
Orchestrate to Fytó

The novel family Xenon was expecting a child with the family’s lady. Unfortunately, she fell ill with an unknown disease, and it was impossible to cure her. The child she bare is also at risk, so their residence became distressed. Numerous doctors have come and visited her aid, but no fortune has come their way. Then, a friend of the Xenon’s head came. He was a potioneer who claimed to have an ability to cure the lady. It was their last hope, so they took the chance. The potioneer brewed and added a herb which he said to be carefully passed down to their family from generation to generation— a herb which should not be used and must stay hidden. At last, the potion was made, the lady was cured and well. But the day comes their child was born, she had twins, and the other was declared dead. Yet again, they fell miserable and buried the child with despair. On that night time after the Axiea was laid to rest, she came back to life, inhaled her first breath, and opened her eyes with her left eye glowing inside the dark cold tomb.

YanBae · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs


Peeking at the gaps of the closed window was the sorceress, laughing wickedly at Catherine's fright from her presence. She was hiding in the room of the 2nd floor at an isolated building where the girl was just standing in front of. It was one small amusement she did for herself compared to the escapade she caused five years ago. At that time, the sorceress was lucky enough to act quickly and use her sorcery before she was engulfed by the flames. Her chortles stopped and her voice vanished at the four corners of the dim room, her smile fades as she remembers those scenes. Those heat of the fires, their blazes that she once adored came rushing towards her, struck furiously that wishes for her to leave. In result, the heat of anger just flickered more visibly inside her eyes and felt more clearly in her chest. The sorceress turned her back at the window then walks towards the scattered books at the other end of the room.

Her figure walked passed a portrait on the wall which was painted back in her time, preserved by magic since it was the only good memory she has left that she could go back to. It pictures her young age, wearing a ball gown that exposes her shoulders and a part of her chest which has the mark of the Deities' grace. She was holding a handkerchief which writes her name, Penelope. Behind the girl on the portrait were figures of two men and a woman, facing the front but they strangely have no faces. The three behind were illuminating their power's glow, too bright that the colour mixed an unexplainable blend of shades. It was painted by an outstanding painter at their time, and he, too, can't explain its hues but instead drew what he figures that he sees, though it wasn't actually how the colours gleam.


Catherine relaxed when she realized that it was only Ezio who has placed a hand on her shoulder. He was confused about her actions but decided not to question her any further. Instead, he handed out her scythe. Catherine was perplexed on why he had it with him. It's not like they will have training here or nearby. Plus, Solaris is not around and they didn't plan it ahead. The girl took her weapon from Ezio. "Did you plan this ahead with Solaris without telling me?" Catherine asked.

"Plan what?" Ezio asked back.


"We have training?" Ezio was addled and so was Catherine.

"Do we have training?"

"I don't know," the boy answered. Silence passed between them as they were left confused. "I passed by your home and was told that you went on ahead."

"So you brought this?" Ezio nodded and their conversation went on as they stroll around the busy streets which were noisy from the busy people who were preparing for the arrival.

There were no open stores yet as they were occupied at embellishing their stores for the nobles. All there is to do was watch everyone get diligent with their own businesses. The alleys were crowded with people hurrying, cartsful rattling and stomping in the hubbub hectic place. To make things worse, visitors from other villages were here, meddled into the packed place, making it more difficult to stroll around. The two kids frown at its current state so they chose to leave but then Ezio caught his eyes with a familiar red one. It was their friend, Solaris, which greeted then with his usual laid back attitude.

Catherine, too, noticed him and so she waved with a smile. Solaris came jogging towards them, his both hand were occupied so he wasn't able to wave back at them. He was holding his weapons, kana-wa, which he brought with him to find a blacksmith that can sharpen its edges but unfortunately, everyone was busy and stores were closed so he doesn't get a chance to do as he planned. The kana-wa is the weapon that Solaris has mastered which is a blade formed to a circle with a sharpened edge inside and out. It has three grips on three sides where he holds it for combat. The lad uses two of it, holding the kana-wa on both hands. Solaris inherited this weapon from his father in the land of Night where this weapon originated. On the other hand, Ezio's weapon was just a chain. Nothing flashy and fancy compared to the other two's.

