
Teseo vs Minotaur

Two full months had passed outside of Nazarick, playing at war.

After collecting around 600,000 corpses to send to the fourth floor (the ice floor) where they would be frozen and prepared for future conversion into dreadnoughts (death knights) and zombies.

I also got Draudillion to absorb all those souls, confirming that she could already use various wild magic spells.

The rescued humans began to be a problem, to the point that Draudillon's non-combat troops and the adventurers were overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.

Farms full of humans abounded throughout the beast territory.

To give you an idea, we managed to save 10,000 humans.

Finally, we finished razing another city, Vaes Leqse, one step closer to the capital.

It was depopulated when we arrived, the fugitives I let escape had warned of our imminent arrival.

The reason they did this is because this city borders the Minotaur Nation and the Beast Commonwealth, its two neighboring nations.

If I were the enemy, I would attack here.

This is where they set the trap for me.

Realizing it quickly, I warned everyone to retreat except for the level 100 NPCs, namely Sebas.

"The largest enemy army to date will be on the way. They were waiting for us to pass through here. You have done a good job. I am still at 100% of my magic power and we have only suffered 85 casualties. We will distribute the dreadnoughts among your five legions, not necessary with mine."

That would be 17 death knights for each legion.

"But Your Majesty, we also want to fight by your side," said Leinas fanatically.

Leinas Brockbuise had officially become my worshiper.

"It is an order, everyone retreat two cities back. There may be an enemy at my level. In that case, you would only be a hindrance. You know how powerful I am; another with the same power would kill you in one attack."

Leinas was saddened but understood my cold logic and ordered her troops to retreat. Go Gin, Buser, Enri, and Pe Ririyuro followed suit and also ordered the retreat.

Draudillon and Tsuare wished us luck, informed the adventurers, and left with the rescued humans.

They had been useful; I got here with almost all my MP intact, only using [Detect Traps] occasionally to find landmines.

Of course, it would be easier if I called a Guardian, but where is the fun in that? Besides, I want the high commands of the theocracy and the Argland Council to underestimate my strength.

Moreover, I had Sebas, who is said to even overwhelm Albedo and Cocytus in his draconic form. If the wise minotaur appeared, we would be 2 against 1.

If this were my first months in this world, I wouldn't see myself fighting like the original Momonga. This is because, as much as I read the novels in the past, I couldn't compare myself to him with his years of experience. Maybe I could modulate Satoru's actions in the fight against Shalltear, but I still lack game knowledge and experience.

That was until I asked Pandora's Actor for help, an NPC first loyal to his creator, then to the guild leader, and lastly to the other supreme beings.

So I had no problems asking for help. I made up on the spot that by changing worlds, I lost part of my 'divinity' and that for me Yggdrasil was just a game at that moment, so I forgot my remaining spells and game knowledge.

'Son, I have something to tell you that you might not like. Pandora Actor, for me your world was just a game where supreme beings played. Although the Ainz Ooal Gown guild dedicated time and effort to creating you, Yggdrasil was just entertainment, so I lost the knowledge that is everything here today. I would like you to teach me in secret.'

Pandora took it well, too well. I had just told him that his existence was a mere pastime, yet my new son, as positive as always, swallowed my words and helped me as much as he could. He dictated combat strategies to me and overwhelmed me with knowledge such as my 700 spells (which he knew thanks to his doppelganger class).

Thanks to that, I feel a bit more confident in my combat abilities.

I was a bit uneasy because Maruyama said my build was low tier but compensated with items and skill, and I lacked that skill.


"Ainz-Sama, what do you want me to do?"

The butler asked me.

"Protect me while I talk to Entoma."


"Ainz-Sama, do you have orders?" Entoma, with her monstrous voice, spoke.

"Yes, I want you to send Nazarick agents to the beast country to collect corpses and send them to the ice floor with the ice maidens to keep their bodies intact."

"They will be, Ainz-Sama."


After this exchange, I used the spell [Remote Viewing] to look around for the enemy army.

I was slightly surprised at what I found: a coalition formed by three nations: The Beast Nation, the Beast Commonwealth, and the Great Minotaur Nation. Around 500,000 troops.

As far as I understand, that must be one of the largest armies in the history of this world...

Tiger men, puma men, jaguar men, lion men, bear men, wolf men, and minotaurs armed with armor, swords, and spears united under three leaders.

