
Online:Swords And Magic VR

After the release of the newest virtual reality game-Online:Swords And Magic,millions of people of earth has started playing it.Multi-millions and billionare companies and even rich families invested thier money on their own players for one goal-to reach the world above the tenth realm in order to meet the one and only-the creator of the game Online:Swords And Magic VR

PhoenixXPen · Spiele
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121 Chs

End: Online Sword and Magic VR

[ Flashback ]

" Grace, are you sure you can defeat that thing? "

Van pointed his index finger at the figure of a gigantic blue wolf with lightning dancing on it's fur.

The wolf was huge, around ten meters in height and five meters in length. It has a black sharp claws on its fury paw, a three long blue tailed on it's butt.

Blue lightning would occasionally appear on it's dark blue fur and golden eyes. This was the boss of the 25th floor, a Thunder Alpha.

Just by looking at it terrifies Van, but Grace and 12 other young man was beaming with confidence as they stood tall in front of the boss.

" Yes, besides there are also twelve other geniuses with us, so there is no need to worry, Young Master. "

Grace spoke with a confident smile, unaware of the sinister plan which was currently running on the head of the twelve geniuses.

Grace currently wore a yellow princess dress, which would act as an armor at the same time allowing her to move freely.

Floating on her hand was a thumb size blue pearl, Mana Pearl.

The pearl shone brightly as she used it on a powerful ice spell she just learned, not from spell scrolls but from the power of her bloodline, Frozen Empress Bloodline.

" Frozen Grave. "

As she muttered the name of the spell, two light blue magic circle appeared, one above the Thuner Alpha and one below it.

Thunder Alpha, sensing the amount of mana used in Grace's spell, tried to use lightning to greatly enhanced it's speed, running away from the magic circle.

Before the wolf could move, thick white mist of ice covered it's entire body, freezing it for a long time.

The spell however did not end there, the two magic circle expanded, reaching 50 meters in width.

Everything inside the magic circle was covered in the same white mist from before, turning into a frozen solid ice.


The ice broke into counless pieces, along with the Thunder Alpha, killing it instantly.

Not just Van, even the twelve heirs of the other families who were going to use the Thunder Alpha to show Grace their strength, was dumbfounded at the power she showed to them.

" Grace...does that spell need a cooldown? "

Van asked, still frightened by the prowess of the single spell Grace just used.

" No, it can be used anytime. Though the minimum amount of mana needed to activate it was 70,000 mana, so I have to refill the Mana Pearl first. "

Just that spell alone used up 70% of mana the Mana Pearl can store, and not refilling it would decrease their chance of survival.

The twelve heirs, their excitement was now barely uncontainable, as they have been waiting for this chance for many hours now.

In an intance, they have surrounded Van and Grace, making the two suspicious of their action.

Before they could make any move, one of them took out an item, it was a palm size disk with blue colors and green runes on it's sides.

The green runes lit up, ten black chains sprouted from the disk as it coiled around Grace's entire body, preventing her from moving.

" ! "

Grace eyes widened in shock as she dropped the Mana Pearl, her face became pale as she felt the mana in her body was absorb by the black chains.

While one of them was restraining Grace, the other eleven readied themselves to fight against Van, who was now holding a black scythe, purple and black smoke was emanating from it.

It was one of the most wanted treasure, Reaper's Scythe. By sacrificing the user's lifeforce, it can temporarily allow it's user to reach a higher rank with no limit for 1 hour.

One of it's passive were every time it would deal damage, the users lost lifeforce would be returned, albeit little.

Some of Van's purple hair strands became white, signifying the lost of his lifefore.

The eleven who were facing Van were named Freddy, Ray, Smith, Aamon, Mike, John, Axel, Zane, Ling, Rei and Andrew.

The one who has captured Grace was Scott.

Axel, Aamon, Rei and Andrew distanced themselves from the group, holding their own staffs.

Freddy and Smith were holding swords, Ray, Mike were using spears and Ling, John and Zane were wielding axes.

Naturally, Vane was at a disadvantage due to numbers, but with his Rank increased greatly, his success rate increased.

As the distance traveled by the four mage increased, the gap between Van and the other decreased as they slowly and carefully approach Van.

Reaching three meters near him, they all jumped back except Zane, whose head was now detached from his body as a black slash cut through it.

" Tch. "

Van clicked his tounge, dissapointed that he only managed to kill one.

He examined around him thoroughly, a grim expression wore on his face.

Fireball, Ice spikes and Wind blade flew across the air as they went to one direction, the one Van was standing at.

Van turned into a streak of black light as he dashed towards the four mage, intending to finish them first.

As he reached them, he was quickly stopped by three blue sword slashes, coming from Freddy.

