

Elsa's POV
I had two weeks to study for the polynomials test, and it was Sunday. Oh well, the test is tomorrow, and here I am on the bed thinking at 2 am. What do I do? How do I study? Where should I begin? Why didn't I study on time? I'm failing.
Remind me why I took calculus, please. Oh, wait, I clearly remembers. Parents...of course. What kind of teenager would prefer to take a course that they loathe? I didn't want to take over Disney and certainly didn't want to study business. Also, how in the world is calculus associated with a company? Wait, is it? Ugh, never mind, let's just get over with this.
~~Monday morning - 7:00 am~~
My alarm goes off; trying to stop it, I flip and fall off the bed, then I whine. "Ugh, every day! It's a queen-size bed; why do I always sleep at the edge?"
I stretch my arm for my phone on my side table and check the time. "Come on; it's only 7, the school begins at 8. Ok, I'm just going to sleep for 15 minutes, that's it" And...it's been 30 minutes. I hear a knock on the door and yank the blanket over my head, apparently trying to shut the noise, which didn't work.
I groan, "Greda go away, wake Anna first"
It's our house-helper, Greda. To be honest, she's been more of a parent to me than my birth parents since I was a baby. My parents were never there for me and still aren't. The last time they spent time with me was when the Frosts were over because they took a week off. It was the best week of my life...With them.
"Your majesty, it's 7:45. Please get ready! You remember what happened last time you were late for school." I hear her
I facepalm, "How many times have I told you to call me Elsa. Wait, did you just say 7:35?! Oh God, no! God no!" I heard her snort, which made me crack a tiny smile.
I take a quick shower and leave a towel draped around me. I open my closet, and there are just too many clothes. Sometimes I wish I had fewer clothes so I could choose effortlessly.
I mumble to myself, "Which one? Which one? You know what, I'm going to wear my blue hoodie and this probably. Nah, ah, not this one. Aha! These sweatpants." I get dressed and make a hair bun since I clearly have no time to do my makeup.
Staring in the mirror, I grin. "I look good in anything" I open my bedroom door and suddenly am engulfed in a hug by my cute little sister.
I smile and pinch her cheek "Hey Anna. How are you today?"
"I missed you" she lets out a tiny tear.
I start panicking " Anna, I'm sorry, I know I've been busy for a few days. Now come on, don't cry." I bend down a little. Putting one hand on her cheek I wipe the tears off with the other. She keeps staring at the floor, so I put my hand under her chin and make her lookup. The one thing I loathe the most in this world is seeing my sister cry.
I kiss her forehead and whisper in her ear, "How about we build a snowman after we come back from school? Now go get ready, we'll be late. I love you, Anna" she jumps up and down excitedly and hugs me so hard that I felt my bones crack.
"I love you too, Elsa! Okay, let me get dressed. Greda, could you please help me out" She says to Greda, who's been standing at the end of the hall and watched our little heartfelt interaction. She gives me her motherly smile.
She walks to Anna and holds out her hand "let's go, Anna."
Anna gives her a cheeky smile. "Call me your majesty, please."
Greda laughs and points her hand to the hallway. "Ok then, your majesty, shall we go?"
Anna raises her chin high. "Yes, we shall" She walks to her room with Greda.
After that, I hang my backpack on my shoulder put my AirPods in my ears and my phone in the pockets of my hoodie. I check my watch, and it's 7:45. Oh boy! I run downstairs, go into the dining room, and eat my favourite chocolate cereal. We Iceland people love chocolate! I see Anna come downstairs in her pyjamas. Well, it's pyjama day in her school. I exit my house. Cross it. I leave my mansion. I see Kai standing next to my Lamborghini. I say good morning to him, and he opens the door for me.
I smile. "Thank you, Kai."
He giggles. "No problem, your majesty."
I groan. "Why don't you guys call me Elsa. Just Elsa. How hard is it? Please kai"
He laughs and nods. "Ok, dear, but so that you know, Anna tells us all to call you your majesty."
I groan once again. Now I'm in my car and Anna's in the front seat. I play Perfect by Ed Sheeran, and we sing along. I drop Anna at her school, and oh shit, my car isn't working.
I get out of the car, look up in the sky and exclaim, "Omg! do you hate me or what"
I feel someone touch my shoulder. Turning back see a handsome young guy about my age. He has white hair, magnificent blue eyes, and a...hoodie? Same as mine. I have a feeling I know him; I've seen him somewhere but, where?
He gives a cute smile. "Take a picture; it will last longer."
