
The Duel

Nakaji emerged from her room transformed. Her hair, now meticulously styled, framed her face elegantly. Accentuated by subtle makeup, she radiated an alluring aura. 

Dressed in a black kimono adorned with dark red motifs that complemented the color of her hair, she stood proudly in front of the little Kami.

What happened ? Nakaji inquired, puzzled as to why the girl still clutched the bag of money in her hand.

"I... I don't know," she stammered, fearing she might have made a mistake. "When I came back with the money, they had gone for a bath."

"Boss Kyoshiro explicitly requested not to be disturbed." She whispered, casting her eyes downward as she sought to avoid any displeasure from the manager.

"Don't worry." Nakaji reassured, gently patting her head to comfort her.

"Will he be alright, Nakaji-sama?" inquired Kami as she glanced towards the bathing area.

"Who cares..?" she declared. But despite her harsh words, a subtle quiver betrayed her bravado. 

She was feigning nonchalance, all the while concealing a genuine worry for his well-being deep within her.

Simultaneously, in the bathing area. A man known for his ferocity found himself reduced to tears. His tough exterior shattered as he clung to Momonosuke's shoulder revealing a vulnerability that few had ever seen.

As Momonosuke witnessed Denjiro butt naked holding his shoulders with tears streaming down his face. Only one thought crossed his mind.. 

"Too damn close!" Involuntarily, he found himself mimicking the iconic disgusted face of his father.

"Momonosuke-sama, you've survived!" Kyoshiro stated, disregarding Momonosuke's annoyed expression.

"Ye...Yeah!" Momonosuke responded awkwardly, his body being comically swayed back and forth.

"How have you been?" Denjiro inquired, removing his hands from Momonosuke's shoulders. Looking at him with genuine concern.

"Good... I guess?" Momonosuke replied.

He then proceeded to explain to Denjiro how he managed to escape. Recounting the intricate details of the plan his mother devised, which involved sending the others to the future.

"I didn't know that Toki-sama possessed such a powerful ability." Denjiro expressed, his shock clearly written across his face.

"But I am relieved to know that the others are fine." Denjiro shared. "I am glad too." responded Momonosuke with a slight smile.

"15 years, huh?" Denjiro pondered, a sense of resignation creeping into his thoughts as he considered the lengthy duration he might have to endure under Orochi's rule.

"In 15 years, as foretold by my mother. The Great War will unfold. Marking the end of Kaido and Orochi's rule over Wano." Momonosuke declared, a surge of determination coursing through him as he envisioned the battle that awaited.

"Look at my face, Momonosuke-sama." Denjiro urged, his expression shifting to a grave seriousness that demanded attention.

"My face is haunted by a demon called Wrath!" he declared, anger coursing through his words with an undeniable intensity.

"So much that even the other scabbards wouldn't recognize me" He continued. "And that is what we want!". 

"Until the great battle starts in 15 years. Please, do not tell anyone, even our allies, about me." Implored Denjiro.

"I will earn Orochi's trust and strike him down at the opportune moment."

"No problem." Responded Momonosuke. "Denjiro, there are people who might go to war with Kaido or Orochi before the 15-year mark."

"Do not participate in that. They will fail miserably." Momonosuke advised, his tone firm. "Keep your cover and wait until the prophesized moment."

"Understood!" replied Denjiro, his tone serious as he affirmed his commitment to the plan.

"Momonosuke-sama, Would you consider joining the Kyoshiro Family ? It could offer you a better life." Denjiro proposed thoughtfully. "Sometimes, the best-hidden place is right under the noses of those who seek us."

Momonosuke declined with a shake of his head. "I have plans to travel outside Wano in the years to come." He stated calmly.

"Whaaaaaat?" Denjiro exclaimed worried that the boy had inherited the same adventurous spirit as Oden.

Momonosuke nodded resolutely."If it were just Orochi, we could handle it ourselves. But with Kaido involved, its differente." he reflected. 

"I'll venture out to seek allies. It's the only viable solution."

After contemplating for a while, Denjiro agreed with Momonosuke. Having previously faced Kaido, he was aware of the formidable foe they were up against. 

'In 15 years, what kind of monster will he be?' Denjiro pondered. 

"You have to be careful, Momonosuke-sama. The world outside is filled with danger." He said, extending his hand to Momonosuke

"I know..I will be careful" Said Momonosuke with a weird face. 

"You liar" exclaimed Denjiro chuckling.

"I Denjiro, swear to fulfill my mission and survive for the next 15 Years." Denjiro declared with conviction. Momonosuke responded, shaking Denjiro's hand firmly. "I, Momonosuke, swear to fulfill my mission and survive for the next 15 Years too." he asserted, solidifying their shared determination with a resolute smile.

