
Pink Mountains

wrote this in 6 hours because i was bored, shitty metaphors, cringeworthy circumstances, have fun reading it haha ps. really cracked english, and some words are missing in sentences because i was in hurry as well, sorry

Semi_Auto_Romance · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs


After everything, like songs, dances and food, was done, we started building our tents. "So, I will stay alone. Or should I sleep with you?" I asked Emily. She hesitated, but I saw determination in her eyes. 

"I am okay alone." 

"Okay then, I am here only, if you need anything." I went inside and was dead already, I was so tired of doing everything. I started snoring. The fire was on, I kept it on, because of any chances of anything. You know what I mean? Anything could happen, but I covered the fire area so that if any wind comes, it will not lit up our camp. So that was good thing. I just went asleep. 

"Wake up!" Someone was shouting near my tent. Yeah, Emily. I knew she would come. I just zipped down my chain and dragged her inside, I didn't say anything, I zipped the chain again and went asleep. I just wanted to sleep. But I was wide awake, I wanted to see the reaction. I only shut my eyes, she didn't say anything. I turned towards my left, now I was really tired, there was so much space in the tent. She fell on her back and sighed. She hit me on my head, I didn't say anything, I knew what she wanted. 

"What do you want?" I played sleepy and innocent. 

"I couldn't sleep, in that tent."

"What can I do then?" I asked her, in a very sleepy way, as if I don't care. She hit me again. "Ow, what?" I asked her. 

"I cannot sleep, do something." 

"What can I do?" 

"Um, I don't know." 

"Okay." I acted like I slept. She hit me again. "Okay, okay. I have an idea."


"You can sleep here. If you want you can use me as a pillow." She felt awkward. "It's okay." She turned me on my back and hugged me, and rested her head on my chest, yeah the old ways, I really miss them. I didn't do anything. She looked up. "Now what?" I asked her. 

"You also do this." I understood. I gave her a hug and cuddled her, I was feeling really sleepy my eyes got shut and I was in the other world.


Well it was a good morning, I was up at 7 am. She didn't changed her position. I slowly slide her on the spongy surface of tent and went out. Jason and Olivia were up, they were giggling. Sunlight was good. I went near them. I stretched my arms and legs. 

"So how was it?" Jason asked in that way. Everybody was concerned about sec in the world, but there is more than that, only sex doesn't define your relationship. We were more than just a physical attraction. I didn't say this all. I just kept my smile.

"Nothing. We just slept. What about you?" Olivia blushed, yeah I understood. I didn't push them. "So, catch some fish for you breakfast, I will cook it. There is nothing like fruits here, so we have to eat the packed food." I told them. I went back to the tent, she was still sleeping. I went in and shook her shoulder. She slowly started to open her eyes. And she was awake. 

"So, how was your night?" I asked her. 

"I was alone the whole night?" she shouted. I laughed, she forgot, I thought. 

"Yeah, I was scared, so I came in your tent." I told her, she was coming out.

"Why were you scared?" she asked. 

"I couldn't sleep, the sounds and everything."

"Oh, okay. So we slept together then."


"I am hungry." I sighed. The subject drifted towards something else. I was thinking about something. I turned towards Olivia, who was preparing for fishing. 

"Hey, don't. We will first go to Leavenworth." I shouted, she understood, I quickly wrapped the tents and packed the other things. I loaded the stuff on the back of the motorcycle. Leavenworth was half an hour from here. Jason also wrapped everything, he was ready in 5 minutes. I drank some water and headed towards Leavenworth. I kept thinking about the speed of travelling, because like this we will need so many days to even cross the Canada. But I didn't care about the travel I was good about the nature and Emily's progress. 

We were on the road, and it was cold, the sun was not that up. Emily was saying something to me. we were on the road, no traffic was there, it was 7 in the morning. 

"What?" I shouted. 

"You didn't answered my question, yesterday." Which question?

"Which one?" I asked her nervously. Triumph was very powerful bike. 

"About the beauty of the girl." Why she need that? I sighed. 

"Okay. The answer is no. fine?" I asked her.