My cheeks redden. "No, it's just I think I know you."
He acts hurt and puts a hand on his chest. "Ouch, I'm hurt! You don't remember me…snowflake."
My jaw dropped, Frosty.
I stutter, "Hey, I'm...x-1"

Jack's POV
I'm driving my Ferrari right now and am on my way to our old mansion. I just moved here. My family is back in Fahio, so I'm getting everything settled. My parents used to live here; after I was born, we moved to Fahio due to some DreamWorks business-related reasons.
I'm the oldest, so at that time, there was only one room decorated. Our staff still is here, but it's aged and dusty at this point, so I have to refurbish the old furniture with more modern ones. Now that I have more siblings, I need to add a table to the extra rooms. Probably get Emma some Barbie stickers and paint her room walls pink. For kangaroo and Sandy, I got some Avengers stickers and painted the rooms blue and gold. There's a lot of stuff to do. As for my parent's room, I'll leave it up to them; they can do what they want.
But most importantly I've to change my room. It was a nursery; I mean, I was a baby back then. I think I'll make it blue and put Frost stickers everywhere. Since I was a kid, I've always had this connection with snow, and I couldn't know why and still don't. Whenever it snows, I always go out and play with Emma or other kids. So it remains a mystery.
~~2 weeks later~~
This is my 2nd week here. Everything's done! The mansion looks excellent, and all the furniture is placed and remodelled. By now, I've spent about 12 million on the villa. I got the top-class furniture made, a gaming room, and a theatre in the basement, so it's great. The money was spent on a good cause. Also, it's very near to the burgess school, so that's useful for my siblings and me. It's a 10 minutes drive, and I can drive them quickly.
I parked my car by this red Lamborghini, and I got out of my car. This school is the most prestigious in Iceland, and wow, for sure it is. It's almost like a university! Awesome! I'm sure my siblings will enjoy it here. Now all I had to do was get them transferred here, so I went in and talked to the principal; it was tough because a semester was nearly over, but they got in. Thank god!
I'm walking to my car, and I hear this scream
"Oh my god! Do you hate me or what" Who is that? I feel like I've heard that voice before.
I put a hand on her shoulder, and she turns around, and oh lord, I felt my soul leave my body. Wow, she's the most beautiful girl I've met. She reminds me of someone I met years ago. That platinum blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a cute button nose. Is that...snowflake? The last time I saw her, she was pretty, but now she's breathtaking.
Standing in front of me with a cute hair bun. Is wearing a blue hoodie? There are only two of those in this world. This is what I designed. I have one and the other...I made it for Elsa, and she doesn't know I made it for her, though. Mine has Frost patterns on it, and hers has snowflakes on it. I told my dad to deliver it to her, so he did send it.
I suddenly notice she is staring at me; to be fair, I am too. I know she isn't staring in the perv sense, but as If she's shocked, surprised, confused, and whatnot.
So just to play with her, I give her my smirky smile and open my idiotic mouth. "Take a picture; it will last longer" Her cheeks redden... I am sure it was because of me, but it is snowing here, so who knows, so It's possibly from the snow.
After ten awkward seconds, she reacts, "No, it's just I think I know you" Ok, now I'm hurt, like loads. I lay a hand on my chest, and as I look at her, I feel my heartbeat quicken.
I decided to cover it up and play along. "Ouch, I'm hurt! You don't remember me…snowflake" I used her nickname.
We stayed there for a week, and I had never been happier. She called me frosty, and I called her snowflake, and now we see each other after years. Wow, I can't utter it. I'm locked in her striking eyes, my eyes are stuck, and I'm standing there as stiff as a stick and mute. She looks like she saw a ghost or an alien. Oh god, I shouldn't have used the nickname. She probably hates me now, and I should just...
"Hey, I'm...x-1," she finally speaks. Her voice is music to my ears, so soothing.
"I... Am I sorry? I don't get it" Oh my god, Jack shut up. Shut up! Just don't speak. Let her talk and zip your mouth.
She takes a deep breath. "Sorry, I meant Elsa. Hi, I'm Elsa. It's just that I have a polynomials test today, so...yeah, I should get going now."
My smile vanished from my face. "Ok, yeah, sure! Of course! Umm, nice to meet you."
I settled back in my seat and started the car.

Elsa's POV
"Hey, I'm...x-1"
I talk to my inner self, "What the heck, Elsa? Are you ok? x-1? I know that you have a math test but seriously, Elsa?" It is him. Frosty, My parents' best friend's son. The boy I spent a week with when I was young.
