

Posting some of my poems

Piece_Of_Dream · Teenager
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2 Chs

How does it feel?

Just Imagine how does it feel living countryside being around nature hearing birds everyday.

From the noise and crowd being far away.

How does it feel to lay down on Soft wet grass. Just see the pretty evening and forgetting all the alas

The feeling the First ray of the sun on the body. Having your own pet horse instead of ferrari and audi.

how does it feel to run on empty ground. Hearing the songs of birds and waterfall sound.

how does it feel to feel all raindrops on the face. The feeling of seeing own pets to raise.

how it feels to swing on the trees

In hot summer The feeling of breeze

when swinging forward the little sunray on the face feels like it is teasing and while going backward the little branch of the tree is trying to protect me from that naughty sun ray. I just want to know the feeling of living far away.

every day I am waking up by the songs of sparrows. Just imagine the feeling in real life this beautiful scenarios.

I really want know how it really feels to grow my own fruits and vegitables.

want to feel the happiness by seeing my own garden with so many colourful butterfiles and flowers.

how it really feels Living in own cozy castle. living far away from the noisy hustle and bustle.

being around the trees, flowers, butterflies and river, while swimming in the hot summer the feeling of shiver

How does it really feel to watch the sunset and rainbow to see the billow of clouds and the skyglow not from the terece or building From your own garden with a cup of coffee want to live countryside in the cottage in the peace very happy

I want to know the feeling of laying down and see the sky is wearing stars as a crown.

How it feels to have a pretty lake near the house. in the hot afternoon it's shining like a diamond.

and the feeling of having garden and flowers thousand.

How it feels to have your own little cozy cottage house Iiving happily in own little world away from the noisy chaos.