The two started to laugh, and their laughter echoed throughout the entire tea house.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves.." Nakaji remarked, a smile gracing her face.

"Hmm'mmh" Kami responded with a vivid nod. 

Nakaji felt a sense of relief as her worries seemed to greatly dissipate.

Later on, the two emerged as if nothing had ever happened between them. They exchanged nods and started going their separate ways. 

Leaving Nakaji and Kami astonished by the sudden shift in atmosphere between them.

"Are you leaving ?" asked Nakaji.

"Yes" responded Momonosuke, meeting her gaze.

"Am I going to see you soon?" inquired Nakaji, maintaining her cold demeanor.

"I'm afraid not" responded Momo without offering any explanation.

"I understand." she said before giving him a hug. "Be safe" she whispered into his ear.

"Don't wanna" said Momonosuke with a little smile.

"You idiot" Responded Nakaji, her eyes moistened with unspoken emotions.

With a final glance, he turned his back and departed from the pleasure district. 

Leaving behind the shared laughter, the unspoken promises, and an unforgettable night.

Ebisu Town

Nestled just beyond the eastern outskirts of the Flower Capital stood Ebisu Town. 

This place was marked by the resilience of those who, having lost their fortunes.. Found themselves cast away from the opulence of the Capital.

Yet, it seemed as if the village possessed an enigmatic power that bestowed happiness and positivity upon its residents nonetheless.

Despite its current poor state, the town still fared better than it would in the 15 years to come.

Its most renowned spot was The Izakaya. The bar stood out as the town's most celebrated venue. 

A gathering spot where locals and travelers frequently convened to share good times.

At least, that's what they would have done until a few minutes ago. 

The once-thriving bar now lay in ruins, reduced to complete destruction.

'Gulp Gulp Gulp' "Tchee.. Even their sake is trash !" commented the man, wiping his lips dismissively with the back of his hand.

"You always make a mess, Hotei!' Jizo muttered under his breath, a mix of respect and frustration evident in his tone. 

As he glanced up at his superior, his face betrayed a hint of embarrassment, yet his eyes held a reluctant admiration for him."

"Look who's talkin, Jizo!" Hotei shot back with a sly grin. "Ain't you the one plantin' those wooden signs all over, callin' guys out for sword duels?" Hotei said with a hint of amusement.

"Well..." Jizo mumbled, scratching his head with an embarrassed chuckle. "You ain't wrong about that." he continued in a low, conceding voice.

Hotei turned his attention towards the tearful bar owner with a mix of indifference and expectancy. Clearly unfazed by the destruction he had caused.

"You tryna tell me you ain't seen him nowhere ?" He asked, a hint of impatience in his voice 

The elderly bar owner peered closely at the wanted poster clutched in Hotei's grip.

It showed a figure with long, flowing black hair, his face half-concealed by a samurai mask. Below the image, in bold, ominous letters, was written the name 'Ghost.'

"I swear, I don't know." The old man pleaded, tears streaming down his face. His voice quivering with the fear of meeting a grim fate.

"Old trash.." Hotei sneered, his voice dripping with disdain as he unsheathed his sword. With a rough grip, he caught the old man by the hair, his face twisted in disgust.


"Ever heard what happens to those who hide wanted criminals?" Hotei said, his voice carrying a menacing undertone. His gaze fixed threateningly on the old man.

"No... please... Noo" the old man begged with fear, his eyes wide with desperation.

"They die.." Hotei stated coldly, his lips curling into a cruel smile as he raised his sword, clearly taking pleasure in ending this man life.

As Hotei's sword descended towards its grim purpose, a shout suddenly rang out. "Captain!" It was one of his men, urgently calling out to Him.

In a swift, abrupt motion, Hotei froze the sword's edge mere inches from the trembling old man's neck.

"What?" Hotei grunted, clearly irritated. "Someone's heading this way." Jizzo quickly informed him.

The attention of everyone present swiftly turned towards the approaching individual. He was wearing an Ajirogasa straw hat, effectively concealing his masked face.

Draped in a black kimono embellished with various pink motifs, he exuded an air of mystery. 

Momonosuke held a large wooden sign in one hand, wielding it like a sword.

The sight was almost comical, given the enormity of the wooden sign, its size nearly equal to his own stature.

In his other hand, he had a bag filled with food items.

In reality, Momonosuke had been present for a while, discreetly observing from a hidden spot, closely following the unfolding exchange.

Up until then, he had only faced adversaries inferior in skill. The challenge sign he saw at the village's entrance, however, sparked an intense excitement for what could be his first genuine duel. 