Jack gives me this pointed and confused look. "I... I'm sorry? I don't get it" of course he didn't; I am so dumb.
What am I even nervous about? I look at him. He's so handsome, blue eyes and white hair...Who has white hair?! The last time I met him, he was cute and had platinum blonde hair, and he's bare feet? What's up with that? He has that lovely smile fixed on his face.
After a painful 10 seconds of silence, I take a deep breath and say, "Sorry, I meant Elsa... Hi, I'm Elsa. It's just that I have a polynomials test today, so...yeah, I should get going now." I felt guilty as his smile vanished from his face.
He clears his throat, gives a small smile and says, "Oh yeah, sure! Of course! Umm, nice to meet you" I nod at him and walk towards my car.
Oh boy! I forgot my car wasn't working. I have my test in an hour, and I already missed half of my first class. Ok, so I still have about 40 minutes. Now I just need a ride, I pick up my phone and call mom and dad, but of course, it went straight to their voicemail. Kai and Greda weren't picking up.
I start tapping on my steering wheel and mumble, "Ugh, what should I do? What should I do? Omg, Astrid, of course, Astrid! What are your besties for!"
I open my contacts and tap on "My bitch". Yup, my best friend's contact name is bitch, and I just love her too much. Hopefully, she will pick up. She is probably wondering why I am not in class, and I will get a punch from her later, which I'm entirely prepared for.
I put my forehead on the steering wheel with the phone to my ear and start praying, "Come on, Astrid, Pick up, and please pick up."
And well, she did and sounded furious. "Elsa, give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you. You didn't come to school, and I had to lie that you caught a fever, so wh..." I can almost see smoke coming out of her ears. Gods, no one should be near Astrid when she's angry. I cut her off; I know she's totally going to go wild hofferson on me, but oh well.
Within a second, I say, "Astrid, please kill me whenever you want, punch me how many times you want, strangle me, stab me, or do whatever you wanna do. This time I won't stop you; just get your ass in front of burgess school. My car isn't working...please come fast!" She switched to video call.
Now I can see her, and if it were someone else, they would've died of this hofferson look. I see her jaw clenched; she takes a deep breath and looks at me. She was ready to go off, but as soon as she saw my face, her face relaxed, and now there's only concern on it.
She just replies, "I'll be there in 10 minutes; let me go and speak to the teacher. Don't hang up." I exhaled and let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I lean back in my car seat and massage my shoulders. I hear Astrid talking to the teacher and bring the phone closer to my ear. Well, let's see what she has learned from drama class.
She lets him know, "Mr. Viggo, there's an emergency, and I have to leave."
He says in his snarky tone, "What is it this time? First, your best friend was nauseous now what. Did your uncle die?" I let out a loud gasp.
I hated him! He knows Astrid's parents passed away when she was young. What kind of an asshole is this guy?! Astrid loves her uncle, and he's the only family she has left now. All I want to do is kill that man right now, so I try starting my car once again. I know I have to get there somehow; my best friend needs me. I keep trying but have no luck and am not ready for what she's about to say; this will be a long argument. I try starting my car once again. I know she won't make it, but what she said next was unexpected.
I heard her say in the most disrespectful way ever, "My best friend needs me right now! So I am not putting up with your shit, and be prepared for one hell of a meeting in Mr. Stoick's office tomorrow" That's it, she's not going to throw hands? Or call him an asshole? Just because of me, she had to hear that.
I'm sorry, Astrid
~~15 min later ~~
I am sitting in my car with my door open and feeling the most regretful I ever have. Screw my stupid test! First, I hurt jack. In my defence, his appearance was a shock, and we weren't even that close; I just met him once. Right now, I need my Astrid, and my best friend got hurt because of me; I don't know what I'd do without her. I started weeping, and now it's been 15 minutes.
I sobbed like a child and started slapping the steering wheel with my palm. "I don't wanna lose her. I don't want to lose her! You're the only one I got; please forgive me. If I hadn't called you, you wouldn't have gotten hurt by that asshole Viggo!" I didn't even realize that Astrid heard all of that because I was word-for-word yelling these things out. She went around the car and settled in the front seat.
I feel a punch on my shoulder, and...she is here. I just sat in my seat with my head hung low on the steering wheel. I am prepared for everything she has got. A min goes by, and I hear a sniffle, I look up, and now she's crying. The Astrid Hofferson was sobbing. The last time she called was when we were 14, and I had broken my leg playing soccer. Now my guilt was at its cliff! We both were crying...Before I could even apologize, I got another punch, and this one is the hardest I've ever got from my friend of 17 years; this bruise is going to last a while.
