
Onslaught!! The Demon Kings

Humans thought the apocalypse happened when the barrier between worlds had vanished. When, the world of fey, spirits, humans, and demi-humans became one. However, it does not end, in fact the world got more interesting as magic was introduced. Technological advancements became bigger as many feats becomes possible to achieve. But as soon as the final barrier dissolves introducing the demonic race to the world, people shun the demonic race. No one likes the demon race and nothing can hope change the public sentiment whenever it is concerning the demonic race. Then, two demon kings decided that, "It's time for another apocalypse" "I will kill everyone who has no demonic blood" "I will reincarnate everyone so they all will have demonic blood" Instagram: @onslaughtdks

Duke_Mifaat · Fantasie
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31 Chs

A Demon King's Savagery


Blood was everywhere.

In the green grass plain, a pool of blood decorated the scenery. It is as if red paint was used to stroke a previously beautiful picture with little to no care.

His red eyes glowed.

His armor was the very personification of being engulfed by darkness.

It was grotesque...

It was frightening...

That was the appearance of The Demon King of Death.

"Know your place." A wave of energy surged from the Demon King as it blew the bodies of Lunalight, Kobra, and Ruin.

"To think you would go that far... haha." Ruin laughed as he managed to land safely on the ground. He looks to the side where Lunalight and Kobra are located.

Kobra's eyes were white, and blood was pouring from her eyelids. Her body was lying on the ground in a semi-liquid form. Her situation was relatively better in comparison to Lunalight. Who was lying on the ground with her abdomen opened. Her internal organs had spewed out and were lying beside her.

"Aren't they your lackeys?" Ruin said as he turned to face the Demon King again.


The right fist of the Demon King hit Ruin's face, sending him flying.

"I thought so. You were just an offshoot.."

Ruin's body crashed to the ground as it began to slowly disintegrate and fly with the wind.

"What a waste."

The Demon King of Death saw four bodies lying on the ground and walked away.

His hand glowed as he punched into the air, opening a crack in the dimensional field erected by The Demon King of Revival. "If only he would invest more time in destruction magic, the world would be conquered by now. All the other races would be gone by now." 


Twilight Astrid, vice chief of NPC, was running towards the medical wing of The Demon King Castle. The staff inside the castle was also running beside her as she finally reached her destination.

She was standing before the body of her friend, Lunalight. 

"Hang in there... Luna..."

She joined her hands as she began to heal Lunalight's wounds. Her eyes were filled with sadness. Despite knowing the futility, Astrid coursed through her healing magic to Lunalight's vein.

The only thing she can do now is wait.

Wait for her master to come.




"HUAH!!!!" Lunalight breathes out. Despite her breathing, her eyes were still closed while the wounds on her body were slowly repairing. The light was encumbering her body. It was the magic of her master.

"I am sorry. I am always late." The Demon King of Revival voice could be heard as he appeared beside Astrid.

"Lord Revival..." Astrid spoke as her tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't worry, Luna will be alright." He smiled reassuringly.

The light soon fades from Lunalight's body. She was revived from death by the power of The Demon King of Revival. 

"I am going to tend Kobra. Keep her company." The Demon King of Revival patted her shoulder as he went to where Kobra's body was held.

"Luna... can you hear me?" Astrid held her friend's hand.

"As...trid? I can... where am I?" Luna replied as she slowly opened her eyes.

"You are in the medical quarters. Don't worry about it...." Astrid smiled.

"I see..."

Even though he had been healed perfectly.

She still needs more time for her psyche to heal.

"It's not Lord Death's fault, Astrid..." Lunalight spoke with a sad tone.

"I didn't see it at first, but I am certain now that I think about it. That person who wiped Umbral Fighters Unit B had attempted to explode me, Kobra, and the area around us had he been given a chance."

"Explode the area around you? Weren't you both fighting inside Lord Revival's Time Dilating Dimensional Field? The ones that can break the field completely are only our two demon kings." Aira asked.

"He was absorbing Lunalight's residual energy and was about to release it. And the technique he used is the same as what Aira saw in The Demi-Human Continent. He almost blew us to bits!" 

The voice that was explaining that was from Kobra. She had been patched up perfectly by The Demon King of Revival, who was nowhere in the room anymore.