And one of them was definitely the being I was looking for.

The minotaurs were smaller than I thought, three times a human, but still didn't surpass the trolls and frost giants.

But the leader of the army did meet my expectations of what a minotaur was.

Standing proud as a god among his kin, the one I now believe to be the wise minotaur was five times a minotaur and fifteen times a human, standing like a colossus with his red fur.

Oops, red fur? The previous one must have been his son.

The remaining minotaurs were all brown and black; there were only four red ones.

Did he want revenge?

"Ainz-Sama, is the enemy approaching?"

"Yes, take this teleportation stone in case you are attacked. I want you to talk to the giant minotaur, tell him to end the slavery or consumption of humans in their countries or they will suffer the consequences."

Sebas smiled, probably because this aligned with his setting.

"I am not finished. We will set a trap for them. They will not accept since I killed that player's son. So listen, when I give the signal, you must teleport and..."


Sebas POV

My master was very merciful, worthy of a supreme being. I was already surprised at how he forgave Tsuare, but now he wants to defend the weak from slavery or being eaten.

That was the master I wanted to serve.

"[Create Fortress]" Ainz-Sama created his fortress for his plan.

Half an hour later, the demihuman troops had arrived, and I was at the front of the master's tower.

Well, do just as the supreme being said.

As my master predicted, the fortress was surrounded by an army of 500,000 men, a good number.

Suddenly, three men came towards me, a veteran-looking lion man, a cunning-looking tiger man, and an angry giant minotaur.

The latter must be the master's target.

"Human, are you Ainz Ooal Gown?"

"My master is indisposed, inside the tower. He sent me to negotiate."

"Mere cattle dares to negotiate face-to-face with us..." said the veteran lion man.

"Enough already, let's kill them and go to the enemy army. Clearly, they are wasting time," the tiger man theorized.

"Human," the minotaur's voice was deep, "why is your master not here at the negotiation?"

I ignored the question and continued with the offer.

Fifteen seconds had passed.

"My master offers the resurrection of your son and the return of lost territories in exchange for ending the beastly customs of the Beast Nation and Beast Commonwealth."

Twenty-three seconds.

None of the demihumans laughed, but they didn't seem to take it seriously either.

"Mm, resurrect?" The minotaur was the only one interested.

"Listen, human, my counteroffer is this: you will go to a breeding farm, and your master will be decapitated in front of you," the tiger man said.

A blind fury invaded me.

Calm down, buy time for your master.

Thirty-four seconds.

"I am not a human," I said while loosening my suit. I couldn't tear the clothes made by my creator.

Then I changed form, my scales emerged, and I grew several meters.

"I am a dragonoid."

This surprised the demihumans.

"What is a dragon doing in these lands?" said the lion man threateningly.

Fifty seconds.

"I have already said, my master has an offer."

"Father!! Why aren't we attacking yet?" Another red minotaur appeared.

"Ryu!! This is not your place, go back to the line!" The giant replied to his son angrily.

"Don't tell me you believe this invader!"

This is perfect, just as Ainz-Sama planned.

One minute and five seconds.

It was time. "I apologize, but I must go."

I broke my teleportation stone.


Wise Minotaur POV

This was a waste of time.

I could resurrect my son with the resurrection staff, I just needed his body.

And of course, kill the one who hurt him.

It had been 190

 years since I banned the consumption of humans in my country, but unfortunately, my new body took over my mind.

The sad truth is that humans didn't matter much to me anymore.

I still see the practice of eating other intelligent beings as barbaric, but I no longer fight against it as I did in the past.

Now I have a family and a new identity as a minotaur.

"I have already said, my master has an offer." The annoying butler continued with this nonsense.

"Father!! Why aren't we attacking yet?" Ryu abandoned his post to talk to me, embarrassing me.

"Ryu!! This is not your place, go back to the line!" Damn it.

"Don't tell me you believe this invader!"

A deep rage invaded my body, this brat!

"I apologize, but I must go."

The now dragon butler took out a teleportation stone.

An Yggdrasil item if I am not mistaken.

Suddenly a sense of fear invaded my body, and I began to ask myself questions.

What if I was facing a player?

How did this fortress appear? What kind of magic was it? Was it not from Yggdrasil?

