
PANDORA'S BOX: Survival Of A Hundred Misfortunes

Whether driven by boredom or a profound purpose unknown to all, the primordial beings chose to conceal artifacts throughout the universe. Artifacts, which promised immortality and divinity to those fortunate enough to find them. Humanity stumbles on one of these artifacts, bringing chaos and destruction to their world, as the benefits of these artifacts come with a catch. Survive a hundred misfortunes and reach godhood. Leo and the rest of the world are caught up in this trail their world turned upside down as monsters and zombies rampage. Each trail collapsing civilizations. With his intelligence and the perks of the new world; magic, artifacts, and systems. He navigates the new world with his friends in pursuit of the illusory light at the end of the tunnel; immortality and divinity.

Sam_Reuel · Fantasie
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64 Chs


[ 3rd of July 2053, 2:36 pm in Earth time, The planet Earth, a planet in the Milky Way galaxy, on the Orion's arm partakes in the trial to Godhood. Their first trial has begun taking the first step to godhood. ]

"How long has it been since a world took part in the trial?" a majestic golden humanoid figure said as it addressed a being with similar features beside him.

"A millennia ago," the figure beside him said as he peered through his memories.

The figures nodded in agreement. Others with similar features flew in as they discussed among themselves the events that were to transpire on Earth.

These were beings considered to have transcended into a realm beyond godhood. Beings who were outside the universe and the very concept of time.

As unfathomable entities as they were, the entire world reflected in their eyes as they gazed into the emptiness before them, observing the events of the planet Earth.


Panic ensued all over the world as torrential waves of water rushed into buildings, roads, parks, and other facilities destroying everything in their path.

" Run, it's a flood"

" Help me!!! "

" Lexy, Lexy where are you?!!"



Cries and horrified sounds echoed through the streets as people tried to seek shelter from the torrential disaster.

The black box, supposedly the source of all the chaos, exploded, unleashing a massive rush of water. Within the depths of the box lay countless unknown materials, numbering in the billions. A chaotic mixture of these mysterious elements and water surged forth, threatening to engulf the entire world.

People climbed on rooftops as they tried to find footing in this torrent of water.

The unfortunate; those in vehicles, pedestrians, and others who were not close to a shelter were all washed away drowning almost immediately.

The water quickly rose enveloping the tallest of buildings.

" Huh, I guess my time is up," Charles said as he noticed the water slowly entering the room. The conference hall was on top of one of the tallest buildings in the world giving him more time to think of his life, relishing in his regrets, his joys, and all of what he would soon lose.

The windows broke on the pressure of water, causing a torrent of water to rush in. The force was so it pushed him into a wall the impact smashing his head and killing him before the water could drown him.

Koryfi High School, the school Leo had been attending and was currently seeking shelter in, was now underwater as it was only five stories high enabling the water to completely envelop it.

The lifeless bodies of students and teachers alike floated in the water as they were not fortunate enough to get to safety before the flood came in.

Debris, pressure, and the impact from consecutive collisions figured most of the bodies giving the water a slight reddish hue, the color of their blood.

People who had chosen to heed Leo and Mark's advice huddled together in the bunkers, silently expressing their gratitude. They could feel the tremors and hear the sounds of water reverberating through the walls. They caught a glimpse of the flood through the school's cameras before they were short-circuited by the water and the debris it carried with it.

" We were very lucky"

" We would have been swimming with the fishes"

" Lucy?! Did she get to safety?"



Within the safety of the bunkers, students engaged in conversations, their minds filled with thoughts of the disaster, their families, and friends. While they were grateful for their survival, a profound sadness weighed on them for the friends and family they had lost. The once-noisy bunker fell silent as a turbulent mix of emotions raged in their hearts.

The tallest mountains and highest skyscrapers had now been completely covered in water. Everything that once was was now completely under the torrent of water.

Debris floated on the surface as the once-green, once-busy, once lively, once vibrant streets were no more.

In just ten minutes, a torrent of water completely enveloped the Earth, submerging the terrestrial plains and transforming the planet into an aquatic abode.

Airplanes and other aircraft remained airborne, unable to land because the intended landing sites no longer existed. Shock and surprise etched ashen expressions on their faces as they gazed at the world below. Panic gripped the passengers aboard the planes as they watched their planet slowly being engulfed by torrential waves of water. Their sole option was to stay airborne, hoping the flood would recede before they ran out of fuel.


"Eei, we might lose the participants before the trial even begins," The golden figure said addressing no one in particular.

" Yeah, we wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake," another figure said agreeing with the latter.

