
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · Bücher und Literatur
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34 Chs

Ch 21

The drive back to the house was challenging with my boner refusing to go down. Understandable, considering the way the shoot had turned out with Penny, stopping just when things were about to get fun. But despite the discomfort, a smile was on my face. After all, I managed to find the best gift any director or photographer could find, a sexy Midwesterner desperate for fame and too skittish to enforce boundaries.

All that remained was to have another session, and she would be putty in my hands.

As I drove, I checked the hidden cameras I had placed in the house, hoping to find one of the girls there to help me with my problem. Unfortunately, the house was empty, meaning I needed to rely on a suboptimal solution to take care of my boner.

Just as I was feeling the desperation, the solution showed itself as I pulled to the driveway. Nicole had leaned over the trunk of her car, trying to grab several large shopping bags simultaneously. The move accentuated her amazing hips even when she was dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants. I didn't have a problem with her dressing like that while in public. She was too weak against suggestions, and I wouldn't appreciate a competitor for her interests.

"Hey, Nicole, how's it going?" I said even as I appeared next to her, amused by the way she flinched when I gently caressed her hand when I grabbed the bags from her hand. Not surprising, considering how our latest encounter had developed.

"No need to tire yourself, Stephen, I can handle it," she murmured panickedly, clearly hoping to maintain the distance between us while we were still in public.

I wanted to punish her for that act. However, as much as I would have liked to bend her down take her on the driveway, where any neighbor would get an eyeful of her sexy skin, doing something like that would be counterproductive. Not because I cared about suburban gossip, but because one of them might snap a photo. Nicole was turning to be a really nice model, but a scandalous video on the web would be enough to ruin her career, and my best source of income with it. "It's not a bother at all," I answered, but patted her ass playfully even as I did so, earning a nice gasp as a result.

With her shyness, it wasn't shocking for her to dash toward the door with the remaining bags, once again providing me with a generous show of her amazing booty despite her loose clothing. I walked behind her slowly. After all, we were going to be alone in the house, and I had all the intentions of leveraging the opportunity to the limit.

When I entered, Nicole was already in the kitchen, placing the groceries in the fridge. "Thanks, Stephen, I can handle the rest," she said rapidly as she grabbed my bags.

"No worries, I can help," I said, my smirk leaving no doubt about what I had in mind. I continued just as she opened her mouth to argue. "I insist," I added in a throaty tone I only used when I was pushing for a passionate embrace. I was happy to see her trembling in desire, the memories of our last encounter still fresh in her mind. Helpless, she nodded and grabbed the item I had passed her, managing not to pull back when our fingers touched.

"Thanks," she murmured as she turned her back to hide the sudden expression of desire that appeared on her face, but not fast enough to hide the glimpse from me. There was nothing preventing me from pushing her down and taking her on the kitchen floor, except the desire to see her act skittishly while trying to deny her own arousal. I continue to help her empty the bags, making sure to share several accidental touches to keep her arousal alive.

First, it was just my fingers touching the back of her hand, but soon, my fingers started to caress upward alongside the back of her hand suggestively whenever she grabbed another item, slowly building up her frustration. Soon, I let my body to rub against her, enjoying her soft curves. Her loose t-shirt and sweatpants worked wonders in hiding her amazing figure, but the same couldn't be said for isolating her from my touch. Their thin, worn-out fabric might as not exist in our 'accidental' collusions, reminding me the last time she ended up on my lap, her amazing curves against my muscles.

She seemed to think of the same thing, because when I pushed her against the shelves with the excuse of putting a box of cereal to the top shelf, she made no attempt to pull back. She even shuffled until my shaft was nicely lodged in her crack. Things were about to get interesting… After putting the cereal to the shelf, I let my hands drift down, browsing her curves until they landed on her waist.

"Stephen, not here," she gasped even as I pulled her hips back, making the presence of my shaft even more clear.

