After being gravely injured and awakening from a profound slumber, a weary warrior finds himself trapped in a relentless struggle against nightmarish creatures from an alternate universe. These malevolent entities seek to conquer Earth through the realm of sleep, turning every moment of rest into a battleground. Struggling to distinguish between the nightmares and reality, the warrior is tormented by these grotesque foes that invade his consciousness, leaving him physically scarred and emotionally drained. Each encounter is a grueling test of his endurance, blurring the line between dreams and waking life. As he battles these horrors, he must confront the dark reality that his shattered body remains as damaged in the waking world as it was in the dreamlike battles. With every struggle, the warrior is forced to question the nature of his existence and the true extent of the invasion. “Phantom Remnants” is a harrowing journey through the intersection of nightmares and reality, where each battle fought in the realm of dreams has profound consequences on the waking world.