

At this very moment, Daniel is making one of the toughest decisions of the year.

'I really want to punch Batman. Should I though? Does he interrupt people all the time?".

"That's pretty rude" Daniel says, continuing in his friendly tone. Batman narrows his eyes.

"Your body. What is it made of" Batman says, his armour scanning the alien metal alloy. 'Is he an Alien like Clark?'.

"Ohh" Daniel looks at his body. He then turns his hand into a mallet.

"You want some? Your armour, it's good but you could do better" Daniel says matter of factly. Batman just growls.

"Why are you here?".

"It's a magic thing". Batman's frown deepens.

'How far do you think he can go' Rachel sends Daniel a telepathic message.

'I'm betting on horseshoe. You?' Daniel replies.


"I'd suggest you call in the league. This isn't just a Gotham issue" Daniel says forming a globe in front of him. Numerous green dots present across North America. Batman narrows his eyes again.

"What do they represent?" Batman asks.

"I don't know yet. I do know the epicentre is here in Gotham. It also has something to do with the Joker". Batman's frown reaches semicircle. He can feel Raven's smugness through their telepathic connection.

"I will inform the league of this matter. You will wait here" Batman orders, not wanting to let Hollow run around his city.

"I have to disagree with that. I came here of my own free will to warn you. You're not my superior. You do not give me orders" Daniel says, his demeanour changing. No longer using the friendly tone and aura of before. Batman's own aura increases becoming more intimidating but Daniel and Rachel shrug it off. Daniel begins to rise from the ground.

"I'll discover the cause and plan for elimination. You and the Justice League are the backup here, but I'll keep you guys updated. It's unlikely, but I hope we never meet again Batman" Raven always airborne rises up to meet Daniel. As they turn to fly away Daniel stops and removes a small item from Raven's cloak and his sleeveless hoodie. He then turns back to Batman who's watching him intently with a grim look. Daniel barely looks at him and turns to Robin who is under the roof's ledge trying to hide. Daniel floats over to Robin and drops the two trackers unto his shirt.

"You dropped these, I won't be so polite next time" Daniel says and before Robin can reply he blasts away creating a rush of wind destabilising Robin's position. Batman's instantaneous reactions allow him to run bend over and grab the falling Robin in seconds. He pulls him up onto the roof by his hand and Robin lands a bit shakily.

Batman looks around for Salem's favorite heroes who are nowhere to be seen. Batman frowns again unknowingly ending a small betting pool. He puts a finger to his left ear and taps something.

"Batman to Watchtower. We have a problem".

Daniel looks at Raven who's smugness could prolly be felt for a mile off.

'Fine you win, I owe you one' Daniel says mentally to Raven who gives him a small smile. They fly off heading towards one of the people Amy has marked for sampling.

"Tom Folly, Age 21. Lives with his parents in this apartment" Daniel says. Raven places a silencing charm on them as they fly into the apartment through the window.

'First to do scans' Daniel says. Daniel's mask begins to perform various medical scans. From veins to brain to bone and so on.

'His brain is pretty active though. Is he dreaming? He is showing no signs of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) though'.

Daniel frowns and walks over stabbing a special box like syringe into Tom's left arm. The syringe is capable of performing various blood tests instantly. The little monitor on the box like syringe lit up.

"Neurotoxin detected" Amy says in their comms and Daniel gets a mild headache.

'I need a few people to come to the lab for better testing. Some criminals would do. First things first I have to find the Joker'. Daniel turns to Rachel and keeps his Instant Blood Test Syringe in his storage space.

'Let's go' Daniel says to her. She nods and they both fly out the window.

"Amy, hack into Gotham PD database. Cross check the list of criminals there with people you've discovered to have whatever disease this is. I need twenty samples". He looks at the map display in his mask and heads towards the docks.

The closer they get to Gotham's docks the thicker the Joker in the air becomes. Daniel frowns and turns to Raven.

"We're not here for a conversation. First chance you get, knock him out" Daniel says and Raven nods. Daniel raises up his hands, using a self created spell of his to hide both him and Rachel. The spell completely masks their presence.