"Why, we're alone?" I answered nonchalantly while I started grinding against her ass, my hands slipping under her t-shirt, gently caressing her stomach before moving upward, preparing to grab her breasts. Despite her protest, her heartbeat rose to match her panicked breathing, her hips moving in the same rhythm. Things were about to get interesting…

Then the front door opened without a warning, and Katie entered.

I instantly took a step back, leaving Nicole alone and panting against the shelves. She had an expression of total shock on her face, one that loudly shouted the world that she had been caught doing something extremely inappropriate. So, it was her luck when Katie saw me first, and instantly turned her head with an onset of shyness, unintentionally giving Nicole enough time to gather herself.

"Hi mom, hi Stephen," Katie exclaimed a bit louder than necessary, but Nicole was too busy with her own concerns to take note of Katie's exaggerated excitement. I used the opportunity to examine Katie's clothing. She was wearing a loose blouse and a knee-length skirt, she was still very nerdy. I really needed to bring her shopping one day.

Katie's sudden appearance forced me to change my plans a bit. There were two reasonable options in front of me, convincing Katie to leave the room, or leaving Nicole alone for the moment. The victorious gaze that Nicole sent to me told the same thing, but she suddenly blanched when she noticed my widening smirk. "So, how was your day," I asked Katie even as I took a step closer to Nicole, and my hand landed on her bottom, unafraid of being noticed because the kitchen counter was sufficiently raised to hide me from the view.

Nicole flinched as my fingers dug deep into her booty, but Katie missed than in the mixture of excitement and shyness that was borne from getting my attention. Her already impressive crush for me had turned monumental after the last lesson that went out of control, though with a correspondingly enhanced shyness. "My day was good, especially the math class," Katie started hesitantly, but when I nodded with an exaggerated display of interest, she started talking much more rapidly, nodding even as she spoke.

I couldn't care less about the ridiculous argument she had with her history teacher, but her distracted chatter was the exact thing I needed to pressure Nicole, whose eyes begged to me, but only to be ignored. It was risky, but I was too horny to actually pay attention to such a thing. However, Nicole's apparent obedience was even more amusing, choosing to stay in a place where I could easily molest her rather than stepping away.

Luckily, rather than walking close, Katie chose to lean against the dining table, giving me space to really cut loose. Under Nicole's incredulous gaze, I pulled down my zipper, revealing my raging erection. Despite her shock, however, she reached and wrapped her hand around my girth before I could even ask her to.

"Really, how can your teacher ignore your contributions like that?" I said to Katie even as I tugged Nicole's sweatpants, pulling it down to reveal her panties, curious about what she was wearing underneath. On that, Nicole managed to surprise me. Instead of wearing a white boring piece that would fit her sweatpants, she was wearing a tiny crimson piece, one of my gifts.

"Mom, are you okay?" Katie said when Nicole gasped in shock.

"Nothing important, honey. I hit my toe to the corner," Nicole explained, and I decided to help her play the lingering pain. My hand sneaked down until it landed on her entrance, the thin fabric of her courageous panties doing little to reduce the impact as my fingers danced at her entrance. Nicole pulled her hand away from my shaft, and for a moment, I thought that she was about to retreat. Instead, she grabbed the nearest bowl and a spoon, and started to squash some bananas, the perfect excuse to keep her head lowered, hiding her blush from Katie.

Nicole's explanation was enough for Katie, who was doing her best to keep my attention on her, something I had no problem providing even as I continued to finger Nicole. I was rather good at multitasking.

Soon, I decided to make things even more interesting, and used my free hand to reach to my phone, and send a quick message to Katie. 'Send me a sexy picture,' I wrote.

Katie frowned a bit when her phone buzzed, an expression that was replaced by confusion when she saw the sender, which then turned into a thick blush when she read its contents. She was lucky that Nicole had bigger problems to pay attention. 'Now?' she wrote back in response, and I just nodded.

She stood up, turning toward the stairs, but I rapidly sent another text to her. 'Stay here,' it said.