"Oh, so she was more beautiful than heavenworth." Argh, she is so tempting, I wanted to tell her the truth. But I just gave her an awkward smile. "How many places did you go in your life?" she asked me out of nowhere. 

"Um, I don't know, I didn't count." 

"What do you want to say about me?"

"I don't understand." I really didn't.

"I mean, you compared your ex-girlfriend with heavenworth, right?"

"My old girlfriend not ex." I corrected her. 

"Okay, so can you compare me with anything?" she asked, I understood what she was talking about.

"You are not that beautiful to compare with the nature." I taunted her. And here came a hit on the helmet. Oh, god, I really love her, I couldn't lose her this time. 

"You are an asshole."

"Hey, who told you that word?"

"Why, is it not good?" Her voice was scared, and nervous. 

"No, it's not a good word, you shouldn't use it for anyone."

"Okay. So what should I use instead of that?"

"You can use, my honey, darling or my sweet little carrot or something like that." yeah, one more hit came on my helmet. 


"We are here." I woke her up, she was sleeping on the 20 minutes road. I can't believe this. We started getting inside the town, well I am doomed. I searched on my phone and nothing was like Leavenworth, but then I looked towards the state name, oh, fuck. I have mistaken the Leavenworth with this one. Oh, god. 

"Yeah, I am more beautiful than this one, my sweet little carrot." Emily gave a comment, we all laughed. 

"I am sorry, the Leavenworth I was talking about is in Washington state, I have mistaken, we should go back to Louisville." I sighed. How can I do this? Yeah, I am human being. "I am sorry about this."

"It's okay, my sweet little red carrot, we will go then." Emily said. I laughed, she is taking it seriously, it's a replaced word for asshole, so you get it then. I was laughing all the way to Louisville. 

"So, the real Leavenworth, can we go there?" Emily asked, shouted. 

"Yeah, when we will see the snow, after that we will come from that way." She held my waist and placed her chin on my back. I thought she was going to sleep.


We did farewells and headed towards Indianapolis. I kept my new motorcycle in Jason's house, in case if we meet each other. Indianapolis was just 2 hours or 2 and half hours from here. I left for the new destination at 4 in the evening, Jason was so stubborn to let us go at 4. So we headed towards the Indianapolis. 4 days were passed and Emily wanted to keep the new bike, but as soon as she sat on the old one, she dropped the idea. She was happy to leave and also sad. But that's okay, these people aren't going anywhere, Emily was more important. We were on highway 65 by googly. I just went straight, the most lovely thing about the USA roads are the lanes, if you shoes the lane to go anywhere, you don't have to change, it's just straight from anywhere to anywhere, but major cities not in between the cities. 

We were in there in just 2 hours I wanted speed. It's really big city, man, even I was scared, the parks and football ground, I mean soccer ground in the middle of the city, it's too good. But the population was so much. 

"So we are staying here?" she asked, I parked my motorcycle when I entered somewhat in the city. I gave her a nod. 

"We will leave tomorrow."

"At 0500 hours?" I smiled.

"Yes, at 0500 hours. I am just searching for a good hotel," I searched on the phone. Hmm, JW Marriot in Indianapolis, I booked the room on the phone. We have to take right from miles square, and there was parking also there. 

Thank god, the building had a lift, I was not going to carry Emily Norton on this one. We followed the manager, our room was on 1st floor. Manager opened the room and gave me the key card, he went back. I was with the essentials and the night dress was already from the hotel, I went in, it was like, fuck. 

"This is really expensive." Emily told me, I knew that already, but the money doesn't matter when you have just one girl to love in the world. I could spend my life with her, then what is money? I laughed.

"I think you should get a good bath, they have a tub." She started to take off the clothes. "Wait, you can change it in another room."

"But last time, you gave me bath?" yeah, when we left, 4 days ago, not that we didn't took a shower, but the tub bath was last time. I felt awkward. "It's okay, you have some duties like that." What? How these thoughts come in her mind? I get scared of her, yeah like my Emily the old Emily. But I didn't care about the past now, I just want her to heal, I don't want her memory back, and it's really impossible, but I could do one thing, I could gain her trust and we could be together, again, practically we are together, but you know. 