As they float over the docks, they both notice that it's well guarded. Daniel toggles on his infrared vision to scan for heat signatures. His eyes slowly take in the area.

'What the fuck is the Gotham PD doing. There are over five hundred heavily armed people here' Daniel says to Rachel through telepathy.

'I don't think you can blame them. You take him very seriously right? Those normal policemen must be scared shitless' Raven replies. Daniel thinks about her reply for a moment. Amy's voice comes through their comms.

"Sir, it seems all five eighty-six persons in the area, all carry the Joker's aura signature". Daniel processes that for a bit.

'It seems meeting up with the Joker will have to wait' he says turning to Rachel. To Daniel attacking now would be a rash move. He doesn't know what is going on or how it's spreading. He also doesn't know about the effects of this 'disease'.

'For now, more research is the best option'.

"Come on Rach. Let's pick up some criminals and get outta here. This city stinks".

An hour after Batman meeting with Hollow.

Location: The Watchtower.

Scene: Justice League meeting. All members present.

"A boy? Batman I want to believe you, but this seems impossible" Diana of Amazonia says. She remembers fighting those great golems that laid siege to Amazonia. Golems that all the amazons including her couldn't defeat. To tell her a boy did all that seems ridiculous.

The entire Justice League looks at the hologram of the hero known as hollow. The sleeveless black hoodie and shorts. He wears no shoes and his face is covered by a demon mask. Though most of their faces are slightly pissed when they hear the slurping sounds of an almost finished soda.

"Flash really?" Hal Jordan asks, putting his hand to his face.

"Sorry, drink them so fast sometimes I don't notice. Can't believe these guys were bested by a kid though" Flash says, his hands now dipping into a bucket of KFC. Aquaman growls and you can hear Superman'a fists clench.

"You really believe this Flash" Martian Manhunter asks in an unsure tone.

"Nope. Doesn't mean I won't rip on them for it. Who knows? Next might be Oa" Flash says giving a slight chuckle.

"Yeah right" Green lantern says rolling his eyes.

"You might not want to believe this, but I consider this a huge possibility. My meeting with him has shown that he is very intelligent, capable of magic and hacking my communication systems. His body is made up of unknown metals similar to some of those droids that distracted their defense systems. All this can't be considered just a coincidence" Batman says.

"You said he brought you some bad news?" Superman says. Batman displays video feed from his meeting with hollow. The Justice League watches as hollow tells Batman about the green dots and knowing they may have relationship with the Joker.

"Has he updated you?" Wonder Woman asks.


"Then we should send someone to Salem to meet with him" Superman says.

"Preferably not Batman. You didn't give him a good first impression dude" Flash says. Batman frowns but doesn't say anything.

"I'll go. Salem is the home of an old friend of mine Dr Fate. They might know of each other" Wonder Woman says.

"You can't go alone. If he really has those droids you'll be in danger" Batman says.

"I'll go with her. My density shifting will allow me to be immune to physical attacks. I can enter those machines and disable them from the inside" Jonn Jonnz says.

"Not enough. One more person should follow as back up" Batman says.

"Three Justice League Members? Isn't that overkill? There are only seven of us you know" Flash says.

"Which is why we'll need more. Meeting him made me realise how much we aren't enough. Also the boy has good knowledge of our powers and weaknesses. He made use of kryptonite against Superman, and the other automatons seems perfect for both magical and physical defense" Batman says.

"Alright then. I'll-" Aquaman is cut off by Batman.

"No, Salem is inland and those droids held off Atlantis in water" Batman says. Aquaman twitches a bit in anger but calms himself.

"Who would you send then?" he asks. Batman's eyes flash over Superman and Aquaman eliminating them both.

They both hold a grudge against the whoever sent those droids. Superman especially, he was defeated with almost no effort. The magic and kryptonite working together seamlessly to constantly pressure him.

This made him work harder though. All of them, since they realized that the person who sent them out left the safety on those weapons. The question they asked themselves is: What if those things were set to kill?. Would Amazonia and Atlantis still exist? Would Superman be dead. It bettered all of them but still Superman was hit the hardest mentally.

