
Pokémon: Noah journey

Living as a brother of both Viola and Alexa have a happy live in Pokémon world. His name is Noah he takes glorious pictures of every Pokémon. His dream is to become best Pokémon trainer and take every picture of Pokémon. Follow his journey in Pokémon world with love, romance, adventurous and action.

Villain116 · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Santalune city

A bus was driving on a road, at a window seat a blond-black color haired girl was sitting to the right side row. She looked outside and noticed many houses, Pokémon with trainers as they were having matches. Seeing such a pleasant atmosphere made a smile on her face, the bus was stopped in the bus stop, she got up and step down the bus. She looked around and couldn't help signed inwardly when she found that no one was there to pick up her.

"Did he forgot I even text him that I am coming" said she have a chuckle remembering him. Suddenly two hands hugged her from behind. She scared by that hug.


"Long time no see! Serena" said a boy with bright smile.

"Noah, don't scare me like that" shouted Serena furiously.

"My bad" said Noah with a sly smile and then suddenly a small Pokémon shouted with no neck and a big mouth with sharp teeth. It has bright blue and a yellow color on its tummy. It jumps in to her arms happily.


"Gible! How are you?" asked Serena and caressed its head gently. Then a Pokémon landed on her shoulder as it rubbed its head to her chin.


"You to Eevee" said Serena as Noah took his bicycle and gave a helmet to Serena. She wore the helmet and two Pokémon sat in the basket that attached to bicycle front. As for Serena, she sat in the backside seat and her arms hugged Noah. She kept her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes as the bicycle moves while wind was blowing her hair.

"How is it going?" asked Noah.

"Well, all is fine but my mother is dragging me in Rhyhorn race practice" said Serena with an irritate tone.

"Good for you" joked Noah with a smile.

"You don't understand, how hard to control the Rhyhorn and how many times my face got dirty when I was riding the Rhyhorn" said Serena with a pout.

"Don't worry about it, you have time and until then just enjoy and learn whatever you want" said Noah.

"What about you?" asked Serena with an intuition of knowing his goal.

"Me, well… I want become a trainer and of course take every picture of Pokémon" said Noah with enthusiasm.

"So, for Kalos league I will cheer for you Noah" said Serena as she was cheering him. But after hearing this he was shaken a bit.

"Serena, I am not participating in Kalos but in Sinnoh region.." declared Noah. She tightened her grip to his shoulder as her face became unhappy. Noah stops bicycle at the side of road and look back.




"So, you are leaving" said Serena as she didn't want to be separated from him. He caressed her smooth cheek with his hand and look her teary eyes. He gently wiped her tears.

"Hey, don't cry when you have your first Pokémon we will travel together" said Noah as she was delighted by listening his words but still couldn't bare to leave him.

"Ok, then I will come at the time of league" said Serena to encourage him even she felt sad in her heart.

"Got it madam" said Noah in sarcastically way.

"You… don't mock me" argued Serena as they both laughed and reach the house.

"Come on my sis is waiting for us" said Noah while holding her hand and pulled her to his home.


In the kitchen room a woman was cooking while wearing an apron while she is cooking. She has sandy blonde hair, dark green eyes.

"Huh, everything is finished, they should be here at any time and I don't know Serena will handle Noah departure" claimed she take the food and keep it on the table one by one.

"Sis Viola we came, Oh, such a luscious food" "Gible~" – as both shouted when they see delightful food on the table. Seeing this Eevee shakes its head as it was adopted to their behavior

"Hello sister Viola" claimed Serena politely.

"Awa it's been long time Serena" claimed Viola. She cuddles her cheerfully. She then looks at him and said, "Good for you"

"Hehe can't complain" claimed Noah as he shakes his head.

"Will sister Alex come?" asked Serena.

"Yep, she will come tomorrow and you look unhappy, did my idiot brother said about his departure" claimed Viola. She nodded her head as she about to cry. She hugs her and pat her head gently.

"Come to my house whenever you want" claimed Viola.

"I will"

"Good, you two go and wash your hands for Lunch" claimed Viola when Noah was going to touch the food. He couldn't help go and wash his hands. They all sited in chair as Viola distribute the food on their plates. She keeps poke blocks for Pokémon.

"Both of you How is the food?" asked Viola.

"It is good and very tasty" claimed Serena.

"Perfect" as he thumbs up to his sister.