"I assume Lord Revival left?"

"Yes, he left a while ago."

"Did he tell you where he was going?"

"He was going to..."

Lunalight and Astrid's eyes widened.

"No! Why did you let him leave?!"

"I had no choice. He wasn't smiling when he told me that."


The Demon King of Revival walked into the halls of the castle. He could've teleported to the place he wanted to go. Yet. He didn't.

"Lord Revival! Please calm yourself!" Lilitha Amorphire, Chief of NPC, stretched her hands with a sad expression. The Demon King of Revival stood there, only looking coldly towards her eyes. "…I know what-"

"You don't." The Demon King of Revival said as he looked into Lilitha's eyes.

His eyes were filled with fiery rage.

"Stay out of this." The Demon King of Revival pushed Lilitha away from him as he walked towards the throne room of The Demon King of Death.


The door to the throne room creeks as a figure in white enters, strolling towards a figure in black.

"You are finally here."

"Why the fuck did you do a stunt like that."

"I had to. He was about to blow everything and incinerate both Kobo and Lunalight. It was the same technique he used on the Demi-Human Continent."

The Demon King of Revival stayed silent.

"If that were to happen, Lunalight and Kobo's body may not even be able to be revived."

"You don't know that! Don't act like a smartass making all this decision yourself!"

The Demon King of Death stared into his friend's eyes.

"If you worked with me on using healing magic... experimenting on ways we can use it. We can prevent any life being lost!" 

"I had never agreed on creating new life or even preventing the loss of life." The Demon King of Death raised his aura. "It was all your doing. Creating Umbral Fighters. Creating NPCs. Imprint soldiers. It was not mine."

"From the moment I inherited this power. I know my purpose. I know my strength. I don't need anyone else to stand beside me. I am powerful...no. I am unbeatable. What I must do is destroy every other living being except those bearing demonic blood. But if anyone with demonic blood stands in my way. I won't hesitate to kill them. How many times have I told you that?"

The Demon King of Revival raised his aura as well.

"Don't act like you don't need the Umbral Fighters. You hypocrite! I know you felt a huge loss on losing Unit B that day."

"Shut the fuck up."

"What about Zeta? Are you seriously saying you don't care one bit about her?"

Sparks appeared as The Demon King of Death grabbed the neck of The Demon King of Revival.

"I will seriously kill you if you speak another word..." The Demon King of Death raised his fist as he aimed to punch The Demon King of Revival's head.

"Try your best fucker. I'll kill you in an instant if you try to strike me!" The Demon King of Revival replied, raising his right hand, which was encumbered with light. 

"Don't act Innocent! You know what Ruin is capable of, yet you still send Lunalight and Kobo to fight him! For what? To examine his power? To collect data? Are you brain dead?"

"I did it because I didn't know what he is capable of, you bastard! If you had helped me research or at least quantify that guy's power, we can find a way around it!"

The Demon King of Death lets go of The Demon King of Revival.

"I am heading out." 

"Oi! Where the fuck are you going!"

The Demon King of Death walks away, exiting the throne room.

"Ah! Death-sama...where are you?"

"Please leave me alone."

Vastium Zeta looked down as she said, "Understood, Death-sama." As her master walked away, Lilitha approached the throne room door and entered. 

"Lord Revival..." Lilitha saw her master standing, looking towards the ceiling. His gaze then turns towards Lilitha. "I am sorry about before." The Demon King of Revival said with a forced smile.

"I don't mind it."

The other one wants to have people around him. The other one wants to be alone. Yet they both are tortured by the fact that people will be gone eventually, but a person can't be 'truly' alone.

Even if the words are not appropriately exchanged, the brotherhood between the Demon Kings extends beyond them. Though they can't correctly exchange words, their feelings are delivered.



"Ah! Revi, is there something wrong?" A lamia girl was caressing my head. Rea and I were on a date when something suddenly hit my head. Did someone throw a rock at me? I don't know.

"Hmm, I can't seem to find anything that hit you... are you sure you're not imagining things?"

"Yes, Yes, I am sure!"

"Maybe a bee was inside the flowers you gave me, and then it stung you?"

"Eh!! I didn't think of that!" 

Welp. I guess he is the Demon King, after all. An offshoot alone isn't even on par with him.