
Paper Paper Fruit In One Piece

This is the story of an 'ordinary person' --Torkovich Roman who ate Paper Paper Fruit-- in the world of pirates, without any systems, cheats, or special bloodlines but plot twist identity in One Piece World. Warning : This story has a slow pace and makes changes in the One Piece world little by little, not suddenly, like when you suddenly slap the Four Emperors or kick the Five Elders. The major change would be after Summit War Arc. 2 Chapters / day This is a translation ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime und Comics
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146 Chs

Chapter 131: Combat Ball Game - Victory in Three Seconds"

The winner of the first match is the Straw Hat crew!"

"You have the right to choose a crew member from the Foxy Pirates or take their pirate flag..."

Admitting defeat, the announcer of the Foxy Pirates loudly declared.

"So, who will the captain of the Straw Hat crew choose—"

'Huh, could it be me?'

A tall, thin young man was startled, thinking the other side had taken a liking to his 'good looks.'

'So their target from the beginning was...'

'Darn! They're looking over here.'

A middle-aged man with a receding hairline lowered his eyes, lamenting that his 'brilliance' could never be hidden.

'I'm not mentally prepared yet...'

Even the beautiful magician crossed her arms, looking 'scared.'

"I'm so cute~~ How annoying~~"

You guys...

Roman looked up at the sky helplessly. What was on the Going Merry? — The future Pirate King and his companions! Not just any random people could set foot there.

"Of course—"


A beautiful white horse was brought over and handed to an old man by Luffy.

"Old man, 'Shelly' has waited for you for ten years. Don't let her get hurt again."

"Thank you, thank you."

The old man hugged the white horse, crying uncontrollably. — The conflict with the Foxy Pirates started because Foxy had taken the old man's beloved horse, which he had waited for ten years. Although Roman found it hard to believe someone could live on stilts for ten years...

Well, the world is full of wonders.

But the reason Luffy dared to play the 'Davy Back Fight' game with the other side was because he had absolute confidence in his crew!

"Alright, it's our turn now."

Roman stretched his shoulders, Zoro silently put down his bottle, and Sanji patted his suit and stepped forward.

"Second match: Combat Ball Game!"

"The rules of the Combat Ball Game are simple, just throw the ball into the goal."

"But since it's a ball game, no weapons are allowed."

A vast prairie had been set up as the playing field, and the so-called goals were two lifebuoys. But the ball—

"The so-called ball is actually a person!"

"Who wants to be the ball?"

Facing the Foxy Pirates' question, Zoro pointed behind him without hesitation.



A round ball was placed on Sanji's head, instantly making him furious.

"You're the ball, you moss head!"

"Whatever, let's start the match quickly." Roman stretched his limbs. He didn't have the habit of 'going easy' or 'being funny', he just hoped the opponents were sturdy enough...

"Here they come, the champion team of the Combat Ball Game!"

Three masked gorillas, each taller than the last, entered the arena, making Roman nod in satisfaction.

So strong, he didn't have to worry about accidentally killing them with one hit. —If the opponents knew Roman's 'dark' thoughts, they would definitely choose to forfeit wisely.

"Leading the way is the sprinting monster 'Hamburg',"

A three-meter-tall gorilla;

"Next is the collision machine 'Pickles',"

An eight-meter-tall gorilla;

"Finally, the half-fishman, half-giant 'Big Bun'!"

A fifteen-meter-tall gorilla... well, half-giant.


Although they were three big guys, from their walking posture and aura, they were just big guys. If you had to be specific, they were well-trained big guys.

Bullying normal 'humans' was indeed impressive, but:

"You guys,"

Roman looked at the two still bickering behind him and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"Aren't you two going to—"

"No," x2

Zoro and Sanji both waved their hands, looking uninterested.

"We thought there would be some decent opponents, Roman, you can handle it yourself."


So you guys are treating me as the one to deal with small fry...

"Fufufufu, it seems your crew is quite confident~~"

Facing Foxy's probing, Luffy looked as if it was the most natural thing.

"Of course, Roman alone is enough, split-head."


Foxy instantly knelt down, hugging himself and crying.

"He called me split-head..."

"Boss, pull yourself together!"

The magician beauty quickly comforted her glass-hearted captain.

Facing Luffy's confidence, Foxy quickly regained his composure. However: since that's the case, don't blame me for being rude!

"Listen up, everyone!"