The time zips along, and at last, the guests were announced that they have finally arrived at the town. As soon as people heard it, more and more crowded at the entrance's pathway. The sides of the road are the area they are limited to go since there are fencings placed to prevent people from approaching and for the safety of the noble members. They were still anticipating for their presence yet the folks were already making a fuss. They prepared their flowers and gifts if ever they were given a chance to offer them. The mayor was waiting at the Townsquare to greet them and guards are all stalled at the entrance to accompany its arrival.

At last, the townspeople saw the noble guards marching at the entrance followed by the only member of the awaited noble family. Escorting her was their family's trusted retainer, Aetos. The place filled with disappointment. Mixed cries of negative and cheerful shouts erupted as they witness the Xenon noble lady arrive from the Land of Dawn. Some who were eyeing the lady was throwing daggers of ridicule and mocking words as she passes by. It was the family whose reputation was tarnished after the battle against its family rival. From the most admirable noble family in Ethopia to defeated foes, they were treated as chaffs at the aftermath. Their name was made fun of all over the world after their downfall. The 'Demised Nobles' since then dyed their image given by those brought down by their expectations that the great family would return triumphant. It was basically the battle of power and they fall largely from everything unexpectedly.

The uninformed cheered and those who knew booed. The atmosphere spewed mixed of laughs, cheers, and disdain but the parade proceeds on. The noble lady named Adelaide, paid their voices no mind but that's not the case for Aetos who was worried for the lady he serves for. Adelaide remains straight faces but her picture hides behind the hat she wears which falls an expensive colourful fabric that covers her looks.

The group of three friends were already there to see her arrival. They were strong enough to push their way through the crowd and wind up stealing the front area. When they caught a glimpse of Adelaide, they felt excitement and awe as their eyes lock at the noble maiden. Weirdly, Catherine felt a rush of glee and yearns to approach and talk to her. It's like an urge is telling her to but the fences prevent her from advancing any further. Artemis was about to move past Catherine when their eyes met. Surprise coloured on Catherine's face and tears of joy dampened her eyes yet unnoticed though it did not reflect the same with the noble girl as her eyes remain blank and uninterested.

Though Adelaide gives no reaction, she unconsciously stopped on her tracks then the parade similarly halted with her. People puzzled over why it deterred. Aetos behind Adelaide panicked and so he asked the lady in whispered words on her ears but she seems unmoved as the two stares at each other, attached by blood and emotions swirl by the bond. Aetos can't quite comprehend his lady no matter what he says but when Adelaide replied, it appears to be unrelated to what he told. "Her left eye is gleaming like an emerald," Adelaide said, in her neutral tone. She doesn't even heed the other two guys behind Catherine who likewise has an unusual different pigments of pupils.

Aetos snapped his head towards where Adelaide gazes at and so had his eagle eyes fixated on Catherine. Catherine gave an impression of familiarity towards him which left him to bewilder. The girl was about to open her mouth and speak when the parade continued to march forward. They left the area but thoughts remained inside his head. Keeping a composed crusade was brought tough to fulfil as the sentiments bother him. They were far off from the girl already when he remembered something from fifteen years ago. He began to feel hysterical when he thought of the lists that the girl wasn't the lost child of the family Xenon that he serves yet the likelihood was overpowering his mind that his mind dazed the whole ceremony.

Though the noble lady has already walked past them, Catherine still can't wipe off the withe smile plastered on her face. Later, they left the crowd and decided to roam around the village. There's little chance for them to make their way to the front of the crowd at the Townsquare since it's already packed and will be hectic. The three were then chatting at one of the village's alley, strolling past stalls and stores which was deserted for all the people has come to see the events. Though they were disappointed as the parade starts.

Solaris was carefreely whistling as he walks while Ezio was unknowingly restless and blushing. "I-I'm pretty sure that she was looking at me," Ezio said, stuttering at the middle of his words, his cheeks flushed red.

Solaris laughed out loud. "That so? It explains why the lady was frowning," he teased Ezio which started their bickering. Catherine has her head drifting away from somewhere and not even planning on stopping their fight since she was occupied on her thoughts. Later did she realize that she strayed off away from her mates. She stood at a spacious area in the village, completely unknown where she was. At its centre was a fountain and there she sat at the edge of it. Catherine finally breathes in fresh air far from the noisy crowd and can finally enjoy calmness. Though there's no entertainment available to do. No flowers around that she could talk to. Only that's there were the stray wild grasses sticking out from the broken old rock ground and mosses at the end of the stream. Catherine's lips formed a childish pout. She can do nothing but sway her feet, kicking the grasses on the ground in an attempt to ease her boredom then letting her mind fly off somewhere.

