
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Bücher und Literatur
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34 Chs

Ch 28

"P-practice shoot?" Nancy stammered immediately while Penny just stood up. Unlike Penny, Nancy was clever enough to understand how a private shoot, even in the middle of nowhere, could end with me on the other side of the camera.

Then, I noticed the beautiful glint in Penny's eyes, realizing that I had been underestimating my busty blonde, mistaking her subtle acceptance for obtuseness. And if the quickness of her stand was any indicator, she was quite enthusiastic about what would follow.

Maybe she was impressed because I had defended her against Nancy's tricks. Maybe her submissiveness was growing even quicker than I was expecting.

Either way, I was more than happy with the result. "Exactly," I said. "Why don't we start with a couple of pictures of you standing together," I said. "You're going to put a show for the majority of the day together, and it's for the best if you can look natural," I said.

Penny was quick to follow my order. Nancy was significantly slower, as if she was making a point of not listening to me, but since she followed the order but only a few seconds of delay, I let her do so.

Her earlier service earned her quite a bit of leeway, and it was her choice how to spend that.

I started snapping photos even as I asked them to take several poses, staying loyal to the angles that were more fitting to a warrior and a thief, mostly to warm up. "Keep moving," I ordered soon after. "But pose however you feel comfortable."

Penny reacted instantly. She might not be a natural model, but she was a great student of the art of sexiness, and her pose reflected that.

Nancy looked at her with a distinct distaste. I just smirked, focusing on Penny almost exclusively, and it didn't take for Nancy's distaste to be replaced by jealousy. She might not enjoy being forced to pose, but she hated being ignored distinctly more.

So, I wasn't surprised when she turned her back for a moment, her hands moving suspiciously. And when she turned to face me once more, her cleavage had gone through a transformation, passing the border of sexiness to sink into the land of slutty, even skirting the edge of whorish.

That earned a frustrated look from Penny when she strolled in front of her, bending forward to enhance her sexiness even more. Unlike Penny, I was more than happy about the development, carefully recording the most spectacular instances as she moved into a sitting pose without prompting.

"Fantastic," I murmured when Nancy grabbed another button of her thief costume, deepening her cleavage even further. "We might make a proper model out of you, yet."

Penny looked lost for a moment. Unlike Nancy, her immediate reaction wasn't to retaliate. But I didn't want to order her directly, not wanting to blunt Nancy's competitive instincts. Instead, I waited until Nancy was looking away before catching Penny's eyes and gestured for her to walk behind Nancy, tapping my finger to my chest, signaling her to catch up with Nancy.

Penny caught a second wind the moment she received the order, taking a step forward even as her fingers reached her top, loosening her armor, making me lick my lips in anticipation as she stood behind Nancy, her hands on her shoulders.

Nancy looked up, not appreciating the close contact, but when her eyes caught the immensity of Penny's cleavage, the reason for her annoyance flipped immediately.

"Your poise is amazing," I said to Nancy. "If we work enough, maybe you can follow Penny's footsteps and become a real model." The backhanded compliment worked just as well as I hoped, and Nancy stood up while opening a few more buttons of her blouse.

Considering she was not wearing a bra, the resulting view was above spectacular.

"Beautiful," I said, being completely honest. "Penny, why don't you hug her from behind so that we can have a few interesting photos to give away with each successful sale."

Nancy's eyes widened at the realization, remembering that she wasn't just posing in a public — albeit concealed — place but also she was being photographed for every single second of it. "I - I don't feel comfortable using that to sell books," she stammered, though the intensity of her blush suggested that it was less about her moral objections to using sexuality to sell her books, and more about the fact she was a part of the product.

"Could it be that you're feeling shy?" I said with a smirk, with no problems to highlight her failure.

"N-no, of course not," she answered predictably, so much that even Penny's face had a wide smirk.

"Excellent," I said with a smirk. "Then, we can have another break on the way, and have a proper shooting." I gestured around. "A shitty waiting room is hardly the best setting for a warrior and a thief to mingle, right?"

Nancy's silent fuming just widened my smirk. I left, and Penny followed immediately, not even bothering to fix her cleavage, which, while sexy, was still in the bounds of public decency. Nancy's cleavage was certainly not, so she had to delay for a while before catching up, not helping her anger in any way.

We started driving once more. "I'm not sure about using those photos to sell books," Nancy murmured a minute later. "What if it hurts my reputation as a writer?"

"All Hollywood directors use sexiness to sell their films. Are you saying that you're better than every single one of them?" I countered, which was enough to silence her quite a bit. Not willing to continue arguing, Nancy reached for another book, continuing her task of signing all of them before we arrived at the convention center.

I put my weight on the gas, trying to gain some extra time. Not to arrive at the convention center any earlier, but to have some more time for our next stop. Nancy looked reluctant for it, but I had no intention of letting her get away from that trick.

But to do that, I needed her competitiveness properly awakened. Luckily, the road was empty, making it easy for me to drive the car with only one hand, the other landing on Penny's lap, climbing up her thigh.

Her failed attempt to suppress a moan was all that needed to earn Nancy's attention. She looked up, angry jealousy back in her face immediately.

