
Otsutsuki traveling the Multiverse

My first attempt at writing something. Constructive cristiscm would be appreciated. The story starts in Naruto, with a guy that 'reincarnated' in the Narutoverse as an Ōtsutsuki. He got 3 wishes and starts his journey though the multiverse towards becoming a true God.

Ol_T4 · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Old Man and new Sword Skill

"If you don't wish to die you can come out now!" I spoke, knowing someone had observed everything that had transpired.

Quickly an elderly man who appeared to be around 50-60 years old revealed himself. He was around 1.8 meter tall (6ft), had a head that started to go bald in the front with long grey hair in the back, he wore a completely black robe.

Despite his age, he exuded an air of confidence and strength. He had a somewhat manical grin on his face and on his belt to his side was a beautifully detailed scabbard with a sword inside.

I didn't portray any facial expressions and looked at him stoically while he walked up to me. Once he was but a few meters away he said: "Hehe, I know what you did back there in the beginning hehehe, you are quite powerful young man, however you have absolutely no skill with the sword!"

I didn't react to his words for a few seconds and just kept staring at him without any change in my expression, until I asked: "What gives you the confidence to come up to me and start criticising me, after you hid like a coward during that little battle? Do you actually think I even displayed 10% of my true battle prowess in that skirmish?

I would be very careful with your next words if you know what is good for you."


He started chuckling and grinning even more after my statement. "Yes I am quite aware that you are more powerful than I, but so what? Hehe however like I said, you have no skill with the sword."

I started getting annoyed with the man and was about to use an Ultimate Push, but just when I was starting to reach my hand in his direction he added:

"I do however see unparalleled potential in you. You orchestrated this whole thing so you could observe them fight didn't you heheh? I saw how easily you comprehended the movements of your opponents.

Quite smart if I do say so myself, but even if you knew all the movements and techniques of the samurai, you could never reach your potential by yourself heh!"

Raising my eyebrow at his words I stayed silent and waited for him to continue.

"If you want to become truly strong in the way of the sword, you need not only the physical ability, but also the right mental one with the right mindset.

Hahaha there is so much more to wielding a sword than just a few flashy moves, but nowadays young people don't learn that. That's only for the truly skilled to experience. If you don't have a good teacher or an epiphany in a perilous battle, you will never become a true master swordsman!"

"What do you want?" I asked him.

With a large grin he stared at me and said: "I want to teach you!"

I gave him a questioning look and asked why he wanted to teach me. He was completely calm the whole time he talked and I was quite curious what the man actually wanted.

"Hahahah two reasons actually young man. My first reason would be to receive a favour from you once I am done teaching you. I have a goal to fulfil and with your help I am sure I can achieve it. When I tell you what I want and you refuse, then that is somewhat acceptable as well. I wouldn't be able to do much at that point anyway."

He gave me a cheeky look and said: "The other reason is because I want to nurture a talent like you, having a pupil with the potential to be the greatest swordsman that ever lived calling me master surely is fitting of an awesome individual such as myself hahaha!"

I deadpanned at his words, not really understanding why he would do this. 'I can easily kill him after I have learned all I need... or if he get's on my nerves too much. For now I need to know if he is actually skilled though.'

"You would have to prove yourself capable first! And just so you're aware, I'd would never call you master!"

I created my chakra sword, and he laughed at my words and actions.

"Hehehe we'll see about that. Very well, this old one shall show you true skill!"

Before I could properly react he was already in front of me, swinging his swords towards my neck. I narrowed my eyes seeing this and jumped backwards out of his reach. He landed on the ground and before I could react, he moved his sword with his arms so fast that it left afterimages behind.

'If it wasn't for my increased perception I surely wouldn't even be able to see his swings.' I thought to myself, quite shocked at his display.

Sensing danger in the form of 3 slashes approaching at unprecedented speeds, I quickly activated my space-time barrier to block them. He didn't seem to care much, as if he was prepared for this, and was already leaping towards me.

Deciding to parry him I also rushed in his direction, circulating chakra through my legs and arms for strength, and creating chakra bursts under my soles for even more explosive power and speed.

Meeting him head on, I was surprised to see that he kept his balance perfectly, even though he was pushed back by a few centimetres. He had a grin on his face and even I couldn't help a smile appearing on my face as I was actually enjoying this.

We both jumped back gaining some distance, until he got into another stance and tapping his foot in a weird manner, his speed accelerated even more. Now I actually had to really concentrate to percevie him.

With my Shinkagan I could see how he was circulating his chakra in a peculiar manner while his body was enveloped by wind at the same time.

'How could an old man be so fast and strong, and why was this person never mentioned in the anime and manga?!'

I thought about using the Light- Weight Rock Technique on myself, but I hadn't used it with so much speed and wasn't sure if I could control my body properly while using it.

Calling upon my barrier once again and stretching my sensory abilities and perception to the max, I tried to match him swing for swing, but simply couldn't keep up with his skill. His speed was great, but even with the ability to anticipate his moves by his muscle movements and react to them, his skill with the sword was too evident.

Tilting his blade in different angles, flexing and relaxing multiple muscle parts at once, or giving me multiple feints at once was making my anticipation ability hard to keep up with, he was fully displaying his skill during a high speed battle.

The worst thing was he still had that stupid grin on his face, happy with the fact he was winning against an upstart like me.

My face darkened as I didn't want to accept the fact that I was going to lose this battle. Even though I could use my more destructive powers, my pride wouldn't let me do it. This was supposed to be a sword fight, and I would keep it that way.

Jumping back once again and gaining distance, I had an idea. While concentrating and mentally manipulating my barrier to move away from me and envelop my sword, with great effort it started encompassing it.

I did notice however that the time element of the barrier wouldn't budge and stayed in place around me. The sword turned from red to pitch black, while my time barrier started dissipating.

It took me a short while to complete this, but my soon to be teacher waited patiently for me, seemingly interested with what I was going to do.

Waving the sword in front of me, I sensed invisible cracks forming in space with my own space sensing ability. A vicious smile made its way on my face as I stared the old man down.

His somewhat relaxed posture turned rigid and tense, he lost his everlasting grin and seemed to start concentrating.

'A trained person like him must have good danger senses. It seems he realised the threat my sword possesses now.'

I lunged at him, but instead of parrying my sword, he quickly and easily enough evaded, since I wasn't using the same strength and speed as before.

I didn't stop my strike, and as it only lightly touched the ground without much force at all, a thin but incredibly deep gash, several meters long and deep in the ground appeared instantly. It wasn't visible with the naked eye, but I could feel space itself cracking and instantly healing itself up again.

I myself was astonished at the power that that little love tap produced, and as I looked at the old man he was staring at what I just did with wide eyes as well.

'This was the first situation where I needed to think of new methods to win, it seems that sometimes being in unfavourable situations can bring great benefits.'

The old man quickly got himself together as he had his grin on his face again. He didn't ask any questions about what I did but simply said:

"Hehehe what did I say? Definitely an unparalleled genius. As expected of a pupil of mine!"

Coming out of my stupor I could only shake my head wryly at this guy. He didn't have any respect, but he was a good and skilled opponent, and I was also somewhat thankful as without him I wouldn't have thought of this new sword skill of mine.


"When did I ever say I would be your student old man?"

"Ah ah ah don't act like that now. I can see it in your eyes, that you want to learn more. Follow me, I live about 30 minutes from here!"

With a sigh and another shake of my head I started hovering behind him as he lead the way. I left the corpses of the other people behind, not wanting to display my devouring power in front of him.

He made some small talk with me but I kept my answers short and had my natural stoic look back, thinking about the fights I had today and what I could have done better.