
The Training Begins!

~3rd POV~

It's still the same day when Issei get an item from Buddha this morning. Now it's afternoon and the three great are looking for their own item. Matsuda who got a pair of arm still confused to how use this item. Motohama who got Shinigami Badge, try to be careful to not make his friend like him.

Yes, Motohama now is a soul reaper after he tried the badge. He wear what Shinigami call Shihakushou / Garment of Dead Souls. It consist of black kimono with a white undergarment underneath. What's strange from it is both of his friend could see him in this attire.

As for Issei, Matsuda has told him that the watch he wore right now is called a <Power Band>. This band can give the user elemental power. There are seven element he can used, but now he only can use three. Lightning, Wind and Earth. While the rest are Leaf, Water, Fire and Light.

Matsuda : 'Hmm.. A pair of arm. What are the function of these arms though? It's look familiar but I don't remember where I've seen this before.'

Issei : "Matsuda kora. What are you thinking about kora?"

Matsuda : "I've seen these arm before but I couldn't remember where."

Issei : "Just touch it and you'll know kora."

Motohama : "Don't listen to him. We don't know how strong this item is. How about we all start our training or at least see how good the training ground is?"

Issei : "Take your own body, Da Vinci kora."

Motohama : "You think I'm that dumb?"

Issei : "Last time I check, yes kora."

Matsuda : "Now now, let's head there. Issei, lead the way."

Issei : "To the training chamber kora!"

The location of this place is a hundred kilometer under Issei's house, which they just need to go there through his closet on his room. They get inside and wait. They just need a second and they already arrived. Infront of them now a normal size door standing. Next to the door is a timer.

Issei : "A timer... Noice kora."

Matsuda : "So you want to start it right now? I think we all need to prepare for our knowledge before do it."

Motohama : "You're worried to much. It's fine, besides.. I really want to know why Issei brought his bike and the <Boosted Gear> here."

Issei : "Have a problem kora? I need to make this useless gauntlet to a useful weapon. And this bike is the answer, kora."

Only sigh, Matsuda set the timer to one day and head inside the training ground first. He also set the place to become a forest that filled with wild animals, hollows and chimera ants. Motohama follow him from behind and Issei still haven't enter the place yet.

Matsuda : "Issei, quick your leg man!"

Issei : "Do you have any patience kora? Just wait there I still need to tie up this fucking bike kora!"

Motohama : "Let him be. I'll leave my body here while training my Reiryoku and Reiatsu. See ya in the next day."

Issei done to what he's working on and accidently press the timer to ten years equal one hour in real world. He entered the training chamber and close the door which it only could be unlocked after ten years pass.

<Time Skip by Chibi Issei fuse his bike with Boosted Gear>

~Matsuda POV~

It's time.

It's time for me to know what is the function of my item is. Opening my box, a pair of arm that I actually know what is this. But my brain need to work hard. With all my courage, I touch it and the arm glow so bright. It almost make me blind but after opening my eyes, those hand replace my original arm.

I feel my body become stronger than before. I try to do a normal jump and the height I can reach is two meters! A pair of arm that make someone stronger like he has given the arm of the God.

Matsuda : "That's it! This is the God Hand from God's hand game. No wonder it's a bit familiar when I saw it."


Matsuda : "Sorry!"

I forgot that Issei start to meditate since he can't unlock his aura with my and Motohama's help. Nen user need to meditate to feel aura around them. But of course I'm not just standing here doing nothing. I'm not using my God Hand power yet as I need to master Haki as well.

I go to the forest and found a lot of oversized animals and dinosaurs. I gulp but this is for the better future.

Matsuda : "HEEEEYYY!!!"

All those beasts look at me. My legs start to shaking in fear. I force my leg to move forward.


At first no one move, but one by one those beast are moving to my direction. Then they're start running to me. I don't know if I'll die or not. I just hope that we're not trapped in this place for many years. Just a few meters and they'll got me. Sooo...

Matsuda : "For the better future. THIS IS SPARTA!!!"

~Motohama POV~

I can hear a war cry from the beast section in the north. It's must be Matsuda's voice since he focused on mastering Haki. Hope his fine on his training. I also do my training to master my power. Issei told me that as a Shinigami I need to know how the Reiryoku flow.

To do that, I need to face a lot of hollow with many types. Even Vasto Lorde are also here too. I don't know if I can survive or not. Honestly, my knowledge about anime is below average. I'm not Matsuda that have a calm mind and a good strategist.

While Issei have a good knowledge from a real life fighting experience and he also a battle maniac. No matter how young or old his opponent, he will gladly fight them until he couldn't lift up his fist anymore.

I only good at science and invention. Only one time my invention make him injured so hard. From there, he always call me Da Vinci reincarnation. He may always say curse word and force me to do the same, but he's the reason I still standing on my own foot. No homo though.

There is one time I have a girlfriend and she cheated on me. She said infront of the three of us that I'm just a stupid boy who look for love. Well I don't want to be horny, I just want to be happy. That is the last time I saw her. Why?

