
One Sword to Transcend All

What if someone who was born in a prestigious family of mages doesn't have talent in magic? Aldrich was someone like that, having been born to the prestigious Ashford Household which produced many prominent mages throughout history. A long-standing family where magic is revered. But unfortunately for Aldrich, he was tested to have no talent for magic which led to him being banished from his family. Follow his journey as he faces challenges towards his path of becoming the strongest. "With a sword in hand, I will transcend all!"

Blanc_Canvas · Fantasie
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4 Chs


'Peach Blossoms Hotel, according to Edmund, it should be around here…' 

Aldrich looked around before spotting a particular building different from the rest. Its aesthetics aren't similar to the victorian era, in which most buildings in the towns are.  

It has overarching roofs similar to eastern traditional houses. It has several floors each with open windows. From the outside, he can see some rooms have been occupied as well as some people can be seen from their open windows. 

The front had some trees that shed some pink blossoming petals that scattered in the air. It gave off a tranquil feeling that relaxed his mind. 

This hotel was recommended by Edmund as it has a fair price, especially for him who has limited money, currently at hand. 

'This should be it,' He stared at the front before walking inside.

The interior of the building was quite simple as well, there were minimal decorations and only the reception area was there. 

Aldrich scanned the place before walking towards the reception. 

"I'll book a room for a day," He got straight to the point before one of the receptionists can even speak.

The receptionist, Aldrich spoke to, maintained her professional smile. 

"Certainly sir, that will be 1 silver coin. It also includes our other services such as foods and drinks, a bath, etc." 

"Thank you," Aldrich took out a silver coin and put it down on the reception desk. 

"Thank you, sir! This will be your room, enjoy your stay!" 

He nodded before walking off, a staff walked towards him and guided him. 

Edmund lent him 10 silver coins earlier after saying he didn't have money. So he finally had money to spare for a hotel room. He also paid his registration for the association but he still decided on taking the mandatory request. 

It's not that he needed to but to show his appreciation for Edmund's help. After all, he doesn't have spare money even for food. Not like he can continue hunting some game for food, too inefficient.


It took some time before they finally arrived in front of his assigned room. 

"Here is your room, sir." 

"Thank you," Aldrich nodded at the staff who smiled before leaving. 

After being left alone, he opened the sliding door to his room and saw the interior. It has a wooden floor with a tatami mat on top. A large window with the same sliding mechanism as the door. 

At the side, some mats were folded along with pillows, arranged neatly. The lighting of the room is also good, with a bulb on the ceiling giving off sufficient light.

*Slide!* *Thud* 

Aldrich stepped inside and shut his door closed. He then placed his bag down and took off his sword and put it down as well. He then walked over to the closed window and opened them, letting the warm sunlight in the room. 

"This place is good, a relaxing room with a different aesthetic from this town. It's similar to one of the eastern empires in my past world." 

A look of nostalgia appeared on his face before he regained his calm look. 

He turns around and gets a folded mat before unfolding them. He arranged it near the window and put a pillow. 

"I can finally rest a bit before going on that request," He muttered before laying down on the mat and closing his eyes. 

Slowly, he recalled what happened earlier after being officially registered. 


"A dungeon?" 

Dungeons are places that spawn monsters continuously by absorbing mana in the air. The way they are formed is still a mystery to the others but one thing is for sure, it is dangerous to venture inside of them if you are not strong enough. 

"Yes, a dungeon appeared in a forest outside the town, it is located near the main route where merchants usually travel," Edmund explained to Aldrich who sat opposite him. 

"I see why it would be a problem," Aldrich nodded, with a dungeon appearing near the usual route, merchants could be attacked and then as consequence, few would go to this town then. 

But there was one thing that confused Aldrich, "This town is near the main headquarters of the Magic Tower, isn't it an easy task for them to eliminate a dungeon?" He asked

Hearing his question, Edmund smiled wryly, "The reason is quite simple really, they don't want to. Most would think that as this town is near the headquarters of a transcendental power, it would be prosperous. It's the opposite as most resources of the surrounding towns and cities are pooled towards their headquarters. It is even worse for this town as the Mercenary Association has a branch here. The Magic Tower doesn't allow the town and the association branch here to grow by putting pressure on us. This is also why we can't seek help from them." 

"I understand now," Aldrich can't blame the Magic Tower as if they allow another transcendental power's branch to become powerful near them, it could become dangerous for the headquarters. 

"It's good you understand the circumstance, if the dungeon isn't dealt with, this town's economy would plummet," Edmund stared at Aldrich, "That's why, please help me clear the dungeon." 

"Okay, but can you please lend me some money? I don't have any right now so…" Aldrich chuckled awkwardly

"Kahaha! Is that all, here take this!"

Aldrich took the small pouch handed to him. 

"Thank you!" 


'Rest for now so I'm on too condition tomorrow for the raid.' 

He soon drifted into sleep and silence permeated the room. 


In a corner of the room, a small shadow suddenly appeared and 'stared' at Aldrich who was asleep.