So we had a bath, and changed our clothes to jeans and t shirts. Yeah, we were wearing the biker's outfit. And it was becoming too dirty, I thought we should buy new, yeah, I could afford that. 

"You want to go for some shopping?" I asked her. 

"What should we buy?" She asked. 

"Hmm, you will get the idea when you enter in the mall. Let's go."

"How, I cannot walk that much." I laughed. 

"This place has a taxi service, the hotel's car will drop us there."

"Oh, okay." She looked out of the window. "I can see sports ground from here." I went near her. 

"It's a baseball ground."



Well I started driving on the same highway, 65. The next destination was Chicago and I was planning to stay there for 2 nights. Because it's a good place to stay, you know. We started to ride at 5 in the morning, we were up at 4. So that we could be there in 4 hours, the four hours straight was impossible, not for Emily but me. I would not suggest that. I planned some stops for breakfast at the start of the city. According to googly the town name was Gary, okay. We ate a little because after 20 minutes we would be in Chicago, and I wanted to eat there as well. So we started again and went inside the city. 

"Whoa! Have you ever been here?" she asked, I thought about new York. But that's okay, this was also same than new York, but you know. Well same hotel, JW Marriot, and I was good with it. Everything was near there, it was 9 in the morning, we quickly freshened up. 

"Why are you in such a hurry?" she asked. 

"You want to see the beach?" it was not practically the beach I mean ot was situated on lake Michigan. But I didn't care, I just wanted to sit there in the sand. 

"Yes, what should I wear?" she asked, she knew the answer, but she wanted it. 

"Hmm, shorts and t shirt and a small hat, I am also wearing it."

"The bikini?" 

"Who told about those?" this girl is getting good. 

"I watched it on TV."

"Okay, wear it inside, shorts and t shirt outside. Get ready, I will be back with a good motorcycle."

"You are going to buy a new motorcycle?" she shouted. I laughed. 

"No, I am going to take it on rent."

"Okay." I went out and searched for the good triumph, because it suited our comfort. 


I got one Harley Davidson low rider, and it's a good motorcycle. I parked it in the parking and went in my room. "You ready?" I asked her. She was wearing a Bermuda and t shirt. She gave me a nod. We went down. She looked at the motorcycle. 

"How to sit on this?" yeah, this was very genuine question. It was very, very uncomfortable. 

"Just sit on the small seat and hold my waist, it's simple, and we are not going to travel in this, it's just 10 minutes from here." She did accordingly. She held my waist. And we were off a go. I went to oak street beach or something, I didn't care. We went there, and the crowd, oh god. I quickly changed the plan. We went to oysterman beach, 15 minutes from the oak beach, whatever, but it was less crowded. I felt relaxed. On Monday morning, people go to beach, this was really unpleasant. 

I parked my motorcycle near the entrance, the crowd was not that much. Emily stretched her arms, yeah, I picked her on my back and went on the sand, ah, the beautiful breeze. I quickly walked to the corner of the beach and rested her on sand. I spread the mat on the sand and put the bag on it. I took of my t shirt and threw it on the mat. No, I wasn't going to swim, I just want to feel the beach. Emily looked at me.

"You look like a superhero, but just the body, not face." Emily told me. Hmm, this was going to be good. I just gave her a smile and lied in my back, and I kept my hat on my face and started snoring. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" I woke up, I was asleep for just seconds. 

"I am sleeping." I told her. 

"You came here to sleep?" she asked. 

"So what do people do here?" I looked around, 60 % of people were sleeping. "See." I pointed on some of them. She hit on my head. 

"See there." She pointed towards the sea, yeah some of them were in water. I sighed. I quickly took her t shirt of, and she took her Bermuda of. She was wearing pink. Hmm, good. I stood up and picked her up on my back. "Who will take care of our bag?" I laughed. 