Issei send her right to the hospital with a single punch on her ribs. I try to stop him but Matsuda said it was not worth it. From there I found something that I call friend. I really happy. And now, I also need to become stronger than I am now.

Motohama : "A nameless Zanpakuto. Just a body without a soul. But soon this sword will have a name that the supernatural world will remember until they died."

A little hollow appear infront of me. Now it's time for me to start my training. Charging to the hollow, I swing my sword as it hit the hollow. Not very effective but I'm not gonna be stronger in an hour right. The hollow also attack me and I give it a counter using the back side of my sword.

Motohama : "It's still alive."

Hollow : "Grrr! Woakr!"

Motohama : "Very well. Let's fight again."

We keep attacking at each other and without me noticing, my bond with this hollow increase with the time being.

~Issei POV~


I only need one more moment of calmness...

I don't know how much time have passed since I start to meditate in this cave. What I know is my friend also trying their best to train themselves on their power. I also want to become stronger than myself now. Not to mention that Tessia is stronger than me that equal to high class devil.

Breath in and out. After one hour, I can feel the aura around me. It's leaking out but not in abnormal state, otherwise this is normal. Now since I already unlock my aura, the next step is to found out my Nen type. There's a method call <Water Divination> to find out a type of someone's Nen.

Issei : "Yosha kora! Let's get starting."

Water Divination just need a glass of water and a leaf to do it. I put the leaf on the water and start the method. I start to place my hand on the both side of the glass and perform [Ren]. There is six type of Nen. Starts from Enhancer, Transmuter, Emitter, Conjurer, Manipulator and Specialist.

I keep using [Ren] and something surprise me. Two thing happen to the water. First, the volume of the water increase and the second, the colour of the water change to white. This is a rare case to say at least. But remembering myself that I'm not in the world of creator, realise that this is normal thing.

Issei : "Enhancer and Emitter. A hard to learn but nothing is impossible kora."

I start to do a basic Nen training like [Ten], [Zetsu], [Hatsu] and also the advance one like [Gyo], [In], [En], [Ko], [Ken] and [Ryo]. This is going to be a long day. Oh yeah, when I try to fuse the gauntlet with my bike it works.

It's just like, I let the bike fuse with the gauntlet itself. And it happens. Miraculously like a lady bug say "Tikki, Spots On!". Yeah like that.

The bike now has a dragon scale like feature on the body with the green gem on the center, while the wheel looks like a dragon tooth and lastly the color of my bike is red. Pretty cool I guess. I think for a second to name this weapon.

Issei : "I've decided kora! I'll name it the <Boosted Bike> kora! Yeah..."

I place it at the cave and continue to train. It can't walk by itself since I have tie up my bike to the nearby rock. But it seems I forgot something and I don't know what is it.

<Time Skip by Chibi Matsuda chased by a group of Dodos>

~3rd POV~

Matsuda, Issei and Motohama are resting themselves infront of the cave that Issei use to meditate earlier. They're having a meat of cowfish Matsuda get when he's training near the lake. Most likely an accident kill because he's too tired of those beast chasing his tail for a whole day.

Issei : "Matsuda kora. Where did you get this cowfish kora?"

Matsuda : "At the lake. I accidently kill it though with a head sliver wave."

Motohama : "You already that strong in a single day?"

Matsuda : "Because of this arm call <God's Hand> that replace my real arm. I'm lucky enough to survive those beast. Honestly, the Dodo that really take a huge number at me."

Motohama : "I thought that you already master your Haki."

Matsuda : "You think? How about you?"

Motohama : "I'm still fighting with a weak hollow that as strong as me when fighting. We like a rival if you ask me."

Matsuda : "Issei."

Issei : "Nothing to proud of kora. I still need to increase my Maximum Aura Power and Potential Aura Power to higher level. As for now, I still focus to master the basic Nen technique, kora. As for fighting, I don't care about it. Better to bath in your own sweat in hard training than bath in your own blood in the battlefield, kora."

Matsuda : "That's deep. And the <Boosted Gear>?"

Issei : "It fuse with my bike and now I name it <Boosted Bike>. Without a [Boost], the bike is just an ordinary bike, kora. But, after a single of it the bike change it shapes and become deadly to enemy nearby, kora. Also, no magic, no balance breaker, and no juggernaut drive. Only bike kora."

Motohama : "Poor that dragon."

Issei : "No need. He's just an oversized lizard with wing after all kora."

Matsuda : "True true. Well, let's head back."

All of them stand up and head to the entrance but Matsuda can't open it. He looked at the timer and start sweating. Motohama also sweating, all of them trap in this place for ten years. The only one who calm is Issei.

Matsuda : "We're trap here..."

Motohama : "For ten years..."

Matsuda and Motohama : "Such Misfortune!"

Issei :




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Note :

Good or Bad? Like I care. I decide what I want to do with this story. Again, don't expect this story to be a good one.

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