The expression of shock on her face reached an unbelievable level, and for a moment, I was afraid that I had pushed my hand too much. However, when she turned her eyes toward Nicole, examining her carefully rather than leaving the room, I revised that opinion, especially when Katie turned her back but her hand reached upward, playing with the buttons of her blouse. Then she surreptitiously raised her phone and took a quick snap. When my phone buzzed once more, I angled it appropriately to avoid Nicole's gaze even if she decided to raise her head. 'Not a bad start,' I wrote.

Katie buttoned her blouse once more before turning to face me, though I was happy to note that she left the top two buttons free, creating a nice cleavage. She sent a worried glance at Nicole. I decided that it was the time to kill two birds at one stone. I reached for the bowl Nicole was busy with like I was about to dip my finger, but at the last moment, twitched my finger, sending the bowl on the floor. "Ups. Sorry Nicole, so clumsy," I murmured, not bothering to look sincere. They looked at me, and I just nodded downward. For Katie, it was a signal saying everything was under control, however, for Nicole, it had a different meaning, especially when I dragged my stained finger along my shaft, indicating my desires.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it up," Nicole said instantly, and grabbed a pile of paper towel before falling to her knees. I moved back slightly, just giving Nicole just enough space to squeeze between the counter and my body, and gave thumbs up to Katie, who was shocked at my daring.

'I'll warn you when she's about to finish,' I said to her, gesturing her to unbutton her blouse once more. Her face reddened enough to contrast greatly with her beautiful hair, but still, no matter how hesitant, she followed my direction. Meanwhile, a familiar warmth enveloped my shaft, creeping up slowly as Nicole did her best to devour it without making a sound to alert Katie.

Meanwhile, Katie received another message from me. 'Remove the bra,' it read, pushing Katie's blush to an unbelievable level. Her head dipped down to the counter, clearly afraid of being caught by Nicole, but a nod from me proved enough to bolster her courage. "So, what happened next with your history project?" I asked, indicating her to continue talking to avoid Nicole's suspicion.

Katie nodded and continued her tale, though since she had more important issues, her story lost any sense of cohesion. Luckily, Nicole was not in a position to pay attention to that. Meanwhile, Katie reached to her back, and a bit of fumbling later, her modest bra came off, revealing her slender body to my eyes. This time, I raised my phone and acted like I took a picture of her while I actually started recording video.

Katie put her arms around her chest for a moment. I lowered my phone down to reestablish eye contact, though Katie wasn't aware of my other objective, namely, recording Nicole as she tried to devour my shaft in front of her daughter. It was turning out to be an amazing video. Pity that I couldn't share it with anyone else. I leaned forward to warn Katie, which had the added benefit of locking Nicole against the counter and pushing my shaft deeper into her throat. Despite her best efforts, a gag escaped Nicole's mouth. Luckily, Katie was too distracted by her own ordeal to catch it.

'Play with your breasts,' I said in another message. This time, Katie followed my order immediately. I held the phone with one hand, recording Katie while I crouched enough to put my elbow on the counter, then my other hand dipped down and grabbed Nicole's breasts over the t-shirt, discovering that her bra was just as fragile as her panties. I sank my fingers deep while I sent another message to Katie, this time asking her to remove her panties.

She mouthed a silent complaint in panic, but I just looked at her disappointingly. "Are you sure you have done your best to impress your teacher in your project," I said, disguising my argument as a pointless comment to her senseless story to avoid Nicole's attention. My comment didn't work well in the flow of the story, but luckily, Nicole had many more important things to pay attention to.

Katie still looked resistant, so I sent a string of frowns, replicating my own expression. Maintaining that frown might have been the hardest thing I had ever attempted in my life. It was hard to fake unhappiness while receiving a blowjob from a voluptuous brunette while simultaneously receiving a reluctant striptease from a barely legal nerdy beauty. Still, I somehow managed to fake it enough to convince said nerdy beauty, because her hands disappeared under her skirt, riding it up to reveal her thin yet shapely legs.