Batman looks to the only other two candidates. Hal Jordan has versatility in his arsenal none of them could match. Barry Allen for his pure speed. Versatility or pure speed?

The green lantern ring has been shown to be a great counter to magic attacks. Barry Allen could dodge and attack in the blink of an eye. Green Lantern is more team efficient as he is trained by the Lantern Corps. The Flash can come up with plans in a second.

"Flash, you'll go" Batman says. Flash shrugs.

"Alright, when do we leave?" Flash says.

"Morning, let's start reviewing some possible members we could add to the league" Batman says.

New York.

"Give Mr Apex my regards" Sportsmaster says to the masked woman in front of him. He hops on his bike and takes off down the road. The brown haired woman wearing an expensive enters the backseat of the Bentley beside her.

The drive to Metropolis isn't long even when they take the scenic route. In ten minutes they're out the city, cruising on the highway. In twenty, she's stepping out the black luxury car and walking up the steps of the LexCorp building.

"Welcome Miss Graves" says the bodyguard who opens the door as she walks in. As she walks away she feels the man ogling her athletic body. She doesn't care. It's something she's gotten used to since coming to Man's World.

She takes the private elevator to the highest floor and comes out in a room made of expensive wood and coloured glass.Her fellow secretary/bodyguard is here also.

"He's ready to see you" Hope Taya, a dark skinned athletic woman says. Mercy Graves bends down to the secretary's desk and for a few seconds they both share a hot steamy kiss.

"How about we continue this later" Mercy says with a grin and Taya returns it. She nods, adjusts her suit and walks into her boss' office.

Lex Luthor is currently sitting in front of his Mega computer. A quantum computer created from his research into alien technology. He turns and looks at Mercy smiling. Always someone who appreciates ability and Mercy is one of the best.

"How was your trip Mercy" Lex asks as she walks over to him.

"Pretty boring. Mr Crock sends his regards" she says with a smile. Luthor rolls his eyes at the man's name and gives her a slightly impatient look.

She reaches into her jacket and pulls out a hard drive. Luther smiles as he sees it before pressing a button under his table. Instantly the see through bulletproof glass walls are covered by walls and sheets of metal. Including lead of course.

Mercy hands him the drive which he connects to his computer in the wall. She can feel it though, the man is pretty ecstatic. He always is when he gets new technology to study.

She watches as Luthor opens the file titled Project Arc with gusto. The capabilities of the arc reactor having been shared to various governments is outstanding. Even Luthor found it unbelievable.

Though the little grin on his face disappears when he opens the file in his hard drive.

"You are a dirty little slut aren't you".

"Fuck me!!! Harder Harder!!!". Luthor's eyes widen for a moment as a pissed off look forms on his face. He tries to use the mouse on the desk to cancel it but the cursor doesn't move. Meanwhile the video continues.

"Mr Luthor I'm your slut... cum in my ass!!" Then Lex takes full notice of the actors in the video.

'I-is that me?" He thinks to himself in shock. The actor is a complete replica of himself. A clone perhaps. Even Lex finds barely finds a difference. Then Taya calls from her desk outside. Luthor picks up while Mercy is shocked to the point of not making a sound. In the background Lex can hear the sound of the video he's watching.

"Mr Luthor what's going on! This video it's everywhere!" Taya says.

"Calm down Taya, I'll get it fixed soon" he says in assurance.

"No Mr Luthor! You don't understand! Look outside your window. It's playing on the billboards!!" Taya shouts through the phone. The Lex Luthor feels a sense of dread. He removes his lockdown and opens his windows. Right there in front of him, on the other side of the street is him fucking the Caucasian girl in the video. He puts the phone back to his ear.

"Taya call the legal team".

That Morning. Five hours later.

Lex didn't know how far that video circulated. LexCorp produces laptops, desktops, tablets, phones, refrigerators and so on. They have deals with cars and aero planes. Let's just say that as long as LexCorp created something and it has a screen and internet connection, it definitely played that video.

Americans went to bed that night and woke up a few hours later to the sound of Lex's love making.

Constantly on repeat. People had to switch off their systems and LexCorp merchandise, cause it just didn't stop.

The entire world saw it, and now the morning news on the Daily Planet reads: LEXTAPE RELEASED!

