
only male pirate

guy dies asked to get reincarnated into One Piece world as the only Male pirate while everyone else is female and with a overpowered devil fruit and haki

demon_demiGod · Andere
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3 Chs

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GOD:sorry I accidentally dropped a lightning bolt on you"he said as he sitting down looking at him in the eyes.

Ryuujin:it's fine, everybody makes mistakes including God's, but I can't seem to remember how did I die tho? I know you said that you dropped a lightning bolt on but what was I doing?"he asked as he looks at God in the eyes waiting for him to explain it to him.

God:well, how about we just take a little back to show you how you die yes?"he said as he snapped he's finger's, and a hologram pop's up and showing him on how he die and then he looks at the boy in front of him and to he's surprise the boy didn't look shocked but looked sad.

ryuujin:*cry*s-s-so that's how I die huh? and I guess it's time for to go to hell or something?"he asked as he still crying as he looks at him in the eye as he also sniffing.

God:no I'm giving you a second chance at life and from I'm looking at you you must been a otaku, yes?"he asked as he looks at him while shipping on some coffee as he looks at him.

ryuujin:yes I'm a Otaku and my favorite anime was One Piece, but why are you asking me that?"he said as he stopped sniffing as he a looks at him.

God:well, do you what to go in that world?"he asked him as he continue to ship on the coffee.

Ryuujin:yes I do"he said but then he looks at God in shock as he picks up what's God was asking him.

Ryuujin:*surprise*No Way! are you going to send me into the world of One Piece!"he yelled as he looks at God with excitement as he started to jump and down.

God:yes, but do you want anything type power or any changes in that world?"he asked as he looks at him as he finished the coffee that he been drinking.

ryuujin:yes! I do, I want to be to the only male pirate in one piece please and as for the power I want. I want to have a dragon mythical type zoan devil fruit, limited potential haki, and the Marines six powers"he said as he explained it to him as he looks at him getting real excited about going into One piece as he always want to.

God:alright considerate done, it was away as an apology and to keep the other god's from making fun of me."he said as he making a sad face while he looking at him in the eyes.

ryuujin:I see but still I'm grateful for you doing this"he said as he bow he's head and lift head back up.

God:yes, off you go young man and have a great time there"he said as he snapped he's finger's and everything thing went black.

To Be Continued