Her story paused when her fingers hooked around her panties and pulled them slowly, her skirt immediately falling down to hide the treasure underneath. "Excellent," I said as I turned my attention to Katie. At the same time, I wrote her another message. 'I'm impressed." Then, I sent another message. 'That's enough excitement for a day, you can go to your room. Or if you want to have another lesson, you can go to the basement and wait for me there,' it said. She looked at the screen in conflict, making me curious about which one it would prefer. I watched her as she stuffed her underwear to her bag before reaching for her blouse, but another message arrived at that moment. 'One last thing, remove the rest of your clothes before you reach the stairs, I want you to be naked at the end of whichever stairs you prefer,' said the message.

It was a stretch goal, but I was happy when Katie just nodded obediently and pulled her blouse over her head before she started walking. She tried to wink at me suggestively, but her shyness prevented her from reflecting the gravitas that the move deserved. Still, it assisted Nicole's lips greatly in their task of bringing me to climax. Katie walked away, doing her best to add a sexy sway to her hips, but her lack of experience was clear.

Soon, I had to lean forward exaggeratedly to see Katie, which, of course, pushed my shaft even deeper to Nicole, who failed to keep her gags under control. Katie wasn't far away enough to miss it, but she had many more important things to focus on. I lost the sight of Katie when she reached the stairs, but not before she slipped out of the skirt and revealed her cute bottom to my sight. 'Send a selfie from the top of the stairs,' I said before turning my attention back to Nicole, grabbing her head with both hands and started impaling her mercilessly.

The buzzing of the phone, revealing a completely naked Katie sitting at the end of the stairs that led to my basement, her legs crossed in an attempt to look self-confident gave me an irresistible push toward the climax, and I filled Nicole's mouth with my seed. After the long denial, it resembled a new spring, filling Nicole's unprepared mouth completely before spilling out, staining her shirt. She looked at me, begging, though I didn't know whether she was asking me to stop or to bring her to her bedroom before we continue.

Regardless, the answer was negative…

I took a step back, my shaft dangling as I examined my landlady, who was doing her best to prevent my cum from ruining her t-shirt as while she continued sitting on the kitchen floor, but it was a battle she was destined to lose with it dripping down her chin. "You need to be more careful, Nicole," I said with an amused smirk on my face.

"I … understand," she murmured as she reached for a napkin, wiping off her chin before bringing the napkin over her body, trying to get rid of the stains.

"It won't work, we need to wash it," I said while taking a step forward. "Raise your arms," I said.

She did so, but when I leaned and grabbed the hem of her shirt, she stammered in shock. "What are you doing, Stephen?!"

"We need to clean it," I simply said, but made sure to put a stern expression as I looked at her, and she flinched, keeping her arms raised obediently. "You're not going to walk around with a cum-covered shirt, are you? It would be shameful."

I liked the way her face turned crimson, but then I turned my attention back to her body as I dragged her t-shirt up with torturous slowness, revealing her noted and curvy body that she maintained with endless training sessions. When the hem of her shirt reached her breasts, it revealed her underwear, which made me surprised.

"I didn't expect you to have these under your soccer mom outfit," I said even as I dragged my finger underneath her bra. It was one of my gifts, a sexy red piece that had surprisingly good support, compensating by its semi-transparent fabric that failed to hide her rosy areolas and stiff nipples. I wondered whether she was wearing the set, or she had something else underneath. Unfortunately, I still had things to do until I could reveal that.

Nicole stayed silent when I pulled the loose shirt off her, leaving her transparent bra as her only cover for her upper body. She looked timid, but after our sessions, she learned not to use her arms to cover her body. "You look beautiful," I said, which made her eyes flutter like a teenager receiving her first compliment. When I presented my hand, she grabbed, allowing me to pull her up gently.

When I moved even closer, locking her between the kitchen cabinet and my body, she shivered. "I wonder if you have your matching panties," I whispered into her ear even as I put my hand on her side, a gasp escaped her mouth, but she made no attempt to stop my hand as it traveled down until it reached the elastic of her sweatpants. I stalled there for a second, just to test her reaction, and her inaction satisfied me.

