

"That year everything changed for master Ed, strange things happened, from the car accident, the suitcase, and of course, discovering the existence of magic through a school acceptance letter."

-Ashbey Paige, Edgart's childhood butler talking about the year Edgart got his Hogwarts letter


The date is March 20th, 1991, a black-haired boy with peculiar silver eyes, who is, of course Ed, is now 10 years old, with a few months short to becoming 11 years old. The kid grew up to be a handsome young boy, with the puffy cheeks still there because he is still young.

Ed, through his private education by the Andrews, learned many things, from how to manage a company, to things like, dancing, self-defense, musical instruments, etiquettes, he even learned to cook from Anna, he learned fast, he is simply the personification of a son all parents have dreamed of. At first the Andrews told Ed that he will get only private education, but he insisted that he goes to a public school, hoping that he will meet his best friend from the orphanage, Richard Neil. But his hope shattered when he learned Richard wasn't in his school he enrolled in.

But now Ed is getting ready for a school trip, he packed up his things and put them in his backpack, and he wears his blue tinted glasses that have a black frame, he wears his backpack, and exits his now navy-coloured room. He walked to the front door, a gentleman wearing a tuxedo was waiting for him beside an opened car door.

"Good morning, Master Ed." The butler said as soon as he saw Ed.

"Good morning Ashbey, is everything ready?" the boy said.

"Yes, master Ed, I have already informed Master Andrews about your school trip, and your lunch is already packed up inside the car."

"Thank you Ashbey." Ed said, then entered the car.

The car moved, and about an hour later, he arrived at Buckingham Palace. He got out of the car and moved towards a group of kids in front of the Buckingham Palace gate.

"Hello Ed! I didn't know you had a butler; I know your parents are rich but not that rich." A girl called him out, getting awfully close to him.

Ed just smiled at his classmates and continued to greet the others. Then a voice was heard from behind him.

"Okay students, settle down now, line up, and wait for a couple of minutes." The voice, which belonged to the teacher, shouted.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, a guide came to the group of kids, the guide then led the group around the palace, explaining in detail about the history of the palace and other landmarks around it. 'Richard would be so pleased to join this tour' he thought, last year he found the address of Richard and his foster family, he came to their home, exchange pleasantries to the parents, and asked Richard if he wanted to tour London with him, Richard of course accepted and after they came back from the tour, Richard and Ed exchanged home phone numbers, and since that day, they have been in contact with each other.

After a couple of hours of circling Buckingham Palace, the students had a picnic at a park near the palace. After that the students play at the park, while the students spread out to find something fun, Ed just sits below a tree, reading a book comfortably.

"You're always like Mr. Aldrich" a voice suddenly called.

Ed looked away from the book and saw the teacher approaching him.

"You need to socialize, it's not healthy for a boy your age sitting alone at a place like this while your friends are playing." The teacher continued.

Ed has always been a loner, he felt that he can't really socialize with the kids his age, he has been educated to socialize like adults from his foster parents, and his mind is always mature than an average 10-year-old boy, but nobody called him out, the girls liked him enough because of his handsome looks, and the boys didn't bother him because of his background.

"I just don't feel like running around aimlessly Mrs. Lewis, I just can't really communicate with other boys my age." Ed said.

The teacher just smiled sadly. She knows Ed well. After all, she's been his teacher for almost 4 years now. She knows how mature he is, because of that he was always alone in class, reading a book that a normal 10-year-old boy wouldn't even understand.

The two teacher and student pair just sat there, below the tree, resting. After a while, the teacher checked the time with her watch, and called the other students to group up to go home. After they all group up, they walk back to the Buckingham Palace gate, and say goodbye to each other.

Ed then walked towards the parking lot and saw Ashbey waiting for him.

"Hello Ashbey." Ed said to the butler while smiling.

"Hello Master Ed, beautiful day isn't it." The butler answered, admiring the clear skies above them.

"It is, though I still prefer the rain, it's much nicer and calmer." He spoke.

"Well, you live in the right place then, after all, London is famous for its gloomy weather." The butler countered and opened the car door for Ed.

Ed then entered the car and went home. While in the middle of the road, Ed asked Ashbey something.

"That was the last day of primary school, wasn't it…" he asked.

"Yes, master Ed, that was indeed the last day of school, after that it's just the graduation gathering. The school arranged for the students to say goodbye to each other, although most of them will probably end up in the same public school again." The butler answered.

"So, there's no activity that relates to education for the next 3 months?" Ed asked again.

