
Our Bittersweet Moments

Annalise is a young intelligent and beautiful girl who lived with her father after her mother ran away when she was five years old. She was raised in a judging neighborhood and society. After completing her high school studies she went further with her studies and went to college and studied law. After finding her way in college she immediately fell for Wayne Harrison who was the son of the tycoon Mr Victor Harrison but Wayne wasn't the one to fall for. At one fateful night they both decided to have fun but that fun led to their lives being twisted and had bitter turns. They both had bitter discoveries and it wouldn't favor both of them. What will happen when Annalise realises that she is pregnant? What will the neighborhood say? What will her father do? What will happen when Wayne discovers that his time is limited? What will happen to the baby? Who will be their saviour in these mess?

Likkie_Writes · Fantasie
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3 Chs

She's My Fiancee

"This is the cemetery, what the hell are we doing here?" she asked surprisingly.

"You'll find out soon," Zayne answered her and they kept walking past many graves until they reached the tombstone written the name of Wayne Harrison his birth and death date.

Annalise opened her mouth widely in and patted her forehead in shock and shook her head in denial. "No... No, this can't be true, this isn't true!" She yelled and moved closer to Zayne and grabbed him by his collar shaking him repeatedly.

"What the hell did you do to him? Wayne isn't dead, tell me this is all a lie. He can't leave me alone in this mess....no he isn't dead," she yelled sobbing.

Zayne grabbed her arms and held her tightly stopping her from shaking him. Annalise continued crying out loud.

"Hey, come to your senses. I know it's hard to believe it but Wayne is no more, okay?" Zayne said and pulled Annalise letting her lie on his chest.

"You have to accept it, he's no more," Zayne said comforting her but she pulled out of his grab and gave him a stare filled with questions.

"If he's dead then who the hell are you? Why the hell do you look like him?" Annalise questioned him.

After being expelled from varsity her only wish was to meet with Wayne and get married but now all her dreams went in vain and he was six feet underground.

After being saved from society she thought that all her worries were over and she would get a chance to live a happy life but now it didn't seem to be that way.

A man with black clothes stood from afar with a sniper rifle before his eyes and was aiming precisely at both Annalise but Zayne went close to her holding her hands and he blocked his view.

The man took out his phone and called. "I found the girl, she's with a man should I take them both down or only the girl?" he asked the person he called.

"Your target is Annalise but if he tries to do something silly take him down too," John ordered behind the phone.

"Okay sir," the man replied.

"And remember no errors," John reminded the man and he just nodded in approval and hung the call.

"Goodbye, dear Annalise. Greet your mother for me." John said sipping wine and leaning back in his chair comfortably.

"I'm Zayne, Wayne and I look exactly like a drop of water but our personalities are different," Zayne told Annalise and she was more shocked now. "We are twins."

"What do you mean?" she asked and moved slowly backward and stared at Zayne shockingly. "Why did you save me? How do you know me?"

"I wasn't able to save him from death so I wanted to do something good and save his child," he said sincerely and hid the fact that he was hurt.

Zayne saw something red on Annalise's chest and knew that it was a gun aimed at her. He hugged her blocking the bullet and it hit him on his right arm making him lose his balance and fall to the ground along with Annalise.

The man packed his sniper rifle in his bag and walked away. Annalise stood on her back and kneeled turning over Zayne, "Are you fine?" she asked looking around and a tear dropped from her eyes.

"I'm fine. Are you injured?" he asked worryingly. Annalise stared at him without blinking, he just got shot saving her and he was injured yet he asked if she was fine. This was the first time someone saved her life and was concerned about her well-being.

In the Harrison mansion, Mary stood at the top of the stairs staring at Victor whose focus was on his guest. Suddenly his phone rang and he hung it but it rang again and he had no choice but to excuse himself and take the call.

"I'm sorry but I have to take this," he said sincerely to the three men who were with him and he got up.

"Zayne, I'm in the middle of something..." but before he can speak further he heard the quivering voice of a girl behind the phone, it was Annalise.

"Zayne got shot..." she said sobbing.

"What?" Victor asked shockingly. "Where is he now? Send me the location," he said and hung up the phone call.

"I'm sorry gents, something happened to my son. I have to go," he said storming out of the room and Mary followed him.

"Honey, what happened? Is something wrong?"

"Zayne, he got shot," he said entering his car. "Call the doctor and prepare his room."

"Aren't you going to the hospital?" Mary asked surprisingly.

"For God's sake just do what I tell you," Victor said angrily and drove off. A message beeped in his phone and that was the location of where Zayne.

Hours later at the Harrison mansion, Zayne lay on his bed with drips on his bare skin. He opened his eyes slowly and it took him a while to remember what happened to him, then the picture of Annalise being aimed by a sniper rifle came across his mind.

The doctor noticed that he was awake and went out to call Victor. He came in followed by Mary and she started throwing her unnecessary tantrums.

"I'm sure it all happened because of that girl, something is off about her I just don't like her. Who the hell is she anyways?" she sounded annoyed.

"You say it like you love anyone," Victor said and went to Zayne grabbing his left hand. "I'm glad you're fine, I was worried to death when I heard that you got shot," Victor said.

Zayne's gaze was fixed on the door as if expecting someone else to come in. After seeing no one he pulled his hands out of Victor's and tried to get up and sat on his back.

"Where is Annalise?" he asked worryingly.

"The doctor sedated her after she almost fainted when I went to get you. By the way, who is she? I was waiting for you to tell us but since you didn't say anything I decided to ask you," Victor said looking at his son.

"She's my fiancee. We're going to get married," Victor widened his eyes and stood up angrily. "Come again, what the hell did you say?"