
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

6: Kingdom Grave

It's dusty. Just one tread of my horse, dust flies roundly. It could be an ash. I can smell corpses and burned woods, same case with my kingdom but this is worst. I can't feel any heartbeat instead from my troops. The tree, bigger than two castles, is like dead stem without tasting sun light and water the whole year.

I raise both of my hands beside me slowly. All the houses, woods and staffs are gathering in one spot, above us. When all is amassed, I can see the thousand numbers of corpses laying on the ground. Some of the flesh are chopped and slightly rotten. Now all the ruined material is stuck inside a barrier floating above, like how my kingdom looks like.

"Gather all the corpses!" I command to the knights. I came inside the castle to look for Queen Dreas together with Rhea. As we walk along the hallway, we saw dead bodies of maids too, fresh blood that painted the wall can be smelled.

This is the way to the throne, or like, we're inside the huge tree. This castle is the biggest. The leaves of this tree serve also as a roof. When we got here in the main hall, to the throne, we saw Pharis lying unconscious on the side of the throne. And a heinous and vexation sight I've seen, seeing Queen Dreas hanging her dead body. Her neck is kink by chain installed on the chandelier.

Her white long gown is torn. Her skin is as old as a hundred years old woman. That is her original appearance. I stick together my palms to create a stone like crystal and I throw it to cut the chain. When her body falls, I use telekinesis to bring it down slowly.

"Rhea, carry Pharis' body."

And I carry Dreas'. Just beside this hall, a terrace where I can see the leaves in a closer view and the whole kingdom in upper view. I stoop on top of the barrier of the terrace, looking down

"Xavier? What now?"

"This is the easiest way to go down," she sighed and scowl.

"Be careful, that one is still alive," she was surprised and kinda delighted when I said that. Pharis is still alive, I can feel his heartbeat. He could be useful since he's good at fooling humans. When I jump from the terrace, I know Rhea is hesitating but she jumped too. I hope she know that I can save her here.

I remember the first time I jump here, I was still a little boy, together with Queen Dreas. But I'm a King, and she's dead. While still falling I hear Pharis' scream. This sure woke him up. I smirk with him. The gravity is slowly letting go from pulling us, we landed softly successfully.

"Whoa! That could give me a heart attack! And you! Why have you done that?!" Pharis scolded at Rhea.

"Mr. Gnome, it was my first time jumping that high together with a crowing chicken." Rhea's legs are still shaking.

"That was stupid, I admit. But easier than walking back on the hallway with sleeping corpses." She sat on the ground and I continue my march. Pharis is still scolding her, and she's fighting back.

When I came back, all the corpses are accumulated and organized​. I lay Queen Dreas' body fervently in front of me. I stamp my right heel and the ground was cemented. I made them all a coffin at the same time made by rock. Then I let the earth swallow it peacefully.

All the knights gave respect for the dead. When they are fully buried, I build a gravestone for them too, I made it special for the god of wishes. I whistle and grasses and flowers grow, it increases the solemnity of this place.

The kingdom with helpful citizens and peaceful living is now a grave. I can hear Pharis' weep behind me. And I'm still staring at Queen Dreas' tomb. Rhea stood beside me to give salute for the dead.

"Xavier, is this the end?"

"I have no choice. If the conclusion is this, let it be done."

"So what's your next move?"

"I have an idea. We're going back to Murdox," after I said that, she commanded the knights to prepare to leave.

"Pharis, you can be a guardian of this graveyard. But for now, it's not yet safe, so you should come with us." I look at the giant tree, I'm gonna miss its shinning leaves and flying butterflies. For now, it only looks like a normal yet big tree.

Ishi-kea kingdom is now Ishi-kea grave. When we came back to Murdox, I told everything to King Corrihor. He was upset.

"I need a fleet messenger," I said to him.

"What do you mean?"

"A message as fast as Queen Dreas' butterflies."

"And why?"

"I want to hold a Royal's assembly talking about these issues."

"I see. Well if you're looking for that messenger, I know someone." he pointed the picture of his daughter posted on a huge space of their wall. She's now a Queen, Queen Elizabeth.

"Your daughter?" I suddenly remember how scary she is.

"No. I mean, her husband."

"Oh. King Russel." A fire specialist that came from other nation.

"They live in Greenland kingdom. But... that's too far from here so I'll just send them a message and they will send the message to other kingdoms, as quick as fire."

"Kingdoms in our whole nation. It will be held at Ishi-kea grave. Afternoon, tomorrow. Tell them they should include knights. And-"

"So... that is now Ishi-kea grave huh." I notice his grimace.

His attendant wrote everything I said on a scroll and sealed it on their eagle messenger. This eagle is big and almost wearing an armor, also seems old. When it flies, it's quick. Good. Now I can go back home and rest. And i can't help but worry about my daughter.