

Madara POV

When I first gained concesiosness I felt something wet and sticky, but warm surrounding me, outside that I felt fluids and liquids, though I can't see any of it, I must be in the womb as there is no way that I cannot see anything and be a baby. Though something does feel slightly off, like a part of me is missing.

Suddenly I felt pushing and I'm going into a tight tube head first, being pushed slowly but surely into the cruel world. When my head came out, the cold air hit me like a brick wall, it was as if winter had come into this room and never left. I felt the urge to cry but I am Madara Uchiha, and I do not cry, but do to my new sensitivity, when the nurse hit me on my bottom, I did in fact yelp.

"Congratulations " the nurse said, "it's a girl" she handed me over to my mother who looked happy while my father looked on in distain "if she's a girl then she is worthless in battle" father said as he walked out of the room. Mom looked at his back with disgust, then turned to me with a smile, " your so precious Mada-chan, even if your father doesn't know it I do" and so I was taken from my mother by the mid-wives so she could rest and with my new born body I did to.

Two weeks later

I'm trying to master the art of talking as my muscular are to week to attempt walking, even though I'm a girl I will show the world that Madara Uchiha is a name to truly shiver in terror with, yet now I see how truly degraded women are portrayed as, no matter, for I will not be as week willed as them when it comes to training, in fact I will train, right until Izuna comes in to the world, I'll be the almost perfect woman on the outside, while really being a powerful warrior on the inside, because this time, I will make it, I will save izuna.