Yes master, it tried to steal the berries, so I put him to sleep with my hypnosis.)

Altro nodded after hearing Gastly's explanation. But then another question came to Altro's mind.

'Should I subdue it?'

To be honest, he was a little tempted. Both Ash and Red are going to train a super-powerful Pikachu. As for Ash, Pikachu will be his main Pokemon. How cool would it be to defeat the protagonist with the same type of Pokemon he raised?

'Can I raise a Pikachu stronger than them?' Just thinking about it makes him excited.

Without any delay, Altro took out a Pokeball and pushed it against the sleeping Pikachu. With a slight movement. Pikachu was caught and Altro subdued his second Pokemon.


Altro let the sleeping Pikachu out and asked Gastly to remove the hypnosis. When Pikachu woke up, he found himself lying on an unfamiliar human's lap.


He jumped out in shock, ready to send an electric shock to teach this human a lesson.


When Pikachu saw Gastly, he immediately became alert.

"Okay, calm down Pikachu. I've already captured you. You are now my Pokemon." When Pikachu heard the human say this to him. He was petrified on the spot.

*Pika~* (Really?)

Pikachu asked, to which Altro nodded.

The next moment, Pikachu started crying.

*Pii~* (Crying sounds)

Why? He just wanted to eat a berry. Why was he subdued in sleep? That's so unfair.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Altro felt a headache coming. "Here, eat these berries. Now that you are my Pokemon. I won't treat you badly, so accept it."

Pikachu stopped his crying. Sniffed and took the berries without saying anything, and started eating.

'Good guy. Tricked with some food.' Altro shook his head and went to his room to bring Mew's egg with him.

After that, he brought Gastly and Pikachu to the forest near his house. Altro knew this forest was relatively safe, it was a good place for them to train. Pikachu also accepted Altro as his master after he got some more berries.

Finding a good place to sit under the shade of a tree. Altro started giving training instructions to Pikachu and Gastly.

"Gastly you try concentrating your shadow ball and aim it at that big rock over there. Try to increase your casting speed."

Gastly agreed and started practicing.

"Now Pikachu."


Altro picked up his Pokedex and scanned Pikachu.



[Pokemon data:

Name - Pikachu

Type - Electric

Owner - Altro Seraph

Rank - Junior

Ability - Static (Hidden - Lightning rod)

Moves - Quick attack, Thunder shock, Thunder wave, Double team, Electro Ball

Egg moves - Disarming Voice, Charge, Wish

Info - This Pokemon can generate powerful electricity and have cheek sacs that are extra soft and super stretchy.]


"Wow, Pikachu. You know quite a good set of moves." Altro was surprised. His Pikachu already knows Double team and Electro ball. Moreover, in his egg moves, he has both Disarming Voice and Wish. Altro used his power to see Pikachu's level. The Pikachu was level 12 and 2 months old.

'Maybe I should buy an Iron Tail TM for Pikachu.' Altro thought, then immediately shook his head. 'Let's think about that later.'

"Pikachu, I want you to use Charge while constantly using Quick attack and running inside the forest while avoiding the obstacles."


Pikachu nodded and started practicing in the way Altro asked him.

Altro sat while holding Mew's egg and poured his psychic energy to let the egg feed on it.

"Come out fast, Mew. See, your big brothers are training." Altro started talking about many things. Things he learned while watching Pokemon anime in his previous life and many other interesting stories.

Altro also kept an eye on Pikachu's training and pointed out a few things.

At lunch, they came back home tired. Altro gave them their food. For Gastly the food he purchased and for Pikachu, he made a pie with those berries. Which he ate with relish.

Even if there was some reluctance about being Altro's Pokemon until now. After eating that pie, all his reluctance was gone.

'It seems my Pikachu is a foodie.'