"Apart from the usual class from Master Andrews, yes there are none."

"The private class is about to end too; I have already finished the content of the lesson." Ed murmured.

The car then stops at a traffic light. Once the light turns green, the car moves.

"Then are there any pla-"


Before Ed finished his question, Ashbey suddenly cursed loudly, then Ed looked at the direction Ashbey was looking, then he saw an approaching car, speeding towards them at about 75 mph. 'oh no!' Ed screamed in his mind. He then stretched his arms, covering the view of the car approaching them, but he didn't close his eyes, he just strongly hoped that the car would somehow stop, even though it was useless. But then, just like the accident at the library a couple years back, he didn't feel the car crashing into them, but he still heard a loud sound in front of him.

"What the hell was that!" Ashbey cursed loudly once again, a gentleman like him rarely cursed, but in this situation, nobody could hold their mouth.

Ed then drops his arms and saw a horrifying scene, the car that was approaching them didn't even look like a car anymore, it's more like the car's front was kicked by a giant, the front was flat, like it had hit an unbreakable wall, he then looked around the scene, he saw blood splattered across the car.

"Master Ed, stay inside the car, I will check the situation." Ashbey suddenly shouted.

But Ed ignored him, he opened the car door, and approached the destroyed car. He reached his left arm towards the car, he felt a solid matter touching his hand, but vanished in an instant.

"What in the bloody hell…" he murmured.

Then he looked at the car seat, he saw a dead body, head missing, or rather destroyed, right then Ed was about to puke but suddenly pulled by Ashbey.

"Stay away master Ed, the car could explode at any second!"

Ed then is dragged towards the sidewalk.

"Sit master Ed, calm yourself."

Ed then looked at his surroundings and saw people looking at them.

"What was that Ashbey, the car looked like it hit a wall!" Ed shouted, shocked by what he just saw.

"I don't know Master Ed, I saw the car crash, but it didn't crash into our car, next thing I know that the car's front was already flat!"

After that explanation, Ed just sat on the sidewalk, calming himself. A couple of minutes later, the police arrived, controlling the situation. They then asked for testimonies about what happened to Ed, Ashbey, and the witnesses around the scene. When the police asked Ed about what happened, at first, they didn't believe what he said, but then a couple more interviews from the other witnesses later, the police just looked at his notes confusedly, wondering how a car crashed into air.

Ed is still sitting at the sidewalk, now staring at the body bag that is being carried to an ambulance, he then thought about the image of the headless corpse that he saw when he looked at the car seat, he instantly threw up near a streetlamp.

"Are you alright master Ed?" Ashbey asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, I just thought about the state of the body." He mumbled.

"Don't think about it master Ed, let's get you home, I will call a taxi." Ashbey said, still looking at Ed worriedly.

Ed just nodded, he put off his glasses, rubbed his nasal bridge, and sighed.

"What a day." He thought.

Ed then went home, his foster parents waiting for him at the front door, Anna pacing around and Roger just stood calmly, then the taxi arrived, instantly Ed is hugged by Anna, she checked his body for any injury while Ashbey explain the situation to Roger, at first Roger is confused by Ashbey's explanation of the accident, after all, a car can't suddenly stopped by an invisible wall, but then he called the police station and confirmed it, the Andrews of course were confused, 'What kind of sorcery is this' they thought, but they ultimately ignored it, they are just relieved of Ed's safe return to their arms.

Time has passed and it is now 24th of July 1991, the Andrews and Ed have sorted out the accident, the perpetrator turns out to be drunk in the middle of the day, but the case remains open because of the unexplained 'invisible wall' that almost all the witnesses mentioned.

Ed is now reading a book comfortably in his study room, sitting beside the window, enjoying his summer vacation. But then a sudden knock at the window glass disturbed it. He looked at the source of the knock, and saw an owl flapping his/her wings, a letter in his legs, and pecking the glass using his/her beak, 'What the hell…' Ed thought, 'What other strange things will happen now…' he whined. He then collected himself, bracing for another strange incident, and opened the window. The owl then entered the room and dropped the letter to Ed's lap and perched on Ed's left shoulder.

"What is this?" He pointed at the letter and said to the owl.

The owl just cooed and shrugged.

Ed then opens the letter that has a strange symbol, and his manor address, and reads the letter.



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme

Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Aldrich,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all

necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

He read the letter again and again, making sure it's not a joke, but failed to reach a conclusion.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?" he mumbled to the owl.

