

121Chapter 1: A Boy and his Hero

Disclaimer- I don't own the Percy Jackson series, but I really, really want to!

Extended Summary-Percy and Luke have one chance at redemption; save seven demigods, fight their tormentors, defeat Kronos, and save Olympus. Not only must they compete with bloodthirsty monsters, powerful adversaries, and deal with dark pasts and closets full of skeletons, but in the end, they must compete against each other. Only one demigod can be redeemed. Only one fallen hero can rise again. And both willing to do anything for their one last chance, both are willing to die again to get one last chance to live.

A Boy and his Hero

Nico POV

6 Years Ago…

Rain cascaded down from above, the incessant tip-tapping from outside easily mistakable for a small army marching through the empty halls. Curfew had fallen hours ago, leaving the boys dormitory still and quiet aside of snores and sniffling. Occasional thunderclaps had other boys rolling over, heads firmly entrenched under pillows to block out the noise, eager for sleep and dreams.

Not me though.

With every lightning flash, I studied my alarm clock, the second hand clicking away. It was hard to stay still under the covers, silently begging time to speed up. Midnight ticked away. One o'clock ticked by. Two o'clock ticked ever later. Tick-tock, tock-tick.

Six minutes to three. I shivered in anticipation, sticking my head up to make sure the coast was clear. I couldn't help the excitement building up inside me, daring me to creep out of bed.

Sneaking out after curfew was nothing new, but it's what came after that had me practically bouncing under the sheets, giddy with excitement. It was hard to play it cool on the edge of an adventure like this, especially since life here at Westover Hall was ridiculously, stupendously, undeniably, boring.

Nothing fun ever happened. Well, unless chores, studying, and constant pre-military drills counted as 'fun'. You had to face reality and see that our secluded home was dull as ditchwater. At least it had been before yesterday.

Bianca and I had been at lunch when Ms. Gottschalk, our headmistress, announced our new 'teacher'. The man in question, introducing himself as Ferdinand, had strolled over with a salute, happily introducing himself and saying he was looking forward to working with us.

All we could do was stare at his feet. Or, what should have been his feet. Ferdinand had hooves! More than that, he had shaggy goat legs, twisting horns, pointed ears, and yellowing leaves in place of his thinning hair. Ms. Gottschalk didn't blink twice at his appearance, she didn't even seem to notice as he tapped a cloven hoof impatiently through her speech. Ferdinand must have known that we had noticed though because he shot a wink our way when he saw us whispering and pointing, leaning in close to ask us to come to class early.

The moment the pair walked off, Bianca and I argued, trying to figure out exactly what we had seen, settling for getting dirt on the newcomer. We were the only ones who seemed to notice anything was amiss. Even the other teachers were oblivious. At Bianca's insistence, we came late to class, easing into a back row, watching wearily the whole time.

Nothing happened. The goat dude taught his lesson, told a few corny jokes, and that was it. He didn't even hand out homework, leaving the class cheering by the end of the period and charging out before he could change his mind. We just stood at the back of the class, watching Ferdinand. And then he came over to us and laid it all on the table.

Our goat dude told us that we were demigods, children of gods, that we were incredibly special and destined for greatness. The horns and hooves were the classic tells of a satyr, our satyr specifically, sent out from some Olympus, to keep us safe, and bring us home. And then he had asked if we were ready to leave this place.

Bianca had taken a little convincing. For being the brains of our family most of the time, my big sis was a tad slow on the uptake. Eventually, Ferdinand had won her over, letting her pluck a few of his leaves as proof of our new reality, and now, in just two more minutes, we would be out of here, and out there, for a life of adventure, a practical paradise!

Monsters, magic, swords, gods, danger!

I couldn't stop a grin from spreading across my face. This was so awesome! One minute to go. I was dressed under the covers, shoes on and bag packed to the brim, acting as a rather uncomfortable pillow to stay incognito.

At three o'clock, I would grab my stuff, tiptoe out of the boy's dormitory, and sneak down to the cafeteria, where Bianca and Ferdinand would be waiting. After that, we would slip through the teacher's dorms, up to the entrance hall, back down to the parking lot, and drive away, drive until this place was nothing but a bad memory.

Four, three, two… Time! I cautiously pushed my blanket off and grabbed my bag, sliding out from the covers and slowly standing up. Lightning zigzagged outside, illuminating the dorm for me to see my way as the storm picked up. My steps were drowned out by pounding rain and the howl of the wind, but I did my best to stay quiet.

The loudest creak I had ever heard erupted from under my foot, and I froze, heart leaping into my throat. The boy closest to the door, Trevor, snorted in his sleep, a boom of thunder eliciting a yawn before he turned over, fast asleep.

I waited a long minute, before easing my foot off the board it was on, gently prying the door and dodging out into the hallway. I ran as quickly as I dared through the halls, suits of armor that lined the walls standing at attention as I made my way through into darkness. The orphanage had been an old castle before it was converted, the only true light coming from slotted windows and bleak bulbs.

