1 a ticket toward madness

In the deepest part of the underworld there lay a man bound by numerous chains with unholy-looking runes on them.

A body full of injuries such as the ground around him is dyed with a layer of dry blood and mud.

A haggard face was hidden behind long dirty hair reaching the ground. Eyes portraying so much hopelessness, unwillingness, and madness such that even the cruelest beings would feel pity for him.

You can hear him mumbling worlds with a tone filled with fatigue «I spent so much time working to break free and all I broke is a single chain... »

« nine hundred ninety-nine more to break until I regain my freedom »

« I do not have that much time to spare, they need me, I must go back »

To clarify, this place is the deepest layer of the underworld where souls of beings with so much regret, obsession or unfulfilled wishes such as to reach it you have to pass through the gate of rebirth refuse reincarnation and in this case, the will of the world is incapable of imposing reincarnation on them.

Thus they are bound for eternity or until madness consumes them where they reach a state of fragility and vulnerability such a state is known as «the end».

where the will of the world can erase their existence, for they are beings so dangerous if a mishap occurred in case they are put into a forced reincarnation.

This place was named « the gathering of the regretful ».

Over time, the man's patience is beginning to run out.

and as if he is about to make a grave choice the indecisiveness in his eyes began to fade and replacing it was a resolute gaze.

The gaze of a man who is about to either win or lose all.

To unlock these chains one must comprehend the marking on them or « the unholy runes » as they are called.

However, each of the thousand chains has different runes and progressively is harder to break because of the irregularities of these said rules.

The man talking to himself « if I'm able to wield the runes I comprehend, if I can wield such power »

Around him were other soul-shackled beings, hearing his mumbling then laughing as if they heard the worst joke.

« As you are new here, let me tell you about people who tried such abused thing, although they could wield the power of the runes and were able to point it at others, they by doing so started a battle of will against their opponents and the results were dead if defeated and in case they won it ends with them losing their sanity,» said a relatively sane old man compared to the others.

After a few moments as if catching his breath he continued « if the runes were to be used against other runes then the power is nullified. »

« And yes even though you can comprehend multiple runes they are unusable together because of their instability they cancel each other »

« Then what about merging multiple runes to form a higher ranking one? »

« that I do not know, but for me, it is not possible. Then young man please rethink your choice, the chance of success is meager »

To this Magnus replied, « but I do not have the time nor power to break free, and what if a miracle happened? »

« I must break free and return to the living, I am needed by those of my tribe »

Orran, hearing this chuckles and says « but how many of those hoping for a miracle succeeded? »

« It's either I risk it or rot by myself, although I'll most probably fail, there is still a trace of hope ».

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