The owl, once again, just cooed and shrugged.

Ed looked at the owl strangely, stood up, and walked towards the door. He exits his room and walks to Roger's office. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds, thinking how he should talk about this, and knocked.

"Come in." A voice from inside the room.

Ed then opens the door and walks towards the source of the voice, then just stands there, looking at Roger.

"Hello Ed, what's that on your shoulder?" Roger greeted and asked as soon as he saw the bird.

"An owl." Ed answered.

"A what?"

"An owl."

"How'd you get the owl?" Roger asked, looking strangely at the owl.

"He or she delivered a letter." Ed said, then handed over the letter to Roger.

Roger then read the letter, then looked at it strangely, read the letter again, flipped the letter to see any signs of pranks or jokes.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Roger asked.

"That's what I said earlier." Ed said. "I thought if I asked you, you would probably know something." He continued.

Roger pondered for a while and said, "This must be a joke, it's probably because of the accident earlier this year, just throw it away." And handed back the letter.

"I'll keep it, the parchment is quite unique." Ed said while brushing his fingers to the parchment.

"Whatever you say Ed." Roger said.

"What about the owl?" Ed asked.

"Is it a wild owl?" Roger asked.

"Probably not, he delivered a letter for god's sake."

"Then just put the owl outside, let it fly away."

"Alright then."

Ed then exits the office and goes out to the garden; he drops the owl to one of the trees in the garden and comes back to his room.

A couple days have gone by, and it is now 30th of July 1991. Ed is sitting in front of the piano, playing Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 by Chopin, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the movement of his hands touching the piano.

When he finished the piece, sounds of claps rang from Ed's back.

"I see you have a talent for music Mr. Aldrich, a great talent to have." An old voice said.

Ed then turned his head around hurriedly and saw an old man with a long and white beard, wearing a slight purple robe standing straight, looking at him with blue eyes. Ed then stood up alertly and shouted, "Who are you, how'd you get in." the old man then said, "Well, my name is Albus Dumbledore, and the front door of course Mr. Aldrich, it's unlocked."

Ed scanned the old man then shouted, "Roger! Ashbey! Can you please come here for a minute!"

Roger and Ashbey then dashed to the room where the piano is and shouted," What's wrong kid."

Roger and Ashbey then saw the old man and Roger shouted again. "Who are you, how'd you get in?"

"His name is Albus Dumbledore, Roger, and he said the front door is unlocked." Ed said, still looking at the old man alertly.

"Ah, yes a pleasure to meet you Mr. Andrews." The old man spoke softly while smiling.

"Can I help you with something?" Roger asked, looking alertly at Dumbledore.

"I believe you can Mr. Andrews, you see, the two of you seemed familiar with this letter." Dumbledore said softly, while giving another Hogwarts acceptance letter to Roger.

"You're the one who sent these prank letters!" Roger shouted, looking angrily at Dumbledore. "You've sent the letter every day since last week! The owls dirtied my son's room!"

"I assure you Mr. Andrews, that this is not a prank." Dumbledore said. "We apologized for the multiple letters, you see, we made a mistake, we detect that Mr. Aldrich's family here is still alive, so we sort him out as one of the student-to-be that didn't need a special messenger, but we didn't detect that he doesn't live with his biological parents, But after I've noticed it I instantly volunteered to be the special messenger, because I want to see what the boy who caused a mess in the ministry is like." He continued while smiling to Ed.

"Family? You mean my biological parents are still alive?" Ed asked.

"Indeed, they are still alive Mr. Aldrich, you see, your parents are magical, in other words, a witch and a wizard. So, the faculty thought that you don't need a special messenger."

"A witch and a wizard? So magic is real?" Ed asked, while the alertness of his body disappeared bit by bit.

"Of course, it is real Mr. Aldrich, otherwise how could you freeze falling books in the air or bring a speeding car to a stop." He said while smiling.

"Wait! I remember you! You're that old man on the street while we were going home from the library that day!" Ed exclaimed. And the old man just smiled and said, "You have a good memory Mr. Aldrich."

"Wait what? If magic is real, prove it then." Roger looked at the two old man and young boy pair and ordered.

Dumbledore looked at Roger, smiled, then took out his wand. He then pointed the wand at the sofa, and suddenly the sofa turned to a statue of a man, sitting on a toilet.

"Wicked!" Ed whispered, earning a chuckle from the old man, while the rest of the people in the room looked dumbfounded.