She suddenly yells, "Oh my Thor! You stupid dumb fool, beautiful muttonhead! Are you kidding me? It wasn't your fault I had it coming; I completely deserved that. This was going to happen sooner or later. He just needed an excuse to say that awful shit. So don't feel guilty, and that punch was for even thinking that you would lose me. That's never going to happen, like ever! Now shut up for Thor's sake!"
"No, you don't deserve it, Astrid; you're the nicest person I know. You were there for me when I broke my leg, and you sat by my bed for weeks; when Hans bullied me in grade 7, you punched him right in his face, when my parents weren't there for me... you were there. Listen, Astrid, and I don't know what I did to deserve you; you are my sister. I don't care if we are not related by blood, you are my sister, and I am so sor..." before I can even apologize, I receive another hard punch.
She whispers, "Oh please, I don't know what I would do without you. Remember when my parents died? My parents died, you were there for me when I was going to... commit suicide because I didn't have any family, you were there for me... you knocked sense into me. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead, and god knows how many more times you have saved me. It's me who doesn't deserve you."
I was about to say something "S.." but she cut me.
"Also, Elsa, I swear on Thor if you ever and I mean ever apologize again I'll lock you in a room and make you watch Riverdale for a week!" After she said that, I burst out laughing that I even forgot about our little emotional moment. Hiccup's humour has been rubbing off on her.
I pouted, "Oh, come on! Now that's just brutal. So do you want to go to school now? Because I want to go to Uncle Stoick and get that asshole fired!"
Astrid looks at me. "We'll talk to hiccup tomorrow. Aunt Valka will presumably beat him up after Uncle Stoick fires him. We're like daughters to them."
I smile. "We're lucky we have The Haddocks. They're the best."
I look at Astrid. "Yeah, we are. Hiccup…He's also the best boyfriend, ya know" I swear I saw her blush a little.
"Aww is The Astrid Hofferson blushing" I tease her.
"Shut up, Elsa" She rolls her eyes and glares at me.
I take a deep breath. "Ok, now let's get in your car; mine isn't working. I'm craving some Vanaheim. Forget about school. Let's skip!"
Astrid nods and smirks. "Alright, let's go, your majesty."
I groan. "Oh, come on, not you too!" We laugh together. I get in her jaguar, and we drive to Vanaheim.
Astrid and I arrive at Vanaheim. We walk in and get a special booth. She does own Vanaheim, after all. We order 2 Big burgers, two large french fries, 3 Chicken Nuggets, and two cokes. The fries are the best...period!
We talk about guys: crushes and her boyfriend. Astrid and Hiccup have been in a relationship for two years. I Still can't forget the day they met.
Hiccup visited Burgess. Astrid and I met him in Melody Island. We were ordering 2 Black Coffee. Gustav was there, and as usual, he acted like an ass. His little ego just couldn't handle that Astrid didn't go out with him.
He comes up to me and starts screaming out of nowhere, "Well. Well. Well. Look who's here. The pathetic Elsa the Coward and The pretend Astrid the rudeass. You both are the most cunning girls alive on Earth. No wonder you weren't raised right. I mean, one's parents are dead, and one's are dead even when they're alive. You poor things" He starts shaking his head, fake crying.
I was fuming now. How dare he talk about Astrid's parents like that? They were my aunt and uncle, the best anyone had. I was sobbing like a child only. If I had the guts and strength, he would be on the floor begging for forgiveness, but I wasn't born that way. I couldn't even see correctly with the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to make a scene and was about to run away from this embarrassment, but Astrid grabbed my hand. I looked to my left, and her eyes were so dry and hard. She lets my hand go and makes a fist.
She stepped ahead and screamed in his face, "You ugly bastard! You think you can come up to me and say that about my family."
She punched his face. "That is for calling my best friend pathetic! You fucking asshole!" The punch was so hard that he went back flying and hit the wall. Then she walked to him, grabbed his collar and pulled him up. She looked into his eyes and kicked him in his balls. He screamed and fell on the floor, clutching his pants.
She looked down, smiling. "That is for insulting my parents. This was just a trailer, and I swear on Thor next time you open your filthy mouth or come near us. I. Will. Kill. You. That's a Hofferson's promise!" She kicked his stomach and walked away. I'm just standing there with my jaw hanging. What did I just witness?
