Virgil needed someone with him right now. He needed Roman. Virgil looked through the cards and found one that said 'Open when you need me'. Virgil slowly opened it.
'Dear Virgil,
Wow. I didn't think you could possibly need or want me as much as you do right now. How much do you need me exactly? I'm probably busy, so you opened this. Just think about a time where we hung out. Your favorite time with me if you have one. Remember that I'm always next door.
Virgil smiled and thought about the time where he and Roman brushed hands or the time where they bumped shoulders. The little touches are what satisfies Virgil. Whether it's hand brushing or they bump into each other in the hallway. Virgil sighed and held the letter close to his chest. He then remembered the rose that Roman had given him on his birthday.
Virgil walked over to his desk drawer. He opened it and held the purple rose in his hand. He sniffed it. It still smelled good and still in perfect condition. Virgil walked over to his bed with the rose. He lied down and held the rose and letter close.