Electricity was a much-sought commodity that only made its way into classrooms, kitchens, the gymnasium, and the staff's room. We students had only just got lights in our own dorms less than a month ago, and even that couldn't really help at night.

I took the stairs to the main hall two at a time, skipping the last few entirely and skidding to a halt in sight of the open cafeteria. I glanced about, trying to remember where exactly I was supposed to meet up with Bianca and Ferdinand. A hand grabbed my shoulder, and I screamed, only for another to cover my mouth.

I struggled valiantly, biting at their fingers before a familiar voice said: "Nico, it's us you moron!"

Huffing, I pulled myself free of my older sister, crossing my arms indignantly.

"I'm not a moron," I muttered, glaring at her.

Bianca was opening her mouth to retort when Ferdinand interjected, shushing us with a gentle chuckle. "Come on kiddos, we got work to do. There'll be plenty of time for bickering on the trail, capiche?"

Bianca scowled, and I stuck out my tongue as Ferdinand gently started propelling us through the cafeteria- a ballroom back in the day before we kid got ahold of it.

"Remembered everything? We don't have to make any more trips?" We nodded, and Ferdinand went on. "Good. I've got snacks in the van, you two can sleep in once we hit the road. It'll will take a while to get to New York, and a little longer to reach the city. To stay on the safe side, we'll be making as few stops as possible, so I hope no one has to use the restroom."

Bianca was starting to look worried again but nonetheless allowed herself to be pushed to the 'Teachers Only' corridor. Bianca took out a ring of keys and unlocked the door, ushering us in. This hall was brightly lit, bulbs shining down on portraits of former owners, instructors and fake picture-perfect children who had suffered through classes years before.

We trotted down the hall, getting closer and closer to sweet freedom, turning left and right through a maze of stone and firm carpeting. One more turn and there would be the entrance hall, our grand escape route. We all froze in our tracks at the sound of a handle rattling.

A door to our left opened, the door blocking us from view as someone stepped out. Ferdinand quickly pulled us back and motioned for us to run. Bianca and I took off, Ferdinand right behind us. The unknown person rounded the corner just as we turned another.

"Who's there?" Ms. Gottschalk inquired, quick to pursue our vanishing shadows.

Ferdinand ushered us on, motioning for us to go faster. We broke into a sprint, hearing Gottschalk shouting after us, something about deviant hoodlums, punishments, and peanut butter.

We skidded to a halt at the side door, filing through as Ferdinand grabbed a decorative dagger from a suit of armor and slammed it shut, wedging his blade firmly in-between the door and frame, giving it a sharp twist.

"That should buy us a few minutes. I was hoping to make a clean break with you kids, but I guess we'll have to deal. Come on, no dillydallying."

Bianca and I busted up laughing as we heard Gottschalk collide with the door and start ordering us to open it this instant. We were still giggling when we bumped with Ferdinand, wide-eyed, green cheeked, and sniffing the air intently.

"What's wrong?" Bianca's face instantly lost its glow, his usual gloom returning at the prospect of oncoming doom.

"Not good. Not good at all. I didn't think they'd catch up so quickly… Kids we have to go-"

Ferdinand was cut off as something boomed in the storm, loud enough to be a crash of thunder, but far more guttural and angry. The sound shook the castle, and the lights flickered out.

More sounds started erupting from outside, screams and screeches echoing eerily from the storm. Windows rattled, unnatural shadows clambering up walls, bright orange light, firelight, flaring outside. We slowly backed away as things started banging on the great doors, shadows peering in through windows with bodies that seemed too long to be real.

And then the noise ceased, and the lights returned. The outside world was pitch black now, invisible to our prying eyes. Ferdinand gave a panicked bleat as golden light started to creep in through the cracks of the front door, burning sand whirling onto the carpet and into the hall.

Ferdinand spun about, a single command on his lips; "Run!"

We sprinted back to the Teachers Only door, wrenching the blade out and throwing it aside. Ms. Gottschalk charged out, filled with rage, but the satyr just pushed her to the side. The door swung shut, Gottschalk screaming in terror as there was a crash of timber and crumbling stone. Bianca yelped, holding me close as we sprinted. I grabbed his hand, all the excitement gone.

My adventure wasn't supposed to start this way. I know I said I wanted danger, but I was getting scared, and those shadows in the windows… Professors were exiting their rooms, murmuring worriedly, confused and grumbling as we pushed past.

After years of kids exploring and breaking curfew there were only two ways out of the castle; the entrance hall, and the back-kitchen door. Ferdinand had decided against the kitchen as our exit; it was closer to the parking lot, but it required a keycode and meant a climb down the long, slippery stone steps of the cliff. Not to mention a night alarm for the kitchen doors, meant to catch insomniacs with a bad case of the munchies.

The panic was getting louder as we pushed into the cafeteria, charging to the kitchen. The alarm blared, but it was lost to a roar, a feral call from a very large, very angry beast.

Silver claws the size of butcher knives raked through the wall, pulling the door off its hinges as the single largest lion I had ever seen stuck its head through, glittering gold fur shining in the light, gleaming teeth sparkling as it snapped at us.

