
Part-Time Godkiller

Emory Carson is a final year high school boy who has nothing exciting going for him except his scholarship, no friends, love interest, particular hobby or interest. He has a weak physical constitution and is generally frail but everything changes the day after he loses his part-time job, which he works to support his struggling mother, he stumbles on something interesting that would change the course of his life forever as he gets pulled into a world of oddities and encounters beings and existences that should only exist in myths and legends. What To Expect - Realistic Characters with realistic personality -Rational and reasonable main character -Dark scenes (Necessary for the story) -Epic battles I plan for the story to properly unfurl itself at a decent pace and in doing so it's going go on for a while, so kick back, relax and enjoy the story. Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/SjFaMjrX

Bodhi_sattva · Fantasie
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87 Chs

Chapter 29: One-on-one

Emory watched as Athena walked away from him as their Biology teacher walked in, after spilling textbook worth of knowledge about 'Endocrine system', Emory had to admit that she was indeed more than a rich talkative girl, she was actually very smart, there was a reason she was just behind him in the academic hierarchy of the class.

During their conversation, Athena occasionally cleverly threw probing questions at him, it may not have been obvious to your average teenager as they would have answered her questions and end up spilling too much information, but Emory noticed it and dodged said questions while shifting the topic of discussion back to Biology topics, he guessed she hadn't completely byried the thought about 'studying him', but Emory didn't mind as long as she kept it to herself and stay out of his private space.

The Biology teacher; Mrs. Berry, a tall half Indian and half American woman who spoke with an accent. She was teaching on the same topic Athena and Emory had discussed prior to the class, and it was pretty much the same thing they discussed that dhe was teaching, so Emory paid little to no attention to the class and became lost in thought again, only pulled out of his inner musings when the whole class suddenly burst into a murmur of giggles and knowing laughter, it turns out that Miss. Berry had announced the next topic to be 'Reproduction', well that's what you get when you put a sex related topic together with a room full of teenagers.

The class ended and Emory went directly to the school gym for basketball practice, due to the upcoming match the school had decided to give the members of the basketball team more hours to train and prepare as Inglewood was their rival team, Inglewood had come out on top above Crawford the last five times they met for a match and that didn't do well for the great Crawford's public image.


Emory arrived at the gym after changing to his sportswear, he was met with the sight of Brian practicing his shots with some shooting drills. Emory and Brian were currently the only ones in the gym, and having nothing better to do Emory walked towards Brian. He was going to do it, he was going to start a conversation Brian who with his previous actions had made it clear that he did not like him.

"Hey Brian, what's up" Emory said as he extended his hand out for a handshake. Brian paused as he was about taking a shot and looked at Emory's hand before taking his eyes off Emory and taking his shot. He was dripping in sweat, indicating that he had been training on the basketball court for quite some time.

Swish! Brian sank the shot without hitting rim, Emory passed Brian another ball, Brian took another shot and once again made a rimless shot,

"I know we aren't on the best speaking terms but I hope we can fix that. I know you think I shouldn't be on the team because of how late in joined, but don't worry I won't drag the team down for sure" Emory continued

Brian answered Emory with silence as he took another shot and this time it hit the rim, Emory passed him a ball again and Brian once again missed the shot as the ball hit the rim.

"Your base should be wide when taking a shot and make sure your pickup isn't in a restricting position, it would help you improve your shots" Emory said

"What did you say?" Brian asked, finally breaking his silent treatment as he palmed the ball with his right hand and now faced Emory

"I read it somewhere.It's just a tip that would help you, i don't mean it any other way" Emory replied, waving his arm to show that he meant

"So you think reading a few books automatically makes you a real player?" Brian said sternly

"I mean….it works and I don't see anyone complaining about my game, so yeah" Emory answered calmly

"Okay then Einstein. One-on-one, me and you right now, game to seven. We still have time before the others come" Brian proposed

"Okay, but don't be mad when Einstein beats you" Emory said as he walked closer to Brian

"I will show you that what really matters is not your silly books, but the real deal….Experience" Brian said as he checked the ball to Emory

And so their match began, Emory versus Brian. Brian, with years of experience etched in his every move, dribbled the ball with a seasoned grace, while Emory, fueled by knowledge gleaned from countless basketball articles and books, eyed his Brian with analytical intensity.

The game began, and Brian drove to the hoop with a quickness honed through years of practice and dunked on Emory who stood stunned by Brian's unexpected opener, Brian had been training before Emory came to the court so he should be fatigued but Brian's earlier move said otherwise.

"Was that not in your book?" Brian said mockingly

Emory checked the ball to Brian again and once again Brian drove straight to the rim, but Emory's strategic defense, informed by his meticulous study of the game, stopped Brian's attempt. Retrieving the ball, Emory pushed forward, employing innovative techniques he had read about, weaving past Brian with unexpected agility.

The score remained neck and neck as both of them showcased their respective strengths –Brian's instinctual play and Emory's calculated maneuvers. With each possession, the intensity of the game escalated, and a crowd comprised of the other basketball team members slowly grew as they watched the game in awe, captivated at Emory and Brian's skills.

"What's going on here?" Coach Roland said as he entered the gym

"Emory and Brian are really going at it coach" Liam said, pointing at Emory and Brian

As the game reached its climax, tied at six points each, tension hung in the air like a palpable force.

"You're decent I give you that, but it's my win" Brian said as a smile appeared on his face

"You think so? We'll see then" Emory said, returning a smile back to Brian

Brian, drawing upon his wealth of experience, attempted a signature move, but Emory, anticipating Brian's every move through his study of basketball and Brian's playstyle, intercepted the ball with a well-timed steal. Everyone in the gym stood on edge and watched in anticipation of what woul happen next, Emory seized the opportunity, executing a flawless drive to the basket, bypassing Brian's defense with sheer speed, Brian was helpless as was already reaching his limit due to fatigue and Emory ended the game with a swift layup, the ball swished through the net, sealing Emory's victory at seven points.

The whole gym echoed with excited cheers from the rest of the basketball team and the match came to an end, they had just watched an incredible match.

"Nice game, it was tough" Emory said as he extended a handshake towards Brian who sat on the floor, trying to catch his breath. Brian looked at Emory's arm and said "But you won. Whether it was tough or not does not matter"

"If you weren't fatigued, it would have been a different outcome." Emory said as he retracted his ignored handshake

"Sure….whatever" Brian said as he stood up and walked away.

"What a game!" Liam said as he patted Emory on his back "I knew you were good, but to be able to go toe to toe with Brian and even win. You're different Emory"

"Yeahh…what a game" Emory said

"Nice match boys, fun to watch. Keep it up and we would definitely win over Inglewood this time" Coach Roland said

Coach Roland had Emory and Brian rest for few minutes before having them run suicides as punishment for wearing themselves out before the actual training. Despite exerting himself before Emory arrived at the gym, during the match and after the match Brian still kept up with Emory when they ran suicides. Emory had to commend Brian's stamina, afterall he was just a human.

Suicides: are a common conditioning drill in basketball. They involve running back and forth between two points on the court, usually baseline to baseline, touching each line with your hand. The distance and number of repetitions can vary depending on the coach's preference and the team's level of conditioning. They are an effective way to improve agility, speed, and endurance, all essential for basketball players.

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