
Unbroken Old Frienship

"It's very nice to see our children can finally meet Ashura." A middle aged man dressed in armor stood before his lifelong friend, his long black cape flowed to the ground but never touched the floor. Pride and strength emitted from his presence. "Yes, I couldn't agree more Damion. I truly hope they get along and grow up to be great friends." The second man, also around the same age held a different look. One of a simpler man, a tired man.

A small girl age 5, clings to her father's leg as she exchanged a look with a 9 year old boy, who was standing next to his. The boy held a look of annoyance due to the situation. His father had never really ever brought outsiders to the castle before. His thoughts were interrupted. "Seth come here, I want you to meet my best friend's daughter, Yuki." "Tsk why must you befriend a human father?" The boy although reluctant went over and introduced himself. Him and his father were demons, and not just any demons. He was the Prince of Demons and his father was the King. His father being King never felt superior or inferior to anyone. He was a very noble man. "Thank you for your consideration young Prince Seth. This is my daughter Yuki." "H-hello.." the girl said shyly behind her dad. "Well Seth, take her around and show he the palace grounds. I have a lot to talk about with Ashura." "Yes father." With that he and the girl left.

He really didn't want to be with her. He'd rather be training that babysitting. "The palace is so pretty my Prince. It has so many flowers." She said, "Mm." He simply replied, not wanting to interact with her. "And rivers and lakes. Do you play out here a lot?" "No." "Aww well why not?" "Cause." "If I were you I'd-" "Just be quiet! You talk too much." The Prince looked at her and before he could feel bad for how he had just talked to her someone called out. "Yo Seth!" The Prince didn't have friends, except for one. Who also happened to be his protector and guard. The boy was also his age, he was assigned to the Prince so they would grow up together and forge a bond of trust and loyalty. "What do you want Neil?" asked the Prince crossing his hands. "Wanna go spar a little? I got us new weapons." The boy smiled and held up two swords. "I would but as you can see I am babysitting." They both looked over at Yuki who just stood there nervously. "Well bring her along" Neil said. The Price let out a sigh "Fine. Come on follow us and don't lag behind" "Yes!"

She was somehow able to keep up and that made her happy, although it slightly annoyed the Prince as well. They came to an open field of grass, where Neil and Seth began to practice their swords skills. She sat on the sides amazed at how anyone could move so fast. She was only the daughter of a poor man who made a living as a farmer, so this was all very new to her.

"Your son has grown so much Damion. To think he will be our next King makes me happy. He is very strong for such a young child." said Ashura. "Yes that's true, that is why he must learn to protect those that do not have the power to protect themselves." The men laughed and talked about life. They were really close. They almost grew up together you might say. They both experienced many hardships, joyful moments, and shared many painful memories. That alone made them almost like brothers. Anyone who could see how close the King of Demons was to a poor human farmer would feel rage and jealousy. That is why they kept their friendship a secret, only from the humans however. The demon race couldn't care less, as far as they were concerned the King is absolute law and they respected him.

"Seth you've gotten pretty good, you'll surpass me one day, maybe very soon." Neil said as he had to catch his breath and wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Ha! I already have." The Prince stood there without any shortage of breath and ready to keep going. He had won the round and felt pretty happy about it. He then held out his hand and helped his friend up. "Wow! you guys are so cool! Can I try?'' asked Yuki, "Sure why-" "No." Neil was interrupted by Seth. "Prince, may I please?" "No." Yuki looked down and sadly looked back up at him. "Do you hate me?" The girl's eyes started to water and this caught his attention, her reaction caught him off guard. He didn't hate her, he just didn't want her to get hurt. "H-hey stop, I no, s-stop, don't cry. Here." He didn't like to make anyone cry, much less girls. It wasn't princely. So he handed her the sword, and the girl took it. It was too heavy for her but she pretended it wasn't. "Thank you.. Do you really not hate me?" she asked again."I don't." he said. "Why do you act like you do?" "I am just not used to talking to people, that's all. I don't hate you." With that the girl gave him a sweet smile, so beautiful it made the Prince blush slightly.

"Your Majesty the King requires your presence." A palace guard announce to Seth. "I'll be right there, thanks." he said, "Well looks like duty calls you. I'll see you around Seth! Bye Yuki!" Neil screamed as he ran off. Then Seth and Yuki made their way back to their fathers.