Lex Luthor sits in a room with his secretaries, board of directors legal team, advisors and brand managers. The room is quiet.

Just an hour ago, Lex's team planned to claim a hacking to the media and press. That was until they got hacked again and their social media accounts, including the company's sent out a message dearly apologizing for a small glitch in their servers.

The masses didn't take it well.

A brand manager sitting by the window peeps out the blinds on the windows, looking at protesters ganging up in front of the building.

Not that protesters are uncommon in front of LexCorp building, but one of this size and intensity is something she has never seen before.

Not just with signs calling Lex a pervert but also accusing him of being a war merchant and destroying the world.

It seems that plant and animal life activists, hippies, the religious and all those bothered by the fact that their children went to the fridge at night expecting a glass of milk but got a money shot instead. Apparently Lex in the video was really into facials.

The man silently sighs inside. He signed an NDA when joining LexCorp. He knows that the company has dark secrets and manipulates things in the dark to their benefit.

Now? The whole team all have the same thoughts on their mind.

'We've been played'.

Dimension DL

Daniel is presently studying one of the contaminated in his laboratory. This is a secret lab hidden in the planet.

'In comparison to subjects one to four, subject eight's level of Neurotoxin J1 is far lower'. The criminal he captured lies naked on a metal table with various machines over him.

Daniel looks at the results of an aura test he just did on the subject.

'Joker's aura is invasive and taking over quickly. To be think that this virus spreads through mental waves is-'

"Daniel, I have your dad on the line for you".

"Sure" Daniel says moving away from the body.

"Morning" Daniel says as they all connects.

"Saw what you did with Luthor. Great job" Victor says.

"Wasn't that hard really. He's been working so hard to screw our plans, I just decided to give him a taste of his own medicine" Daniel says.

"I knew you were planning something. I didn't know you'll go with a sextape though. I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be mad".

"Don't just tell mom. I'll get a headache" Daniel says shaking his head.

"Haha, we both love her that way".

"Yeah, I got a couple more things planned for Luthor and LexCorp. Expect the government to reopen some projects LexCorp won". Victor sighs.

"More work for me then. Which of those deals are you really interested in?" Victor asks.

"LexCorp won a bid to work with NASA on some space projects. Also there is the Prison Renovation bid they won a few weeks ago" Daniel says.

"What do you need prisons for?" Victor asks.

"The prisons aren't up to par in locking up superhumans properly. Arkham is the only one and it barely meets the standard. The huge cash flow it'll bring will also be very welcome".

"Hmm, Alright".

"Thanks Dad. So, what did you think of the team?" Daniel asks Victor on his thoughts on the members of the Hellblazers.

"I have a wait and see attitude for now. Nabu however thinks we will be at each other's throats in a few months".

"Hmm, very possible. With Atlantis and Amazonia basically forming a Greek faction. Lucifer at the end of the day is still THE devil, most likely hoping to manipulate us. Billy, Mr Zatara and Amaya are good people but that might also be a bad thing. Poison Ivy is an eco terrorist. Constantine is an unlucky bastard. Etrigan and Alice Winters are both demons. If it comes to blows, the only person I'm counting on to ease the tension is I-Ching".

"What of Rad?".

"Hopefully he can play it cool and not inform the golden city of Lucifer's presence. Even if they knew, not like they can beat him anyway. Only one that could challenge him is the Demiurgos and he's on a secret mission from the Presence".

"Hmm, makes me wonder whether you built a team like this on purpose".

"Of course. It's all about checks and balances. I could've built a team with no one more powerful than you, Rachel and I. But what's the point? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I will really enjoy the challenge our society will bring" Daniel says.

"Hmm, I kinda get what you're saying. I gave Ms Isley a room in the castle. She's really interested in your plans for a green world".

"Thanks dad. I'll start on a project with her when I finish what I'm currently dealing with".

"Oh, and what's that" Victor says wondering bout the amazing thing he's son has created now.

"I think Klarion has decided to play a few cards. There's a magical virus going around. I'm studying it now" Daniel says his voice instantly becoming serious. Victor is instantly alarmed and feels Nabu's presence in his mind.

