
Meeting the Winchester's

This is based on my OC Kailani who is a hunter; based on the TV show Supernatural; she meets the Winchesters


Kailani had just finished a grueling hunt in a small town, eliminating a nest of vampires that had been terrorizing the locals. Exhausted but satisfied with her success, she decided to take a break and find a nearby hotel where she could rest and rejuvenate. And to hopefully get some swimming in, something she always did after a long drive to help stretch out and relax. Or, if she couldn't swim, she'd be happy just lounging by the pool.

As fate would have it, Kailani checked into a hotel in a town where the Winchesters were investigating a series of mysterious disappearances. Unaware of each other's presence, their paths were destined to cross.

That evening, Kailani headed to the hotel's swimming pool, hoping to unwind with a refreshing swim. As she entered the pool area, she noticed two strangers engaged in a conversation by the poolside. One of them had a distinctive hairstyle, and the other exuded an air of confidence.

Curiosity piqued, Kailani approached them, her guard still up due to her trust issues. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, a hint of caution in her voice, and she wouldn't blame them if the two males wanted to be alone. The pool area was empty but she wasn't sure what drew her towards them, though knew it had to do with her curiosity.

Sam and Dean Winchester turned to face her, assessing her with their experienced hunter's eyes. They recognized a fellow hunter in Kailani, someone who had seen her fair share of pain and loss. though, Kai couldn't help but feel a little surprised when she heard them agree to let her join them.

"Sure, have a seat," Dean replied, offering her a friendly smile.

As they exchanged introductions, Kailani learned that Sam and Dean were brothers, dedicated hunters who had been fighting the supernatural for years. They quickly discovered they had a shared mission: to protect innocent lives from the forces of darkness.

"So, what brings you to this town?" Sam asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity as the youngest Winchester looked at the blonde female.

"I've been tracking down a nest of vampires," Kailani replied, taking a seat near them. "They've been causing havoc, preying on unsuspecting people." She added, leaning back in her seat, her towel lying on her lap. She wore a bathing suit under her pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Even if she didn't decide to do any swimming this evening, she would make sure to later.

Dean nodded. "We've been dealing with disappearances that seem to point to a powerful entity called the Shadow Wraith. It drains the life force from its victims, leaving them empty husks." He told her, explaining why they were on their own.

Kailani's eyes narrowed. "Sounds like a nasty piece of work. Count me in if you need help taking it down." Kai said, offering her help, feeling a little surprised with herself since she didn't often work with other hunters. Sam smiled appreciatively. "We could use all the help we can get. This thing is proving to be quite elusive." He agreed.

Over the next few days, as they researched and investigated together, the trio began to form a strong bond. They shared stories of their past hunts, their losses, and the sacrifices they had made in the name of protecting others. Kailani opened up about her trust issues, revealing the pain she had endured and how it had shaped her cautious nature. Sam and Dean listened empathetically, sharing their struggles and acknowledging the weight of their chosen path. Kai wasn't sure what it was about these boys that made her open up the way she did but knew it had to do something with them understanding how it was to lose important people in their lives.

"I get it," Dean said, his voice filled with understanding. "We've been burned too, but we've also found allies we can trust. You're not alone in this fight anymore, Kailani."

Kailani nodded, a flicker of hope in her eyes. "I'm starting to realize that. It's good to have people who understand." She said, her voice a little softer but a small smile played on her lips.

Their conversations weren't always heavy. They shared laughter, teasing each other about their quirks and habits, finding solace in the camaraderie that comes from fighting side by side. Kailani couldn't remember a time when she was able to relax and just smile as well as even laugh like this when she was with the brothers.

As they closed in on the location of the Shadow Wraith, the atmosphere grew tense. Kailani couldn't help but voice her concerns. "This thing sounds powerful. Do we have a plan?" She asked

Sam exchanged a glance with Dean before replying. "We're going to combine our strengths. Dean will provide firepower and distractions, while I'll use ancient spells to weaken it. And you, Kailani, with your combat skills, will engage it directly." The taller male told her, explaining the plan he had hatched.

Kailani nodded, her determination shining through. "Sounds like a plan. Let's take that thing down and put an end to its reign of terror." She wanted to end this and hopefully keep from anyone else getting hurt or killed by this monster.

With their strategy in place, Kailani, Sam, and Dean made their way to the abandoned warehouse where the Shadow Wraith had been lurking. The air was thick with oppressive darkness, and the sounds of distant whispers sent shivers down their spines. As they cautiously entered the warehouse, their weapons at the ready, the atmosphere grew even more suffocating. Shadows danced on the walls, seemingly alive with the presence of the malevolent entity.

