
Otherworldly Enterprise

Juanito, who thought his life ended meaninglessly, found himself in one of the most outrageous novel tropes ever, transmigration. And of course, adding one cliche' to another, he receives a system but to his dismay, it was not as heaven-defying as he thought it would be. A Supermarket System. Yes, an absurd ability that he has to utilize to keep himself afloat in a world strewn with fantastical creatures, ancient mysteries, and secretive factions warring behind the shadows. Follow Juanito as he finds himself uncannily wrapped up in all kinds of bizarre situations, and along the way, gained invaluable encounters which redefined his perspective in life. Note: This story heavily focuses on multiple points of view and might be too slow-paced for some. Nonetheless, I appreciate everyone for dropping by.

TaciturnDaoist · Fantasie
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18 Chs

The Daydreamer

With his eyes closed, Juanito was relishing the pleasure of relaxation in an ornate jacuzzi. Accompanied by the upbeat music playing in the background, he crooned as though he had reached the pinnacle of life.

In fact, he has unquestionably reached the summit unattainable by most - financial freedom.

At the age of 27, he had become one of the world's top finance investors, specializing in stocks and real estate. A magazine was even published detailing the peerless exploits that led an underdog like him to rise to the top of the industry.

Juan the Magical Magnate, was his moniker given to him by his compatriots. Such appellation was appealing to his ears, to say the least, as it reaffirms the dedication he invested in his craft and the talent that went along with it.

As Juanito continued to ruminate about his matchless success, a robotic sound echoed throughout the room. Apparently, someone just entered the residence by accessing the door's smart lock via face ID.

"Fuck my life..!" screamed Juanito internally.

His senses were jolted awake as his daydream was mercilessly cut short. He then sprung into action, scrambling on the floor looking for his clothes.

But before he could put his undergarments on, the door to his room issued a clicking sound.

Not long after, the door gradually slid open, revealing a few human figures, standing menacingly behind the frame.

"I'm..done for.." Juanito thought as his heart throbbed wildly.

A plump man with tan skin and a belly that could rival a cauldron, stood before him seething in what could be described as suppressed anger.

Despite his tame build, his sharp, brown eyes could not disguise the sagacity held within.

On the other hand, Juanito had a look of stupefaction, his mouth wide agape.


With a forced smile on his face, Juanito greeted the man before him. His two hands were still on his nether region, futilely concealing his junior that was hanging limply. At a glance, the sleeping giant could transform into a majestic dragon if awaken.


Unable to contain his emotions, the man bellowed while pointing his quivering finger at Juanito.

"Calm down, boss! Let me explain everything.."

Juanito could only wish for his plea of innocence to be heard but his nude figure only made his case unconvincing to everyone present.

"I've treated you as my kin, Juanito..all this time, I've tolerated your unruliness.."

After regaining his composure, the plump man said, the timbre in his voice was a notch lower. Regret was evident in his words.

"I can explain things, boss! Veronica, she..I never fucked her, I swear!!"

"Return my tesla's key card this instant!"

As Juanito hurriedly responded in his defense, the plump man also voiced out his dismay as it intertwined with Juanito's.



In that short exchange, the room went into complete stillness. However, inside Juanito's head, sirens were blaring nonstop.

'Did I just dug my own grave' He thought with a heavy heart.

And as though to declare his doom, a groaning sound echoed from the queen's bed a few meters away from them. The voice was so seductive it undoubtedly belonged to a woman. Yet, to Juanito, the scant moan was akin to that of death's chime.

As everyone reflexively fixed their gazes at the origin of the voice, the bed creaked ever so slightly as the white linen blanket was peeled away to reveal a naked body of a woman.

Her figure was still partially covered by the sheets yet her exposed skin, especially her luscious thighs, ignited the carnal desire within everyone present.

She then kneeled on the mattress, propping herself up. The blanket, however, failed miserably in fully censoring her beguiling frame as the side of her ample breast gave a different kind of nutrition to the onlookers' eyes.


A series of saliva being swallowed was made audible in the quiet room.

And as though to adhere to the laws of nature, everyone's rod stiffened like that of a pole, bulging their nether regions. A flag ceremony was about to take place.

Unable to bear the shameful development, the plump man planted a jab on the crotch of the lackey nearest to him.

"What 'ya all staring at my woman for?!" he bellowed.

Immediately after, everyone averted their gazes from the woman with their head lowered.

"What's this ruckus early in the morning?"

Uncaring of the situation transpiring before her, the woman surveyed the room with her droopy eyes until they landed on Juanito. To be precise, she was staring at Juanito's Excalibur which was fully unsheathed, the sheer size and sturdiness alone declared that it was ready for battle.

