
Chapter 74


"No… we are going to die!" Usopp cried, holding onto the ship with dear life.

"Just so you know, it's all your fault, you shitty cook," Zoro complained as he held on to the ship.

"How's that my fault…" Sanji complained, "Okay, maybe it's kind of my fault…" but thinking again, he should have paid more attention to the sea king. "But I didn't know the ship would fly."

"Prepare for Impact." Coby called. Everyone readied themselves for a crash.

The ship was going to hit the ground… and it stopped, rather suddenly, and but for some reason, it wasn't if as if it crushed. But the sudden stop made the residents of the ship fly off from it.

All of them landed on the ground, Only Kuina, Sanji, and Zoro was able to hold on to the ship, the rest met the ground head first. Usopp's top half was even buried under the ground.

"Is everyone alright!" Coby gasped.

"Lil bro Usopp we got you." Johnny and Yoksaku called pulling the long-nosed pirate out of the ground. He didn't seem injured though, the rough training after his journey had toughened him up quite a bit.

"Is anyone hurt?" Sanji gasped, looking around. "Kuina-swan you alright?"

The lady in question was okay, so was the rest of the crew. However, they were fortunate enough that the Going Marry break under the pressure of sailing through the ground.

"The ship…" Usopp checked around and sighed when he found no damage done to it. The ship looked completely fine, almost as if this whole ordeal didn't happen. And the ship was already here from the beginning. But something popped out from under the haul.

"Well, its a good thing you guys arrived." It was Luffy, though half of his body was under the ship.

"Captian! Did we run you over." Coby greeted, panicking when he saw Luffy under the Marry. "Are you ok? We didn't kill you, did we? Uh... the last one is a stupid question. But are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Luffy said, he waved casually, getting the rest of his body out of from the ship, and dusting his clothes. Nobody seemed to ask the logic behind how Luffy was unharmed. "She's quite heavy, almost buried me there…"

"Wait… Luffy did you catch the ship?" Usopp asked. Some would think the question as stupid, but with how undamaged the Going Marry was, it was almost as if someone caught it before impact. Like caught it in arms, before it made the impact.

"Yup," he said, dusting his clothes. "Caught you guys just in time too… the ship would have taken quite a lot of damage if it wasn't stopped."

Almost all of the members of the crew had a certain level of shock in their expressions. And Sparky seemed happy to see Luffy and jumped on his shoulder.

"Good to see you, buddy?" Luffy chuckled, "But I have been waiting for you guys for a few hours now… didn't think you guys would get here that fast." He said, Nami was a fast navigator, with her any journey even in a small rowboat would be faster than normal. "But, it's pretty late, so let's call it a day. We should strike Arlong first thing in the morning."

"Arlong's actually here?" Gin asked.

"What about Nami?" Sanji asked.

"She's mixed up with him. Didn't you see her shoulder tattoo?" Zoro answered. "I'm pretty sure she's a member of his crew."

Luffy raised an amused eyebrow, "It seems that our green swordsman isn't as clueless after all." Zoro was about to reply to Luffy, but he was cut off.

"Nami would never be part of Arlong," Sanji said with conviction.

"Oh, but she is," Luffy said, breaking the cook's conviction. "But she's good now."

"Nami would never to that… Right?" Sanji said.

"I would never do what?" Nami approached, a look of contempt on her face. She had changed her top, now wearing a green sports bra of sorts.

Luffy wanted Nami to trust him. And it seems that the last act was just enough to ask help directly. Luffy could have taken down the fishmen pirates right now, but Luffy wanted to make a show to the villagers.

And he would be overkill for the pirates here, so he would guide his weaker crewmates to fight them. If he was going to do good, why not do it in broad daylight, and take credit for it. He was no Robin Hood, and the Marines would definitely try to steal the credit if they attacked at night and no one was there to see the deed.

Now Luffy was all for his first bounty, but he also wanted it be far more than Ace's first bounty… what he was his brother… of course, there would be sibling rivalry.

As Nami walked toward the moonlight, he blinked. It seems while he was exploring the islands Nami had gone home and changed. And she looked quite good in that…

"Hey, what happened to the shirt you put on?"

Nami looked at Luffy confused at the odd question. "You said you didn't liked it, so I took it off." She shrugged.

Luffy rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Then, I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't like your pants either… or your bra."

"Why you… get over here…" Nami breathed fire like a dragon as she started chasing of Luffy. Sparky who was also on his shoulder laughed along with Luffy as they were chased off.

"Wait for me Naaaamiiiii-swaaaan!" with that Sanji was also gone. His feets created a dust cloud as she chased after the navigator.

The rest of the crew stood there, dumbfounded.

"Well, that happened," Zoro said, shrugging. "I would say let's dock the boat, but we don't need to do that now…" seeing the Going Marry on the ground. "So, I'm going to check out for the day, you heard the captain, we need to hit the Arlong pirates tomorrow." With that he jumped onto the ship. Of course, all of the other members had the suspicion that Zoro was making another excuse to take a nap.

"I'm going to explore the Island," Kuina said, jumping off the ship.

Coby shrugged, "Me too then." The others shrugged, while some joined Kuina, others stayed on the ship.

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