
Percy's Betrayal

Sometimes don't you wish you could turn back the clock? Have a redo on your life? That's how it felt for Percy Jackson after he felt heartbreak and betrayal from his once called family. So when he gets a chance for a do over, he takes that chance and returns to the past to fix his mistakes. Will fate play out as it did or will Percy be able to change his past. Find out in the next episode of dragon Ball Z... Or the next few months when I get my shit together to post a chapter

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Percy's Betrayal

Percy POV

Being dragged to The Olympian throne room in chains was not how I thought I would spend my Saturday evening, but hey, your life is special if you're a demigod. sometimes I think my life is a bit too special. Like the fates like to see me suffer, for my life to crash and burn while I am powerless to stop it. I even have proof. Hi my name's Percy Jackson, two time savior of Olympus, one of the seven most powerful demigods ever, bane of Kronos, Slayer of gaia and demigod son of.. actually nobody. let me explain. It all happens a few months ago.


I was riding on a boat in the Canoe lake with my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. We were both spending some quality time together in peace and quiet. We really needed this because the giant War took a toll on us. On all of us. Jason and Piper or studying in New Rome but they were still grieving over their best friend Leo Valdez saved all of us when he sacrificed himself to blow up gaia, sometimes I am eternally grateful to him for. We were just hanging around when I heard a very high-pitched scream coming from near Thalia's tree area.

"I'll be back wisegirl some new campers probably being chased in by a monster or something" I say and kissed her.

"ok, just come back to me seaweed brain" she said smiling at me.

I smiled and I ran along the water's surface towards the scream. I looked around and find a kid who looked about 14 with sea green eyes and dark hair, not raven black like mine, more like cold black. He was hiding behind a rock from a half a dozen Dracaenae. I pulled out a similar ballpoint pen and then kept it. Rip Tide, my three foot long bronze sword appeared in my hands. with just a few expert strikes, monsters were nothing but gold dust. as I turned to the kid, he learns that me and tried to grab my sword. My instincts kicked in and I moved out of his reach but he still tried to grab Riptide. His hand started bleeding and he withdrew. Just then, the campers came to check up on what happened.

"I killed a few snake human thingies and this dude stabbed me for stealing his glory" the kid said.

"okay, then how did you kill them? where's your weapon?" ask Annabeth who was defending me.

I felt so lucky to have a girlfriend like her. He look panic and pointed to a sword on the ground which was from a fallen dracaenae. It looked too heavy for the scrawny kid to lift and was made of normal iron.

"Yeah I don't think so kid. That's iron and would pass through the monsters so stop lying" she said, her gray eyes glaring into his soul. I did not want to be in his place right now. Before he could come up with an even more lame excuse, a flowing green Trident appeared above his head.

" All hail..." Chiron trailed off waiting for my brother to continue.

"Gary. Gary McCoy" he said while putting his hands on his hips, probably forgetting that his hands were bleeding.

"All hail Gary McCoy, son of Poseidon, god of the Seas, creator of horses" Chiron announced. Most of the campers bowed and Gary looked smug. I didn't care and walked up to Annabeth.

"Thanks for helping me out back thee" I tell her.

"No problem seaweed brain. I'll always have your back" she said and we both walked away. If only I knew how wrong I was to believe her.

Leo actually died just to make it clear for all of you

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Donald_Freemancreators' thoughts