"Wrong door, abort, abort!" Ferdinand shouted.

The lion struggled to squeeze in, but the satyr was faster, producing a small green jar from his coat and hurling it at the beast. His throw sailed harmlessly over its head and out the door as the beast rammed itself in, straining to fit its impossible shoulders through. Paws wider than my chest turned the room inside out, crushing ovens, smashing tables, and ripping out pipes with each swipe. Bianca screamed, grabbing a frying pan off the floor and moving between the beast and me, while Ferdinand pulled out another jar.

The great lion roared, crouching to pounce, and Ferdinand heaved with all his might. The jar spiraled through the air and straight into its open maw. The lion swallowed, choking for a moment before giving an earth-shaking belch. There was a crunching sound from inside it, and it began howling, head shaking violently. Emerald flames poured from its mouth, smoke billowing out its nose.

Ferdinand let out a triumphant cheer, only to be cut off as the creature, blinded by smoke and choking on flames, charged forward. The satyr shoved me out of the way, turning back to take the brunt of the blow to protect Bianca as the lion crashed through the wall and kept going, smashing against everything in sight until it vanished.

There was a horrific groaning from overhead and the next thing I knew the roof was coming down. Large black stones that made up the building crumpled, blocking the kitchen off from the rest of the castle.

"Nico!" Bianca's muffled voice sounded on the verge of tears.

I heard scuffling on the other side, and stumbled over, digging at the beams.

"Nico, are you ok?"

I managed to nod mutely, before remembering that they couldn't see me. "Yeah, I'm ok!"

"Alright Nico, just hang on, we'll find another way, don't move!" Ferdinand said something that I couldn't hear to Bianca and he shouted through the rubble "I'll be right back kid I promise! Stay safe!"

And then they were gone. I shivered in the cold night air, the storm raging on through the gaping hole in the wall. Inhuman sounds filled the night, what could only be more monsters hiding out there in the darkness. This was not how it was supposed to be. A cacophony of thunder peeled, and I let out an unintentional whimper. This was just a dream, this couldn't be real.

Could it?

Another screech came from the darkness, and I instinctively snatched one of the rolling pins off the kitchen floor. When no demonic hell beasts stomped in to eat me, I took a risk, making my way out. I only poked my head out at first, doing my best to see through the storm.

There was no lightning to brighten the world now. The darkness seemed to consume everything, save for a few pinpricks of light below. That would be the parking lot, down a steep boulder-filled slope, a handful of streetlights keeping the night at bay. To the east, was the cliff edge in the distance and hear the sea crashing against the rocks.

Maybe the monsters were only attacking the front of the building. I could sneak down there and find out, then run back up here. There was no way Bianca and Ferdinand would find another way out, not with that monster in there and more roaming the halls. Besides, maybe then I could get in Ferdinand's van where it would be safe.

I stepped outside, shivering as the rain pelted me, the rolling pin shaking in my hand. What would I do if another one of those things attacked? I didn't have the satyr's jars full of fire. I had to be brave, I had to help and make sure Bianca was safe. I took another teetering step towards the stairwell, and the world tilted. The muddy earth gave way, sending me careening down the slope. It was a long trip, sliding through patches of rough gravel and past boulders, finally coming to a jerking stop at the bottom.

I was seeing stars and doing my best not to cry, everything ached, and I think I was bleeding. The rolling pin had been lost somewhere in the muck, but at least I was at the bottom of the hill. Always look on the bright side, right?

The icy rain numbed the ache after a few minutes and I managed to sit up, grimacing at the raw pain that needled me. Time to check out front, then give Bianca and Ferdinand the news. Something clacked across the asphalt to my left, a deep chuckle whispering in the wind.

I was wobbling, heart beating a thousand miles a minute as I slowly turned to face the sound. I wish I hadn't. Another monster, more terrifying than the last was standing there, fangs bared in a grin that had far too many teeth. Two toned eyes me held me in place, afraid of the very human face looking back.

The smile was scary enough but attached to some kind of gorilla-lion hybrid with a ten-foot-long scorpion tail booted it up to heart stopping. A manticore. I tore myself away, backpedaling fast and earning a chuckle. It skittered around leisurely, a pointed tongue licking those infinitely sharp teeth.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A little snack, all alone and hurt? Why it's almost too much to ask for. I do hope you taste better than you look, my little morsel."

Another whimper slipped out of my chest, tripping over my own feet and sliding back into the mud. I tried to scream, tried to shout, but nothing seemed to come out, and all too soon my back slammed into solid rock. I had nowhere to go. The beast chuckled, scorpion tail rising over its head, multiple spikes protruding from the armored appendage.

"Don't…" I managed to whisper.

Seriously? "Don't" was going to be my last words? The scorpion tail reared back, I was beginning to hyperventilate. I was about to die, I wanted my sister, I was going to get eaten, I wanted to be back in bed, I was cold, wet, I was going to die-

"Thorn." A quiet, disapproving voice cut through the storm.

