
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 3

Sui-Feng immediately attacked Yami when she saw that his sword was drawn. To Yami, the young woman disappeared before reappearing right before him.


Yami thought as he hastily brought his sword up to block the smaller blade. He had only just managed to barely block it. Luckily, the blow was light due to Sui-Feng's personal strength and the size of her weapon.

Shinigami had 4 skills that they relied upon when they engaged in combat. Shunpo, Hakuda, Swordsmanship, and Kido. These were further divided into levels between Practitioner, Expert, and Master.

Shunpo was the movement technique that many shinigami employed in order to gain an edge over their opponent by moving short distances almost instantly or by crossing large distances at a much faster rate.

Yami used his strength to swing hard with his sword before trying to gather himself and think of how he was going to win this battle.

'She is either at the peak of the practitioner level or she has just entered the expert level. Either way, she is faster than me. I need to wait for an opportunity and finish this fight in a single blow. If that blow doesn't finish her, I need to stay on her and not give her a chance to recover.'

Yami had already thought of how this fight would go. He knew that by trying to keep up with Sui-Feng, he would only be fighting at her pace and letting her take control of the battle. If he wanted to win, he had to fight smart.

Sui-Feng was already on Yami after she landed. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she disappeared once more. This time, she appeared on Yami's right. But just as he was about to raise his blade to block her next strike, Sui-Feng disappeared and appeared on his left.

Sui-Feng's blade was nearing his face. Yami knew that his sword was too large and heavy to bring up for a block so he went with his next best option.

"Hadō #1. Shō!"

Energy gathered at the tip of Yami's right index finger before shooting at the blade approaching his face. The energy provided enough force that it knocked the small sword out of Sui-Feng's hands and into the air.


But before she could finish her answer, she saw Yami swinging his blade horizontally. Sui-Feng hurried to back away but she was slightly too late. The blade managed to cut across her chest and leave a moderate wound.

Sui-Feng used Shunpo to back away and hit the wall behind her due to using too much force in her escape. But Yami wasn't about to let his opening slip.

'Stay on her!'

Yami used Shunpo to appear right before Sui-Feng with his blade raised above his head. He brought the sword down without any hesitation or change of expression on his face.

Not expecting him to continue the attack so soon, Sui-Feng dodged to the side but at the cost of a deep wound going down her left arm.

The rest of the battle continued as such. Once Yami landed his first blow, he kept himself as close to Sui-Feng as possible. Each time that Sui-Feng had managed to get away, she would see Yami's emotionless eyes coming right at her. His blade knew no mercy and anytime that she was able to escape his sword, he would use a kido spell to keep her off her balance. The more experience shinigami was never given a chance to catch her breath as Yami planned out each move 3 steps ahead.

By the end of it all, Sui-Feng was covered in cuts and burns as she lay on the floor while Yami stood over her. Besides the few drops of sweat going down his head, Yami looked just as he did before the battle started.

"If you're going to pick a fight, at least make sure you have the strength to back it up."

Yami left the room and the injured Sui-Feng on the ground. To his surprise, the other 4 officers were waiting outside of the room when he left.

Yami was startled before nodding at them.

'So they knew this would happen.'

Yoruichi and Kisuke were smiling while the other 2 were surprised. They hadn't expected Yami to actually win.

'Hit title of monster isn't just for show,' Kukaku thought to herself before turning around and leaving the group. She had just come down to make sure Sui-Feng didn't go too far.

Yoruichi and Marenoshin smiled at Yami before passing him and entering the room before closing the door behind them.

Yami wanted to turn around and open the door but Kisuke called for him to follow him. Yami gave one last look at the door before following Kisuke quietly.

'Not my business. She drew her weapon and attacked me first.'

Inside the room, Sui-Feng forced herself into the Seiza position. She could feel the anger coming off of Yoruichi and Marenoshin. They were not looking at her with the same friendly feeling that they usually did but as the Commander-In-Chief of the Onmitsukido and lieutenant of the 2nd Division.

"Do you know what you did wrong, Sui-Feng?"

Yoruichi's voice was so cold that Sui-Feng could not help but shiver. She had only seen Yoruichi give that look to others, never to herself.

"I understand my mistake, Yoruichi-sama! I shouldn't have questioned your decisions!"

"Hohoho. You think that was all you did wrong?"

The temperature in the room got even lower. Yoruichi began releasing her red reiatsu which caused Sui-Feng's body to be forced to the ground. The flooring around Yoruichi began to peel away and splinters started flying all over the room.

"You raised your blade against a comrade for no reason other than your own pride. You attacked with the intent to kill. You have disgraced yourself as a member of the Onmitsukido, as a member of the Feng Clan, and as my disciple."

Yoruichi released her pressure before turning around and walking to the door.

"Stay here and reflect on yourself for 3 months. Food will be brought to you."

Sui-Feng wanted to say something but she was silenced by a glare from Yoruichi. Soon, the door was closed. Nothing could be heard from the inside except for the occasional sob.

Marenoshin walked behind Yoruichi and raised his eyebrow.

"I'm surprised you said all that to her. I thought you would write it and give her a slap on the wrist."

Yoruichi shook her head.

"I've been spoiling her for too long. I've learned from my mistake and will pay for it. So she must do the same."