I acted unaware of her attention even as my fingers crawled upward until they found the button of Penny's pants, slipping inside to treat myself to her tempting body heat, making it rather difficult to keep my mind on the road.

Luckily, I soon noticed a side road, one that was leading to a little-known lake with an amazing view, though not known by most people. The only problem was the disgustingly bumpy road leading to it.

Under the circumstances, it was a nice advantage.

My fingers slipped into Penny's panties, the bumpy road immediately elevating the experience to the next level for Penny, making it even more difficult for her to keep her moans in. "How about some music?" I said but turned it up before Nancy could answer, trying to make it look like I was hiding Penny's reaction.

It was not a very convincing ploy, but luckily, Nancy was too distracted by her jealousy-tinged-anger to notice subtle details.

The country road leading to the lakeside wasn't exactly short. The car bounced steadily on the way, and my fingers disappeared inside Penny, the combination enough to break her attempts to suppress her moans, loud enough to be heard even over the music.

Nancy might not appreciate the reasons for those moans, but that didn't prevent her nipples from hardening in arousal, especially since she was feeling the rapid bounces even harder in the backseat. My shaft hardened painfully.

Luckily, Penny chose an excellent moment to show initiative, and her delicate hands reached for my zipper. A fumble later, my shaft was free. Its freedom lasted only for a second before it was imprisoned again, but Penny's soft fingers were definitely the superior alternative.

A mutual handjob was definitely a good way to add color to a boring drive, especially since every single bounce on the road made Nancy's tits jiggle on the back seat, leveraging her lack of a bra to the maximum benefit.

The combined assault of the amazing show and Penny's soft touch was more than enough to turn my shaft into a steel rod, though Nancy's angry frustration was just as delicious as the soft sensation. I continued to drive, enjoying the bumpy road — or, more accurately, the effect it had on the arousal of my two sexy passengers.

I could have driven harder, making Penny explode with arousal, but I didn't.

I wanted them in just in the mood when we arrived at the lakeside.

Two minutes later, I finally stopped the car. "We're here," I said, gesturing toward the amazing view, and while they examined it, put my shaft back in my pants — no matter how uncomfortable it was.

"Put on your wigs, so we can take some character photos," I said with a big smirk, ready for the spectacular show that was about to come.

Penny was quick to follow my request. She put on her wig before walking toward the lakeside, her hips swaying alluringly. 

Nancy wasn't as quick. 

She stayed in her seat. Though it wasn't a rebellion, and even if it was a rebellion, it was a silent one, lacking the necessary presence or confidence. It was the after-effects of her confusion, not helped by her growing arousal. 

Our earlier show had left a mark on her, and the rough dirt road drove that mark deeper into her psyche. 

"Are you sure it's a good idea? Maybe we should skip it?" she murmured. 

"Nope," I answered with a smirk. "It's a good opportunity to put you in the mood of the characters for the convention."

"But what if we are late?" 

"We still have ninety minutes before the convention center opens. More than enough to make sure we're on time and set up everything correctly." 

"Still, a photoshoot? Do we have enough time?" 

"Since you're already in costume, definitely so. If we're lucky, we might even get a few decent poses we can give as a bonus with the books." 

"Bonus photos," she said, her eyes widening. 

"Of course," I said. "It's a fantasy convention, after all. I'm sure the prospect of sexy photos would help you sell more books to the male-dominant." I paused some, for a dramatic effect. "Of course, if you want your first convention to be a total failure and waste all the money you have spent, that's your call." 

Her expression stiffened, enough to make me think maybe I had pushed too much. Luckily, the books she had published with her own money were piling next to her, giving her a physical reminder about all the money she spent. It was enough to sway her decision into indecision. "Do you think it'll work?" she asked. 

"Of course it will, the attraction and anticipation is the greatest marketing tool," I said. That statement even had the rare benefit of being true. People built companies worth billions around the idea implied promise of happiness radiating from the carefully suggestive pose of a sexy model. 

And while building a huge company based on a few photos was a definite overreach, I trusted my skills enough to push their already existing sexiness to the next level. "If you listen to me, we can sell the majority of the books here." 

"A majority," she said with a dismissive scoff. "Why not all?" 

I let my smirk widen. "Oh, we can definitely sell all of them, but that would require a touch sexier than you might be willing to go," I said. 

"I won't do nudes," she jerked immediately. 

"What a naughty idea," I said in mock outrage, and she blushed. "Of course not," I continued seriously. "What do you think am I, a hack? Outright nudity is a terrible way of selling. The whole point is building anticipation." Also, I had no intention of sharing their nude form with others. Sexy, suggestive photos were acceptable. 

Outright nudity was certainly not. At least, not except any other female that was sharing — or about to share — my bed as well... 

"Oh," she murmured, shocked by my vehemence, but soon focused on the main point. A point that had great implications on the future of her career. "Do you really think we can sell all of the books?" 

"Oh, we definitely can, as long as you're willing to pay the price," I said. 

"What price?" she asked, already tense. 

"I want to a cut of the total sales, of course," I said, which surprised her. She was clearly expecting something more direct. More sexual. 