"I don't think we have anything in our bag, and people don't come here to brag someone, my little lily flower." She smiled, but hit on my head. I went ahead, in the ocean, I was wearing slippers. So I directly went in. ah, the water was cold, but warm. I threw her in the water, yeah literally. She hit me on the back, but I threw the water on her face. She also did the same, after some time she literally jumped on my back and we both fell in the water. She was sitting on my back now, but that's okay. I picked her up on my back. 

"Can I sleep now?" I asked her. We were tired now. She was breathing heavy, she had drank so much water of the ocean. She gave me a nod and went towards the mat. I rested her down and lied on my back, I was not feeling sleepy. But I needed rest. It was 11.30 am. 

"So, this is ocean then?" she asked after some minutes of silence. I opened my eyes and got up quickly. 

"No. This is just a lake." Her eyes widened. 

"What? But I couldn't see beyond this."

"Yes, it's a pretty big lake. But ocean is much more than not being able to see beyond." She was curious. 

"I don't understand." I went near her. I mean slide near her. 

"When you look in the ocean, you just see the horizon."

"What is horizon?"

"The place where sky comes down to earth."


"When you look at the ocean you see the horizon, you cannot see beyond, but you get lost in it. When you see on the ocean you don't see the path, you just get lost, your heart wants to get deeper in it, when you look into it, you just get drowned in it, you just gets deeper and deeper." I sighed. I turned towards the ocean. 

"Just like the eyes of your old girlfriend." She didn't asked the question, she just told me that. 

"Yeah, like yours also."

"No, we never kissed, so how can you be so sure?" I sighed. I placed my hand on her shoulder. 

"Love is not measured by a kiss. It's more than anything. If you have a true love, the one you love will understand it, no worry." I sighed again. Why she asked me those question? Is she going to leave me and find someone else? No, I mean it's her choice, but how could I leave without her? I don't know these answers, and I really don't care about them. I was lost in my thoughts, Emily whispered something. I came back to real life. "What?" I asked her.

"I asked, you understood then?" 

"What?" she was blushing hard, so hard that her cheeks would go beyond pink.

"I mean, you understood what I feel?" I was trying not to laugh.

"I didn't understand." I played innocent. She hit me on the head. 

"You are my sweet little carrot." Yeah, I know what she meant. But I didn't care, I quickly got up and started dancing, not formal, just dancing and shouting in the care. I was the most happiest person in the world. Everybody turned towards me, but I was happy. I was really happy. I fell on my back. I didn't want anything in the world, I just wanted her. 

"I am not ready to kiss, yet." She said nervously. I sat up and went near her, I gave her a good hug. After some seconds, I went back. 

"I don't want to kiss you, I just want to be with you, forever. Okay?" I asked her. And it was true, I really didn't have any attraction for any woman in the world after this all happened, I just wanted Emily to be with me. 

"Okay." I hugged her once again. "I am hungry." She whispered in my ears. I laughed. 

"Yes. I think we should leave." I got up and offered her a hand. I quickly wore my shirt and she did the same. I wrapped our belongings and packed it in my backpack. I gave it to her, she hung it on her shoulder. I offered her my back, she climbed up and we headed towards our hotel. 


I wanted her to travel whole America, I will try to do it. No, no its not a traveller's book, but you can use it if you want. We were in the hotel, took shower because of the sand and the salt water. After everything was done, we were sitting on the bed. 

"What's famous in here?" she asked. I quickly became enthusiast. I knew some things, but not all. "You know someone from here?" she asked after seeing me thinking. I shook my head. 

"I know some things about Chicago, the hot dogs, the pizzas."

"Oh, can we eat pizza?" I smiled.

"Of course we can. And also the jazz music. You want to go there?" I asked her. 

"What's jazz?"

"Well, it's a type of music." 

"You don't know what it is." I laughed. I shook my head. 

"You want to pizza for dinner or pizza whole day?"

"Pizza whole day." I stood up. 

"Okay, then. Get ready, we are going to have pizzas for lunch."

"What should I wear?" oh, she is becoming the woman. 

"A jeans and a t shirt." Yeah, what should be more than this? Well, she did what I asked her to wear.