After this little scene, we were about to exit, but he started heading towards me. Damn, is this guy stupid? Does he really want to die today? He was about to slap me, but a guy blocked his attack and knocked him out. The police came, and everything went back to normal. That guy was Hiccup. He, Astrid, and I hung out almost every day. I could tell that Hiccup liked her by how he looked at her and listened so carefully.
It wasn't a shock. I mean, Astrid is gorgeous, intelligent, kind, funny, and whatnot. What shocked me was that Astrid liked him too. A month later, he still hadn't asked her out. Astrid went up to him, yanked his collar and tugged him in a kiss. I wasn't surprised because, again, that's such an Astrid thing to do.
~~Flashback ends~~
And they've been in a long-distance relationship since. They are going stronger day by day. They both had never dated anyone, so I am happy for them. Hopefully, Astrid won't get heartbroken, and I mean, long-distance relationships are tough. Astrid and I facetime hiccup and tell him what happened today. He was furious and said he'd talk to his parents. Their mansion is close to ours, so Astrid and I meet them almost daily. They treat us as if we're their daughters.
Astrid and I are applying to The Haddock university next year. It's impossible to get in, but with us being close to the Haddocks. It's effortless. We are forced to study business so we can take over the companies. If we had the chance, we would be applying to Iceland film school instead of The Haddock University. Well, we can't honestly do anything, so why even think? We leave Vanaheim and go to the parking lot. Suddenly I hear Astrid shriek. She drops her beverage and stops astounded.
She mutters, "Jack is that you?" My eyes popped out.
Does Astrid know him? Astrid runs up to him and gives him a bone-crushing hug. I stand there with a skeptical look. We only met Jack and hiccup when we were six; it was also only for a week, and we weren't even that close friends with them. I wasn't mad or anything. I just felt strange. I see Astrid hugging a person, and she never hugs like never!
I walk towards them gracefully. I have always acted as a queen, even though I am not one. My vulnerable, crazy and loving side only comes out with Anna and Astrid. Not even with my parents. I don't know my parents...Who are they? They were never with me! Always bolting to their jobs, and when they spoke to me, it was constantly about studies. Are you taking finance? Are you taking stats? Did you take calculus? Did you take other business courses? So no, I don't have parents! Once I'm near them, I forward my hand for a handshake. Standing with an expressionless face and head tall. I see Astrid glance at me, and she rolls her eyes. I know that she wants to make fun of me about how I'm acting like a queen.
No wonder everyone calls me "your majesty."
He shakes my hand. "Hi, I'm Jack, or you can call me Frosty" He winks at me.
Oh no, he just did not bring that up! When he lets, my hand go. I hold my hands together in front of me like I'm introducing myself to a prince. Here appears another eye roll from Astrid. She's trying her hardest to restrain her laughter. He stands confused.
I announce, "Nice to meet you. I'm Elsa of Burgess"
He smirks. Oh no, he's about to say something stupid, and here it comes. "I thought your name was x-1."
Ok, now Astrid was hella confused. She comes from behind Jack and stands beside me. "Care to explain what the hell this is" I pinch her shoulder discreetly, and thank god it went unnoticed by Jack.
I clenched my jaw and whispered, "Later, Astrid."
I look back at Jack and smile. "Yeah, sorry about that. I had a math test, which was the only thing I had on my mind; I was very overwhelmed, also, seeing you after years didn't help that. So let's start over. Hi, I'm Elsa!"
I see Astrid from the corner of my eye saying, "Oh," finally understanding all the situation.
I ask Jack, "So Jack, what are you doing here, and how come you never told me you were friends with Jack" I glare at Astrid now.
Jack looks at Astrid and me now. "Well, my parents want me to study business. So I applied to The Haddock University, and as for Astrid, she is dating my best friend Hiccup. We have been friends for a few months, and she was eager to meet me, so I guess that's why" I look at Astrid, a handful of hurt that Astrid didn't inform me about this.
I huff. "Ugh, welcome to the group of the unlucky kids who have to study business. I am forced to apply here, and so is Astrid" now I'm upset when I recall that we have to study here.
"Oh yeah, I feel you. I am the next CEO of Dreamworks. Jackson Frost, your highness," he bows to me. What the hell?
"Well, I am the next CEO of Disney. Elsa Arendelle" I look at Astrid now.
