
Pirates: The Revenge of the Family, Kill All the Tianlong People! 

When he woke up, Rono traveled to the world of pirates. I thought that I could live happily and in peace. But the appearance of the Tianlong people broke this situation! Rono, watching his parents being shot dead by the people of Tianlong! Under extreme anger, Rono woke up the system and vowed to kill all the people of Tianlong! Thereafter, an [Extremely Evil] who specialized in hunting Tianlong people was born! Wherever Rono went, the people of Tianlong trembled! Admiral? Two more and I'll kill all of you trash! Karp: The Evil One? It is a monster created by the Tianlong people, and one day the Tianlong people will pay for it! Roger: 【One Piece】? Compared to [The Evil One], he is nothing but a cloud! Whitebeard: [World's Strongest Man]? No no, Rono is the strongest! Rocks: In terms of killing Tianlong people, Rono is first, I am second, everyone else is trash!

Khem_Raj_Chaudhary · Anime und Comics
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159 Chs

Chapter 68

"Finally solved!"

At this moment, in the sky, a burst of energetic voice came!

The next moment, the generals of the three armies, the generals of the army, the generals of the air force, and other powers finally settled the three or four islands!

"Dammit, the defense line is about to be broken!"

Several general-level powerhouses noticed that below, the losses were heavy!

"Go stop them now!"

The commander-in-chief of the three armies immediately ordered the army general, the air force general, and the general-level powerhouses of the two allied countries to pounce immediately!

Come to the front of Locks, Golden Lion and Whitebeard!

General of the Army, General of the Air Force!

These two are also true General-level powerhouses!

The two of them confronted Rox directly!

Two general-level powers from allied countries!

Then take on Whitebeard and the Golden Lion respectively!

As for the remaining generals of the three armies, they dare not act rashly at this time!

Because, in the Rocks Pirates, there is another strong man!

So far, they have not shot!

[The Evil One] Rono!

This guy's strength has already reached the strength of surpassing general level power half a year ago!

More than half a year.

I don't know how much this charmingly talented man has grown!

Furthermore, [The Evil Ones] specialized in hunting Tianlong people!

The Chief Marshal of the Three Armies knew that he had to keep an eye on the [Extremely Evil] at all times!

Once you make any move, you need to step forward to block it as soon as possible!

Not just the Marshal General of the Three Armies!

The great CP0 commander hasn't made a move at this time!

After all, it was not the people from Tianlong who died just now, but the people from the navy and other departments.

CP0 doesn't care about anything!

In the eyes of this CP0 commander, there is only one person—

[The Evil One] Rono!

A total of 20 people from Tianlong died at the hands of the most evil people!

It must be here, kill it!

Also, he killed himself!

Under the mask, the CP0 commander is full of anger!

Tianlong people, the gods of this world!

He was actually slaughtered like a pig and a dog!

Such an unforgivable person, if he is not arrested and tortured thousands of times, it will be difficult to resolve the hatred in his heart!

But is it easier said than done to capture [The Evil One] alive?

Taking the next step, the CP0 commander also decided that he should kill him with his bare hands!

These two generals and powerhouses are looking at Rono right now!

Once he dares to make a move, the two of them will instantly burst into flames and attack together!

No matter how monstrous your talent, it is impossible to survive under the joint efforts of two general-level powerhouses!

The general marshal of the three armies, the commander of the CP0, has absolute confidence in himself!

Before long, kill Rono!

The next moment, the breath of the two suddenly shot up, and their bodies began to tremble!

The reason is simple: Rono is on the move!

PS: Brothers, at your request, the battle plot will be released together on the third turn.

I stayed up until three or four in the afternoon and finally finished writing, and released it together at 7 in the morning!

Looking for a variety of things, thank you for your support!

No more today, see you tomorrow at 7 am!

Chapter 80 Unexpected! Riding a blue dragon to the Valley of the Gods

Marshal of the Three Armies, Commander of the CP0!