As the three-on-three participants stood in the arena, Foxy pointed to the sky with one hand on his hip.

"I call for a 'Monster Burger'!"


As Foxy's words fell, his pirate crew looked shocked, as if they had heard something terrifying! The Straw Hat crew, though confused, said:

"If it's Roman, it doesn't matter what tricks the opponent uses."

"Yes, I'm already starting to feel sorry for Roman's opponents."

"I'll mourn for them for three seconds first~~"


"Nami, the match has started!"

With the command, the referee suddenly turned his head to the other side and started whistling.

Meanwhile, the three participants from the Foxy Pirates unhesitatingly pulled out: a giant metal rod, a large long knife, and a big iron pot...


"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this blatant cheating?"

Facing Nami's question, the referee, who turned his head and whistled, acted as if he couldn't see anything.

"Hehehe, sometimes the referee doesn't see everything."


"Sigh, forget it."

In this situation, Nami could only helplessly wave her hand and then:

"Roman, take care of them!"

Hmm, Nami still cares about people. Roman nodded, ready to respond:

"I bet a million Berries on you~~"

I take back my words, Nami is still Nami.


Thinking that having weapons gives you an advantage? Foolish!

Unlike others, Roman's 'weapons' are always created when needed. So:


The match started! With a flash, Roman dashed forward, the sound of paper rustling around him as he rapidly began to create paper wrapping around him!

With each step, his figure grew larger! By the time he reached the gorilla 'Hamburg,' he was already taller than the opponent, reaching the so-called 'Admiral height.'

Facing Roman, who seemed to have used 'human enlargement magic,' the gorilla Hamburg stomped hard, creating two deep pits in the grass, and then swung a full-force blow at Roman!

Behind him, 'Pickles' spun rapidly, turning into a giant spinning blade wheel, flanking from the side.

Lastly, the fish giant 'Big Bun' followed closely, swinging two house-sized metal pots. The three of them coordinated well, but:

"How boring,"

No wonder Zoro and Sanji didn't want to fight, these three were just brute force—

First second!

Roman lightly dodged, his whole body suddenly 'blurred.' Like a piece of paper, or seaweed in a storm, the gorilla Hamburg's metal rod missed completely.

At the same time, a flash of his fist at his waist! It struck and retracted instantly, causing dozens of blood flowers to burst from the gorilla Hamburg, who fell backward.

Second second!

Facing the spinning blade wheel, Roman didn't dodge but opened his arms and charged forward, letting the opponent's double blades slash at his chest! Sparks flew in vain as Roman's palms clapped together!


With a dull thud, the giant gorilla 'Pickles' bled from his nose and mouth, his eyes rolled back, and he fell to the side. Next up:

Third second!

Facing the fish giant 'Big Bun,' who was smashing down with an iron pot... or rather, a house-sized steel wall, Roman didn't use any fancy techniques to deflect or dodge but simply punched straight ahead.

Fist against steel! Strength against strength! Power against power!


With a thunderous roar that shook the audience's ears and made their hearts sink, the air exploded and tore apart like a chain of firecrackers! Roman remained in his punching stance, while the giant 'Big Bun' stumbled backward.

As the fish giant 'Big Bun' fell with a crash, the sound of bones cracking echoed from his right arm. It was shattered by the immense force!


As he took another step forward, the paper created like an avalanche expanded 'Roman's' height to a giant-like ten meters!

Stepping forward, five pillar-like fingers grabbed the struggling 'Big Bun's' face, even though his skin was covered in slippery mucus! Like a poor version of the 'Slip-Slip Fruit', but as Roman's giant hand closed, the paper's unique absorbency quickly soaked up the mucus on his body, then grabbed his head and slammed it hard into the ground!


The fifteen-meter-tall body shook violently, then fell silent.

"Goal scored."

Maintaining his 'giant' form, Roman stood up and looked at the referee beside him.

"Aren't you going to blow the whistle?"


Facing the terrified referee who had fallen to the ground, Roman took a step towards him.


The ground trembled as the giant 'Roman's' shoe landed heavily beside the referee, creating a 'grave' big enough for him to lie in.


"Score! Score!!"

"The Straw Hat crew wins!"

With the referee's desperate announcement, the Straw Hat crew easily won the second match.

"Really," Nami sighed.

"As soon as Roman takes action, the atmosphere changes immediately."

As for whether Roman could win? She never doubted it—







You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu