
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 13

It had been a few days since the incident with the Quincies trying to take Muramasa as well as the assassination of Koga Kuchiki. During that time, the Onmitsukido found traces of Quincies and traitors lurking around the Central 46 HQ trying to either scout it out or disable some of the barriers.

Seeing this, Yoruichi and the others knew that this would be where the Quincies would attack while the rest of the Gotei 13 were away. But even knowing this, all of the Corps Commanders felt that something was off.

But still, they decided not to inform the other Shinigami. From how the Quincy were moving and the little information that they had gathered, the Quincies were privy to classified information that only a captain or core member of one of the 5 Great Noble houses would have access to.

Which meant that there was a traitor among the Gotei 13 Captains or the Noble families. And until they found out who, all the Onmitsukido could do was investigate and be on the defensive.

So the day that the other divisions would launch the massive invasion against the original Quincy stronghold came. Besides the members of the 2nd Division who stayed behind to guard Seireitei, there was also Captain Ukitake who stayed behind because his sickness had relapsed as well as a few shinigami of the 4th and 13th Division who remained to take care of him.

And almost an hour after they were all gone, the invasion had begun.

The Onmitsukido Patrol Corps and Inner Court Troop who were acting as lookouts had suddenly come back to the 2nd Division Barracks to make reports.

"Intruders coming from the East! The destination seems to be the Central 46 HQ!"

"Intruders coming from the North-East! Also going to the same location."

"Intruders coming from the North and reporting the same activity!"

"Those coming from the South also appear to be heading there"

"Intruders in the West are also rushing there!"

"Reporting. There have been a large number of Hallows released into the Rukongai. Reports say there is even an Adjuchas amongst the numbers!"

"Reporting! Someone has armed the prisoners in the nest of maggots! There is a riot!"

"Report coming in! The prisoners on the 1st floor of the Central Great Underground Prison have escaped. Someone broke the seal!"

"We are seeing a large number of retired shinigami moving toward the Central 46 HQ. Although they have no zanpakuto, they are carrying normal weapons. We believe they are allied with the intruders!"

Yoruichi listened to all the activities and knew that they had been outplayed. Dealing with just the Quincies was already going to be tough but it seemed like they had decided to declare full war and try to take out the Central 46 while no one was present.

"Give me a number on the intruders! I need the retainers from the 5 Great Clans who are available for combat to be ready to mobilize on my command! Where are the commanders of the enemy forces? Tell those 5 bastards to get in here now!"

"No need to yell for us," Kisuke laughed as he walked into the room with the other Corps Commanders and Sui-Feng behind him. "How bad is it?"

"Very! Your prisoners in the Nest of Maggots are armed while the 1st level of the Central Prison is also rioting. We also have rogue shinigami moving about and an unknown number of Quincies attacking from all over and some Hollows that were released."

The others were just as shocked as Yoruichi. They thought it was going to be a terrorist attack. This was an invasion.

A member of the Inner Court Troop rushed into the room.

"Reporting. There seem to be about 150 Quincies. Each one is gathering at a certain spot where we believe the commanders are.

The Shinigami seem to be rushing to the Central 46 HQ and act as a vanguard while the Quincy gather themselves.

In the Rukongai, there are nearly 200 Hollows, 3 Gillian, and 1 Adjuchas.

The guards are managing to keep the prisoners in both locations but they will soon be overrun. Please give your commands!"

Yoruichi scanned over her team. All of them looked her in the eye and nodded. They knew that this was about to be a difficult mission where some of them may even die. But they were prepared to do it.

Yoruichi nodded at her team. She knew that she had not chosen incorrectly.

"Kukaku. Take the members of the Demolition Corps to the Central Prison.

Kisuke, you will lead the members of the 2nd Division and members of the 5 Great Clans to defend the Central 46 HQ.

Marenoshin, you are to take Sui-Feng, Yami, and the Executive Militia to Rokungai to deal with the Hollows.

I'll head down to the Nest of Maggots and quell the rebellion before going to assist Kisuke.

Anyone who raises their blade against you is to be killed on sight!"

Yoruichi released her reiatsu. More than being upset about the possibility of defeat and getting outplayed, she was more upset that she had to put her people in such a dangerous situation.

"Yes, Commander-In-Chief!"

Each person in the room vanished that instant to head towards their task. They knew that whether Soul Society would survive or not depended on their speed and resolve.