I gently slid her underwear off, revealing her wide hips, accentuated by bikini-cut panties, again red and semi-transparent. "Good girl," I whispered into her ear as I traced the edge of her panties, but pulled away a second after it touched the edge of her core. There was no need to hurry.

I did nothing for a while other than standing in front of her, listening to her breathing, which was getting more and more frantic as seconds passed. I said nothing, just tracing her curves from her side, avoiding more exciting locations. Considering she would be seen if someone walked in the living room, her composure was impressive. She managed not to say anything for a full minute. "Stephen, please," she murmured.

"Please, what, sweetie?" I said even as let my hands move to her stomach, occasionally dipping low enough to trace the lines of her underwear.

She looked distressed for a moment before whispering back. "Let's move to my bedroom. I'm scared to be caught here," she murmured, trembling as she said so. Combined with the blowjob while trying to stay hidden from Katie, I had pushed her quite a bit out of her comfort zone, and unfortunately, it seemed that having sex in the middle of the kitchen was still not something she could handle.

"As you wish, baby," I said, deciding to cut her some slack because she actually followed my suggestion and started wearing sexier underwear. I could have pushed her more, but it would be counterproductive. In this way, she would feel appreciated rather than resentful. There were limits, of course, such as when she reached for her clothes, I stepped on them and sent a pointed glare at her.

She understood the message, because she said nothing as I picked up her clothes. Then, I wrapped my arm around her waist, too low to be appropriate even if she had been actually wearing clothes, not to mention when she was in just her underwear. "Let's go, sweetie," I said even as we started walking slowly.

"So, any plans for tomorrow?" I asked lazily even as my hand dipped lower, sliding insider her panties. She stalled for a moment, somehow still shocked by my daring, but my fingers continued to their destination, testing her wetness.

At this point, Nicole was familiar enough with my attitude to realize stopping would only exacerbate the situation, so she started walking once more. Her answer, however, waited until my index finger slipped inside her wet entrance. "I have nothing to do," she gasped, somehow managing not to moan loudly, though the way she was biting her lips told me that it hadn't been easy.

"You do now," I said even as I added a second finger to my teasing. "We're going for dinner tomorrow night." She gasped, which was likely about my fingers rather than the impromptu pseudo-date, but the latter part might have affected her mood a bit as well. After all, our relationship was weird without including a semblance of dating to it.

Her legs trembled for a moment, then started walking at a faster pace. It was a mistake I was very willing to punish.

The moment she passed me, I unzipped my pants and revealed my shaft, then took a fast step forward. A flick of fingers to push her panties aside, and I was plunged inside her. This time, there was no holding back her moans. She once again stopped, this time inevitably as her legs trembled badly, threatening to drop her. I grabbed her from her waist, which gave me the perfect leverage to slam inside her, easily sliding into her wetness.

"Not here," she murmured and tried to move forward, but I tightened my grip around her hips, preventing her from moving fast. I wanted to enjoy the moment.

"What's the hurry, Nicole," I said even as I slammed into her, one of my hands returning to explore her body after she stopped trying to move faster.

"Stephen, please," she moaned as she took the first step to the stairs, which saved me from trying to bend my knees to angle myself. Being tall was fun, but it had its disadvantages.

"Come on, sweetie, it's not time we're climbing the stairs the fun way, is it?" I said, underlining it with a spank on her bottom.

"But-" she started saying as she tried to twist her upper body to catch my eyes, but I pressed my hand to her lips.

"You better keep it low, Nicole," I warned. "You don't want to alert Katie, do you?" Panic bloomed on her face as she nodded, starting to climb once more. After a couple of steps, I reached to the back of her bra and unhooked it with a flick. She didn't react when I pulled it off. Understandable, considering if we were caught at that moment, the lack of a bra wasn't going to make a big difference.