"Do you need our help" Victor says offering his and Nabu's assistance.

"Right now? No. Once I find Klarion, definitely". Although Daniel has improved his strength and is pretty powerful, it's still not enough to take down someone like Klarion. As Dr Fate would say, Klarion is chaos personified as with other lords of chaos.

"Alright, I'll make sure to be ready. Think this is a good time to call in the society?" Although Klarion isn't actually a world threat, his forms of chaos do get pretty nasty" Victor says.

By saying Klarion isn't a world threat, he is in fact speaking the truth. Although Klarion's is evil, he is a god of earth. He enjoys chaos but knows the world mustn't be destroyed. He does enjoy fucking with humans though.

"That might be a good idea. Give us a trial run. I'll call them in tonight. I have my computer scanning for Chaos magic. This whole joker thing has it fucked up but once I get a hit on Klarion, Amy will alert you immediately".

"Great. I have to prepare. Got a meeting with the Venezuelan minister. After this I'll hit Africa and the Middle East. I've delegated my advisors to dealing with dying oil companies. Hopefully by next month we'll have a steady stream of oil".

"Great, stay away from Bialya though. The Queen is a dangerous woman. Once the oil comes in, we'll need to get a deal with the American government for road public transport".

"You sure they'll take so many deals from us?".

"Once I've brought LexCorp and their darkness to court, people would be very aware of the harm those companies are doing to nature. Even Wayne Enterprises will take a hit from this. Public pressure will be on world governments to fix this issue. And we'll be the company with all the answers" Daniel says with a smile, thinking of all the things he has planned for Lex. Some for Wayne Enterprises also.

Lex's video played worldwide and the spotlight will be on him. But this isn't something Daniel planned just yesterday. No, this has been in the making for years. Daniel has been secretly supporting green activists, people who've lost their land, all who've LexCorp have wronged.

He's been using them to file cases against Lex and his corporation in court. Cases that gain no traction due to Lex's pull in government.

Now though?

Using his pull in newspapers and social media these cases will be brought into the light. Along with millions of people suing LexCorp international for displaying porn on their products.

Their company will be buried in lawsuits, case after case. Soon they'll be making restitution payments in the millions. Stock prices will fall, and Daniel will eat everything up. Then what will he do?

Call an external investigation into LexCorp damning them further.

Once he's done with Luthor, he'll be a man with no credibility and seen as the devil himself. With barebones of a company and all what Lex has will be his. Then, he'll kill the man in the most efficient way possible.

Daniel grins evilly and picks up a bottle of wine made from the fruits on Dimension DL. He's created robots who take care of his world and harvest some resources. He pours himself a glass.

"Alright then. Later son". The call cuts as Daniel sips on his grape wine.

'Honestly, Hera was right to warn the Hellblazers not to underestimate me. She didn't just mean my strength that day. What she truly meant is not to think I'm just a child and incapable of doing evil. Well she's right. To some I'll be the most evil motherfucker on this planet".

Location: Gotham Docks.

'A god'.

'Pudding is a god now!'. Harley watches as the members of Jokerz gang all with green-purple eyes bowed to her master. Lately more and more people have been flocking in, and joker has learnt that they are all his slaves to command.

"Aaaaah!!" goes the man presently being branded with the mark of Her Mistah J. She feels her pussy drip in anticipation as she looks at the sadistic smile on Joker's face.

'I wanna get fucked so bad after this'. She smiles thinking about her husband's power.

'Now Mistah J has the advantage". A woman comes forward displaying her face for the Joker to place his searing hot brand onto her. A pang of jealousy hits Harley.

'Miiissttaaaah Jaaay' she thinks to herself, wondering if he's doing this on purpose to excite her. The woman screams from the gift given from their lord.

Harley then smiles thinking of the anarchy to come. After all, her Mistah J isn't one to sit on an advantage for too long.

'No no no. The world is gonna burn' a crazed smile appearing on her face as the Joker turns her way and looks into her eyes with a crazed smile of his own. He puts his brand onto another man's flesh.

"Aarrrgh" the fat man screams and Harley trembles a bit from pleasure.

'But first, I'm definitely getting fucked after this'.

Location: Salem.

Hollow watches as the three members of the Justice League float down into Salem's park where the Tower of Fate is located.

"Seems they are here to meet Mr Nelson before searching for me" Daniel says thinking out loud. The public walking their dogs or playing with kids don't notice them though.

"Must be Martian Manhunter's telepathy at work. Amy call Mr Nelson" Daniel says. The phone rings for a bit and he picks up.

"Morning kiddo, what's up" Kent Nelson says, always happy to hear from his pseudo student.

"Morning Mr Nelson, your friend Diana is here. Seems she came for a visit" Daniel says.

"Hm, well I'll have a bath then be right over. How long do you want me to take?" Kent says, guessing Daniel wants to mess with them a bit. Daniel grins.

"Take as long as you need sir. I'll make sure they'll feel very welcome" Daniel says.

"Thanks, I'll be over as soon as I can" Kent says and the call clicks off. Daniel looks at the video of Wonder Woman, Flash and Martian Manhunter walking towards the tower.

"Amy relate with the tower's maintenance system. Tell him to kindly engage Protocol D7l".


The three league members walk to the middle of the park and Diana pulls out a key. The puts the key into the air and turns it. Instantly the tower of fate's doors shows itself and they both walk through it.

Though what is on the other side isn't what they imagined. Instead of the beautiful lobby, what they are currently standing in is a rocky terrain. Then they feel the telepathic connection disappear from their heads and both Wonder Woman and Flash spin around looking for Martian Manhunter.

"Where the fuck is John" Barry Allen says. Wonder Woman narrows her eyes and looks at the key in her hand.


The key suddenly shatters and disappears into light. All around them nothing but rocks. Then they see a silhouette walking towards them.

"Hollow?" Diana asks looking at who she believes is a thirteen year old boy hold an axe. Flash turns to the kid, his voice a bit more serious.

"Hey there, have you seen our friend? He's big, he's green. Red eyes?".

"You are currently trespassing in the tower of fate. State your cause intruders" Hollow says, his voice modifier giving off a dark feeling. Diana frowns.

"I was given a key to come in any time by Dr Fate. If you consider us trespassing, reunite us with our friend. Then we'll leave" Diana says in a firm tone.

"All intruders must be eliminated without question. The Martian Manhunter is presently on a flame world, slowly dying from heat and flames. Your deaths however are in need of a more personal touch" Hollow says getting into a fighting stance. Flash and Diana tense, their disposition changing instantly. They both know of their friend's weakness. Flash decides to give hollow one last chance.

"Kid, this is your-".

Hollow moves and from his eyes large blue energy beams travel and hit Diana who raises up her sword to block.

She gets it up in time but the hit punts her at least about two hundred metres away. Flash sees as she tumbles through the rocky terrain.

The blast ends and he turns with a frown on his face. The boy's eyes prepare another blast. Flash moves and reaches Hollow before his eyes release the blast.

'His body is made of metal from what Batman said' Flash swiftly calculates how hard and fast he must hit not to cause injury to himself. He's fought with Superman before, and Superman isn't called the man of steel for nothing. Flash knows hitting Hollow without injury is within his capabilities.


Flash breaks the sound barrier and hits Hollow on his right arm holding the axe. Moving at Mach 5, Hollow doesn't even react and he is punched through a few boulders. Flash moves instantly to the crash site watching as hollow groans and shakily begins to get up.

"Stay down kid. This will only end badly for you. Now tell me where my friend is" Flash says in a dark tone. Next thing though, the kid begins to laugh.

"Haha, pretty intense right there. You're really fast you know. But you should know-". Flash's eyes widen as blue sparks begin to come off Daniel's body. So close to the energy he can feel it. He knows what that energy is.

'No fucking way'.

"-I get pretty fast myself".


So I'm making Osmosian's release be Thursdays/Fridays. You guys should enjoy.

I decided to use Amazonia as the name of the Amazon Island instead of Themyscira or Paradise Islands. Wanted to give it more of an AU universe vibe.

Anyways, comment, review and give me your power stones!!!

Got any questions, just ask.

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