I could have asked that, of course, but the past proved that — for more than once — I didn't need to bargain for that to happen. But I needed the money, and since I was already going to a convention, there was no harm in trying to take a slice from the pie. 

"How much?" she asked. 

"How about thirty percent?" I asked. 

"That's too much, ten is more than enough." 

"Let's meet in the middle. Twenty," I offered, which earned a nod. It was more than the services I was offering her deserved, but not by a large margin. Luckily, she was not in the mood to push for a harder bargain. 

Not that I wasn't confident that I could defend my point, but a hardier bargain would take several minutes, wasting time that was much better used for the fun stuff. 

"Let's move, we don't have time to waste," I said. 

With that, she finally grabbed her wig and left the car, walking next to Penny, who looked spectacular under the morning sun, her armor glistening. Together with her wig and her pose, she truly looked like a valkyrie. 

In contrast, Nancy embodied her character much less accurately. Though, considering she was supposed to be a skulking thief, that inaccuracy was certainly not a problem. 

"Excellent," I said as I followed them. "Let's start with something simple, like a hug." 

"A … hug?" Nancy stammered. "But it doesn't make these characters hug. They don't like each other." 

"And that's a problem, how? This is just some warm-up poses, to make sure you two warm up to each other, before we start more thematic pictures."

Nancy nodded, while Penny, as usual, followed my request immediately and hugged Nancy's waist, pulling her to her bosom. Nancy didn't appreciate the snug position she found herself in, clearly comparing herself to Penny, and coming short. 

After several shots, I ordered them to change pose, going through several rapid poses in several succession, both trying to grasp the light layout of the environment to best represent their traits, and letting them get used to being in front of the camera together. 

"Tell me about the characters," I asked Nancy while they were following my orders. 

"Sure. The warrior has born in the middle of-" she started. 

"We don't have the time for a full story, honey," I cut her off. "Just give me a brief breakdown of two characters. Are they friends, enemies, rivals?" 

"R-rivals define them best, I guess," Nancy stammered, caught shocked at the sudden cut. "The story starts with the warrior capturing the thief, before they start working together as a part of a wider group, trying to take down-" she tried to explain. 

"Excellent, that's all I need," I said, cutting her off again. This time, it wasn't to annoy her, or achieve some kind of advantage, but for more practical considerations. We simply didn't have enough time to waste in descriptions that wouldn't help at the moment. 

Normally, I would have extended that moment for a good half an hour, to make sure the models weren't feeling self-conscious and get in the role properly. But we had no option if we wanted to arrive at the convention center on time.

Luckily, with those character explanations, the tension between them was not a problem but a feature. 

"So, let's start by giving up some character. Penny, stand in front of Nancy, your faces need to be apart exactly by an inch, and look at her as angry as you can manage." She tried, but deliberate anger wasn't her best effort. "Try to remember how it felt when Nancy deliberately hurt you during makeup just because she was jealous." 

That worked wonders to bring that flash of anger I was hoping for. Even better, a genuine shock flashed through Nancy's face, selling the idea I was seeking even better. 

"I didn't," Nancy stammered as she tried to look away, which gave me another opportunity to catch a good pose. 

"Keep looking at Penny, don't avoid her," I ordered. "And Penny, grab her chin. Tender, but enough to give an impression of power. Don't forget, you have just caught this lowly thief under your power. She's under your power, completely." 

"I like it," Penny said, her smile widening, with a surprising amount of danger radiating beautifully from her gaze. 

She was such a little paradoxical treasure. Totally submissive and silly, but with a surprising capacity for intimidation once explicitly ordered. 

Such a little pet to enjoy. 

"Excellent," I said as I walked closer, taking a few shots, Nancy's fear genuine as she found herself pinned under Penny's surprising flash of intimidation. Which worked excellently for my purposes to sell the character, even better than I hoped. 

I decided to lean on that aspect. I pulled off my belt. It was a credit to our relationship that neither girl reacted that the slightest, though that stability didn't continue when I passed the belt to Penny. 

"W-what do you have in mind?" Nancy stammered in shock even as Penny grabbed the belt, her eyes widening, her supposed redhead courage melting immediately. 

"Don't worry, she's going to use that as a rope, to tie you up properly. Just put your hands behind you," I said to Nancy. I waited until she actually followed that and Penny wrapped the belt around her wrists before I turned my gaze to Penny. "Try not to hurt her … too much," I said. 

"W-wait," Nancy stammered, but a pained gasp cut through her mouth as Penny tightened the belt even more. 

"Excellent," I murmured even as I took several photos, even better than the last. "Don't worry, Nancy, the photos are amazing," I murmured. "They are going to make you a very successful writer." 

With that, I asked them to give several variations of the captured scene, more than enough to give the buyers as a freebie. Nancy's panic combined with Penny's anticipation, some pictures turned out amazing, so much that, after five minutes of shooting with Nancy's hands tied gave me more than enough material to be given as a bonus. 

I checked my watch before looking at them again with a smirk. We still had some time for a bonus photo set. Their smiles — enthusiastic for Penny, and hesitant for Nancy — told me that they were very much aware of the direction it was headed.

And even better, we still had some time to kill.