Dean with his gun full of rock salt, Sam with a book of ancient spells to weaken it and his gun at the ready in case he had to shoot, while Kailani held her knives in her hand, wanting to be close up in combat, though she had a gun at her waist just in case she needed it.

The Shadow Wraith materialized before them—a swirling mass of inky blackness, with glowing red eyes that pierced through the darkness. It exuded an aura of menace, its hunger for life palpable. Kailani gripped her blades tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. "Let's do this," she said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Though she felt fear, the adrenaline, and the urge to deafer the evil was greater than the fear she felt.

Dean provided cover, firing rounds of salt bullets to keep the Shadow Wraith at bay while Kailani closed in. Sam recited ancient incantations, Sam's incantations echoed through the warehouse, weaving a barrier of mystical energy around the Shadow Wraith. The entity writhed and recoiled, its form flickering in and out of visibility. Seizing the opportunity, Kailani lunged forward, her blades slashing through the darkness with precision. Each strike sent ripples of light through the Shadow Wraith, weakening its grip on the physical realm. But the entity fought back with a vengeance. It retaliated with tendrils of darkness, trying to ensnare Kailani and drain her life force. She dodged and weaved, her agility and combat skills pushed to their limits.

Sam's incantations intensified, further destabilizing the Shadow Wraith. Its form began to fragment, fragments of darkness swirling chaotically. Sensing its imminent defeat, the entity unleashed a final desperate surge of power. Caught off guard, Kailani was struck by a wave of dark energy. She stumbled backward, pain searing through her body, for a moment she was left breathless from the sudden attack. But her resolve remained unbroken.

Sam and Dean rushed to her side, providing cover and support while she recovered. Dean fired round after round of salt bullets, which he chose to bring to help hold it back knowing how they'd feel, the bursts of salt dispersing the shadows and weakening the entity further. Sam channeled his energy into a final incantation, amplifying the barrier that held the Shadow Wraith captive. With a final surge of strength, Kailani regained her footing. She summoned every ounce of her courage, channeling her anger and determination into a single decisive strike. Her blades sliced through the fragmented form of the Shadow Wraith, dissipating it into nothingness.

Silence settled over the warehouse as the darkness dispersed, revealing the triumphant trio standing amidst the remnants of their battle. Kailani, bloodied and bruised but filled with a sense of accomplishment, exchanged relieved glances with Sam and Dean.

"We did it," Sam said, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in his voice but there was also a look of excitement in his eyes that they had one and none of them ended up hurt any more than they already were.

Dean clapped Kailani on the back, a proud smile on his face. "Damn right, we did. You held your own, Kai." He complimented having seen that even after she got hurt she got right back into the fight.

Kailani grinned, a mixture of relief and pride washing over her. "Couldn't have done it without you guys. We make a good team." She said, noting how well they had worked together between trusting one another and providing cover when the other needed it.

As they caught their breath and tended to their injuries, they knew their work wasn't done. But in that moment, they basked in the victory they had achieved together. The bond forged through their shared experiences had grown stronger, and they knew they could rely on each other in the battles yet to come. With the Shadow Wraith vanquished, they regrouped, discussing their next moves and the continued fight against the supernatural. Their camaraderie and shared purpose propelled them forward, ready to face whatever darkness may lie ahead. And, as they walked out of the warehouse, their heads held high, they carried with them a newfound sense of unity and a shared belief in the power of trust and collaboration. The hunt had not only strengthened their skills but had also shown them the strength that comes from leaning on one another in the face of adversity.

One back to the hotel room. And Kai finally had that swim she had been longing for, she met up with the brothers outside by their vehicles, throwing her bags into the trunk of her car and her dog lay asleep in the backseat. The Winchesters headed over to the new friend, "Stay in touch, will you?" Sam asked, giving her a piece of paper with their numbers on it. "Call if you need anything, after helping us with this case, we'll be glad to return the help." The youngest brother added.

Dean nodded in agreement, "We will come as soon as you call." He added. Kai couldn't help but smile, taking the paper and putting it in her pants pocket for now, "thank you." She told the brothers.

United in purpose, Kailani, Sam, and Dean got into their vehicles and continued on their journeys as hunters, knowing that they had allies they could depend on. The memory of their victory against the Shadow Wraith served as a beacon of hope, a reminder that together they were stronger and that they could make a difference in a world teeming with darkness.

Kailani had learned a few lessons in this case, one being that no matter how much pain or loss she suffers, it's okay to be able to open yourself up once in a while and to work with others who may become your allies and friends in the future. She now knows that everything will turn out okay in the end. A part of her hopes to run into the Winchesters again, she hadn't felt that way in a long time, having others to rely on her or to have other hunters have her back as the brothers did on this hunt.