So, I decided to spice things up more. I left the bra hanging on the railing, and made sure that Nicole noticed it. When she looked at me pitifully, I decided to take mercy on her. "Don't worry, if the girls notice, you can say that it belongs to one of my slutty models." I chuckled. "Not like it's incorrect."

Soon, we were in the middle of the stairs, and I was slamming inside her again and again, when the phone buzzed. I pulled it to check, only to see it was Katie. I checked the message, only to see her wearing one of the outfits I hadn't bothered to pick up from the last shot. She had picked a black underwear set, a size bigger for her, but that, along with her cute makeup, worked for her, giving her an innocent allure. I licked my lips in desire.

'Try a few more, I'll be there as long as I can find an excuse to slip away from Nicole,' I said, naturally not cluing her to the fact that I was ramming her stepmother in the middle of the stairs.

"What are you doing with the phone," Nicole asked. It surprised me, because, for the first time, I heard a jealous tinge in her voice.

I was amused, but still, it wouldn't be right to leave her without a punishment. "I was setting up the camera settings for a few private photos," I said even as I pulled out of her. "Sit on the stairs, your legs together and your knees on your chest."

Regret appeared on her face instantly, though it wasn't thick enough to hide her arousal. After all, despite her intellectual reluctance, being photographed was working wonders for her libido, something I had known since our first session. "But what if the girls come on," she stammered, her concerns overwhelming her desire for a moment.

"Don't worry, we can always say you're helping me practice," I said as I raised my phone, taking a photo before she took a pose, the exploding flash triggering her reflexes, and she quickly took the photo. "Excellent, now, look surprised, like you were expecting to be alone in the home, walking around half-naked, but you get caught by a surprise guest." She followed the direction, but I could see her hands trembling, whether from excitement or fear, I didn't know.

"You're feeling mischievous and want to frustrate your surprise guest. I want you to be playfully surprised, but part your legs a bit, just enough to give a glimpse of cleavage." Nicole followed my order, widening her legs enough to reveal the beautiful valley between her breasts, her nipples still hidden behind her knees. "Do you feel aroused flashing to your visitor?" I asked. She nodded. "Use your words, sweetie," I said.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Then, why don't you tease him a bit more," I said even as I used my phone to continue taking more photos.

She hesitated for a second, but then her legs parted more, enough to give a hint of areola, as well as a shy smile. "How is this?" she murmured.

"As usual, excellent," I said, crazily taking photos, glad that I had no obligation to share them with others. Unlike a usual fashion photoshoot, there was nothing sterile about her current poses, oozing a thick eroticism. I was glad that my shaft was still outside, as otherwise, my pants would have felt very uncomfortable. "Now, he's walking closer and closer. You can see he's hungry, and you like that hunger. What are you going to do?"

She smiled enticingly, far sexier than I had ever seen adorn before. Roleplaying in front of a camera was really working for her. Her legs widened further, giving me a glimpse of her beautiful nipples. But before I could take a photo, I received another message from Katie, this time wearing a little black dress that covered very little. The only reason I wasn't able to see her ass was that she was taking a high-angle selfie. Though, the resulting cleavage was enough compensation.

I quickly wrote a response before turning my attention back to Nicole, whose fingers were hooked around her panties, pushing it slightly to reveal a hint of her core. It didn't matter much, however, as her entrance was wet enough to turn it completely transparent. "He's walking closer and closer, and you don't know how far he's gonna go," I added, and Nicole's fingers disappeared in her panties, her fingers digging into her entrance.

"Yesss!" she moaned, her legs widening perfectly, giving me an amazing view even with her hand blocking the view. Her other hand landed on her breasts, mauling mercilessly as she tried to push herself to the climax, her every move surprising me more. It was interesting to see such a shy woman to turn into a wanton slut just because of a photoshoot that interrupted a surprise lovemaking session.

"He comes closer and closer," I whispered throatily as I closed in the distance, watching as her fingers quickened. "What do you want him to do?"

"Whatever he wants," Nicole gasped as her fingers turned furious, leaving red marks on her own breasts, her face a portrait of desire. I found myself focusing on her face, trying to immortalize the passion on her face, each a unique touch. Soon, the temptation became too much, and I put my hand on her body, the other still holding the phone.

My fingers dug into the supple flesh of her breasts, enjoying the way she shivered under my touch. But as much as I liked her breasts, I was getting too impatient. My hand moved lower, teasing her curves until it reached the side of her panties, and gave a hard tug, its semi-transparent fragile fabric not giving any resistance.

Her mouth opened in a moan, and I used the opportunity to stuff her panties into her mouth, silencing her. "You suddenly remember that you're in the middle of your house, where anyone could see," I said with a dark pleasure, watching her arousal being invaded by panic as she realized that she had somehow managed to forget that important detail in her excitement.

"You want to move away, but your legs are trembling, so you can only crawl," I explained. Nicole followed my direction, and started climbing on the stairs on all fours, her naked bottom free for my attention, forcing me a horrible dilemma. Should I record such an amazing view, spank her adorable bottom, or finally cut free.

Then, it occurred to me that it wasn't a dilemma. I switched the phone to video recording before taking a large step forward, and slid inside her welcoming core, sopping wet and already loosened by her own fingers. A moan escaped her mouth despite her panties still stuffed there, her walls getting tighter. I slammed deep, and her arms started trembling, struggling to keep her in place.

"Climb," I ordered as I spanked her bottom hard, followed by an inevitable moan. Still, despite her trembling arms, she managed to move forward a step, with me still behind her, impaling her again and again, mercilessly, trying to push for an explosion of my own. I could see Nicole was already close.

"You're being taken like a wanton slut in the stairs of your own home as a common whore once again, Nicole," I said as I spanked her once more, making her take another step. "How does it feel?"

Her mouth still stuffed, she only managed an indecipherable muffle, but the way she tightened even more worked sufficiently as an answer. We continued our erotic climb toward orgasm on the stairs, each step marked with several spanks, making her bottom glow once more. "You enjoy it, don't you, slut?" I said. "Such a bad role model. I wonder what the girls that look up to you as a role model would have said if they see your true face."

She tried to cry, once again muffled, but it finally pushed her over the cliff to her orgasm. She collapsed, moaning and crying, but I continued to slam inside her repeatedly even as I continued to record it.

When she turned her head, I reached and pulled her panties out of her mouth, and a loud moan escaped her mouth. She pressed her hand panickedly, trying to contain her voice, but her moans mixed with the sound of flesh hitting flesh. "Do you like it, Nicole? Do you like to be fucked mercilessly in your own home, where anyone could see your sluttiness."

She didn't answer at first, so I spanked her, forcing a confession out of her. "Yes," she moaned ashamedly, but that wasn't enough to erase arousal from her face. That, combined with her tightness, managed to push me over my cliff, and I exploded, filling her insides with my seed. "Yessss!" she repeated, louder, making me glad that the basement had decent sound isolation.

It would have been hard to explain to Katie why I was fucking her stepmother in the middle of the stairs while she was in my room, waiting for my attention.

I pulled out, still recording the amazing amateur porn piece we had created. Nicole tried to stand up, but she lacked the strength to actually succeed. As tempting was to leave her there, used and spent, I was actually living here, and there was no need to ruin things when it was getting so fun. So I helped Nicole to stand up, then presented my arm to help her walk in a pose that might have been romantic if she wasn't completely naked with a thin line of cum trailing down her leg.

Nicole was too exhausted to say anything as I helped her to walk to her bedroom, but even then, when I helped her to lay on her bed, she opened her legs readily, desiring for another session. Just then, my phone buzzed once more, revealing Katie, this time wearing only a pair of panties, using her arm as a bra.

"Get rest, sweetie. That was enough," I said to Nicole even as I gently kissed her forehead, and she smiled shyly.

I doubted she would have reacted just as nicely if she knew my destination.