Why are they Evil? Why is this child punished for defending themselves? Is one side truly pure evil even if it's self defense? What does it truly mean to have that power to control the timeline? Save, load, reset all of that power certainly can cost something of the user and are you truly friends if you would've killed them in a overwritten timeline Let's really see the price of misjudgements and the cost of dragging a child in a situation that could have ended a long time ago
Long ago there lived 2 races humans and monsters that lived but they soon waged war against each other started by humanity. It was started out of the fear monsters could take a human soul and use that power to crush them, so they fought and humanity came out on top being far too powerful for the war to even last 2 months. The monsters were sealed by 7 human wizards trapped underground indefinitely. But this is a story about a child who knew nothing of such a conflict and that would cost both sides in far different ways.
It had been thousands of years since the war the surface had long forgotten with fairy tales remaining of the war. A child climbed the mountain they were 10 years of age wearing a blue sweater with pink stripes brown pants and black shoes their skin was light yellow but they were as healthy as can be this humans name was Frisk. They were climbing MT Ebbot the mountain of legend where 6 children went missing but it did not deter whatever they were there for as they stood over the hole."I can't believe I'm.... I'm doing this there's nothing to go back to r-right"They took a breath shaking a bit and bit their lip hard drawing blood.They turned around"No this isn't right I'll ju-" They were cut off as they turned to go back they tripped on a pretty strong vine and started falling and screamed on the way down but their fast decent only made it hurt momentarily by nearby hikers sealing her fate of no rescue as they passed out mid-fall out of fear.
I woke up laying in a surprising soft surface I felt a minor ache but it didn't matter "I'm.... Alive" I say with a sigh of relief I sat up seeing I was saved by golden flowers "this is bizarre....are these things special?" I asked recalled how little it took to flatten a flower on accident "I must've been blessed hehe"I laughed before getting back on my feet. I looked around and saw a hallway that looked a bit old so I picked up a stick that was lying between the flowers "I hope there's a way out" I sat before walking my feet echoing through just as I came across a patch of grass "I really hope this is normal" I say just as a flower sprouted out with a face!"Howdy I'm Flowey,Flowey The flower Golly you must be so confused but do-"before the thing could continue I shouted" What are you!?" I let out before covering my mouth in embarrassment and fear not knowing what else this Flowey could do I saw it's eyes twitch slightly "S-sorry... I.... I was just s-surprised you could talk...nice to meet you Flowey I'm Frisk" I apologized and gave my name hoping Flowey wouldn't do anything harmful. Flowey smiled "oh don't worry I should've expected that since this is your first time in the underground but don't you worry pal I'll teach yah how things work around here" He said with a wink just as the surrounding room turned black and white like it was a separate plain.
"What i-is this?" I asked trying to keep up a smile "well this is a battle silly I'll teach yah how to defend yourself down here" He said before pointing at me "if yah look down at yourself you'll see your soul the culmination of your being" He explained as I looked and saw a red glowing heart "this is...what they look like" I said quietly "your a little too weak to survive down here so I'll give you some LOVE to get stronger so just stay still so I can give you my friendliness pellets"He says as 5 white pellets appeared out of nowhere and drifted towards me " oh so it's like a real power of friendship that so co-"I stopped talking as soon as one touched he it hit like a truck I felt like holes were in my body as I coughed up blood and stumbled back. I looked at Flowey seeing he had a wide grin "You I D I O T in this world It's kill or be killed!".
I trembled and looked at him in fear as I was surrounded with his pellets "NOW DIE!" He shouted as the attack closed in I closed my eyes but nothing came,When I looked he looked confused as his attacks disappeared and a fireball sent him flying. The one who saved me walked into view and they were a goat monster.
To be continued....