I was tired of riding all day and you know all other things, I quickly changed my clothes and fell on the bed. She was also tired, I mean she seemed. She also fell on the bed, we both sighed. I decreased the temperature of AC and covered myself with it. She hit me, and pulled the blanket, the other blanket was in cupboard, and it was like million millimetres away from the bed. So I just waited there, shaking in the cold. You might be thinking, I should increase the temperature, then you are wrong. There is a strange joy in sleeping in the cold with the blanket or any other warm thing, you know what I mean. So I just waited there shaking. I curled my hands around me and started acting, like I have a severe cold or fever. She turned towards me, she looked at me. I didn't react, I knew what she will do. It was 10 pm. 

"So, you are not going to get up and take another one from the closet?" she asked sighing. I also sighed, and gave her a nod. "Okay, we will share." She stretched the blanket towards me, I went near her, not too much, just to be covered by the blanket. I felt relaxed. I fell asleep, I was good with it. 

I woke up at 6 in the morning, I felt her hand and her head on my chest, oh, she was sleeping like the old ways, I quickly cuddled her, not to wake her up. I slide from her hands and rested her head on pillow. 

After some time, I ordered a green tea. What Emily drinks, nowadays? I didn't know. I told them to come after 60 minutes, you know some workout and stuff. The room was huge and it had a treadmill, I was luckiest guy in the world. I did some treadmill, for 20 minutes, my stamina was decreasing, because of low physical activities, and my six packs, oh god, my six packs are gone, I had barely 3 packs. I tried running fast. But I was done, I started breathing heavy. 

"You run well." Emily from nowhere. I shouted, is sighed.

"Don't ever scare me like that."

"Okay. You just run or?"

"I have just warmed up." I got down of the treadmill and started doing push ups, 50? Nah, just 30, come on, I thought. But I did 3 sets of 30 not even 100. I stood up and then did some crunches, I never count them for myself. I did burpees, and I was having so much sweat. I took off my shirt and then, the abs were now 4 a good four, I sighed. 

I turned towards her, her eyes widened, I went near her. "I am going to take the shower." And I went towards the bathroom. She turned. 

"Can you teach me this all?" she asked, I turned. 

"Yes, we will start after our vacation." She was excited. 

"Okay." She said. 

"What do you want to drink after the shower?" I asked her. She was thinking, I quickly went towards the closet and took out the towel. 

"A cup of coffee?" her tone was like she was asking me. 

"Coffee is not good for our age people. We should drink juices or milkshakes."

"Okay, milkshake."

"Which one?" 

"Chocolate." She told me quickly. I knew it. 

"Okay." I ordered chocolate milkshake. "It will come after 20 minutes."

"Okay." I didn't wait for the answer, I took a shower.


"Why are we staying here today also?" she asked, we were wearing our tourist uniforms and we were ready to do something, it was just 10 in the morning. I sighed. 

"If you want, we will start our travel."

"I don't want, but there is not much in here."

"Who told you that?" I thought about it, yeah, there was nothing natural here. "I am sorry. Change to biker's, we will start our journey." I quickly took off my shirt and everything. She did the same, she seemed worried. 

"You okay? I mean I changed the decision in hurry, you good with it?" I asked in concerned voice. She stopped taking of the shirt. She came near me, and her cheeks were touching mine, she whispered. 

"I am okay, whatever you do." I sighed.

"Okay then. We will start our travelling after having some lunch."


"Now, what do you want for lunch, please I am tired of pizzas." She hit me on the head. 

"Okay, hmm, I don't know, you suggest." I thought for some time, we couldn't eat the hot dogs, because they were non veg. 

"Okay, we will eat in the restaurant, we will decide there, in menu card." She gave me a nod. "So, now change to the biker's, we will eat in it." 


We headed towards highway 80. I was planning for the route by Des Moines, a small stop there and then we would stay at Omaha, in Nebraska.

We were in Des Moines in 4 hours. We ate there and headed towards Omaha. We were there in 4 hours, it was 9 pm and we found a good hotel to stay. We stayed there for a night. 

"Where tomorrow?" she asked. We were really tired by travelling. But I had a good plan. 

"We are going to a very beautiful place tomorrow, it's a surprise."

"Okay." She was not enthusiastic, she was really tired. We just slept that night. 

We captured so many photos on beach in Chicago, and other beautiful towns in Middle West America. They were fantastic. 


"Wake up. We need to leave now." I shook her shoulder, it was just 5 in the morning. She quickly got up.

"Why this early?" we were ready to leave. I started engine and headed towards the highway 75. It was a really good surprise. 

"We have to be there at 9 or 10 in the morning. We will stay there as much as you want." I was very happy. it was a place worth staying. 

After 2.30 hours of riding we were in Topeka, it was a big place, it was just 8 am and the shops or anything were not open.

"No point in stopping here." She said, she was excited for the surprise, and the point was true, we kept going. Now we were on 470th highway, after some minutes we were on 335th, yeah googly.

"It's so beautiful, is it that place?" We entered on the 335th highway. 

"No, I mean it's beautiful, but this is not the place, it will come." The sun was also smiling at us, it was not up above so much, it was sneaking upon us, giggling, and whispering through the winds, it was a beautiful road. 

After more riding, at last the place known as strong city came, my happiness level rose above Mt. Everest. I quickly took right from there and went on the road no. 177 or something. I went in and in. I stopped in front of a small building. I shook Emily's shoulder, she was sleeping while hugging me, cars were not that much but I parked my bike in front of the building. 

"What is this place?" she couldn't see behind the building. 

"Wait." I packed some camping stuff and my camera in my backpack and gave her. She put it on her back. I put her on my back. And we went in. 

One man was there waiting for us. As soon as he saw me, he came running towards us. "How are you, John?" he asked. 

"I am fine, Marl, long time huh?" I asked him. He was scanning my back. She was nervous. "This is Emily. Emily this is Marl, my uncle's friend's son. Oh." Uncle means David, okay. But she was nervous. She didn't do handshake. I gave Marl, an apology sign. He understood it. He gave me it's okay sign. 

"Is she your wife?" he asked. I turned my neck towards her. 

"Um, I am trying, but she doesn't want that." she hit me on the head. 

"I never said that." she said something at last. Ooh, I got tired now. "What is this place?" she asked again, but Marl. 

"Okay, this is Tallgrass Prairie national park. Welcome." We followed him. We went in the building and did the paperwork and other things. I really wanted a guide or something like that. After all done, we were standing near the entrance of the park. 

"Do you have a motorcycle or something?" I asked him. "Because I don't want to lift her up all the way in the fields." She hit me again. Yeah, she just changed the spot of hitting, before head injury, she was hitting my shoulder, and now my head. But she kept hitting. 

"Yes, I have a bike. Follow me." we went to the another building and behind that building and he opened the shutter, and there was a golden mine of world's most sexiest bikes, all Harleys and Nortons and triumphs.

"Whoa! What did you do to them?" I asked, Emily was also in shock. I kept her down, she was touching every motorcycle she could. They were so sexy, I mean stylish.

"We customize them." 


"You can take any one you want, the orders are weeks later. But don't be harsh on them, they are not delicate but you know what I mean." I gave him a nod. I turned towards Emily. 

"Which one?" I asked her. She pointed towards Norton commando, yeah very classy. I quickly started the engine. "Whoa! What did you do them, they are becoming dangerous?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"Yeah, as per client's requests. I think you should leave now, come back after the sunset, and please watch the sunset." I gave him a nod, and gestured Emily to sit behind, I mean on the motorcycle. 

We went in, and that was beautiful. I rode till I wanted to, and then parked the bike near the road. I turned towards Emily. 

"Well, we have to walk." I pleaded her. 

"Okay." She was ready, I offered her hand to walk with me, she took and we went on. the small uplands and the greenery and the fucking biggest lawn and everything was beautiful and silent. "This is really cool."

"Yeah, this was the surprise, for today." She turned towards me. 

"What, you mean tomorrow also?"