"Well Miss Yuki, it was a true honor meeting such a lovely young lady." Said Damion. "Thank you your Majesty, it was very nice meeting you too." Yuki said with a courtesy. "Well I hope I see you and your dad more often, okay?" "Okay!" She smiled. "Thank you for having us. We will be on our way now, and young Prince it was a pleasure-" before Ashura could finish his sentence he was interrupted "YOUR MAJESTY! YOUR MAJESTY! HUMANS! They've entered the castle and are looking for you! They are destroying everything!" said a royal guard. Panic filled his eyes, he knew demons were not allowed to attack humans. It was one of the King's rules, so he ran to the King as soon as possible. "What!? get guards out now! Calm everyone and make sure no one gets hurt." The King instructed, "Oh this is all my fault!" said Ashura. "They must of followed me here." "No it's not, go to the chambers in the left tower, you'll be safe there. I'll take care of this." The King started to make his way out. "Father! What should I do?" Seth asked wanting to be of help to his father. "Escort them there, make sure nothing happens to them." "Yes!" "Seth!.. I am counting on you." The King told his son, they looked at each other briefly and Seth understood the responsibility he was being entrusted with. He gave his father a hard nod then took off with Ashura and Yuki to the chambers.

"Daddy I am scared!" Yuki said as she began to cry. "Don't be." said Seth before Ashura could comfort his daughter. "Here take my hand, I won't let anything happen to you." He said as he held out his hand to her, "Okay.." she said and took his hand. They were running down a corridor when a voice stopped them. "There they are!" A mob of people holding weapons surrounded them. "Stop! Please!" Begged Ashura, "We haven't done anything wrong." "Yes you have!" One spoke up, "What did you intend being the King's favorite? You traitor! Hanging out with these demons! You have forgotten they are monsters!" "No, no they are not! Just like there are good and bad people, there are also good demons. The King is kinder than any human I've ever met." defended Ashura. The human's face turned to one of disgust as they heard the words coming out of Ashura's mouth. "Liar! you and your daughter have both been brainwashed by these monsters! But don't worry we will make it all go away!" They began to run toward them wielding their weapons. "Stop right there!" the Prince spoke up, "You will not lay a finger on them!" He jumped ahead to meet the horde of people on his own. "Young Prince!?" yelled Ashura as he instinctively shielded Yuki. "Prince? ha ha, well well, we hit the jackpot everyone! We shall kill the father and the son! We will end the bloodline!" The humans cheered as they charged towards the Prince. "You'll never take this Kingdom down." Seth said in a low voice as he readied himself for the fight.

"Daddy!" Yuki was now sobbing nothing Ashura did was consoling her. She was scared and confused. "It's okay Yuki, everything will be fine." Although he told this to his daughter Ashura was also very scared and worried. He felt useless, there was nothing he could do to help Seth. He would only be in the way. The leader of the mob began to fight with Seth. Even though he was a kid he was a demon, and a strong one at that. One by one he was defeating the men with some help of Ashura who was doing his best in protecting Yuki at all cost. However, "Ugh!" "Daddy, NO!!" Ashura fell to the ground, a blade piercing his heart. "Sir Ashura!" Seth lost control and began killing everyone, within seconds he had killed them all. He hurried over to Ashura, but it was too late. "Daddy? Daddy? Please wake up.." Yuki was sobbing on her knees next to her father who was now dead. "Dad don't go.. Don't leave me alone!" Seth fell to his knees, he felt so powerless, he couldn't protect him. He let his father down and most of all Yuki.."Prince are you okay!?" A group of demons surrounded him, they were all terrifying, strong looking demons. Only the royals and their protectors held human like forms. "Prince.. your father.." At these words Seth jumped up. "What's wrong? Where's father!?" The demons picked up Ashura's body and the crying girl as they made their way to the throne.

"Father!!! No, what have they done to you?" Laying on the floor, surrounded by a demon who was a healer, was the King. Seth looked at the healer who slowly and sadly shook his head and looked down. "Don't worry my son, I am okay. My time has come." Damion spoke slowly and gasping. He was dying, "No dad-" "Seth. I want you to listen very carefully, to what I am about to say. You must not hate humans for this. You will become the new ruler of the world. You have so much to learn. But do not hate. Learn to love. Only that way you'll be happy. Take care of Yuki, you are now both alone. Take care of each other and Seth.. I love y-.." The life in the Kings eyes left him and his chest now stilled. For the first time in his life Seth's cool facade fell. He wept.

Poor Seth and Yuki.

MoonlightGDScreators' thoughts
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