Not long after, the woman named Veronica inadvertently blushed like a maiden in love. Her flaccid eyes now sparkled with desire.

'What are you blushing for!?'

Juanito kept the thought in his mind from bursting out while forcefully pulling down his junior, tucking it between his legs.

"Boss!" he shouted to grab his superior's attention, and continued "This isn't what you think it is, a shower! I only took shower.."

"This is all a misunder-!"

But before he could finish his words, a loud bang resounded, rattling even the apparitions residing in the mansion.


Without forewarning, Juanito's life dissipated from the world of the living like the gunpowder smoke produced from the revolver that killed him.

"You don't have to go that far, darling.."

"He only sneaked in to enjoy a warm bath. Aren't you used to his unruly behavior already?"

Veronica, who remained a bystander all this time, eventually grasped the gist of the situation as she reprimanded her husband whose eyes were darkened with rage.

"Veronica..you and him..did you.."

"Don't be unreasonable, Ben. I would never betray you. You mean the world to me."

Veronica then stood up with the entirety of her exquisite womanly charms fully exposed. Everyone except Ben bowed their even lower, not daring to lay their eyes on their boss' woman.

As she placed her delicate hands on Ben's chubby cheeks, she planted her creamy lips Ben's.




As the couple shared an intense kiss, their tongues entwined like vines as an arc of saliva was drawn in the air after their mouths parted.

Ben's anger evidently subsided as an obscene expression was now plastered on his face, seduced.

"Your temper really is something else, darling.." Veronica commented while indifferently staring at Juanito's lifeless body on the floor.

A shade of regret lingered in her eyes.

"What a pity.." she sighed, giving the dead man's manhood one last glance.

"Dispose of the body properly" she added curtly.

The bodyguards who were on standby immediately sprung into action upon hearing their mistress' command.

"I'm sorry, Veronica. I thought-"


Unable to finish his words, Veronica hushed Ben who was about to justify his brash action by placing a finger on his lips.

She then kneeled on the floor, in front of Ben's crotch. Her expert hands easily unbuckled Ben's garments.

"Let me suck all your doubts away," she said coquettishly, stressing every word while dully staring at the disappointingly tiny stick in front of her.

Her index finger would probably find it to be a good competition.

"What a pity, indeed" was her final thought as she plunged into a world of ecstasy, or not.


Within a fraction of a second, before the bullet could reap his life, events of the past flashed before him.

Although Juanito's life wasn't stormy, it wasn't really smooth sailing, either. He had grown as an orphan at the tender age of two. The mistress who managed a foster home for the juvenile found him roaming aimlessly in the streets, disheveled and lost.

His mother's miserable expression, whom he eventually met in his later years, made him realize that he was undesired. Cast off like a piece of dirty linen.

With his prudent character, he ensured that the callous reunion was the last, never intruding on the life his mother built for herself.

And due to a bizarre twist of fate, he unintentionally saved a life of a big shot who operates an illicit clandestine organization which in return, gave him a place to work.

A chaperone, at the beck and call of those in the seat of power. The dog of a dog.

Human trafficking and prostitution.

Ben, his boss, was also the CEO of a legitimate real estate business, and was in fact, a detestable lapdog of society's astute and wealthy.

He covertly caters to the demented desires of affluent personalities by offering them 'goods and services'' on the regular. These sick aficionados even hosted auctions where bids shot up to hundreds of millions of dollars.

And as someone who belonged to the bottom rung of the organization, Juanito could only turn a blind eye to the injustices which often unfurled before his eyes.

Sure, he held a more humane moral compass, but he fully grasped his limitations, too. In light of this realization, he was undoubtedly not suited to be a protector of the weak.

"If you can't see it to the end, then don't do anything" he often told himself.

Thus, he unwittingly molded himself to be a complete spectator. Aware yet indifferent. Although he still retained his freewheeling nature as a libertine.

"Katherine. I wonder what she's been up to"

As the thought crossed his mind, a portrait of a delicate yet austere woman flickered in his vision.

An orphan like himself and similarly burdened by the unfairness of fate, she admirably stood at the polar end of where Juanito's virtue lay.

Despite being ravaged by the organization, she exhibited resolute willpower to change her destiny. Never had Juanito seen her eyes waver. Solemn and still yet admirably fearless.

Eventually, her talents were recognized as she unsurprisingly rose through the ranks, and now held a position of prestige and power, incomparable to a small fry like him.

As his rumination was nigh its end, he earnestly implored the higher being who governs all miracles, "I just hope she doesn't lose track of what truly matters.."

His first and last solemn prayer.

Then, unprecedented darkness enveloped his entire vision.