"Yeah, you will love it." She turned ahead, I could see the smile on the corner of the mouth, that smile I was waiting for so much time, ah, that smile, where all the happy things in the world gets faded, because the smile is more happy than the most happiest thing. I am fan of it. "Always keep that smile, please." She laughed, she was becoming good, her mind was adapting the things, I could see the changes, but I was okay with the 10 year old Emily, or even 20 year. I wanted just Emily. 

After some time, she did the most famous thing of her, whether or not she is 20 or 50, anybody would fall for it, she begged me to pick her up. Ugh, it was so tempting and I had to do it. So I picked her up, I quickly started my walk meter, I don't know what is the word for that. I started counting the steps and the distance, we will see. We just walked. 

"Whoa! Get back, get back." I was just walking looking downwards. I looked up and there they are the most, I don't know creatures of the world, Bison. I quickly stepped back and turned towards backward. "Come on be quick." She ordered. 

"Don't worry they will not attack if we don't do anything." But she didn't say anything, after some time, she said something. "What?"

"They are moving towards us." 

"What the hell? How away they are?" I asked her, I starting jogging, I was thinking about our run at military school, with the heaviest kid in the world, we had to run 10 kilometres, you just couldn't stop, if you stop, you will die. And here we were, same situation. 

"They are just a few feet away." My heartbeat raise, I was scared, no not for me, but Emily, I couldn't let her be in the difficulty, because I could run without her. I slapped myself, because of the thought, why it came in my head. I thought something, I couldn't. 

"Okay, if they come to us, just stay still, don't do anything." And here they were. We just stand there, I kept her down. One of them came near Emily, she didn't even say a word or didn't move, and sniffed her, and it turned towards me. it came near me and I did the most unexpected thing. I shouted too loud every other bison turned towards us. 

"You are a little carrot." Yeah, I was asshole. Why? I was fucking scared man. But the all the bison sniffed to each other like they are laughing at me. I felt ashamed, one of them came near Emily and sniffed to her backpack, she threw it towards me, I opened it, there was no food in here. I spread all the things in front of the bison. I was most shocked person in the world, I could get a heart attack after looking what happened, yeah, I am telling. 

I spread my tent, camera and my water bottle on the mat. We had a biscuit packet. Bison came near the mat and sniffed on the tent, I was confused, he sniffed again. I quickly took it and built the tent. Then he turned towards Emily and went behind her back, and picked her up on his horns, she was shouting but she was comfortable, I knew what he was doing. He placed her in the tent. He sniffed her and came back to mat, he sniffed to the bottle, I picked it up. He snorted this time, okay I thought, he turned towards the tent, and snorted again, okay, I went near the tent and gave her a bottle, she drank it. It was midday. And the sun was above the head. After she drank the water, he turned towards the mat, and snorted on the camera, this time I knew what to do. I quickly took the camera in my hands. 

The bison snorted towards his group, they fucking literally started posing for a family photo, in between the big guy, who wants the photo. I took the pictures, I was the most happiest person, how could animals interact to humans just by looking towards them and observing them, the answer was the connection, between the nature and humans, we should understand the connection. It is really important. So I took the photos of every member of the family. Yeah, they were 13. They posed near the tent and with Emily and everything, I think I took like 60-70 pictures that day. After all the photo sessions, even with me, I turned towards the leader. "Can you understand me?" I asked him. He snorted. I felt joy inside me, the joy when I first touched a cat and she quickly stepped back, the joy of responding to the animals. "How?" I asked him. He snorted, as if saying, we also have a brain asshole, yeah, that was true. He snorted something, ha, what am I doing. I followed him, he stopped near a rock. I climbed up and sat there. He was standing near the rock, he snorted towards the member of his group. "Is she your girlfriend?" It was a really stupid question. But he snorted and looked down, as if blushing. I laughed, I could really understand these folks. He snorted towards a small bison. I knew it. "Oh you people are married and have a good looking kid. That's a great thing." He snorted, as if saying, that kid is real monster. I laughed, he was really interesting. "What about her mother, how is she?" he snorted like giving a sigh, I understood, she was everything for him. I went near him and put my hand on his back thing, whatever, but he snorted again but I didn't took my hand of his back. He snorted towards the horizon. Yeah, the scenes was really pleasant. "It's really beautiful." The sky was turning saffron coloured, it was a good thins, I looked towards the atch, it was 5 in the evening, we were hungry. Bison and we spent 5 hours, we just talked and took some pictures. The area was getting dark now, and I stood up. "Well, I am going to come tomorrow, and we are leaving tomorrow morning after showing her a sunrise." I sighed. He snorted two times, second was towards Emily who was just holding camera and taking million pictures with bison's family. "Yeah she is also everything for me." I went near her, and helped her to stand up. I quickly wrapped the tent and put it in my back. I gave her backpack, and picked her up on my back. I turned towards bison. "We will meet tomorrow." I shouted towards him, he gave me a nod. He was really clever. I turned towards our bike and started walking. 

