
Chapter 5 - Hunting (1)


-Next morning-

As, the Sun rised brightly from the east horizon of the Empire, the current northern part of Empire was in huge bustling, as the Soldiers were all gathering near the Gate of Main Castle.

As, Today was the expedition of Prince Jircniv and there Young Duke Noah, So many soldiers were there to give there good will for there good hunting.


-Inside the Frostborn Castle-

"Oh, My Friend Noah... it seems like we are now ready to go, So can you tell us where we are going?" asked Jircniv with open arm, as he carried his face smacking smile.

"Yeah, Jircniv... we are going to the Snow Mountains, for our hunting... as, I have gotten report from there local's, that there are some Savage monsters there, making there living difficult."

"Oh!.. s-Sure, Then lets go there quickly, I want to try my Sword Art on them." said our cute Prince Jircniv, as he tried to hide his anger when he heard the same casual tone of Noah.

'Damn it!! Atleast show some courtesy Infront of me!! I am still a Prince, even If I gave you the permission to not use any honorific!!' grunted Jircniv inwardly, as he was still showing his smile outside.

"Sure Jircniv, Then lets start walking.. The Snow Mountain is pretty far away you know~" Noah said playfully, as Jircniv made an confused face.

"What do you mean by that? Aren't we going by Carriage?"

"Oh no no, You see.. The Snow Mountain was named 'The S.n.o.w Mountain' because of its heavy snowfall all-around the seasons, So the horses or Salves can't lift the carriage on its heavy snowfall, and we don't have any Magic Caster who can use the 6th-tier Magic, Weather Change."

"So, you are saying we have to go there all by our feet!! Do you know I am a Empire Prince!! Do you expect me to climb the Mountain!!" said Jircniv in alittle infuriated tone, as how can he who was living his whole life on luxury in Palace, he who never have to use his hand to eat and foot to walk!!

How can he climb Mountain, that also which will be filled with snowfall and dangerous beasts!!

"Oh My bad, I almost forget that how can you a Prince of an Empire, go to a heavy blizzardy mountain, without any luxurious Carriage to carry him." said Noah as he slapped the back of his head with an sudden realized expression, while Jircniv nodded his head with satisfaction... but suddenly Noah, changed his realized face into cold as he said in an sarcastic tone.

"Then it is better for you to return to Empire, I don't think a person who is drowned in luxury should come here for hunting... hunting isn't a joke, hunting is something where your one single decision decide the fate of yourself and your companion."

"Wh-what did you say... eee!" Jircniv who was just seven, screamed with an frightened face, as of course he could be scared when he felt the blood thirst of Noah, as who was Noah?

He was an ex-advocate of Devil King Satan, a messenger of 7 Heavenly Sin... even if he is now just in the body of 5 year old, how could he not agitate Jircniv.

"I will ask once again Prince Jircniv, Are you coming for hunting or not?" asked Noah, as Jircniv who's real purpose coming here was to befriend Noah... how could he still reject Noah, so without any second thought he nodded his head.

"Oh, Then let's get going, shall we?" asked Noah, as he retreated his blood thirst, replacing it with a huge smile.

"Ye-Yeah." said Jircniv, while Virga also came inside the room, while wearing a body-plated iron armor, as she carried two dagger inside the sheath of her waist, while a long iron sword hanging on her back.

"My Lord, all preparation are done... I have hired one Mithril adventure group to escort us, like you have ordered." said Virga while giving a respectful bow to her Master, as Jircniv tensed mood loosen abit.

As, A Mithril rank adventure group is sure a huge ranking among the adventures of the Empire... as the rank of Adventure goes by Copper - Iron - Silver - Gold - Platinum - Mithril - Orichalcum - Adamantite.

So, A group of achieving third-highest rank in adventure Guild, gave him a hope of this hunting being alot easier then it could have.

"Oh, How many members do they have and what are there classes?" asked Noah, while Jircniv paying attention.