With that, Catherine didn't even realize that the tine just went by fast until footsteps were heard coming her way. Catherine's head jolted towards the direction, alarmed, but all she saw was Adelaide standing there while looking at her. Her jaw dropped and promptly stood up in surprise, the scythe attached behind her back clanked loudly at her movement. She was panicking and too overwhelmed that she stuttered on her words as she speaks. "Y-you, wha?! M'lady, what are you doing here?" The girl's mind is a mess so even her gestures were all over the place. All she's doing was embarrass herself just now but Adelaide's expression seems unwavering as she eyes Catherine which made her blush further.

Looking around, there's no other maids, butlers, or guards protecting her. Only the noble lady alone was here. "I ditched my duty to Aetos. He can handle it," Adelaide said flatly, guilt nor care doesn't even colour her face as she says those words. Hearing those, Catherine thought that Adelaide must be a carefree noble lady, but at the same time, troubled about her reputation getting tarnished any further. No noble rank should be implying an act of irresponsibility.

"Well, who would want to be at the centre of a crowd like that?" Catherine asked, she finally get herself together that she managed to say it straight. Too intimidated of the lady's presence, she continued to fiddle with the grass on the ground.

"I don't really care," Adelaide said, her voice remains flat and expression as blank as a plain white sheet of paper.

"You must be strong."

"Is that how it was?" Catherine nods then shrugs with a chuckle. She doesn't even know herself but that's how the girl sees it.

"Everyone has their own definition of strong," the girl said then sat back down at the edge of the fountain. She tapped beside her to invite Adelaide to sit down beside her but the noble lady doesn't seem to budge from where she's standing. "Suit yourself." Catherine pulled the heavy scythe behind her so she could rest her back. She couldn't even feel the tiredness until she removed it.

Silence passed between them and Adelaide spends it by looking at the commoner places around her. The deafening stillness gives Catherine unease so she spoke up a question without thinking. "What happened back at the war?" After she realized what she just asked, she immediately covers her mouth with both hands. It was a delicate question so her mind now swirls with different punishments she might attain. The last thing she wanted was to anger the noble lady. Adelaide looked back at her and as always, her emotions gave no response which made Catherine feel worse.

"You haven't heard of it?" Artemis asked in which Catherine answered by moving her head sideways. The noble lady sighed before telling the whole story. She doesn't seem to mind or rather, she doesn't even care. Artemis told the whole story about the cause, war, and their defeat then next thing Catherine new was a bead of a tear rolling down her cheek. The girl dazed when she wiped the liquid off her face but then one after another fell again and again until continuous sobs escape her lips. She was crying yet confused why. There's an emotion welling up inside her chest besides pain but it's foreign and unknown that left her questioning. Adelaide tilted her head to the side when she noticed.

"Tears you don't have to show yet you weep for those strangers you don't know? You're odd," as always, Adelaide said in her neutral voice. Catherine sobs yet still while wiping her tears with the back of her hand so Adelaide approached her then handed a handkerchief. It has golden patterns and its silk was smooth to touch. It looks expensive so Catherine refused at first but Adelaide insisted.

When she finally managed to calm down, she utters, "I just felt... Sad?"

"No reason for you to," Adelaide answered.

"Don't you feel unhappy?"

"Never once," Artemis told. She doesn't seem to be lying as non of her emotions show. Catherine didn't know why but it concerns her.

Pause yet again envelope the place but this time, Adelaide was staring directly at her and it gave Catherine discomfort. The girl was about to break the silence but the noble lady did before her.

"You... Look just like Ariella," Adelaide muttered but enough for Catherine to hear. That statement left her perplexed, her brows creased, asking for questions and explanations yet Adelaide never bothered to add more to it and instead turned on her heel then left.

The girl was left alone in the area again, her questions remained inside her head. She was looking at the back of the noble lady as she left, hoping for answers however, her figure disappears with no more words told.