The momentum of the two general level powerhouses suddenly broke out!

After all, not far away, [The Evil One] Rono has also started acting!


The two of them rushed onto the battlefield like arrows on the string.

However, which made the two generals and the strong men feel that something was wrong.

The [Evil] Rono in front of him did not go directly to the altar and targeted the people of Tianlong!

Instead, he rushed to the battlefield below God Valley and fought with the navy!

"This... looks like something isn't right!"

The marshal general of the three armies and the commander of the CP0 felt extremely strange!

A strange feeling arose in my heart!

The [Extreme Evil] in front of me is so strange!

According to the information above, [Extreme Evil] has a bounty of 3.5 billion, which is the second highest bounty in Rocks Pirates!

In terms of strength, he is a strong man who can cut the arms of the five old stars with swords!

In terms of status, it can cover the white beard, a genuine general-level powerhouse like the Golden Lion!

He is the true second in command of the Rocks Pirates, the vice-captain!

In terms of actions, [The Evil One] is decisive and decisive!

Any action is directed at the people of Tianlong!

Now this Valley of the Gods has gathered all the adult Heavenly Dragons in the Holy Land!

[Extremely evil] Instead of killing the people of Tianlong, go fight with the navy?

And looking at the opponent's skills, he actually fought back and forth with the lieutenant general!

What the hell is happening here!

"Maybe it's because the guards are extremely strict this time, and even the [Extremely Evil] can't do anything right!"

"No matter what, kill this [extremely evil person] first!"

The CP0 commander clenched his teeth and said!

Although it feels a bit wrong.

But the Marshal General of the Three Armies, and the two leaders of the CP0, immediately unified their ideas!

The highest goal that the Five Old Stars gave them this time was to kill Rox and the [Extremely Evil]!

Now a great opportunity is coming!

Rox, Golden Lion, Whitebeard and other squad leaders and other general-level powerhouses were held back!

The members of the Roger Pirates were also held back by the four navy powers!

The current situation is 2V1!

[Extremely evil] No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible for one person to face the alliance of two general-level powerhouses!

Take this opportunity to kill the [Extremely Evil] first!

The Rocks Pirates' morale will definitely be affected!



The two figures, like human-shaped cannonballs, quickly approached [The Evil One]'s side!

"Hahaha, Marshal General of the Three Armies, Commander of the CP0, two idiots!"

"Deputy Captain Rono's plan succeeded!"

Just as the two of them are about to intervene on the battlefield!

Suddenly, the [Evil] in front of them touched his cheek!

Immediately, her face changed and she turned into a middle-aged woman!

The middle-aged woman laughed, as if mocking the stupidity of the two of them!

"Bastard! I recognized him!"

"Second Division Member of the Rocks Pirates! Black Charcoal Twilight Cicada!"

"Imitate the ability of the fruit!"

The Marshal of the Three Armies recognized him immediately!

That's right, this person is the clan of the black coal clan in Wano country!

Black Coal Twilight Cicada!

Those who imitate the abilities of fruits!

A member of the Wano Country who lived abroad and joined the Rox Pirates!

Plus, he's a member of the Golden Lion squad!

No wonder he could fight back and forth with the lieutenant general!

This isn't a real [Extremely Evil] at all!

"Dammit! Where is the real [Extremely Evil]!"

At this time, the Three Armies Marshal General, CP0 looks around the battlefield!

No sign of Rono found!


The two secretly said wrong!

In my heart, an extremely ominous premonition arises!

At this moment, suddenly, in the sky, there was a piercing dragon roar!

next moment!

Hurala~ Hurala~!

In the sky of the Valley of the Gods, a mighty blue dragon with a length of tens of meters suddenly appeared!

Roar, roar!

Like an ancient beast!

Even the golden light of the Great Buddha of the Warring States Period was somewhat eclipsed in front of this mighty Qinglong!

"What is Qing Long?"