

Dear reader,

I could have written about vampires and werewolves but I believe that there are more pressing issues at hand like rape, kidnap and violent crimes. There are a lot of people who have gone through this and have survived and are learning to thrive with their imperfections. This story is for them but it's not all sad anyway, there is humour. Not that vampires and werewolves are not important but there are vampires and werewolves in our daily life. Not the ones that fall in love with humans but those that prey on young girls and kidnap them and all.

This is my first in a series of four to five books with the same characters. This is a story of love, pain and loss but this is also a mystery/thriller novel. It entails a gruesome murder investigation that will test the detectives' will to live and struggle.

There is sexual harassment and violence in this novel so I highly suggest that Parental Guidance is advised but there is also love.

All names, characters and places are a product of my mind. Therefore if anything in this novel offends you it was not in my intention and I apologize in advance.

All in all enjoy the book

Dedicated to those that fought a battle that you were expected to lose and won.

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