The manticore in question, Thorn, chittered, turning back to face the newcomer.

There was a boy standing under the nearest streetlight. They were tall and svelte, clad in an oversized blue jacket, bronzed skin peeking out where the material had worn and ripped. A ballpoint pen flipped between his fingers as he observed the scene, sharp sea green eyes glaring into Thorn's eyes without a shred of fear.

His ebony hair whipped about in the storms rage, and it took me a few seconds to see that even in the middle of this downpour, the boy was bone dry.

"What harm is there in a quick snack? I would be happy to share, I know your tastes. You know how it is Perseus, we must keep our strength up."

The storm was nothing compared to the typhoon raging in that fearless glare. I cringed into myself, knowing I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that stare. Even Thorn seemed anxious, restlessly pacing back and forth in front of me, tail flicking as his armored chitin heaved.

"Leave him alone. He's an innocent."

Thorn snarled, sheathing and unsheathing his spikes; "Innocent? There is no such thing! You know this as well as I. You think yourself a hero? I know what you are boy, I have seen the carnage you reap. Leave me to my devices and do your job. Or are you going to go crawling back to the Gods?"

Gods? Hero? That must mean that he was on my side! Perseus frowned, the ballpoint pen flipped into his waiting palm, only now it was a glowing bronze sword. Thorn recoiled, raising hissing and arching his back indignantly.

"You dare to threaten me?" Thorn growled.

I barely heard him. All I could do was stare at my savior. He had looked like a hero before, straight out of a comic book, but now… Now with his sword out and that defiant look on his face he looked like a god. Maybe he was.

"It's not a threat, Thorn; it's a death sentence."

The fight happened too fast to comprehend. Thorn raged and pounced forward, claws out, tail raised, a toothy blur of death. But Perseus was faster. I never saw him move, he might as well have teleported, one moment standing right in front of the pouncing manticore, the next off to the side, sword plunged into its neck. Thorn's own momentum kept him going, and the sword ripped through him with ease.

The manticore's corpse kept going, falling through the air, dissolving in an explosion of gold dust before it touched down. All in less than three seconds flat. Between the fall and Thorn' barley avoided snack time, I was lost between 'oh my god' and 'I'm going to die'.

My attention snapped back to reality as the boy walked over, holding my breath as he kneeled, sea green eyes scrutinizing me curiously.

"You ok kid?"

I managed a mute nod, staring wide-eyed up at my hero. The pure awesomeness of what the older boy had done finally caught up to me and my mouth started working again.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen!" I gushed, the boy flinching away as I went total fanboy. "The way he was like 'is that a threat' and you were like 'boy you bet' and then your pen was a sword, where do you keep that thing, it was like-"

The boy smirked, the corner of his mouth tilting up, eyes gleaming. "I'll take that as a yes. What're you doing down here?"

"I got attacked by this giant lion thing, and it cut me off from the hall, so then I came out here to see if there was anything else, and I kinda tripped." I blushed in embarrassment, looking towards the ground.

"Giant lion? Oh yeah, I thought I saw Nemean around earlier. So, you can see my world. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a demigod."

I nodded proudly, smiling brightly again and made to stand back up. The effort was wasted; my chest pinched, and I was floored again, biting down a moan.

"Um… I might have lied about being ok."

My hero shook his head, hiding a crooked grin as he reached into the pocket of his hoodie. Those pockets were deeper than they looked-he reached his arm up to the elbow. His hand finally emerged with delicately wrapped brownie square.

"Laughter's usually the best medicine, but my stand-up's a little weak these days, so this'll have to do. It's ambrosia; go ahead you'll love it, just go slow."

Taking candy from strangers seemed to be the least of my worries today, so I accepted the brownie, taking a tentative nibble. Flavor washed over my tongue, a warm tingling spreading across my skin as I sucked harder.

Pain took a backseat, heavenly tastes distracting me even as my insides prickled, and butterflies danced in my stomach. Chocolate cake, cinnamon, vanilla, the pasta mama used to make, and behind it all a perfect twinge of pomegranate, all there to numb the hurt.

The rain had stopped, but only around us. A perfect circle crept outward from the raven-haired boy, keeping the storm at bay as he kept watch, patiently waiting until I managed to stand up on my own. The ache hiding behind my ribs had died down, and my new scrapes and scuffs were gradually sinking back in. It was like a time lapse over the weeks, the dim streetlight highlighting my fading bruises smoothing skin.

More magic. Ferdinand's jar of fire couldn't hold a candle to pen swords and magical brownies, this guy was amazing!

"What's your name?" He asked, ruffling my hair.

I started mumbling around another bite before taking a long second, tonguing one of the points thoughtfully. Nico wasn't a good hero name, I needed something cool, something that would impress him. It had to be heroic and brave, something like…

"Spike." Spike. Really? Smooth move di Angelo.

He didn't call me out on my fail, although he didn't bother hiding his grin either, shaking my hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Spike. I'm Perseus."

