
Overpowered Healing Magic (Remake)

The MC is a overpowered magic swordsman that can heal at an overpowered level he can regenerate his arm at a fast level if it ever get cut. For more info read the Novel

SEF_7034 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


Somewhere in the world there lived a hard working man named Jin that was not treated well by his boss

*Boss here is the data you asked for* Jin said

*Good keep it there now I need you to run some errand for me and you need to return in 10 minute* the boss replied

*"What 10 minute?"* Jin said

Jin hated his boss with all his might and he sometime also wished that he was not poor but that can't be happened because this world is reality

*Ok boss "why do he keep on picking me instead of another worker"* Jin said

*Jin you running errand for the boss again*someone that working in the same company as Jin asked

*Yeah I need to go the boss said I need to return in 10 minute* Jin said

*Poor guy he is always being used by the boss just what did he do* the same guy also said

As Jin was returning with the stuff from the convenience store that the boss asked for it took an un expected turn

*Hah! Hah! Just need to cross the road* Jin said breathing heavily

As Jin was about to cross the road a truck was coming from the other direction of the road

*Watched out!!*the man driving the truck said

Jin was hit by the truck and he was bleeding out

*Quick we need to get him to the hospital*

*Someone call an ambulance*

*"Is this how I die? What a pathetic life I had? I had some good memories but what the difference. I wish I was reborn as a noble that don't have to work. Hah maybe in a magic world would be cool"*


Your wish has been granted*

As Jin was on the verge of dying a mysterious screen appeared infront of him

*"What's this screen infront of my face it doesn't matter since I am going to die anyway"* Jin said

And than Jin died but the world he woked up was unexpected

*"What where am I? didn't I die?"* Jin said

*Honey look we finally have a son* a woman dressed in red said

Venessa Okkutsu

*What really let me see? What should we name him?* a man said

James Okkutsu

*Hmm I was thinking of Jin.Yeah Jin Okkutsu that sounds nice* the woman said

*Yeah that sounds like a perfect name* the man said

*Well then Jin Okkutsu welcome to the family*the woman said

*MOM!! did I hear you say that we have a younger brother now* Sara said

Sara Okkutsu

*"So the woman that holding me is my mother and that man standing next to me is my father and that girl is my sister? Yeah that sounds about right"* Jin said

*Yup that right* the mother said smiling

*Wait I gonna go call big sister*

*"They also have a big sister? I need to get some rest this too much information for this baby body"*

*Aang aang "I hate to make this sound but I have no choice"*

*Ohh! Looks like the Jin need some rest.ok ok mommy gonna keep you in the bassinet now so you can rest*

*Let's leave Jin alone for some time now* the father said

*Big sis big sis*

*What?* She answered sweating from the training

Anna Okkutsu

*What with the cold attitude big sis*

*Don't worry you would also be like this some day*

*Well I don't think so!*

*So what is it that you want to tell me*

*Big sis you wouldn't believe this but we have a younger brother now*

*Ohh really yay*

*Can you react more happily?*

*No now leave me alone I need to train*

*Booo! I thought you wanted to see our younger brother*

*Well I will see him later so you can go see him first*

*Ok if you say so big sis*

*Mother where is younger brother*

*He currently sleeping right now you can play with him later now give him some rest* the mother answered

*Ohh! Ok* Sara answered sadly

*There is no need to be sad now Sara* the mother said while petting Sara head

*Well ok*

*"Now that they are gone. While I was about to die I saw some strange name that appear infront of me the name was s..sister.. no that probably not it lets try again sy....syst....System"*


Name - Jin Okkutsu

Gender - Male

Age - 0.1

Class - not selected yet

Level - 1

Strength - 2

Agility - 1

Durability - 1

Endurance - 3

Intelligence - 3

*"Hmm?!! Not bad for a baby...that sounds weird"*

*"Well this is boring!"*

*"I can't do much other than just cry and move around the bassinet"*

A while later

*Mother can I go play with Jin now* Sara said

*Sure you can go play with Jin now*

*Yay! Thank you mother your the best*

*Ha ha ok ok now go play with Jin now*

*Ok mom*

On the way to Jin room Sara was thinking how he can play with Jin but there was already someone who was playing with Jin

*Hmm how should I play with Jin?*

*Hehehe he soo cute*

*Huh what that sound I am hearing. It's coming from Jin room*

Sara heard a sound from Jin room so she ran to Jin room

*Who are you and what are you doing to my precious little brother!!! Huh big sis Anna what are you doing here*

*Huh I...uh ... i.its nothing I am just playing with Jin haha* Anna answered embarrassed

*Big sis I didn't know you had this type of attitude you just became lame on my head*

*W-what are you talking about*

*So what are you doing here Big sis*

*I am just playing with Jin*

*You just change your attitude again to cold just now*

*Yeah and?*

*Ehh whatever*

*So what are you doing here? Sa ra*

*I just wanted to play with Jin*

*"Uhh I thought I would be free just after big sis stop playing with me but she is also here"* Jin said

*Ok than come here and play with Jin*


And for 5 Years Jin had to play with his 2 big sister everyday. Well time flies by fast so the 2 big sister forgot that Jin is already now 5 years old

And now here we are 5 Years later