2000 years ago Westland was ruled by a fierce King who was critically against witchcraft & sorcery. The penalty for practicing witchcraft was death. The land was immensely systemized by an unfavorable caste system Fleche LeFer Noir was an 18 years old young nobleman who lived in Westland man who was fond of metals. He loved to do metal crafting. He was a man with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and thick eyebrows. he was maintaining stubbles to appear in his face. he well-trimmed them to look his face handsome. Hong Guibao was a 20 years old scholar with thick black long hair up his waist. He had thick eyebrows, small wide eyes, double eyelids. he had pretty lips with a fair face. he was handsome that can make any girl have a crush on him by a glance
Life is not how always we think, it's complicated, we are like visitors, and we come to the world one day we leave it. We come to the world from the human womb; we leave the world by human's shoulder. We meet different challenges in the journey of life. But...it reminds everything is perishable nothing will last longer. However that doesn't mean we have to live like a Zombie, to the survival of we & others we have to do contribution to the world we live. Then we can go the Tomb peacefully.
Five years ago, I thought what I was doing was the right thing in this entire world. Now what I'm feeling is loneliness, Isolation, remorse & sorrow. Because of What I did, nobody likes to help me at the moment. She is obvious, She is right, My Mother, She speaks only correct things. I'm a person with a poor mentality, I can do nothing, and my life only revolves around metals, more than that I can do nothing. I only deserve to be stuck in the mountain where I used to live for these five years. I even don't feel like I can breathe peacefully. There are things as human we can do or we can't, if you tried to do something that's critically forbidden, what you would deserve is hardship nothing else
Professor Berry explains about the metals to his undergraduates at the University of Advance Technology. Those young men & women were listening to him with mouth agape. Because even they have heard about people's life stories around metals. They have never heard a person improved his language skills using metals.
"Metals? Huh? He learned to write & read using metals?"
One female student questioned about Nobleman Fleche LeFer Noir. Professor Berry paced here & there a bit while thinking. He took a deep breath while gazing at the portrait eagle created by metals. He placed a smile on his face.
"Guys! Do you know about the story behind this portrait?" he asked from the students, they all together shook their heads to express "No". Professor Berry smiled. "Well! It was designed by Nobleman Fleche Lefer Noir. He was an affluent man who became a blacksmith." Professor said.
All the students gave him a blank expression. They started to murmur with each other. Some giggle chortled, Some murmured it as nonsense, some shrugged. Professor was looking at their all expression silently. "Dear student, Listen", he forwarded an attempt to get their attention. "many years ago people were depending on caste system," he said. "peasant, serfs, merchant, farmers, craftsman, knights, vassals, nobles & king," he said and opened the lid of his water bottle. He brought it to his dry lips and drank some water. He started to speak again. "So, My dear students, nobles were sometimes well-educated people but they were only depending on their properties, assets, income from their lands which they owned by their ancestry, sometimes they don't work and they depended on the wealth of their lineage because of that there were no innovation came out by them, because the caste system kept them avoiding doing hardship and facing challenges. But people from low castes did many hardworks, confronted with challenges, experienced hardship, they contributed uncountable services & production to the society, that may be why the nobleman Fleche wanted to make a change in his life, he must have wanted to do a contribution to the society"
The professor explained the value of working hard and doing contribution to society, Students listened to him very excitedly. They all praised the story of the nobleman Fleche Lefer Noir. One female student raised her hand
"Professor, I have a question," she said.
Professor Berry adjusted his glasses and he glanced at her. "Certainly, Miss. Cameron! You can ask any question from me" he declared with a smile. She fiddled her hands and nodded "Sir, My question is..." she bit her lower lip. "Hasn't that nobleman fallen love with anyone?" she asked. Professor smiled once again.
"in the archaic world, there was a small island called HongZhenZhu in the eastern world, which looks like small red gems, there were many scholars who have learned 100 subjects, who are well disciplined, practiced medicine, martial art, music and some even knew witchcrafts." He said and he paced a bit in the stage. He turned to the students. "His love story revolves around with the arrival of eastern scholars," he said. And the bell rang indicating the period was over. "So, students, the class is over, see you next day," He said. All the students stood up. "Have a nice day professor" they greeted him.
A cold breeze blew into the classroom and it hit on the portrait making it shaking a little. Professor Berry looked at the portrait and he smiled. He left the classroom.