
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

50: Dread


Something smell disgusting just around my nose! My corpse? It's tickling my face, too light and frisky. Slowly I raise my eyelids and found the most loathsome being of all creation!

"Finally you're awake you sleeping ugly hag! I hate you! That is my good morning message for you; I hate you! I hate you! I hate y—ah!" he dodged when I tried to bite him. "How dare you! How dare~ you!"

I lift myself up, I found myself inside a sweet and a room of serenity. It's not vast in space, but a peaceful mansion that inhales the air from the outside through the window with a white veil. I can't guess enough how long I've been unconscious. And I didn't notice Poc's babbling.

"I thought you're dead! And I really hope you're dead—!"

"Is this hell?" I asked.

"Oh gracious, of all questions?! Why would you want to go to hell?! Oh! I know! Because—"

"Because you're here."

"What?! How dare you!! Again! Yes how dare you ugly scumbag! You must be thankful that we helped you! Curse that all-knowing giant melons I'll surely grind her face!"

My eyebrows meet. Where is my cane? My mask? Where am I? Where's Ashti? Later on, I felt my heart aching too much. Every beat hurts! My sight darkens! I'm breathing, but I don't feel the air coming in my lungs! I grasp on the blanket; trying to stop my pain and the rampage. I felt two souls came in to this room. And I wasn't able to focus much.

I just felt warm touch on my cheek before I was able to calm myself. And this time, I saw an adult woman with an angelic face. Her eyes are green and have a soft sharp brown hair. Her body—just like Poc said—every male would wish to lay in bed with her perfect seducing body figure; specially with her skimpy clothe, but not me.

She smiled, "You're too dependent," she said.

I'm back to my senses. The other one standing next to her is surely a Mount; he carries a tray of meal. Poc sat on the woman's shoulder like his dearest best friend after he back-stab her with his words before. I don't even expect too much kindness with this dwarf.

"Just like what I've seen, you're too dependent to your props," she added.

"Should I look for commentary with your message?"

She smiled again, "You depend too much on your mask to calm yourself. You can use powerful magics right? But only with the cane under your sleeves. Even from pain, you're afraid to feel pain by using too much of your rigid body."

She knew a lot! And who is she?

"I am Tough. People call me Ms. Tough. You've been in a comatose for half a month. You must be hungry." The man gave me meal he's holding and I'm still uncomfortable to dig in.

"Don't be ashamed. Or else you'll end up weak. His name is Asnoed."

Slowly, I took a spoon to sip.

"You're too shy. Don't be such a liar. I know you. I know every single corner of the story of your life."

A certified stalker?

"No I'm not," I was startled.

Can she read minds?!

"Of course." I bit my lip. "I know everything. I am the goddess of truth. Which means, you can't lie to me," she said like threatening me. "You wanna know some proof? You're a handicap, right? Luckily you're blessed. And there's something behind those lips; a blessed teeth bestowed by the tooth fairy. And you hate it that's why you're stingy when it comes to smiling. But there's a certain woman who can expose your smile."


"Yes. You might ask where she is, apparently, she's stronger than you now. She's doing fine. Safe inside the world you're looking for."

"So why did you took me here?"

"Because of the prophecy. Weird, right? The world runs according to what the prophecy says. And you're here because I will teach you to be independent."

"You? Wait! How did you stop the trigger?"

"I have an improved gift. I can control human using their mind. I hindered the nerves that controls your rage. I also hasten the command of your brain for the duty of the cells on closing your wounds when we found you. That's why you're healed."

It feels embarrassing to express my gratitude


"You're welcome." I bit my lip again. "Stop that hobby. You'll ruin your facade."

"Well that's absolutely fine! Let him ruin his face," Poc exclaimed. I rolled my eyes within 90 degrees. "If only I'm freed from that stupid weakling princess even from that king! I hate you people. Even you," he pointed Ms. Tough, "Especially you!" then me.

"How are you suppose to train me? I have no explicit ideas with these eyes..."

"Your eyes carries the expression of fear and pain. Anyone who stares at you will be swallowed by their greatest fear that gave them shudder. If they can't stop it, the possible cause of your victims death is heart failure or blood loss through vomit. In other words, a fearful curse. If you can't control it yourself, the same thing will happen to you. Phobia will devour your mind and your body will lose control through rampage... until death."

"And the only way to stop that is extreme pain!" Poc said. During their speech, I was able to finish my meal, however, it's not enough! I need a worth half month meal to satisfy this appetite.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Overcome your fear. Unless you'll experience countless stabs from Poc."

I saw him grinning. "Perhaps, you look better without that mask!"

"Should I be grateful with your very first compliment to me?"

"Hoho~ I am just excited to crumb your flesh!"

"Then—where is my mask... and the cane?"

"I'm hiding it! Make sure you're independent enough for me to return it! Don't make me hate you even more and more and—"

"Shall I give you a trial for your training?" said Ms Tough.

"You're making it sound difficult."


A familiar voice of a woman called me. And before I recognize it, I'm sitting on another bed. My bed. This place if familiar too. My home. The voice calling me came from my sister, Nheia. And she's back to her childhood days, even me! Ms. Tough and Poc are gone also the peaceful room before. Is she playing with my mind?

"Haris, hurry up! You have to help our mother with the logs!"

It's early in the morning, and I got a very bad feeling about this! She said I have to overcome my fears. And my fear is... their death. Will she replay this in my mind until I stripped off my fear?!

"Hey! Stop daydreaming. Hurry up!" She pulled me out of my bed and I am still unable to speak... because of fear. Slowly am trembling!

"Haris? What's wrong? Are you sick?" She touch my forehead. And as expected, I saw my mother came inside the house. I was struck with terror!