"They consists of 6 member, 2 Swordsman, 1 Archer, 1 Magic Caster, 1 Assassin, 1 Druid." said Virga with same old cold face, as Noah nodded his head in satisfaction.

"They sounds like a balance team, I guess we can have them watch our back.... Why don't you introduction them to me." Noah said, while Virga clapped her hand... while five humans and one elf walked inside from the door opened by her awhile ago.

"Why don't you give your introduction to My Lord and Prince." said Virga looking at the adventure group she hired.

"Sure Miss Virga, My humble greetings to the Young Duke and Prince, My name is Kaja, the leader and the Vanguard Swordmen of our Adventure team 'Six Hope'." Introduced the leader of 'Six Hope' as he raised his hand, who was an middle-ages man looking in his 30's, while he had a bulky build, as his messy beard and curly short hair gave him a wild look, as he was 6,9 ft tall, while his full body-plate iron armour were giving him a vibe of an veteran Swordsman.

And as for the reason, why he didn't bow to Noah and Jircniv, was because he was an adventure neither a Soldier or subject of the Empire, so he didn't needed to bow to Noah and Jircniv.

Then Noah and Jircniv shaking there hand with Kaja, other members of 'Six Hope' began to introduce himself.

"Hey~, My name is Alice, I am the vice-leader and the only Magic Caster of the team!, hehe~ I will be sure to protect you guys!." said the next member with a cheerful smile, while shaking her hand with Noah, as she was a beautiful girl looking in her 20's, who had a beautiful long-straight blonde hair, while her sinful body.. gave many men a thought of wooing her, as she was wearing a tight shirt and jeans, as she was carrying a wooden staff with red magic crystal in its top on her hand.

"My name is James!!, the second swordsman of the team!!, Nice meeting Young Duke and Prince!!"

"My name is Martin, the druid of the team, Its my pleasure meeting Young Duke and Prince, hohoho.. What a cutie the Prince and Duke are~."

"Name's Misha.., the Assassin... Pleasure doing business with your..."

"My most humble greeting to Young Duke and Prince and hehhe~ Nice meeting Miss Virga... I am Aryan, the Archer of the team also a Elf."


After the introduction of all the members from 'Six Hope'... Noah team and Six Hope began to walk to the north from our Homeland.

And finally after a journey of 4 days, they were finally reaching near there destination, The Snow Mountain.

"Hehe~ Miss Virga, Do you want cookies? I made it by my hand, I am sure you will love it~" said Aryan while Virga didn't even bother listening to him, while the rest of team laughed because of seeing so many time Aryan failed to court Virga.

"Hey Aryan!! Just come here... You can not court Miss Virga, Can't you see she already have crush on Our Young Duke Noah!!" suddenly shouted Kaja, as Virga cold-face suddenly blushed, while Aryan puffed his chest.

"Even If Miss Virga like Young Duke, I won't back down!! A true man never back down even if he fail many time.. he will try every way to win!! And I will also try every way to make Miss Virga accept my feeling!!" shouted Aryan, while Virga turned around while she added her point.

"You are a Archer who are always behind the Vanguard, How are you a Real man? Real man always face the danger head on." said Virga ruthlessly, as Aryan soon turned into a broken statue.. while a young voice cut down there conversation.

"Now now, Virga you can't be so ruthless, All people are best at there own field, If a Archer were to go in the frontline, they are bound to die.. but if they support from the back, they can change the tide of battle."

"Ohh Young Duke!!~ Finally someone understand my circumstance!! Oh how much I wish Miss Virga can also understand me like you!" said Aryan with fake tear, making the whole team chuckle abit.. when Martin suddenly gave a few handsignal to Kaja, as he raised up from his seat.

"Guys, We have a monster horde coming this way!! Quick take your positions!!" Kaja said, while he unsheathed his cross-sword.


Next chapter..

The Action will finally began!!

___The End...

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