He surmised that the one who dared to display such a sign must hold significant prowess.

Momonosuke immediately used his observation Haki to locate the challenger.

However, he stumbled upon a discovery even more intriguing. 

His senses alerted him to the presence of at least 20 men in the surrounding area, each radiating intentions that were far from benevolent.

At that moment, Momonosuke moved towards them discreetly, intent on observing from the shadows to see how the situation would unfold.

Upon noticing the emblem adorning their clothes, He quickly recognized that these individuals were members of the Mimawarigumi.

The Mimawarigumi were a group of elite samurai, held high esteem in the Flower Capital.

Their prowess was such that they were chosen by Orochi to serve as his personal bodyguards, sharing this honor with the Oniwabanshu.

The Mimawarigumi functioned more as Orochi's police or military force, maintaining order and authority. In contrast, the Oniwabanshu were a group of ninjas, specializing in stealth, assassination, and gathering intelligence.

While observing, Momonosuke noticed two individuals among them who stood out, evidently stronger than the rest.

The first was Hotei. The man who seemed to be the leader of the group. He was a man of above-average height distinguished by his short, puffy light green hair.

The other, Jizo, was a very tall and chubby man. He had gray skin dotted with small marks, giving him a statue-like appearance. He had a large bald head and notably wide earlobes. His facial features included a lumpy nose, droopy eyes, and he was consistently seen with a frown, contributing to his unique and imposing presence.

Seeing the imminent danger facing the old man, Momonosuke decided it was time to intervene. He stepped out from his hiding place, appearing boldly in front of the group.

"Yo" Momonosuke called out, his head tilted slightly downward, his straw hat still concealing his masked face.

"Who are you?" Hotei demanded, pointing his sword directly at Momonosuke with a wary stance.

"Me?" Momonosuke paused, appearing to ponder. "I'm just a vagabond in search of immortality." he finally declared.

"What kinda nonsense you sayin'?" Hotei retorted annoyed.

Pointing at the wooden sign in his hand, Momonosuke inquired. "Is this your work? The challenge at the village entrance?" His tone was eager, his interest evident.

"So, you showed up for the duel?" Hotei said, with a look of realization.

"Then you have to fight this guy." He continued pointing his finger to Jizo

Momonosuke's gaze shifted to the chubby gray-skinned man on the side.

"Fat-Gray, I accept your challenge!" Momonosuke declared seriously, his voice carrying confidently across everyone.

"You sure about that?" Jizo responded with a hint of annoyance.

"Yes" Momonosuke replied, his voice tinged with excitement, eagerly anticipating his first duel.

"Alright, bring it on." Jizo agreed with a voice full of determination.

"Soru" Momonosuke murmured under his breath, and in a swift, almost instantaneous movement, he appeared right in front of Jizo without any warning.

Jizo was caught off guard. He had anticipated a traditional start, expecting Momonosuke to discard the wooden sign and unsheathe a sword.

So, when the man materialized abruptly in front of him, Jizo was totally unprepared.

His hand tried to reach for his sword. But his movements felt agonizingly slow.

Then, a sharp instinct of impending danger struck him. 

He barely had time to lift his head before he saw the giant wooden sign descending towards his neck with overwhelming might.

With a thunderous 'Baaamm', the force of the strike reverberated, accompanied by the harsh, grim sound of bones snapping under the powerful blow.

Blood gushed from Jizo's mouth as he gasped in pain. His conscience starting to fade away. In a desperate bid to save himself, Jizo attempted to draw his sword. Only to realize with horror that he had completely lost control of his limbs..

Suddenly, another powerful blow struck directly at Jizo's face with a resounding 'Baaam', further intensifying his plight.

After the third, fourth, and then a fifth relentless hit. Momonosuke finally stopped.

He stood over his adversary, now lying on the ground, his features completely disfigured from the onslaught.

The members of the Mimawarigumi were still in a state of complete shock and terror, witnessing the swift and brutal defeat of one of their best men.

"He's a demon..." murmured one of the Mimawarigumi members, his voice quivering with profound fear.

"What kind of monster is this?" exclaimed another one, hastily drawing his sword to defend himself.

Momonosuke casually tossed the blood-soaked wooden sign onto the ground. 

Then, with composed demeanor, he joined his hands, adhering to the traditional way of the samurai. 

Momonosuke inclined himself respectfully in front of the remains of his adversary, displaying a gesture of honor and respect in the aftermath of the duel.

"It is the duty of a samurai to fight with the entirety of his heart and soul even at the risk of losing his own life." Murmured Momonosuke. 

Before slowly taking his Hat off, revealing a half samurai mask identical to the one in the wanted poster, covering his face from the nose down.

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