Nodding embarrassedly, I pattered after Perseus as he strolled away, surveying the scene. The night was awfully empty. Winds raged, and rain was coming down in buckets, but the only sound to be heard was the slap of our shoes through parking lot puddles.

Westover Hall was dark above us, the cliffside a mess of ruined steps and bent railings from the Nemean Lion attack. No sign of monsters though, not a clue as to the roars and that hideous light in the main hall.

Perseus tracked something I couldn't see in the distance, humming to himself as he took in the situation. What did demigods do when monsters attacked? He had some wicked skill, was he going to go back up there and save everybody? I could see scars now that I was closer; bronze skin decorated with lines. Only heroes had scars like that, medals from all the legendary battles.

"Whelp, I think you've been traumatized enough tonight. Ready to blow this popsicle stand?"

I started to nod enthusiastically, before shaking my head.

"What about Bianca?" Perseus gave me a confused look before I clarified. "She's my sister, she's a demigod too."

Perseus bit his bottom lip, checking the parking lot, then back up to the school high above.

"There isn't a chance she's hiding behind you is there?" He asked hopefully.

I shook my head and his shoulders slumped, only for him to laugh it off, hoisting me up and putting me on his shoulders.

"In that case Spike, up for a rescue operation? Your mission, Operation Oh-Whale, is to help me rescue your sister, beat the snot out of anybody who gets in our way, and get you two out of dodge! Do you accept?"

Oh my god he was such a nerd, could this get any better? I giggled and cheered, slapping a hand over my own mouth when the sound echoed eerily in the night. Perseus gave me a thumbs up, steps silent as he sprinted to the stairs and back up into the school.

Now, this was more like it! The darkness didn't feel as ominous when I was clinging to my new hero, I felt safe balancing here, the ambrosia filling me with sugary valor. When we arrived at the gaping hole, he set me down, taking in the scene and tilting his head to listen to the night.

"I thought there were more monsters. I guess they left." I whispered.

The thought brought some of the adventure back and left me excitedly hopping from step to step, keeping close to Perseus.

"Definitely." He lied, giving me that blindingly crooked grin.

I didn't ask him again. He was a hero after all, heroes in the books knew what kind of things to say and do. The heroes made everything awesome and turned the adventure upside down. This would be a cakewalk! Perseus paused to help me back into the wreckage of the kitchen before I remembered the whole reason for my failed expedition outside in the first place.

"We can't go through here! That lion brought the ceiling down and blocked it off."

The older boy turned back around and chuckling at the challenge, course set for the rubble that separated us from the hallway.

"Can't is a bit of absolute answer. We have magic Spike- absolutes are absolutely useless." He turned back around, studying the rubble for a split second, then back to me. "How wet are you?"

I shrugged awkwardly, taking a little inventory. I was drenched, mud-spattered, and ice cold. My already pale skin was practically transparent, and my clothes were clinging to me. If it weren't for the magical crumbs between my lips, I'm sure I'd have turned into a popsicle.

"Um… Pretty wet?"

"Perfect!" Perseus grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the wall. "Now this going to be a little like walking headfirst into a giant blender, so try not to blink. On second thought might be better to not open them at all."

I gulped a little louder than I intended, squeezing his hand as tight as I could, my hero dragging me straight into the rubble. "A giant blender?"

"No pressure, it's a parlor trick, any son of Poseidon worth his salt can do it. Honestly, it's only failed twice, now hurry up before I forget how to take passengers."

Perseus pushed me headfirst into the mass of debris and I squeezed my eyes shut, crushing his hand so tight I popped my knuckles. The trip was thankfully nothing like a giant blender. Instead, the further he propelled us, the more a terrible Jell-O sensation pumped through me. My limbs folded in ways they were never meant to, agonizing pressure pulling and twisting around till I had to scream, only I couldn't find my mouth to shout even if I wanted to.

And then it was over. I let go of Perseus's hand and fell to my knees retching. Even the sweet couldn't fix this, I spat it out on the floor, wishing the room would stop spinning. I was torn between being sick and screaming about how incredible that had been. Suffice it to say, sick was definitely winning the argument.

Perseus patted my back soothingly while I managed to turn back to the blocked off kitchen. He had taken us through, we were back in Westover. A good seven feet of solid rubble, and here we were, spick and span.

"How did we…?"

The sick feeling was fading fast, overwhelmed by awe of my champion.

Perseus winked, helping me back to my feet. "Trade secret. Come on, your sister has to be around here somewhere."

It was an eerie run through the halls, and even safe within the walls of Westover Hall, our footsteps were the only sound to be heard. Everything was quiet now. No shouts from angry adults, no scared screams, no cries for help.

Dead silence.

I regretted the words as soon as they broke the hush, but I needed to ask. "What's going on?"

"They're hunting." Perseus said simply, taking us around a corner at whirlwind speed.

"What for?"

Perseus stopped so suddenly I tripped, only for him to catch me, slapping a hand over my mouth before I had a chance to yelp. His gaze was trained on an open door, still as a cat ready to pounce. Wriggling silently in his arms, I managed to peek in at scene. Under the basic glow of an emergency light, a scaled girl with snake tails for legs was moving in on a cornered Bianca.