"You actually talked to them?" she asked me.

"Yes. They are clever animals, or every animal is clever than humans." I just walked towards the bike.

"Okay." She didn't understand what I told her. But that's okay she was good. 

We headed towards emporia, we would come back tomorrow.


"You really were talking to that bison." She showed me the photos, I am putting my hand on his back and laughing in the red sky.

"That's a great photo."

"Watch the other one, here." This one was, I am putting the hand on his back we are looking towards the horizon, after that one, the one when he blushed and I was laughing. I really talked to them. We were on our hotel bed, we were ready to sleep, but Emily couldn't believe the incident happened to us, neither do I. It's really unforgettable. 

"Yeah, they are great."

"They look scary."

"Never judge a book by its cover. The face of anyone doesn't determine how beautiful the person is from inside, the person is beautiful or not can only be determined by living with it and spending time to understand the person."

"Oh." And that's it, she fell on her back and we were both asleep in a minute. I think she didn't understand the words or she pretended to understand them, but I was tired and didn't want to think about it.


After watching the sunrise and I headed on 70th highway, towards the town named Colby by googly. I loved the names of the towns. They are beautiful and full of green. We were in Colby at 11, I rode nonstop 4 hours, but that was good. We ate at pizza hut, ugh, pizza at the start of the day. Emily is obsessed with them. We quickly started our journey, I wanted to give her a new surprise, the best town I have ever known, Denver. Yeah, it was good, at 4 in the evening we were in Denver. I booked the hotel apart from the city area, near the lakes, where lakes could be visible from the window. 

"99+ missed calls!" she yelled at me. She started scrolling down, only Angelica's, the missed calls didn't stop. She was looking at me angrily. I held my hands up. 

"I didn't want to bother you." Yeah, angelica and I have talked a lot about everything, the first question of her was, 'after 6 days, you are still in USA?' I wasn't sure what to do, I just laughed. 

"So, should I call her or what?" she asked. 

"I think you should not speak her, I mean not now. We will first enjoy the Denver, and we are staying here for 2 nights, there is a lot to show."

"You have any friend here to guide us?" she asked. I sighed, I told the truth.

"Yes, but I thought we should spend the time alone, I know so much about Denver, I was once here with my mom." Her mood lightened up, she would not believe me, but she would believe my mother. 

"Okay, so what's the plan?"

"We are not going anywhere today, I mean not in the mountains."

"They have mountains in this city?" she shouted. 

"Yes, they have, not in the city, but just outside the city."


"Yeah, and tomorrow we will try to camp in there." She was thinking something. After some seconds she said something. "What?" 

"Am I a virgin?" what the hell?

"Why are you asking me that?" no, you are not a virgin, but psychologically you are. I wanted to laugh but I supressed it. 

"Just, is it fun to do it?" I was laughing now. 

"I don't know."

"What you mean you don't know?"

"I have never done that thing." I lied, yeah, sometimes you have to. 

"Oh, so we both are amateur."

"I think you should not think about it." I was laughing so hard. I sighed. "Ooh, so what would you like to have for dinner?" 

"I don't know, we will apply the same strategy." Yeah, when you see the menu card you understand the thing. Never plan before entering in the hotel, she was doing great. I stood up.

"Okay, then. May I?" I offered her a hand. ___