[ No need to worry my lieges. The miasma in the flood will change the biology of the inhabitants of the earth whether dead or alive. If their body accept the change they will come back to life and if not, their minds and bodies will be corrupted turning into mindless monsters]

" She thought this through better than the previous one "


"Hey, watch where you're touching," a soft and almost enchanting voice echoed in the dark room.

"Sorry", Mark replied as he broke a glow stick, casting light in the dark room that was the bunker they took shelter in.

The flood had destroyed every power station in the world, extinguishing all electricity-powered devices, including the lights in the bunker.

Green light reflected on bright blue eyes as they looked angrily at Mark.

" I said I was sorry" Mark apologizes once again his voice softer than before.

" Miss Anne, please forgive him it was an accident," Leo said trying to cool the tension in the air.

The stern gaze of the blue-eyed girl softened as she accepted the apology.

" We would like to thank you for saving us, if not for you we would have drowned," Leo said as he bowed grabbing Mark's head to do the same.

Anne chuckled at their gesture of gratitude bringing a confused expression on their faces.

"No need for that, you would have done the same"

The two boys nodded as they agreed with her statement. They still felt pretty grateful for what she had done.

An awkward silence filled the room as no one spoke. They were classmates with this beautiful girl, one of the school's top beauties, yet they had never spoken to her until now.

Leo, who had been crushing on this girl since their first meeting at the school's entrance ceremony, maintained a calm facade even though he felt nervous inside as he was alone with her.

"Mark occasionally glanced at Leo, attempting to discern his reaction to the situation they had found themselves in."

" No need to be nervous, let's sit this one out, people will come and save us soon," Anne said as she sat on a sofa in the room.

" Miss, Anne, I don't know what you know of the situation but no one is coming. This is a global catastrophe steered by an unknown force." Leo said trying to bring Anne to the truth.

"What are you talking about, my father told me to get to safety because a natural disaster was going to occur.," Anne said as she wore a confused expression on her beautiful face.

Leo proceeded to tell her his hypothesis as well as the fact that this flood happened after the timer on the transparent blue screen hit zero.

Anne's eyes widened as she realized that what he was getting at could be true.

"So what now"

"We wait. I believe there is enough food here to last for about a month," Leo stated as he glanced at the cabinet in the corner of the bunker.

Even though the world had agreed to a truce after World War Three ten years ago, countries around the world built bunkers to keep their citizens safe in case another war broke out. World War Three had come without warning, claiming many lives. As an act of redemption, the perpetrators shared their technology with the world, propelling humanity years into the future in terms of technology.

" A month will only be possible for one mouth but for three, I am afraid," Anne said looking a bit dejected.

"No problem, Leo barely eats anything, so we will manage" Mark chimed in trying to lighten the mood, he had been quiet the whole time feeling a bit left out.

They talked to each other and decided how to share the food, not knowing how long the water would remain.


Slowly but steadily the water that had covered the entire earth began to evaporate filling the sky with thick fog.

After ten days, the top of Mount Everest could be seen. After six days the top of the highest skyscraper emerged.

Most of the aircraft could not remain airborne as they plummeted into their watery grave.

It seemed as if the Earth itself had grown weary of the water on its surface, greedily soaking up the remaining liquid like a sponge in a puddle. After another nine days, the water had completely drained from the planet, leaving behind small ponds in buildings, subways, and other structures capable of holding water.

The world's geography transformed as the water percentage increased from 71% to 75%. Many islands failed to resurface, and certain parts of the continents were lost, becoming submerged beneath the ocean floor.

Wrinkled, motions bodies littered the ground. Bodies that were once part of the population of the world.

Twenty-five days had passed, and Leo, Mark, and Anne huddled together, seeking warmth. The water that had seeped in earlier had made it unbearably cold, especially during the night. They disregarded their gender differences and did what they had to do to survive.

Anne despite being a rich girl was not that uptight. Mark and Leo had huddled together after noticing the cold air in the room. The blankets were wet providing more cold than warmth. She threw her pride away and joined their small group always keeping a watchful eye for anyone who might try to take advantage of her.

Their routine had been eating one meal a day with Mark and Leo sometimes skipping a meal in fear of not having enough for the rest.

" Leo, check whether water is still out there," Mark said as he broke free from their embrace.

Leo walked toward the bunker door, tapping it softly to listen for echoes from outside. Unlike his attempts in the past few days, the echo was clear, an indication that the outside was filled with air.

" The water seemed to have drained out of the room, there is no water outside," Leo said a tinge of happiness in his tone

Mark hurried to his side, and together, they worked to slowly open the door. It was gently pushed, and when they noticed there was no significant external pressure, they continued to push it open. They opened it slightly, allowing them to catch a glimpse of the outside, but that was all.

" Huh, The door seemed to be stuck"

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