She was backing up desperately, swinging a baseball bat between herself and the freak. Ferdinand was nowhere in sight, although his ripped supply pack was in the corner, lying atop a withered sunflower.

"Stay back! I already got the other one!" Bianca warned, doing her best to be threatening.

The girl hissed, a swipe from her sharp appendage slicing through the bat as Perseus moved in. Bianca let out a strangled gasp as she watched him slip closer, carefully sidestepping her tails and grasping the sides of her scaly scalp. The monster gave a panicked screech before Perseus violently twisted its head to the left. There was a cracking noise, and the monster went limp, then crumbled to dust.

"Epic!" I cheered, running over.

Perseus gave me a high five before turning to my frightened sister. She was squeezed into the corner between a wall and wardrobe, brandishing what was left of her bat at my hero,

"Bianca, I presume?" My ravenette pulled back, giving her a little breathing room.

Bianca nodded, bat leveled high, confused but on guard nevertheless. Silence, the gratefully awkward kind, replaced the dead quiet, Perseus making himself at home and plopping down in a comfy chair free of dust as he waited for Bianca to calm down.

Unable to hold myself back, I giggled, rushing up and tackling the scared girl. Bianca winced in my hold, raising the bat, only to relax as I hugged her close, shooting up an easy smile.

"Don't worry, this is Perseus, he's my hero! Bianca, he's amazing! He's a demigod too and he saved me from a manticore and he did something cool to the wall that let us get through and did you hear that thing snap! He's incredible, right?"

Bianca pulled me close, wary of Perseus, but the bat was drooping now, and she looked tired, so very tired.

"Hey Bia, where's Ferdinand?"

Bianca winced at my question, unconsciously avoiding the sunflower in the corner; "Gone."

My hero seemed to understand her words even if I didn't, dusting off the pack with a few whispered words while I calmed Bianca down. Perseus was patient as ever, although he kept glancing around, biting his lip as the seconds ticked away. We stayed there, Bianca finally lowering the bat and shaking hands with Perseus until the castle shook again.

Perseus gave a polite cough, tossing the survival pack to Bianca. "Hate to be rude, but we should be getting the hell out of here. Like, now!"

Perseus navigated the maze of halls without a hitch, easily finding our rubble to the outside world. I proudly put my hand in his and smiled encouragingly at Bianca who did the same. Perseus gave Bianca a quick warning, dousing her from head to toe with a snap of his fingers and dragging us in.

I didn't blink this time around. It had been disorienting before, but it was nothing compared to the trip back. I watched as Perseus pushed us into the wall, flowing like water through the cracks, trickling through the nooks and crannies. The Jell-O feeling returned, and I felt like my head was in five different places, the information overload sending my adventure level to a whole new high.

I wobbled dangerously when we came out on the other side, grabbing my legs for support, but I whooped in triumph when I didn't collapse. Bianca was reacting the same way I had, falling to her knees and cradling her stomach. She looked about ready to upchuck her dinner.

Perseus patted her back and whispered something in her ear, eliciting a giggle, before allowing him to take her hand and pull her up. A twinge of jealousy came through as I watched them. He was my hero, and big sister or not, she should get her own. Perseus was mine. I buzzed at the thought. How many kids could claim to have a kick-butt, sword wielding, super powered, wizard hero as their new best friend?

"I should be able to get you to the edge of the woods, but after that, you're on your own. I might be able to catch up, but I don't know. Do you both know where Trenton is?"

Bianca nodded, and Perseus turned back to the hole in the wall.

"Straight through the woods, you'll reach Highway 3. Go right and you'll eventually hit the bridge heading to Trenton. Once you're there, head to the recycling plant and ask for Grover; he's an old friend of mine and a satyr, he can help you. Here."

Perseus reached into his never-ending jack pocket, producing a few granola bars and a thin knife.

"Dog food tastes better, but they'll keep you going. Might want to hang on to that bat of yours too. The rest is up to you!"

My hero led us out of the hole, and down to the stairs. I felt embarrassed when Perseus carefully pushed me away from the edge, a reminder that he had probably witnessed my fail earlier. We got to the bottom of the stairs and were almost too a few cars parked closer to the woods when a booming voice broke the eerie night. Words of a language my brain knew but my ears didn't flew through the air before everything was silent once again. Perseus slowed to a halt, finally coming to a reluctant stop.

"I have to go back now." He murmured, seeming a thousand miles away.

"But I thought you'd get us to the woods!" Bianca and I protested.

Perseus shook his head. "I have to go back."

Bianca pursed her lips while I looked up at him with wide sad eyes. "You're leaving me?"

Perseus glanced back at me with a shocked look, taking a knee and saying "Just for now. I don't know when I'll be able to check on you two. But I'll find you eventually. I swear it on Styx. Ok, Spike?"


Perseus tilted his head, confusion flickering past before he stopped, holding deathly still.

"That's my real name," I said nervously, trying to explain. "Nico di Angelo."

The explanation broke his stillness, but now Perseus was twitching, too many emotions to register bubbling up inside. He lifted my chin, wiping away dried mud and bringing his glowing pen up to eye level as he stared in dawning terror at my face.

"N-Nico? You- you're real. Then that means- if you- this is where… Oh gods, not now." Perseus stumbled to his feet, backtracking away, wide eyed and terrified.

Bianca and I exchanged worried looks, my sister snaking her hand in mine and pulling me close as Perseus's hand shook, pen trembling as it rolled down into his sleeve. The older boy took a deep breath, biting a knuckle hard enough to leave a mark as he kneeled again, desperately looking from me to Bianca.

He failed to compose himself, there was a weak, shaking smile, but he couldn't keep up the mask. Perseus tried to explain, he kept starting words that turned into strangled syllables, until a strange hissing filled the air. The ravenette's head snapped back, pen slapping into his palm, all pretense at his calm exterior cracking away to show panic. Panic and something else…

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you have to get out of here! Whatever you do, promise me that you won't look back? Whatever what you hear, no matter what you think you hear, do not look back or your goners. Don't stop until you get to the highway, just run."

I pulled away from Bianca, reaching out, trying to tug Perseus with us, but he snapped away, shaking his head so hard I felt dizzy.

"Neeks… Bianca…" Perseus shoved us both, looking every bit a hero again all the sudden, smile locked in place. "Get going, I'll hold them off!"

After one last moment of hesitation, we both took off for the woods. I wanted to look back, wanted to see my hero one last time before he was gone. Bianca and I were suddenly sprinting as fast as our legs would allow, lungs burning as we approached the cars. I felt Perseus's magic, a massive wave rolling over the edge of the cliff to the dismay of the angry shadows behind us.

We were almost to the woods when there was a great crash of stone, the hissing screech and scrapes on our tail. Fire filled the air, there were flickering shapes and gruesome noises clawing all around now.

"Wait, stop!" Perseus's voice called, echoing in the empty sky.

I slowed until Bianca caught me, dragging me behind her.

"What are you doing, he told us to-"

"He told us to not stop no matter what we heard. Come on Nico!"

We kept running.

"Children!" Ms. Gottschalk's scratchy voice crawled after us "Come back here or disciplinary action will be taken!"

We kept running.

"Kids look out, it's a trick!" Ferdinand bleated.

We kept running.

"Bianca, Nico! Wait up!" Our friends called.

We kept running. And explosion went off behind us, the dark landscape was cast in red and orange. We ran harder.

"Bianca! Nico di Angelo!"

We stopped running.

Bianca's voice caught in her throat as she whispered "Mommy?"

"Don't look back! Come on we have to go!"

"My precious Bia, where are you going? Come back home, everything will be alright. Trust me precious, I'll make it all stop." Our mother's voice kept coming, promises of peace and rest calling out to us.

"Bianca we gotta go!" I desperately tugged at my sister's arm, trying to get him to run again.

Our mother's voice was getting closer, her words smothering our hunters approach. We were so close, this was the edge of the trees where thick woods met the open parking lot. A single tear ran down Bianca's face before he twisted in my grip and looked back. The next few seconds would be burned in the back of my mind for as long as I lived.

I watched as Bianca searched, full of hope, looking for a mother who was long gone. I watched as she turned to the speaker, wet hair whipping around in the storm, eyes shining in the firelight from the explosions. And then I watched as that hope shattered, and a single sob escaped her throat. There was a disgusting pop, a swish past my head, and Bianca gasped, falling back

Her already cold skin grew even cooler and turned smooth beneath my fingers. I reeled away, watching in confusion and horror as my sister changed color, her hair no longer whipping in the wind, the strands frozen in place. Another second later, her whole body was a pale gray, and as smooth as glass. My sister had been turned to stone.

"Bianca!" I screamed.

I threw my arms around her, trying to shake her, to tear at the stone and shake it away, but it wasn't any use. There were cries in the distance, the overwhelming silence of the hunt gone now, beasts roaring, children weeping, adults pleading for mercy. I couldn't listen to it, I could only struggle against the rock l that had been my sister.

This couldn't be happening. I couldn't be losing her. It just couldn't happen. She couldn't be gone. This was just a nightmare, an insane, awful nightmare. The hissing grew louder and clung onto my sister, tears streaming down my face.

"Bianca!" I whimpered.

The hissing as an explosion of light ripped away the night, the blast throwing me into the air sending me crashing through the tree line.

My promise to Perseus momentarily forgotten, I looked back at the orphanage. A good fifty feet away a tall woman with an afro made up of writhing snakes was staring back at the ruins of Westover Hall. The old castle had collapsed in on itself. Two of the great walls had fallen in, and strange fire burned through everything it came by. A horde of monsters poured out, some taking flight and circling in the sky, others stampeding back out, pooling at the base.

The entrance hall was suddenly filled with golden light, and another explosion rocked the world, sending me rolling away and disintegrating a few of the monsters who had lingered too long. Whole walls took flight into the dark sky, soaring as far as they could before violently falling back to earth. My vision was blurring dangerously when I struggled to sit up, but somehow, I could see as two figures emerged from the ruins as if they were only steps away. One glowed with that same, cruel golden light. It was hard to even stare at them, it burned my eyes.

There were no tells as to what they looked like, or if they were even human. But I knew without a doubt that they were the cause of all this destruction, that they were the cause for my sister's death. And then I looked to the other figure. My world seemed to pause for a moment before shattering.

Even across all this distance, I could almost make out Perseus's face as he followed the glowing figure, side by side. There was no sparkling gold dusting his features this time, no trace of the monsters he had slain.

He was wet now and painted dark crimson. It covered him from head to toe and pooled onto his now scarlet sword. Everything was numb as I watched, staring at my hero. That was not a hero. I knew without a doubt where that blood had come from. A hero wouldn't do that. He was my hero, he couldn't…

The golden death at his side was nothing compared to the real monster. The hissing started again, the snake woman was pulsing back around. I didn't give it a chance to get me. I was off into the woods in the blink of an eye. I ran and ran, never looking back, while the tears kept coming.

Darkness was closing in, she was after me, everything was coming apart. Trees were splintering, the air was being wrenched from my lungs. The world was coming down, and I was in the middle of it all, alone and cold.

A stain on my cheek kept me running even as I lost the battle to keep my eyes open, the last, burning traces of that monster's fingers on my face, Perseus's anxious touch. He had taken away my sister, my friends, my home.

My hero…


The jolt of waking up rocks the bed, I'm breathing hard. That nightmare again- a night which refuses to be forgotten. Six years are nothing-a century, and loss would still be aching. I miss Bianca. Darkness is my home now, but I still fear the shadows, the dread is building up like bile in the back of my throat.

When I flick the lamp switch and the light refuses to come on, panic rears its ugly head. Crazy irrational thoughts rush in my brain, I know I will never see the dawn. There will be no waking up this time, no escape.

Desperate reassurances try to keep afloat in the frenzy; I don't need lights, I'm already awake. There is nothing to fear. This old bed is mine, I can guess the familiar shapes of my dresser and chair by heart. Haze even left the radiator on for me before she left this morning- the room is warm; the rusted machine is thumping away in the night.

I'm safe.

It's just that stupid lamp. Mine was the only room in the house without a window; otherwise I could have watched the morning light stretch across the sky. Maybe Hazel would trade me, she had never said no to her favorite cousin before. She was always there for me. Unlike this lamp.

The switch has failed before, it always does when I need it most. A scratch at the door throttles my resolve, I reach for magic that is deaf to my pleading. The light needs to be on, if there's light, they wouldn't dare creep about.

The switch rattles over, and over, and over, yet no glow wards away the blackness. No, it's fine. I know this room, I know my home, that's just the radiator thumping. I'm safe. A firm door keeps eyeless, hollow things away, keeps me far from their squamous tendrils.

A little more shut eye should fix it all, if I just lie down… I'm already lying down though, aren't I? Because there's pressure on my chest, strain from sitting up, but I'm definitely not up. There's weight crushing down on my ribs, around my wrists, at my feet, focusing on movement only worsens their ache.

Trapped under the blankets, there's only that one arm free, mashing away at a switch that won't click. Dread is back in spades, I call for Hazel except the word never leaves, my lips don't open. Trapped under the blankets, trapped in the darkness. I need something, anything; a cough, a breath, a dying gasp so my vocal cords will confirm that I'm still alive.

The switch rattles over and over and over and over and I know I'm awake, if I can just sit up I'd be in my room, it's just a switch, a faulty switch, just a knickknack I can replace. That's when I remember my real lamp, a cheap piece of plastic with a short chain near the bulb. A lamp that doesn't have switch.

What's worse, the radiator had never been in my room, had never been in this house; that was them, creeping and crawling. Thump. This is not my bed. Thump. My bedroom is never this warm and sterile.


The door is already open, I need to shout, I need Bianca, Haze-Thump-they're in the room-Thump-I have to shout, screams need to be set free-Thump-the space is illuminated revealing horrors best left forgotten, crawling up the side of this operating table, reaching past my bound limbs-Thump-skinless digits close around my throat.


Seriously? Again? Freaking last words.

Cruel gold fills the room and my vision fades.

Guess some things never change.

Howdy! Ok, so probably not the best, but I'm pretty excited for this story, so I'm just trying to get it out. I promise I'll try and keep it updated as much as possible. If you notice anything wrong with it, any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, redundancy, or are just bored, a) I was trying to get across a 10-year-old point of view (epic fail I know) b) again I kind of rushed it, and c) I also don't have a beta helping me out. Anyways, hope you liked, please read and review, it always gives a good boost of morale for the writer as I'm sure you all know, and try and give this one a chance, I think you'll truly enjoy it! Anyways, hope you enjoy and stick around, have a fantastic summer people! Thanks for the support! P.S. Promise to add better summary next time.