
Brutal Competition

After entering the Portal the only thing they could see was a blinding light. The next moment they stood in the middle of a massive forest. The Portal was nowhere to seen. They felt so little looking at the gigantics trees around them. Those trees were the biggest thing they have ever seen in their lives. Even the skyscraper on Earth couldn't compare at all. Those trees seemed to pierce the sky.

They heard faint stepping sounds of nearing their location. All of them had wicked smiles on their faces.

Claudia patted them, "I got this, go and hide behind that tree."

The five guys nodded curious and hid behind a tree.

Claudia fell on the ground starting to cry loudly.

The stepping sounds came nearer and there came three teens cald in skyblue robes. When they saw Claudia sitting defenseless on the ground crying, they walked to her and started to talk. The others couldn't understand what they were saying but could imagine that they were asking what happened to her. The fact that she was alone made them wonder what happened with her team.

She waited until they stood right in front of her, lifting her head to look at them. Seeing her with tear filled face those teens found themselves mesmerized. She looked so cute.

Their reaction didn't escape from Claudia and she attacked two of them.

The five boys hiding behind the tree watched everything and a cold shiver went through their backs. What a deadly act. It would work on them too if they didn't know of it beforehand.

Claudia's sneak attack was executed perfectly. A biting cold air blasted out from her washing over the teens, slowing down their reaction time. Her two cold palms hit the two boys right on the throat.

Cracking sounds echoed out followed by two dead bodies hitting the ground. The third guy put his hand on the handle of his sword which was hanging on his waist, trying to draw it. He didn't expect Claudia to be that fast. She kicked him merciless in his crotch.

A painful cry traveled through the area making the hair from the five boys stand on their back.

'JESUS' that was their only thought at that moment.

Claudia wasn't finished. She sent another cold palm aiming for the teens head.


He died instantly.

The five walked to her while she cleaned her hands with the mantle from the dead teen. The boys looked at her with a great amount of respect. She may look weak but her abilities and methods aren't something the would've want to confront.

The group started to walk carefully. They didn't meet anyone in the next 30 minutes. They picked up clashing sounds and headed in that direction. When they were near enough to see what was happening they took deep breaths.

The were over 20 people fighting. Corpses were lying all over the area. They were killing each other without hesitation. In the middle of the fighting was a little red tree filled with strange looking red fruits. They could tell that they were fighting over it. There were 3 forces fighting each other. Those youths had skyblue, green and white clothes on.

They waited for another 10 minutes until a winner emerged. Three boys in white clothes won the brutal competition. They started to pluck the fruits putting them away in their bags.

At that time the six of them made their entry. Koray rushed forwards alone. He felt his blood boiling after watching them all fight fo so long. The 3 boys in white clothes didn't panic and the one armed with a saber intercepted Koray, at least he tried it.

He underestimated Koray and thought of him as a simple brute. But the moment Koray's fist clashed with the saber, a numb sensation spreaded through the body from the boy before being blasted away vomiting blood. Koray didn't stop and continued to run like an unstoppable tank.

The two remaining boys brandished their swords in anger. They split up and pincered  Koray from both sides.

Both boys shouted before attacking with everything they had.

An overbearing heat exploded out from Koray's massive body, right before the two boys struck out.

Both youths had ugly expressions of their faces. Koray catched their swords with bare hands.

A bit of blood leaked out from his hands, "Game Over!"

Their ugly expressions turned into horror when they heard him speak. Koray grabbed both of them like they were chicken and broke their necks. If one ignore Apo and Max who reached the Third Stage then Koray is without a doubt the strongest of the group.

They took away the bags and Dino killed the remaining boy who was half dead after clashing with Koray at the beginning. They counted 9 red fruits and decided to eat them when they found a resting place.


One hour after they left the area another group of teens arrived before the little red tree. They ignored the many dead bodies laying all over the place. They were wearing white robes and the leader of the group with short spiky silver hair stepped to the front. He inspected the tree and touched his pendant hanging around his neck.

A white light shot out from the pendant, landing on the ground, revealing a big blue wolf. The boy said something to the wolf, it nodded and started to sniff around. The blue wolf started to head into the direction the six of them left. The group of teens followed right behind.

The six of them didn't know that they were being tailed.


After walking into a random direction they found a hiding spot to consume the fruits. A little cave. That wasn't used for a long time.

Each one of them sat down eating one fruit. The rich energy flowed fast through their bodies. The could feel the improvement. Under them, Dino went through a marvelous transformation. The form of his brown pupils changed into a dark eternal sign. It looked like an 8, but at the same time not. Dino had his eyes closed so he didn't feel anything wrong.

They spent 40 minutes fusing the energy from the fruits with their bodies.

When Dino opened his eyes he felt different but, couldn't explain what was different, only when his view fell on Max did he froze in shock.

In his eyes Max inner body looked like a miniature sun, ready to erupt at any time. Koray and Jonas had their bodies filled with red-orange energy, that were moving all over their bodies without rest.

Dino was speechless, he changed his view and looked now at Claudia. She had a pale blue energy flowing through her whole body, it was trembling nonstop. He guessed that she is almost reaching the Third Stage.

When his eyes fell on Apo's body he felt a little pain on them and needed to close them.

Apo felt a tingling sensation on his back, "Hm?" His turned his head instinctively over to Dino who was blinking nonstop. When he saw Dino's pupils his own eyes went wide, "Dino what happened to your eyes?"

Apo's question piqued the others interest. They surrounded Dino looking at his transformed pupils.

Dino was curious too, he wanted to know what happened to his eyes.

Jonas fantasy was running wild, "It looks like an eight but it goes from side to side. What can you see bro?"

"I can see your energies with exception of Apo, my eyes start hurting when I look at him."

They turned all to Apo, he just shrugged and said that his Power is to repel things, maybe it repels Dino's new ability.

Dino started to tell them how their energies looked like, and the group had a nice time talking.

Max and Apo alarmed them that a bunch of people is coming their way. They all left the cave waiting for the visitors.

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