"How'd you do that!" Anna, who just arrived at the scene because of the commotion, shouted. "Turn it back! It's a fairly expensive sofa!" she continued.

"My apologies Mrs. Andrews." Dumbledore looked at the woman strangely, then turned the statue back to its original state.

The room then turned silent for a second, but then Dumbledore said, "Well then, it seems that I have convinced you all that magic is real, so how about it?"

"How about what?" Ed asked.

"The acceptance letter Mr. Aldrich, I came here to confirm if you accepted the offer or not." The old man answered.

The old couple, and Ed looked at each other then said, "Can we discuss it a bit?"

"Of course, take all the time you need, after all, this is a life changing decision." The old man said while smiling.

The old couple and Ed then went to the dining room, while Ashbey prepared some tea for the old man.

"So, what do you want to do?" asked Anna, looking solemnly at Ed.

"I want to accept it." Ed answered.

Roger nodded, but then said, "What about the company?"

"I will also run it." He spoke.

"You do know a secret as big as the existence of magic must mean there are some restrictions to the wielder, a secrecy law for example."

"I know, but it's fine as long as I don't use it towards non-magical people right?"

"You have to ask the old man about that." Roger said.

"But Ed, we can't help but to be worried, if there's magic, there will also be some 'irresponsible people' wielding it, maybe this magical world the old man said isn't quite safe." Anna said worriedly.

"Whether it's dangerous or not it doesn't matter for me, this is my chance to be a kid Anna! To have fun in a new world, until now, my whole life has been lonely. I've got no friends of the same age that have the same interest as me, all my classmates in school, except maybe Richard just wants to play around, maybe in this magical world, it'll change…" Ed defended.

"And if you're that worried about the danger, don't worry, I will learn self-defense for wizards as soon as possible." He comforted Anna.

"Okay, we will talk to the old man again, if you're allowed to run a company while wielding magic and we confirm the dangers of the magical world, we'll decide." Roger said.

The couple and Ed then went back to the living room, Ed then saw the old man, playing around the piano, touching keynotes randomly, ignoring the three people behind him.

Roger then coughed, signaling their existence to the old man. The old man then turned to them.

"Ah, have you decided?" Dumbledore asked while smiling.

"We would like you to answer a few questions first, then we can decide." Roger said,

"Ask away then." Dumbledore spoke softly.

"All right, can Ed run the company our family owned when he graduated from your school, Hogwarts is it?" Roger asked.

"Yes, I believe he can, as long as he didn't use magic in front of muggles, he would be able to." The old man answered.

"Muggles?" Ed asked.

"A muggle is our term for non-magical people, Mr. Aldrich."

"That's good then, now onto the next question, is it dangerous? the magical world I mean."

"Dangerous is a broad term Mr. Andrews, but in short, as long as Ed can protect himself, I believe he would be safe, especially when he's studying at Hogwarts."

Roger just nodded, the muggle world is also the same, if one can protect themselves, they will relatively be safe.

Ed then suddenly asked, "Earlier you said that I made a mess in the ministry, what does that mean?"

"Ah, do you remember when a car was speeding towards you a couple months back?"

Ed just nodded.

"Well, you see the ministry of magic has a- "

"There's a ministry of magic? I thought it was the normal ministry." He cut him off.

"Yes, there is a Ministry of Magic Mr. Aldrich. Now, back to what I was saying, your accident is a bit peculiar to us, because there has been no such high-profile magical accident like yours in the past couple of decades, usually it will only be seen by two or three people, but your accident was reported by a newspaper, so the ministry has been working hard to erase the existence of your accident, by erasing memories of people."

"You can erase memories? that's preposterous!" Anna said angrily.

"A necessary trouble Mrs. Andrews, you see we have a law called the International Statute of Secrecy, where all inhabitants of the wizarding world were not allowed to show their magic to the non-magical world, otherwise it will bring serious consequences, the last time this law was broken on a large scale, it destroyed New York." Dumbledore explained calmly.

"Wizards destroyed New York?" Roger questioned.

"In a way yes, but we strayed from the topic, so are you ready to decide?"

The couple and Ed looked at each other, then nodded. "We accept."

"Wonderful, now, tomorrow a friend of mine will come here to guide you to buy the necessary equipment, now I'm quite occupied at the moment so I can't stay for too long, see you on 1st of September Mr. Aldrich." The old man then turned around and vanished into thin air.

"What a strange old man that was." Ashbey suddenly commented.

"Tell me about it…" Ed Whispered.

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