In all my years, I had never found another like me. I also hadn't tried to find one; I almost never leave the country's borders.

Then one of my worst fears came true.

A demon, definitely a player, appeared, betrayed by the giant magic circle behind him, piercing the walls of his fortress.

A sorcerer.

"Despair begins," I heard him say.

"Iä Shub-Niggurath."

Instant death magic? What kind of fool specializes in that?

Instant death magic was terrible in the game. Other players had immunity to that magic just by being near the level of the one casting the spell.

That's why no one used instant death magic.

'I will have to resurrect all my children and wife when I finish this.

Of course, in life, nothing goes as expected.

The spell killed me, along with most of the army, who were 100 meters from his fortress.


That was easy, I thought as a black sphere appeared from the sky.

It was the effect of Iä Shub-Niggurath, the summoning of dark young combined with the goal of all life is death.

But in life, any plan is destined to fail.

A body shone before the thick black liquid engulfed it.

It was the wise minotaur.

He had revived by a resurrection stone.

Well, that's within my expectations.

It didn't matter, once revived by the resurrection stone, you lose your resistances. Additionally, soon five dark young would appear just as in the Katze Plains.

Seems like a support, now I know he has job classes like holy knight. I could equip a divine class item that resists divine attacks, then the minotaur would lose his advantage.

If I were him, I would flee with a teleportation stone like Sebas did.

"[Great Repel]" A ninth-level spell that blocks teleportation magic.

And to top it off, seven dark young formed, a new record.

"Dark young, attack the minotaur!"



The cyclone was heading straight for me, to which I responded in my way, turning inside my fortress.

The clash between attack and defense ended in the collapse of my fortress.

I teleported out before the rubble fell on me and summoned an air elemental.

With this, I would eliminate the possibility of him escaping by flight.

Now the minotaur had to face seven dark young and an air elemental.

"[Great Earthquake]" The minotaur, blinded by fury, didn't distinguish between enemies and allies and destroyed his own army (although they would only hinder this battle).

"Fly" I dodged the attack.

The level 80 summons suffered quite a bit of damage but continued my orders, and two of them managed to hit the enemy.


"[Great Earthquake]" He cast the same level 10 AOE spell on the dark young again, eliminating them, not without receiving another blow from one of them.

A pity, they would have been a good addition to Nazarick.

Well, those two consecutive spells would have exhausted part of his mana.

Now I just had to do what a mage does and attack from a distance.

"[Reality Slash]"

I cast the spell intending it to end like his son.

"[Flash]" The minotaur cast a level 7 spell that teleports you several meters, dodging my spatial attacks.

I didn't let him breathe.

"[Gravitational Ball]"

"[Earth Wall]" The minotaur barely blocked the attack, curiously in the same way Shalltear did.

My elemental didn't stay idle and created a hurricane, dragging him towards me.

"There is no escape, reunite with your family," I said.

The angry wise minotaur charged towards me with his divine level axe.

Now that he had put himself in front of me, he gave me the perfect angle to attack.

I responded by gaining distance with flight and activating [Reality Slash].

This spell hit three times on the minotaur, who bled from all sides. He must have a lot of HP, definitely a support.

"[Life Essence]"

He had little life left.

But I didn't expect his next move.

He took out an item.

According to Pandora's Actor, a world-class item.

That item was, [A Dove on an Olive Branch], whose application was unknown to both Pandora's Actor and me.

The minotaur activated the item and ran.

Suddenly, the storms from my air elemental that complicated his movement stopped affecting him.

I can't let him escape.

I cast one last reality slash.

At this point, I had little mana left, so this attack would be my last spell; I couldn't do much if I missed.

To my surprise, the minotaur, who had turned his back on me and fled, didn't dodge the attack but passed through it without any signs of blood.

The minotaur became intangible.

I tried to chase him, but I am a sorcerer and he is a warrior; my prey had greater speed and physical endurance.

So that's what [A Dove on an Olive Branch] does?

To summarize, it puts you in spectator mode in GTA V.

I know because if he could attack me, he would have, the minotaur was very angry with me right now. That fury was very real, it wasn't an act.

Anyway, now that I know he has a world-class item and another divine class (his axe), I won't let him escape.

I have to know how long the effect of his world-class item lasts.

From his direction, he is heading to the minotaur capital.

Let the hunt begin.