"Ah, Noah don't forget to go to prof. Sycamore he called for some matter" stated Viola.

"Oh, ok looks like some research work about prof. Rowan in Sinnoh region" said Noah.

"You were saying?" asked Serena.

"Hmm, maybe it's about Pokémon evolution, I mean prof. Sycamore is studying on Mega evolution and prof. Rowan is researching about evolutions of Pokémon both their works are synced" explained Noah as Serena nodded her head. After eating the food both brother and sister sited in sofa as start talking each other. Serena changed her dress and came in front of them. Noah dazed a moment.

"You are cordial Serena" claimed Noah as he come close to her and hold her hand.

"Ok you two come back before dinner" said Viola.

"Alright sister then Serena, let go for our date" said Noah as she blushed and nodded her head. They both went to the door as Noah open the door as they went out.

"Fingers Crossed" said Viola ecstatically.

"Gible~" "Eevee~"

"We will come back later guys" claimed Viola.


"It was a first-class movie and acting of Diana was splendid" claimed Noah as they hold their hands and walking each other in park.

"Hmm, that was" said Serena as they come to a bench on a mountain viewing an extraordinary sight. They both sited as she holds his arm and embrace.

"I don't know what I want to do after you gone Noah, still I wish to travel with you" said Serena.

"Hey, you really ought to come with me" said Noah.

"Nope, when you are away I will try to manage myself and I don't want bother your dream" stated Serena.

"It's very kind of you" claimed Noah as lift her head and their both eyes met. He moves his head and kiss each other. She put her hands on his neck and kiss him aggressively. His tongue tangled with her tongue after some time they stop by leaving a line of saliva.

"As usual your kiss is good" claimed Serena. He smiled and again kiss her again.

"If it not for age matter I will definitely eat you" claimed Noah.

"Oh, I will wait for that" claimed Serena as she smiled.

"It's time for go to home" claimed Noah.

"Noah…. It's about your sisters… you know they love you right" stated Serena

"I know and I also know they both are not my real sisters…" claimed Noah.

"You idiot you love them and you aren't expressing because of me, thinking that I will be unhappy" stated Serena with serious face.

"I... I know but are you ok with that… I mean.."

"Idiot they love you so much so, don't hold back and I also love to share them because I…. like the way we all used to" argued Serena.

"You are really very kind Serena and I love you…" claimed Noah as kiss each other aggressively.

"Hmm… mmm.."


"My Noah is leaving; it will be boring to stay without him fortunately I have Serena with me or else…." Spoke Viola as she sleeps on bed and thinking about things. Tear drops fall from her eyes.

"Really sis Viola" said Noah as he come to her bed and see that she is crying. He is sorrowful seeing this.

"Ah! Noah! You came, did you enjoy your dating" claimed Viola as she wipe out her tears. He came to her, hug her as they both fell on bed.


"Sorry I know you will be lonely but I…" she interrupted him by saying, "It doesn't matter"

She kisses him on his lips as she shocked for what she done and she immediately want to get out, but he pulled her head and kiss her aggressively.

"No worries" said Noah.

"But… I am happy when the first time Alexa and me saw you and take you in as our brother, from child onwards you are an exceptional kid maybe that's way we both love you very much" declared Viola completely with in her heart.

"Me to, I love you a lot and thank you for everything" claimed Noah as they both smile each other.

"Where is Serena?" asked Viola.

"She is sleeping in my room and why don't we three sleeps together" claimed Noah as she nodded her and went with him to his bed room, sees that a girl is sleeping in the bed. Both chuckled and sleep her happily.


In the morning a woman and a girl are cooking in the kitchen. They both talk each other happily and preparing food.

"Huh, he still not wakes up, Serena, you go and wake up that idiot, I have to hurry to go gym" claimed Viola.

"Ok, sister Viola" claimed Serena. She goes the room as she opens and look a boy is sleeping happily. She goes to the bed and climb on him. Feeling weight on him he wakes up and glimpse, Serena is on his top. He pulls her toward him and give a kiss to her. She also kisses him happily.

"Now, get up and ready we both have to go and pick Sister Alexa and then go to prof. Sycamore lab" claimed Serena while stopping him from kiss.

"My bad, thank you for everything Serena" declared Noah with full of love. She looks at him and understand what he was saying.

Have some idea about my story? and if there are any grammer mistakes Comment it and let me know.

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