"Mother, looks like there's something wrong with him."

"Haris dear? Don't you feel well? You can rest for today, I can do the cooking."

Tears are flooding my sight when I felt my mother's loving voice again. I can't watch her dying again! I ran away, away from the house. I faltered when I saw my home kingdom on it's peaceful and buoyant state. Other young ladies who loves to play with me greeted me. And I avoided their glance.

"Haris! Where are you going?!" mother is chasing me. She's worried. I want to hug her, but I run away.

"Ms. Tough please stop this!" I screamed.

I almost stumble when a branch of a tree thwarted my feet. And when I stopped, I found myself in the dark forest, standing in front of my mother's body being eaten. My heart aches again extremely, dragging me to cringe from pain on every beat! I screech; begging to stop this! Suddenly, I felt a nail sunk in the bone of my knees! I came back from my senses.

"Wow! So extreme pain will stop your rage! Amazing! I want to do it more! More!"

"Stop it Poc!" Ms. Tough warned him.

I'm panting, gnashing my teeth with this pain! I can't move the leg even an inch! Ms. Tough sat beside me again. And I shook my head.

"I can't do it!"

"You have to."

"No. Not my past... not them... I can't!"

"Haris, you have to," she insisted.

She wipe my tears away with her fingers. Poc pulled out the nail in my knee. I emit a short yowl!

"Ugh! You're so effeminate I feel sick! Disgusting! I hate it! I hate you!-"

"The hell I care about your health."

"Haris..." Ms. Tough gave me a straight eye contact. My wound slowly closed on its own. It could be she activated my cells again just like she explained before. She made her gift extremely competent.

"Follow me," she said.

We left Poc alone laying-pretty on the bed inside this room.

This abode, it is located on top of a mountain with a perfect relaxing atmosphere. The house—not a mansion I expected before—is isolated in this mountain. It has garden too. We stand near the brink; gazing below the mountain which is the Landline. Outside the Landline.

"I've seen your past, I felt your pain, your agony... I know how it feels. Before I became a god, I lost too many people precious to me. My father. He's the only one who nourished me since my mother died when she gave birth to me. He taught me many wonders about the world. And that made me clever. But then... he died. He was killed.

"Justice. That was all I wanted before. I used everything my father taught me to achieved that desire. Asnoed, he's a gift from the the King of the summoner. And he is a substitution of my deceased father. But no fabricated creature could replace my father.

"Now I ask you, what do you want? Do you want to bring justice to your family? Or run... just like how you run away from Callions? Will you allow yourself to die once again with their hands? Would you like to be ashamed with yourself and realize how powerful she had become? Howbeit, your pain will remain. Unless you bring up justice; like I did."

"So what do you want me to do? Watch them die with a smile on my face?"

"Overcome your fear. If you did, you can bring the peace everyone is waiting for."

I grimace; having no idea how to overcome what she expected.

"Don't worry. You can do it, just like me," she held my hand, "Everything will be alright~"

"Everything will be alright!" the voice changed along the speech. I lift my gaze and I found the girl I admired in my childhood standing in front of me, and holding my hand just like how Ms. Tough held it before. Ainsley. After so many years of sorrow, I got to see her sweetest smile again. In other words, I came back to my body when I was a kid—in my memories.

She's wearing that girly dress and what made her beauty extraordinary is her soft brown wavy hair. We're here outside the tree house my father made. I found Davih and Jacofuz, one of my childhood male friend, playing with each other and Jexica is sitting on the stairs going to the house. And her pout depicts jealousy.

"Haris? What's wrong? You're so gloomy today," she stoop down just to squint on my downed face.

Right. A was cheerful and jubilant these days. I often brag my blessed smile to the crowd. Yet now, I'm a different Haris.

"Hey!" she barged in my daydream. "You can play with my hair if you want!" she said lively but I declined. She thought something and told me to follow her, still holding my hand. She's taking me up to the tree house and I saw how Jexica rolled her eyes at Ainsley when we passed beside her.

Ainsley took me inside the tree house; she let me enter first before she locked the door with just the two of us.

"I'll show you something!" she said again lively. I look around, then up.

"You want to stargaze with this roofless house?"

"No! It's not yet midnight anyway!"

"Then... what?"

"I'll show you the place where I died." I looked at her with great surprised. I saw a growling Callion outside the house. The door behind me is shaken. Callions outside are violent, forcing to open the door.

"Haris..." I trembled in fear again. I gave back my look at Ainsley; and she's calling my name. Weep, shudder, and trepidation devoured her while locking herself on the corner.

"Haris... please..." I trembled even more. "Haris... help me..."

Callions destroyed the door and found their prey, Ainsley. She screamed. Still asking for help even if she received too many bites. Her arms parted and her yell was ceased when her skull crunched. And the screaming was conveyed to me. I groan! I grip my chest because of an extreme inexplicable pain. I shout louder and harder, until I came back to me conscious.

I knelt down on the grass of the mountain and Ms. Tough in front of me. She's touching both of my cheeks, wiping my tears. She did something, I knew it, she did something in my nerves to stop my tremble and calmed my hyperventilation.

"Haris, do not recoil. You have to be vigilant before your fear occurs."

"You're asking for the impossible—!"

"I know!" she breathe in deep. "Just an advice; you can fill your mind with regrets... as long as you encourage your heart to obtain justice... just like me."

Slowly, I stood up together with her. The breeze from this top eases my weary even a little.

"Haris, these nations need you. Have the confidence to stretch your arms for them to help," she said before she left me here standing alone, excavating the sanity I need for these eyes.

How long should I suffer?