Astrid rolls her eyes and groans, "And I am the following owner of Vanaheim and Melody Island. The one and only Astrid Hofferson. Ok, why are we even doing this? We recognize each other. Now for Thor's sake! Can we leave and sit someplace because my legs hurt like hell"
I look at Astrid and nod at her. "Ok, let's go. So where to? I say let's go to my mansion."
"Alright, your majesty!" As she says that, I smack my head. We walk to the car and get in.
Jack tells us how he moved into his old mansion two weeks ago. His parents moved to Fahio after he was born, so now that they're moving back home. He arrived early to fix everything, and he's staying at a hotel at the moment because there's work going on at his mansion.
I park my car, and we enter my mansion. We go to the living room. Jack takes a seat on the sofa, and Astrid goes to the kitchen. She fetches a beer and some food. I was about to thank her that she brought it for Jack even though it was nothing compared to what he should be served, but she simply lunged on the couch and started eating. Typical of this dumbhead. I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. I call Ical; she is our chef.
She reaches running and asks, "What can I help you with, your majesty" Astrid burst out laughing, and Jack snorts. He figured out that everyone calls me your majesty for no fuckin reason. I'm not even a queen, for god's sake.
I take another deep breath. "I...Ok, you know what, I'm not even gonna say anything. Could you please show Jack our guest room and prepare something special today. Jack will be living with us for a while".
She smiles at me, "Of course, your majesty," and then leaves the room.
I look at Astrid and yell, "Can you believe it? Your majesty? I will tell Anna to stop ordering everyone to call me your majesty, but I hate getting mad at Anna. Ugh!"
Jack stands up and smiles at me. "You know, thanks for everything. I am new here and getting settled. Astrid, and you have been a tremendous help so far".
I look at Jack and shake my head. "Don't mention it. Also, you are kind of family to us even though we never were friends. My parents and yours are best friends. You already know Astrid, so that's a plus. Alright, I'll go and see what Ical is doing. Astrid would you come with me" I give Astrid a pleading look and mouth. "Please"
She sighs and stares at Jack. "Hey, feel unrestricted to look around. Kai will be here shortly to show you your room and the kitchen. We'll be back in an hour or so"
Astrid and I are sisters, like for real. We have been besties since we were born. We went to the same daycare, elementary school, middle school, high school, and now a university. Also, our moms were best friends, so it makes more sense. That's why whenever she comes over, It's her house too. Everyone listens to her and respects her.
We go into my room, and I give Astrid a fierce glance. "Ok, Astrid, I know how you know him, but why didn't you tell me? If it were someone else, I'd never ask them this, but we have known each other our entire life. So why didn't you?"
Astrid sighs and stares at me. "This is why I never did. I know you can get jealous occasionally and then get hurt. Which I never want! Also, Jack and I aren't even close friends. Worthless even compared to a pinch of what we have. Hey, but we can try to be friends with Jack. We're going to the same university, and considering our parents know each other, we are bound to. Now for Thor's sake, quit being a dumbo. Let's go to Anna's room and speak about the majesty thing."
I collapse on my bed and mumble, "Alright, I buy it! But please, from now on, no more secrets. I know I get jealous but still, please. Also, I kind of like being called your majesty. I'm getting the hang of it."
She lifts an eyebrow and gives me that "I know what you're doing" look.
Astrid gives me a stern gaze. "Don't give me that shit, Elsa. You just love Anna too much, but ok, I get it. She's a cutie pie; I wouldn't tell her to. Ok, now let's go, that guy is probably lost in this mansion" We both burst out laughing, and she collapses on the bed.
We decide to lay down for a while. After a decent 10 minutes, we leave the room and see him gazing at a portrait of my family down the hall: Anna, dad, mom, and I. The corners of my lips lift automatically. Astrid and I smile warmly at the portrait.
Jack figures out that we are behind him, and he confesses, "This is a lovely portrait. Aunt Iduna and Uncle Agnarr look great. Where are they, by the way? Also, you were adorable back then" As he turns around and looks at me.
I stand here, raising my eyebrow "I was cute?"
He realized he said, "No! No, I didn't mean that. It's just that you were adorable, not that you aren't now. You still are elegant, smart, cute and kind. I mean you're beautifuller now. Is that even a word?! Ugh, I am a mess!". He turns back around. Astrid and I start laughing. Greda peeks at us having fun and is happy for us. She gives a motherly smile and walks away.
Astrid punches him. "Jack simply shush don't talk! You'll say something stupid again" We all laugh and head back to the living room.
It's nice to have Jack here. Maybe we can be friends.

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