Alex died in a humiliating way, but good news or bad depending on how how you look at it, he was reborn with only one mission - Test whether civilizations deserve to live with the use of plagues and monstrosities created by them. Author Note - I'm writing this out of boredom so it is very likely to be dropped like my other one but I will try not to as I have had it stuck in my head for the past month, onto other things first he will have a system called the plague system, second it is very likely that he will go to different worlds every time he accomplishes his goal, if I decide to take this seriously and not just do it for fun I will probably make a second book after I reach 60 chapters that highlights the peoples view of the plague, now obviously there will be times he fails. when he fails the people will most likely celebrate and he will be sent to another world to try again, now one last thing I am making this up as I go so expect plot holes and all kinds of other mistakes especially because I'm using the voice thing on my phone to write this cuz I don't want to tap on letters and type. anyway thanks for reading, even if I do drop in the future I want at least 20 chapters, also finally I will have a random update schedule so I may only upload one a month or one a day it's random. P.S - Finally started rewriting mwahaha
Monday morning in New York, there is an apartment complex with an incessant ringing noise that is about to stop.
A fist appears out of nowhere and punched the alarm clock out of the window!
"Shut up you stupid piece of fucking metal!" Yells a unknown voice
This fist seems to be our main character who hates alarm clocks to the point where on a Sunday night he burns them in a bonfire laughing maniacally celebrating their destruction while cursing those who created this monstrosity.
"damn it I hate mornings, whatever this Sunday I'll make sure to add another three alarm clocks to the bonfire, anyway I better get to work." mutters Alex
Our main character whose name is Alex gets up and is about to walk out the door and then freezes at the handle and starts to walk back talking to himself.
"Damn it, I'm so tired" Says Alex to himself as he begins to prepare for work
Time Skip Special attack - FAST FORWARD
Alex is now walking on the sidewalk towards his job while reading books on web novel and complaining about their update speed wishing that they were faster, when suddenly on his right a child yells out
"watch out mister!" yells a child noticing the car coming
"huh?" says Alex as he looks towards the child who yelled at him
Suddenly a piece of bird poop landed on his face causing him to scream out and try to get it off right as a car comes out of no where and rams into him causing his body to fly through the air for a meter before crashing down.
'so this is how it is, s*** on by a bird and ran over by a car my life is a sad one' Alex says sad on how he died
In in a weird environment that seems devoid of anything except infinite black, a white orb floats which is apparently the soul of our dear main character Alex, in front of Alex there is a weird screen that has some very concerning information to say the least, he is currently staring at it thinking.
' what the f*** is this glowing screen doing in front of my face, should I not be seeing the god of death or something? I guess all the fanfiction and stories I read were wrong or I just got unlucky as hell...' thinks Alex confused
After wondering for a while whether or not a god of death or a ROB will show up a sudden flash of light hits him in the eyes and was greeted with a screen, specifically that of a system like a video game.
[Plague System is now active, choosing suitable world for host.
world - Andria Selected
Type - Modern
Difficulty Level - low
now sending host to selected world.]
' what the!? Plague system, Andria, Modern?! what's going on!??' Alex wonders confused as his vision starts to blacken as a void then surrounds his consciousness causing him to black out.