
Percy Jackson and the Dark Prince

Harry James Potter murdered on Halloween 1981. The war is over. Life goes on. Then everything changes. War is raging, hope is fading. He shows up, his right hand. The Prince. Sudden news shock the wizarding world. Demigods are getting involved. But is this enough? Are the tides going to change? It's my first novel and the first time I'm writing in english. My native language is not english it's german so please have mercy on me. Enjoy.

grau · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs


Morthus Pov.:

After our interesting conversation and a little tweeking to his memory, I had sent Lupin back. Now I could exchange this terrible half-mask for one of the really good masks. Today, it would be my white-black mask.

Where had the weasel run off to? "Malfoy!" I thundered. I waited briefly in place, and there he came running, my little weasel. "Mr. Eurale, you summoned me." Now that he heard that name, he wanted to use it. I didn't like that. "Stick with Morthus. But I like the formality." With that, I drew my wand after all, I had to erase some of his memories about what just happened. My childhood should not be included in his knowledge, no matter how little. "Be a good boy and come here, then I might do it gently." From the beginning, I had no intention of forcibly pulling it out of his mind, but seeing the sheer fear in his eyes satisfied me. Of course, he hurried towards me, allowing me to quickly and precisely perform the Obliviate spell. I could have done it wandless, but since I already did that with Luoin I didn't want to strain myself too much.

After his eyes had cleared again, I addressed him. "Come on, follow me. We're going to the dungeons."

I led him through the endless corridors of our dungeon, but instead of entering the cell sections to torture traitors, as I usually enjoyed doing with Malfoy, we passed them. I could feel the confusion of that incompetent idiot in the air. Arriving in the deeper part of the dungeon, I opened a door to my personal relaxation room after torture sessions. "Sit!" He hesitated a bit, after all, he hadn't known about this room, but he sat down after I had taken a seat as well. "Something to drink?" I asked my counterpart. "No, thank you, sir!" Tsk, his loss. I had already poured myself a glass of elf wine and now sipped it leisurely while observing Malfoy. He was more than just tense. I could see the sweat on his forehead, hear the sound of his rapidly beating heart, and read his thoughts crystal clear. Despite the fact that Malfoy was the son of a renowned wizarding family, he couldn't keep his shameful thoughts under control, nor did he learn the basics of Occlumency, even tho that might actually be my fault, since I didn't want him to learn how to shield his mind from me. Thats why it was even more than easy for me, an extremely talented Legilimens, no selfpraise, to read his thoughts.

"Do you know why you're here, Malfoy?" "No, sir." I grinned at his naive answer. "That's a shame, I thought you would know. Perhaps I overestimate your cognitive abilities too much." Of course he wouldn't know, if he did I'd doubt myself. I leaned back and took another sip of my wine. "You're here because I need you. You're not a Death Eater, Malfoy, you know that, right?" He nodded slowly, and I saw the hatred flash in his eyes. Of course, he knew, he was my personal subordinate, my toy. Another grin formed on my lips. "Don't worry, I won't hand you over to my father or brand you with a Dark Mark." That would be unnecessary and defile my beautiful doll. I licked my lips and deepened my grin. He trembled. "I need you for something much more important." I took another sip of my wine and placed my glass on the table. "Big things will happen soon, and you play an important role." I paused and enjoyed the silence. "As of today, you are my friend." Silence. Malfoy stared at me with an open mouth, as if he couldn't believe what I said. "What?" he asked quietly. "Don't think too much about it, Draco. Just act like we're good friends." I grinned at him. "Everything will become clear soon." It had to be perfect.

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