Smith followed suit, as he sent a two red arc that criss-cross each other before reaching Van, which the latter dodged by jumping sideways.

" Khughk! "

Before his feet reached the floor, Van was sent flying backwards as he got hit by a strong gust of wind. A strong gale to be exact.

He landed over 13 meters backwards, pain filled his entire body due to the impact of his fall.

' Damn it! ' He shouted inwardly as he tried to forget the pain, he cursed as well as he hated the fact that all of his enemies can use skills and cast spells without saying names of skills and spells.

Two were fire mages, one ice mag and on wind mage, truly a terrifying combo of elemental mages.

Suddenly, he felt his surroundings began to change into a higher temperature, his skin reddened a little but due to heat.

Using mana on his arms, he pushed his body away, as an explosion took place of his former spot.


Standing up, he glanced at his Reaper's Scythe, now being held by Aamon as he dropped it when he was hit earlier.

Without it, he would be weakened as losing lifeforce was very dangerous.

Without much option, he leaped towards Scott, Scott was caught off guard as Van punched him with his fist coated in mana, sending him far away with some of his teeth falling away from his mouth.

As the disk fell from his hands, the black chains trapping the unconscious Grace dissappeared, setting her free.

Van took Grace and put her on a princess carry, before running away towards the lower floors.

Running while carrying someone was harder than he thought, slowing Van by a large margin, while the heirs were behind them. Using Stealth from his Assasin Class, he managed to use it to run away.

Using the monster and beasts inside the lower floors, Van somehow managed to shake them off.

As he was about to reach the exit of the dungeon, he abruptly jumped in mid air, avoiding a blue arc of sword slash.

In mid-air, he spunned around only to see Freddy, with a wicked smile while bathing in monster blood, standing there with a blue sword in his right hand.

Safely landing, he put Grace on the cold ground, intending to face Freddy alone.

A long Scythe with blue handle and green blade appeared in both his hands, though this one was just a normal tier 2 weapon.

The two fought hard, especially Van since he had to watch out for the unconscious Grace as well while fighting Freddy, their battle took minutes, barely enough for the others to reach them.

With a decisive strike, Van managed to behead Freddy, while the latter managed to land a strike on his chest, resulting his injury.

Supressing the pain he was feeling, he hurriedly went to Grace, picking her up in a princess carry before running away, enraging the remaining ten heirs as they failed to catch two person.

[ End of Flashback ]

" Hmm... "

Kreo let out a low hummed as he listened to the last part of Van's story, his gaze switching between the two lovers.

" Do you want to get away from here? To another continent? "

He asked, as he had the ability to do so after all.

Analysing the story from Van, Kreo had long thought that even returning to the Hesta Family had a nil chance, especially because of what Van had done.

" Umm... travelling the seas to reach another continent is impossible for me right now. "

Van answered with a bitter smile, as the seas were filled with dangerous and huge beasts and monsters, so travelling was never an option unless you had a few hundred high Rankers in your ship.

" Not you...but me. I will send you randomly on a continent you want, so tell me now. I don't have enough time to waster with you. "

He said coldly, not because he hates Van but he could sense some people coming nearby.

Van, shocked at the way Kreo was now talking to him, quickly decided as soon as possible, hoping he would not get into Kreo's bad side further.

As soon as they dissappeared, a flashed of red light shot the place Van and Grace sitted before, creating a deep hole on the tree trunk.

" Shit I missed! "

A voice rang in the sky, glancing at the sky, he found that he was surrounded by one hundred figures, all wearing red and blue armors, wielding different waepons as they floated in the sky.

[ Tenth Realm ]

Sitting on a massive golden throne, Divine Emperor was looking at a transparent screen in front of him, showing Kreo and the hundred soldiers.

' According to the Will of the First Realm before it died, this boy was one of the Otherworlders Nevu was interested at, but it seems all of them does nothing bu cause trouble... Sigh... '

Divine Emperor sighed as he thought of he recalled everything that the Players have done on the First Realm, his head filled with nothing but headache.

Originally, he was planning to use the Otherworlders to increase the knowledge hid Wolrds has, wanting to advance more, but it seems what he did was nothing but a mistake.

A hologram appeared in front of him, it shows the 3D figure of Earth, with a heart full of regret, he destroyed it, cutting the connection between the Ten Worlds of Mysteria and Earth, purposely making all Players log out and made the Online: Sword and Magic dissappeared forever.

( Author: A bad chapter? Well I thought since it's the end there is no longer need for me to drag the story longer. Anyways the new book is about an apocalypse of beasts, monsters and dungeons. Actually there are two worlds, one is a beast apocalypse and the other one is a zombie apocalypse. Yes, players can travel to both wordls. )